Dave & Leroy Ch. 00

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The Beginning.
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Author's Note:

I didn't want to do a lot of flashbacks. I had these mini-stories written and wanted to share them with you. I've left in my year markers so that you can get a sense of the timeline. Some stories were written as flashbacks, or Dave and Leroy telling them to others in later chapters.

Also, remember, this is a story. I can research the hell out of a subject, but unless I can talk to individuals with expert knowledge, I can only guess how things are in the armed forces. I have friends who confide in me their experiences, but unless they say I could share those stories, I will never repeat them.

As always, thank you for reading. I hope to have one or two more chapters of Dave and Leroy out to you. I would hate to see this story end, but all good things eventually end.



February 1998

Dave Ayers was nervous as he strolled across the street with his parents. They were going over for dinner to celebrate his best friend Leroy Standish's eighteenth birthday. When they knocked and Leroy answered the door, he smiled. "Dave, it's about time you got here. I thought I would have to spend my birthday with just my family." Leroy jeered.

"Would I let you down?" Dave responded.

"Well, I was starting to wonder. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ayers." Leroy would have gotten talked to later if he hadn't greeted them. Then he and Dave went off to his room until it was time for dinner.

"Leroy, don't be antisocial." Sue, Leroy's mom, yelled.

"Mom, we'll be back down in a few minutes," Leroy replied.

Leroy would do anything to spend a little time alone with him, even if his younger brother Aaron was in the room. "Leroy, have you considered what you want to do after high school? It's coming up in a few months." Dave asked.

"Honestly, no. I thought about college, but then I'm unsure if I want to study anymore." He chuckled.

"Considering you threw yourself into your studies throughout high school and you play football decently. That's got to get you somewhere, doesn't it?"

"Leroy, Dave, Aaron, dinner's ready." Sue hollered up the stairs before Leroy could respond.

Dinner was simple. Sue made spaghetti since she had to feed so many people. In the Standish family, there is Leroy Sr., but he prefers to be called Lee. Sue and he have seven children. Leroy is the oldest at eighteen, and Jewels is the youngest at six. Their other children are the twins Aaron and Allison, Jeff, Patrick, and Christopher.

After dinner, they ate cake and then moved to the living room for Leroy to open a couple of presents. Lee bought his son a pocket knife, and as usual, Sue bought him a new outfit.

Even though it was a Tuesday, Sue allowed Dave to stay the night. He and Leroy went to the basement so they didn't keep Aaron up too late but promised they would be up for school the following morning.

Downstairs, they listened to music and talked, waiting for everyone to go to bed. When they didn't hear anyone up, they turned the lights low and retrieved the lube from the drop ceiling. Leroy then turned the lights out. They had already pulled out the couch so they could sleep on it.

Dave smiled just before Leroy turned off the lights because he was already pulling off his shirt. "Leroy, get over here." He whispered.

"Give me a second to get accustomed to the dark." When he fell into bed, Dave wrapped his arms around him.

"Leroy, I love you."

"I love you too." Leroy kissed and rolled on top of him. They were humping into one another. "You've got me so hard."

Dave laughed, "Leroy, you're always hard." Dave rolled over so he could help Leroy out. He kissed down his chest, stopping at his nipples because he knew that drove him wild. He pulled down Leroy's shorts and immediately sank on his cock.

"Dave, turn around and give me yours. So, I can open you up." Leroy moaned. They were trying to be as quiet as possible.

Dave smiled but didn't know if they would make it to sex. They have tried several times and failed because they would blow before getting to the act itself, cuddle, and fall asleep.

Leroy knew how to open Dave. He's done it before, and they also have a dildo up in the ceiling. They almost got caught one time because he had Dave moaning too much. But Leroy thinks his Dad thought they were masturbating together.

Leroy rolled Dave over and turned around so he could lube himself. He placed his cock at Dave's entrance and started to push in. "God, Leroy. You're so big."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, keep going. Please." Dave whispered.

"Remember, if you think you will be loud, moan into the pillow," Leroy responded.

"It's not only me. But come on, big boy, I need you. Happy Birthday." Leroy kissed Dave as he slowly entered him. It helped muffle Dave's moans.

"Oh God, Dave, you're so tight. I'm not going to last." Leroy didn't either. He thrust into Dave a few times and started to cum. It didn't matter to Dave because the sensation of Leroy rubbing and moving on top of him was enough to get him off. He was too close, too. They both laughed. "Nothing like cumming in less than two minutes."

"Leroy, I don't think you made it a minute." Leroy pushed Dave off him as he laughed. "But I know you will get better."

They both heard someone walk into the kitchen and quickly got their shorts and shirts back on. "Goodnight, boys," Lee called down the stairs.

"Goodnight, Dad," Leroy replied.

"Do you think he heard us?" Dave asked. "I didn't hear him come down the stairs, so he had to be already in the living room."

"I don't know, but he knew we were still up." Leroy was a little shaken. He hoped that they weren't caught. He stood up, put the lube back in the ceiling, and then laid back down. Leroy was on his back, and Dave asked if he could lay his head on his chest. They fell asleep this way.


Over the months after Leroy turned eighteen, things changed. Dave and Leroy went out on the weekend to a nightclub, which got them out from under the eyes of their family. When they could get away with it, they went to a gay club and had a blast. They thought it was great to dance with one another for the first time without having to watch over their backs and kiss. But the problem was that they couldn't always make it to that club because of the distance which left the club in town.

The club in town was okay. They would at least get out, not get to dance with one another, but get out. One of the times they were out at the club, a girl came up to Dave and asked him to dance. Dave first told her no but said sure the next time she came over. This same girl would keep pulling Dave out to the dance floor, and they seemed to be having a good time.

Dave would continue to let this girl pull him out to dance with her even after it would cause fights between him and Leroy. They would fight on the way home from the club. But always end up making out in the car's backseat or having sex in Leroy's parents' garage or basement after the fight. Leroy would always have to cover Dave's mouth or sometimes bury it in a pillow to keep his moans to a minimum.

The closer to graduation, Leroy started to think that Dave could have a life with a family. Leroy wondered if Dave wanted it, which was why he looked at the girl at the club. During one of their fights, he discovered her name was Cindy. He was wondering if Dave was thinking about leaving him.

Leroy decided he was going to be selfish in a way or selfless. He was going to leave first. The only guaranteed way to leave without Dave following him was to sign up for the military. He knew Dave wouldn't want to leave his family. In the military, there are no guarantees that two people can stay together after boot camp.

So, one afternoon after school, when he knew Dave was working, Leroy went to the recruiter's office without his parents' knowledge. The recruiter set a date to come by Leroy's house to meet him and his parents. Leroy informed his parents the recruiter was coming. Sue wasn't happy, but Lee reminded her that serving his country was good for a young man. Leroy was glad that the day that the recruiter showed up happened to be when Dave and his family visited his grandparents.

The few days he had to leave to take his written and medical tests, he told Dave that he was visiting an aunt near D.C. with his dad. He had asked his parents not to tell anyone, not even his siblings, that he was doing this until he wanted people to know. Sue promised to keep it from Dave's mom until Leroy could tell Dave himself.

Leroy couldn't wait any longer. It was only a few days before graduation. He knew at graduation, they would ask all graduates entering the armed forces to stand, and he didn't want Dave to find out that way. He needed to tell him.

Leroy picked Dave up from work. "Hey, do you have anywhere you need to be?"

"Nope, did you want to do something?" Dave asked. "Like renting a room, like we did a few weeks ago?"

"No about the room, but I was wondering if you wanted to take a ride so we can sit and talk," Leroy asked. Dave smiled because they usually found a secluded spot to kiss and sometimes suck one another off.

Leroy drove to the park near their home and around to the baseball diamonds. A few games were playing, so it was busy, and they could only talk. "Leroy, there are too many people around. I can't kiss you here," Dave observed while holding his hand.

"I know," Leroy took a deep breath. "Dave...." He didn't know how to begin it. "Dave." He closed his eyes, hoping it would make it easier.

"Leroy, what's wrong?" Dave was worried.

"I'm leaving." He finally said in a low voice.

"What?" Dave asked, hoping he didn't hear Leroy correctly.

"After graduation, I'm leaving...." Leroy was cut off by Dave getting out of the car. "Dave...."

Dave turned around and almost screamed, "Leroy, why?" A few people looked their way but ignored them.

"I'm going to basic training." Dave looked at Leroy. "Marines."

"Leroy, you can't. You can't leave."

Leroy looked at the ground and spoke low. "Dave, this is wrong. Everything we've been doing is wrong." He couldn't even look at Dave, or he would break and want to hold him. "Going into the Marine Corps will help both of us."

"How? We love one another." Dave couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew they had both been busy the last few days, okay, maybe a few weeks, but he loved Leroy.

"No," Leroy responded and finally looked up. "Dave, we need to start being the men we were born to be. What our families expect of us. I need to find that. I know you already have it in you. I'm a distraction for you. I always have been. It will be better if I leave, and I might find that in me."

"Leroy, you can't push me away like this. You're not a distraction. You're what I want and need. I'm what you want. You can't do this." Tears were brimming in Dave's eyes.

"I have to." Leroy just stood in front of Dave. He wanted to reach out to him, but he knew he shouldn't. He had to do this and let him go. He didn't want to take Dave down with him. He knew he had only been with him because Leroy had loved him for ages. Leroy loved him too much, and he knew Dave was interested in girls, and he could have a normal life. It was only Leroy that was doomed to this life.

Dave ran from Leroy. He wanted to run after him, but he got in his car and drove home. He walked up to his room to his bed and shed silent tears. Aaron was on his bed studying and didn't know what to say to Leroy. He had never seen his older brother cry before.

Dave and Leroy, to their parents and anyone around them, looked like they had lost their best friend, which they had but wouldn't tell anyone anything. Sue and Sarah tried to talk to both, but they would say 'okay' and leave the room. When graduation came, Leroy looked toward Dave, but Dave wouldn't even look at Leroy. Sue nor Sarah could even get them to stand together for a photo. So, the two have no graduation pictures together.

A few days later, the Standish family took Leroy to the drop-off site to get on the bus and travel down to Parris Island for boot camp. Dave was heartbroken. He watched out his bedroom window, sat on his bed, and cried.

Dave knew Lev would be home. At least, he hoped he would be. He knocked on his door and waited for someone to answer, thinking that his mom or dad would, but finally, Lev opened the door. "Dave, what are you doing here?"

"Lev, I would never ask this of you, but is there any way we can sneak something to drink from your parent's liquor cabinet?"

"Well, you're in luck. They're gone this weekend. So, yeah, we can. What's going on?"

"I just need to get drunk. Can we, please," Dave asked.

"Hell yeah, I don't need an excuse to do that. You should know that by now." Lev laughed.

They walked into the living room, and Lev pulled out some whiskey and two glasses. Dave was drunk within an hour, and Lev was still on his first glass. Lev looked over at Dave and just shook his head. "Dave, what's wrong? I've never seen you like this."

Dave just started crying and continued to drink. Lev tried to take the bottle away from him. "Dave, come on, tell me what's wrong?"

"He left me. Leroy left me. I love him, but he still left me." Dave cried briefly, then laid his head on the couch, repeating that Leroy had left him and passed out.

The following morning, Dave woke up and knew he needed to leave Lev's house. He didn't know if he had said anything the night before but felt he might have. So, he went home to face the music and still didn't tell his mom where he had been all night.

Dave had been working in the police department part-time since he turned eighteen. In the fall of that year, he applied for the police academy. They needed police officers and were lifting their age restrictions. Since he had worked in the department for almost a year, they recommended that he try.

He was happy when he got the acceptance letter. He was tired of spending his weekends at the clubs, even though he was spending them in the arms of Cindy. He needed something else to take his mind off Leroy. But Cindy was always happy to take him home with her. She had lots of fun with Dave.

The first time Dave went home with Cindy, he was uneasy, but she offered him a drink, and they talked, and he started to calm down. She finally pulled him off to the bedroom, and they began to kiss. At first, Dave was afraid he wouldn't be able to perform. But instinct kicked in once they were both naked and rolling around under the covers, and he was pleasuring Cindy. He was also getting pleasure out of it.

He did think it was weird. He loved Leroy being inside of him. He never thought he would get pleasure from being inside someone, let alone inside Leroy. That first morning, when he came home to his mother's after staying at Cindy's all night, she yelled at him, telling him he came home at least when he hung out late with Leroy.

Dave became a police officer and continued to date Cindy. He even asked her to marry him five months after they started having sex, six months after Leroy left for boot camp. They were married before the Justice of the Peace, and he moved into her apartment.


When Leroy left for boot camp, he hated himself for leaving Dave, but once he arrived, he had no time to think about anything. He stepped off the bus and was quickly turned into a recruit. His head was shaved, and his old life was taken from him to begin a new one.

Getting up before sunrise and going to bed at lights out. He was tired. There was no time in a day to think about Dave or miss his family. When he could finally send and receive letters from his family, no one initially talked about Dave. But then Aaron finally broke the news that he was dating Cindy, and Leroy almost died.

On graduation day, he knew it was worth it. He was now a Marine. Even if he didn't have Dave, he was proud to call himself a Marine.

Leroy didn't want to return home between his graduation and his next stage of training. He didn't want to run into Dave, so he stayed at the house as much as possible. During his training, he found out Dave was getting married, so he never wanted to come home after that.

Upon graduation from the Infantry school, he found out that his training for his field of choice, which he wanted to be military police, wouldn't start for six months. He was based at Camp Lejeune. Leroy knew that Dave married in December. He didn't want to come home for Christmas. He just stayed on base.


One day in March, he gets a call from Aaron, "Hey Leroy, how are you doing?"

Knowing Aaron never calls him for anything, Leroy is suspicious of the call, "I'm good. What's up?"

"Leroy, I'm asking now because you can't always guarantee time off. So..."

"What, Aaron?"

"I want you to come home and see me graduate. You didn't come home for Christmas, and you've been making excuses for not coming home for other reasons. But I would like you to be here for my graduation."

Leroy laughed. How was he going to get out of this? "I'll fill out the forms. I can't guarantee I'll get the time off."

"Leroy, just please fill them out. It would mean a lot to both Allison and me to see us graduate. You love your twin pain in the asses." Both Leroy and Aaron laughed at that.

"Yeah, I love all of you guys. Tell Mom and Dad hello, and I love them."

He loved talking to his family but sometimes hated it. His mom would tell him how well Dave and Cindy were doing. She even told him they had moved into a new apartment and considered having a baby.

When he heard that, Leroy went to a bar and picked up a guy. He even took him to a motel and tried to have sex. But when it came to getting it up for the guy, it didn't happen. He was still in love with Dave and felt like he was cheating. It killed him, but he and the guy talked briefly about Dave, and then the guy told him he understood and left. Leroy felt like shit.

Leroy's time was granted. But when May came, he didn't want to go home. He told his family not to tell anyone that he was home. Even though Sue had already told Sarah, Dave's mom, that he was coming.

A few days before Aaron and Allison's graduation, Sue asked Leroy to take Chris, Leroy's youngest brother, to a friend's house. On his way back, he got pulled over by the police. Leroy was kicking himself because it wouldn't look good on his record to have a speeding ticket, being an MP.

What was worse was when the officer walked up to the window and asked for his license after rolling it down. Leroy was staring up at Dave. He was dying inside and wanted to reach out and touch him.

"Leroy!" Dave exclaimed. Dave was shocked to see Leroy in Aaron's car. It was Leroy's car, but now it was Aaron's. He was expecting to give Aaron a hard time for speeding and then just let him go. But it turned out to be his Leroy. "Leroy, you're home?" He knew he was but wasn't supposed to know.

"Yeah, Aaron asked if I would come to see him graduate."

"Leroy, can I see you after I get off tonight? Please."

"Dave, I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Leroy, please, just to talk. Meet me at the mall parking lot at eleven-thirty." Dave begged.

"Okay, I'll be there," Leroy said as Dave thanked him and left.

Leroy was in the parking lot at eleven. He told Aaron that he needed to borrow his car. Aaron wasn't happy about it, but he didn't want to tell Leroy no because he begged Leroy to come for his graduation. When Dave showed up, they drove to a less busy section of the parking lot. Even a police officer pulled up to them to make sure they weren't teenagers doing stuff they weren't supposed to be doing. Leroy got into Dave's car so they could talk.

"Leroy, I missed you," Dave claimed.

"Dave..." Leroy got interrupted by the police officer showing up. Once the officer left them after talking with Dave for a minute. "Dave, maybe this was a mistake tonight."