Dave and Leroy Ch. 11

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Surprise after Surprise.
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Part 11 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/04/2015
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Chapter 11 - Surprise after Surprise

Leroy was sitting in the family room drinking coffee one morning while the news was on in the background. It was a few days before his birthday, he wasn't really paying attention to the TV, but when he heard that a judge said that the ban on same-sex marriages was unconstitutional, it perked his ears up. The reporter stated that it would probably be a while before the ban would be lifted, but there was hope that it would be within the year. Dave and Leroy had always contemplated going to another state and marrying but knew it wouldn't be recognized if they did. So they were content with just their commitment vows.

Leroy was waiting for Dave to get ready so they could go to their appointment with Dr. Watts. They have now been seeing the Doctor for a little over two months. They started seeing him at the beginning of December, and now it was mid-February. He actually likes the Doctor and is glad that he and Dave are going. They have established a lot of boundaries in their relationship, they didn't realize they were stepping all over one another.

At the beginning of January, Leroy started thinking more about Dave saying that he should take a class at the Community College or University. Leroy had his Dad drive him down to the Community College, and the college quickly registered him for a couple of classes. He signed up to take an Intro to Business and a History class. They were to start the following week, so when Dave came home from work that night he told him what he did, and Dave was proud of him for taking the steps of getting out of the house.

When Dave came out to the family room from showering and dressing, he sat next to Leroy and kissed him. "Hey, Babe, are you ready?"

Leroy smiled at him. "Yeah, Dave, I'm ready."

They left for their appointment with Dr. Watts. When they arrived, they only had to wait in the waiting room for a few minutes before they were called into his office. "Good morning, Dave and Leroy. I hope all is going well since our last appointment." Both of them agreed everything was going well. "Is there anything new you would like to discuss this week, or are we diving back on how you are doing with your families, particularly Leroy's."

"I would like to discuss something new this week, Doc," Dave responded, and Leroy looked at him. He couldn't think of anything that came up between them this week, which would need to be discussed in their sessions.

"Okay, Dave, what would you like to discuss?"

"Kids." Leroy then just stared at Dave. "Leroy had brought up the issue of us having kids over four months ago, then a month ago, and I would like to discuss it now."

"There is nothing to discuss, you were dead set against it, Dave. Remember, you asked how I would be able to take care of a baby when I couldn't take care of myself." Leroy went to get up, and Dave put a hand on his arm. Dave knew it was a sensitive topic with Leroy, and he knew it's what started Leroy to feel like he was a burden to Dave.

"Leroy, I love you, and I would like to try." Leroy just looked at Dave.

"What do you mean by try?"

"Leroy, you have worked through a lot over these past few months, and I see a difference in you." Dave was watching Leroy's expressions. "Leroy, you have started to feel better about yourself and went down to the college and registered to take classes. You haven't had a seizure in over fifty days. You will get to drive soon. You're getting your life back."

"And again, what do you mean by try?"

"I've thought about it more and more over these months and especially this last month, Babe. I think it's time that we expand our family. I know it's not going to be easy, having a baby or child around, it will test us."

"Have you really thought this through, Dave?"

"Leroy, no not completely, but I know I love you, and I see how you look at Tiff, Chad, and Zack, and how Sadie and Mikey have this wonderful effect on you. I love the spark that happens in you, I love seeing you happy. Leroy, I love you, and I want to try this."

"Dave, this isn't a puppy that you can just give back." The Doctor responded. The Doctor knew about Leroy wanting kids because he had brought it up in his individual sessions, but apparently, Dave didn't know this.

"I know it isn't, but I know I want to do this, though. I know I'm ready now, and I'm hoping that Leroy is ready."

Leroy seemed to soften once Dave said he was ready. "Are you truly ready?" Leroy asked.

"Who is truly ready when they are having a baby? I love you, Leroy, and I want to make you happy, and it will make me happy to start a family of our own." Then he grinned. "Plus you aren't getting any younger."

Leroy laughed at Dave. "If you are sure, I would love to start a family with you, but Dave, if you have any concerns about this, maybe we should hold off?"

"I have no issues or concerns. I want to do this, Leroy."

"Doc, I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but I've got to do this." Leroy reached for Dave and pulled him towards him and kissed him, it wasn't a peck, it was an, I love you so much kiss, curled your toes and made cocks hard. When Leroy finally broke the kiss, the Doctor was the one clearing his throat. "Again, sorry, Doc." Leroy pecked Dave's lips once more and sat back on the couch.

"I guess Leroy, the kiss you shared with Dave, means that you really want to have a child?"

"It has been the only thing on my mind since I held Tiffany in late September. I feel like a woman right now saying my clock started ticking hard and I was afraid I was going to run out of time before I would get the chance to be called Dad or Pa or anything like that. To hear them call Dave that, to see Dave smile when he was holding our child."

"Our child." The Doctor said. "So, does that mean you want to find a surrogate?"

"Not necessary, I know there are tons of children that need a loving home."

"Your thoughts on that, Dave? Would you prefer a child that was part of Leroy or you, or would you be okay with someone else's child?"

"Honestly, I've never thought about it that way, would I love a child that was part of us, yes, but I think I would be fine with adopting."

"Well, because time is up for your couple's session, I'm going to have you discuss this over the next week. I hope that you two don't just jump into this and head straight to the adoption agency. I think it was a good idea that Dave brought it up here, I hope you talk it through more before you act on it. I would be interested to hear what you discuss next week."

"Yes, Doctor." Dave and Leroy said in unison, Leroy was looking at Dave with so much lust in his eye, but Leroy knew he was going to have to wait a while before he could act on anything because he had his individual session next. Dave pecked Leroy on the lips and left the office. Leroy just sat there for a few minutes while the Doctor changed file folders and tablets of paper.

"Okay, Leroy, what would you like to talk about today? Would you like to continue the discussion about children, or would you like to continue on with last week's discussion of your mother?"

"I would like to continue on Sue, I would like to talk with Dave this week about the topic of children."


When Leroy walked out into the waiting room, Dave looked up from the book he was reading. "Hello, fancy meeting you here, do you come here often?" Leroy just smiled at him and walked out the door, Dave got up and followed.

Leroy didn't speak even when they got to Dave's car, they both just got in. Dave started the car up and headed towards the house, on the way, Leroy told Dave to pull into a little diner. "I don't have too long, you know Hon."

"I know, but let's get you some lunch before you head into work and then when you come home for dinner I will have it ready. You can bring Terry if you like."

"We aren't going to talk a little when I come home?"

"We can talk any time that you would like." They sat down in a booth that they were directed to.

"Leroy, are you mad at me?"


"Then, what's going on?"

"Just trying to figure out where this is coming from? We just had this discussion a month ago, and you were still dead set again kids. What has changed your mind?"

The waitress came over to take their order, and Dave asked for a few more minutes. "As I said in the office, I see how you look at all your nieces and nephews, and I want you to have that Babe. I want you to be happy, and part of me wants it too. Am I ready to become a parent, no, but I love you, and I think it's time we grow as a family." Leroy didn't comment, he just continued to listen to Dave. "Honey, I've been thinking about it a lot over this past month. I know if we adopt it won't happen tomorrow, and if we end up getting a surrogate, it will be at least a year before we are bringing a bouncing baby boy or girl into our home."

Again the waitress walks up, and Dave just picks something off the menu, Leroy cancels what he orders and orders for the both of them. He knew Dave wouldn't like his choice when he had it in front of him. Dave looks at Leroy. "That is why, Leroy."


"That is why I want to do this. You knew I wouldn't like my choice and you corrected it for me. I've watched you this past month, and I know you would make the best father out there, and that is why I want to do this."

"Correction, not the best father, we will become great fathers together. But Dave."

"Yeah, Hon?"

"I want you to think about it more, we are not going to do this just yet. I love you, and I can't begin to tell you or show you how happy I am, but we are going to wait a few months. Then we are going to contact an adoption agency, as much as I would love our child to share DNA from one of us, there really are a lot of unwanted kids out there."

"And that is why I love you, Leroy."


Leroy's birthday was good. Dave had everyone, including Lee and Sue and his parents, Sarah and Dan, there. Dave took Leroy away for the weekend to D.C. so they could go to the monuments and museums. He wanted to do something Leroy would like, even though it isn't his cup of tea. Leroy loved every minute of the trip. They went out to dinner every night and had fantastic sex until the wee hours of the morning.

When they came back, Leroy was dreading his doctor's appointment. It would be his one-year follow-up. The six month CAT scan was clear, and he hasn't felt weird, so he is hoping this one will be clear of tumors as well. He and Dave were waiting to be called into the exam room; they were led to an office instead and told that the Doctor would be with them shortly.

"Mr. Standish as always it's a pleasure to see you." Doctor Harding shook Leroy's hand than Dave's. "Dave, how are you doing?"

"Why do I get my father's name, and you call Dave, Dave?" Leroy said, smiling.

"Just trying to keep it a little professional, Leroy." The Doctor laughed. "How have you been feeling, seizures still under control?"

"Yes, I haven't had one in about seventy-five days, and in all honesty, I've been feeling great."

"That is good to hear, now let's take a look at your scan." The Doctor logged into his computer and pulled up the scan and report. "Well, good news again, no sign of a tumor."

Dave exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding and smiled. "That's wonderful news, doctor. You made me scared for a minute by bringing us to your office." Leroy nodded, he was shaking a little when he was waiting for the results.

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't need to perform any exams on Leroy, so I didn't want to have my nurses clean a room when you could just sit in here. I would like to do the scan every six months for at least another couple of years."

"That's fine Doctor. I will have Leroy here every six months."

"Oh, I don't get a say in it, huh?" Leroy smiled.

"Nope, Babe, you don't." Dave chuckled.

"So see the checkout nurse on your way out to set up your six-month follow-up and scan. Have a wonderful summer, you two."

"Thank you, Doctor." Both Dave and Leroy responded. "You have a good one too."

They stopped at the checkout nurse and made their next appointment. "It's wonderful news, Babe." Dave kissed Leroy when they made it to the car. "Can we celebrate when we get home?"

"Wow, are you feeling okay, Dave?"


"You never ask for sex, it's always me." He chuckled.

"I do too, but you always beat me to it." Dave leaned over in the seat and kissed Leroy and rubbed his cock through his jeans. "Or I could just blow you right here."

"We don't need to be arrested, Dave, it's only an hour to home, and if I can wait, then you can."

Dave started the car and backed out of the parking space. "And I'm hoping that we don't get pulled over because I'm going to break every speeding law, so I won't have to take you in the back here." Leroy laughed as Dave pulled away.

They made the hour drive in forty minutes, Dave didn't speed much, but didn't get caught by many traffic lights either. When they arrived home, Dave and Leroy didn't even make it past the living room, they were naked, and Leroy had Dave bent over the couch, getting him ready with a bottle of lube they keep under the couch.

"Fuck me, Leroy, stop teasing."

"As you wish, Dave." Leroy stood up and from his crouched position, lubed his cock and slid it home, Dave moaned loudly and pushed back for more on Leroy's cock. "You like that, huh, you like my big cock, Dave?"

"Oh God yes, Leroy, I do."

Leroy started his thrusts in and out of Dave, at first they were long and slow, then they became frantic fast and hard. Dave was moaning and yelling out to fuck him faster and harder, not too much longer; he was yelling that he was cumming. When Dave clamped his ass muscles down on Leroy while he was cumming it caused Leroy to go over the edge. He thrusted into him a couple more times and started spraying his hot cum deep inside Dave.

Leroy collapsed on top of Dave, they were still laying over the back of the couch when Leroy sank to the floor, pulling Dave with him. Dave chuckled and then curled up next to Leroy, as they fell asleep for a bit.

Dave woke when he heard his phone ringing, he let it go to voicemail. He was feeling wonderful in Leroy's arms as he drifted back asleep. His phone rang again, he thought he better see who was and crawled to his pants to retrieve his phone. He looked at who was calling and swore out loud, which woke Leroy.

"Hey Terry."

"I covered your ass, now take a quick shower, dress and get your ass out here."

"Oh shit, I'll be out in a sec, you want to come in and wait?"

"No, don't need to see any more of Leroy and you than what I had already seen a minute ago. I will be in the cruiser, just come out when you're ready."

"What's going on?" Leroy said as he sat up.

"I'm late to work and Terry is outside, waiting for me."

Leroy laughed and got up to make Dave a sandwich to take with him.


"Really, Dave, I knew you had a cute ass, but you two were on display for anyone that walked up on your porch." Terry laughed at him.

"We were too horny to make it to the bedroom, what did you tell the Sergeant?"

"I told him you called and were late coming from Leroy's appointment. That I would pick you up here. He wasn't happy you didn't call yourself but said okay. So I clocked you in as I was walking out to the cruiser."

"Thanks, I'll talk with the Sergeant when we finish for the night."

"You were too horny to make it to the bedroom? How the hell did you guys make it when Shane and I were staying there?"

Dave laughed. "We didn't always make it to the bedroom then either. We were a hell of a lot quieter."

"Okay, I don't want to know."


Over the following months, Dave and Leroy talked a little in counseling about adopting a child. They talked a lot out of counseling, and they decided to contact the Virginia Department of Social Services about starting the adoption process, it was mid-June.

When they sat down with the social worker, they were told because they weren't married that only one of them could actually start the adoption process. But they had a while before they had to actually apply so they could decide which one would like to begin the process.

They were also informed that they have to go through the steps, which there were two before actually filling out the application to adopt. The first one was to show up for an orientation meeting, and since they had missed the one at the beginning of June and the next one was full, that they would have to wait until the first July meeting.

Once they went through orientation, they would begin the ten weeks of three-hour sessions of training. They couldn't miss a week or would have to start over again.

Dave and Leroy talked more and more about it because the orientation meeting was coming up on July eighteenth, Leroy seemed happier than Dave. Dave was pleased to see the change in Leroy, so was Dr. Watts. Leroy actually talked more and more about it in his individual meeting with Dr. Watts.

Leroy wasn't genuinely thrilled when he talked about it, he had many concerns, the one's normal father or mother would have. He was concerned with, was he really ready to become a father? Was it the right time in his life? Will the child they choose, like them? There were many more questions he would bring up in counseling. Dr. Watts had him direct some of them to Dave, which they really needed to grow together on this because he is sure that Dave has the same questions running around in his mind.

On the morning of the orientation, they had just the couples counseling session; they talked more about their fears and also about how exciting it was. But they still had a long road ahead of them, which it would be October before they could even fill out the application to adopt. They didn't know who would be the better candidate, Dave having a job and excellent health, or Leroy being retired from the military but having health issues. Leroy was leaning towards Dave being the one to apply because he believed he would get turned down because of his health.

The orientation went well, they had a few couples which were already adoption parents and were explaining the process and also answering anyone's questions. There was a social worker there to answer anything that the couples couldn't answer. At the end of the meeting, they could sign up for the training classes which would begin the first Saturday in August and would end the first weekend in October.

The summer flew by, Dave and Leroy didn't realize how much information they didn't know was involved in adopting a child. That depending on the child or children if they decide to choose to adopt a set of siblings, there could be health or mental problems. It really takes a special person to care for an adoptee.

On the last weekend class on October fourth, they were told to take a week or two before filling out the application, to let all the information they have learned sink in, to make an informed decision. Dave and Leroy went home with the form in hand, it was long, they decided they would start working on it on Monday and let everything sink in over the weekend.

Dave had to work the entire weekend, when he came home after midnight on Monday morning, Leroy was sitting waiting for him. He was a little randy, he wanted to make love to Dave, he didn't want to talk about the adoption stuff, just wanted to lose himself in Dave, literally. Dave didn't come right home. It was closer to one when he walked in the door, it didn't bother Leroy he just sat there waiting.

"Hey, I didn't think you would be waiting up for me," Dave said as he walked through the door. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't have jaw-jacked as much after work."

"It's okay, Hon, you can do whatever you would like, I'm never worried, you should know that."