David & 'Lyssa Ch. 03

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David's new family go on separate quests again.
11.9k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/06/2004
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David and the others stared at 'Lyssa as she lay there out cold.

"Damn." Said David.

"Is she all right?" asked Bitsy.

David knelt next to 'Lyssa and patted her cheek gently. "Wake up Honey."

'Lyssa stirred and opened her eyes. She threw her arms around David's neck and hugged him desperately. "I thought I had lost you Beloved!" She sobbed against his shoulder.

David slipped his arms around her. "It's OK. We're together now."

Bitsy peeked over David's shoulder. "Hi. I'm Staffet. But you can call me Bitsy. Are you going to be my new mommy?"

"Wha?" gasped 'Lyssa. "Beloved, you have some explaining to do."

David threw back his head and laughed. "Explanations can wait for a moment.

"For now, we head back to your place where we can sit down and plan."

David helped 'Lyssa to her feet. Bitsy took one of David's hands and smiled up at 'Lyssa.

For her part, the succubus was confused as hell. When a succubus reproduced, the child devoured its way out through the belly of the mother, and then consumed the body. She had absolutely no experience with children except as occasional snacks.

Prissy was watching 'Lyssa's thoughts carefully. She was reverting to her old self at an alarming rate. David's presence seemed to help keep her calm, maybe now that he was back, she would settle down. But she resolved to have a word with David in private at the first opportunity.

David stepped over to the gates. He didn't try to open them the usual way. He figured that had already been tried.

He was going to simply use the structure to support a gateway directly to the front of 'Lyssa's home. Jenny and Prissy held Bitsy's hands as David worked his magic.

David concentrated, putting himself into a light trance. He sent out his sense of the flow of magic to trace the patterns in the stone ring of the gateway. Ahh, right there. A little twist and a shunt over here...

David opened his eyes to see the front door of 'Lyssa's mansion about 10 feet in front of him.

He stepped back, maintaining the flow of power into the stone.

"Come on." He gritted through clenched teeth. "One at a time, through the gate as fast as you can."

Jenny was the first through the gate, followed by Bitsy and Prissy. 'Lyssa got stubborn. "I won't be separated from you again!" she said and stomped her little foot.

David had had enough guff for one day. He swept her up in his arms and leaped through the gateway. As soon as he hit the grass in front of the mansion, he let the flow of power snap off.

He set 'Lyssa on her feet. "I love you as life itself." He told 'Lyssa. "But do not ever disobey me again."

'Lyssa saw the look in David's eyes and heard the tones of rage in his voice and felt an icy chill up her back.

"Yes, Beloved." was all she said as she ducked her head.

Dismissing the matter from his mind, David strode to the front door, still holding 'Lyssa's hand.

Opening the door he called out, "Asshann!"

The maid materialized in front of him. "How may I serve you?" She asked softly.

David half turned and waved Bitsy forward. "Asshann, this is my adopted daughter Staffet. But you can call her Bitsy. Please take her to a bedroom close to ours."

"At once." Said Asshann. She took Bitsy's hand and led her off down the hall.

"I believe that the parlor is down this way." David said as he motioned the others to join him.

Once seated in the parlor, David reached into his pocket for another cigar.

"Black eagle told me to tell you to take your beans when you were safe." David said. "He told me that you would know what to do."

The three women dug in their pouches for the bean like pills that would change them from crystal to flesh again. David waited until they had swallowed them and the transformation had taken place.

"Fascinating." He murmured and raised an eyebrow. Then he laughed at himself. Spock he definitely wasn't.

"OK." He said. "Explanation time." And he proceeded to tell them pretty much everything that had happened since he had sent them to safety.

This took several hours, with all the questions and interruptions. But he was finished at last.

Asshann popped in to tell them that supper was ready.

'Lyssa still had a lot of questions, but she could see that she would not get answers until they had eaten.

Prissy hung back a bit and sent a message directly into David's mind on a very narrow beam. ['Lyssa is reverting to her demonic persona. If this continues, none of us is safe.]

David gave no outward sign of having received a message. But he sent back an answer on an equally tight focus. [What can I do to stop this?]

[I don't know] sent back Prissy. [It is part of who she really is. It is part of her nature.]

[Then her nature will have to change. Permanently.] David sent back.

As David motioned her to precede him through the doorway into the dining room, David gave Prissy's bottom a squeeze.

She looked up at him and winked.

David sat at the table with Bitsy on his left, and 'Lyssa on his right.

"You may begin serving." David announced.

As the staff brought in the trays and platters etc. with their usual quiet competence, David held 'Lyssa's hand and worked a subtle spell. So subtle in fact, that 'Lyssa didn't know that he was reshaping her very atomic structure. By the time the appetizers were served, David had set the process in motion, and by dessert it was finished. 'Lyssa was no longer a succubus.

She was now 100% human, although she did retain a good many of her old powers.

'Lyssa began the evening after the meal by being much nicer to Bitsy. Almost maternal one might say. David grinned to himself as 'Lyssa and Bitsy sat together on the divan and chatted animatedly.

Jenny and Prissy gasped when Bitsy stepped into the middle of the room and, with a grin, shifted into her dragon form, then back again.

'Lyssa clapped with delight. Bitsy flung her arms around 'Lyssa and hugged her. 'Lyssa hugged her back.

[Problem solved?] Sent Prissy. [Problem solved.] Replied David.

Prissy and Jenny sat on the arms of David1s easy chair until he slid his arms around their waists and pulled them down to snuggle on both sides of his lap.

After a while, David shooed the girls off for a bit. "Asshann," he said into the air.

The maid appeared in front of him. "Yes David?" she asked.

"I need to talk to someone who knows what has been going on since I left. I need details and first hand accounts. Do you know of someone?"

"Aye." Asshann said. "But I don't think that you will care for his company."

"I trust your judgment." David told Asshann. "But I need the information. Would you please try to find someone I can talk to that you approve of? If all else fails, I can always fall back on the other one."

"As you wish." replied Asshann.

David went in search of the ladies.

David knew he was going to have to be cautious. He was as mortal as the next guy, just a lot harder to kill. But he knew that didn't mean that the next guy he ran into couldn't eat him for breakfast. He was well aware of just how lucky he had been.

But enough for one day.

He wanted to see Bitsy tucked in for the night.

And then he wanted to get some sleep.

After letting the ladies know how much he had missed them that is.

In the morning, David and his trio of ladies were awakened by Bitsy bounding onto the bed with the kind of early morning enthusiasm that only the very young seem to possess. David was somewhat used to this from the time spent in the library with Bitsy. However it was entirely new to the women. And considerable grumbling and grouching was heard until Bitsy bounced off the bed. She announced that she was going to go get something to eat.

'Lyssa looked sleepily over at David. "How long 'til she's grown up?"

"About 300 years or so." Replied David with a grin.

'Lyssa groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

David burrowed under the blankets after her with a gleam in his eye. The bed was shortly very busy indeed.

Finally, the adults trooped down to the dining room for the morning meal. Asshann reported that Bitsy was outside in the garden and had already eaten.

After breakfast, David held a council of war. Asshann's queries had produced a being that had all the detail of what had been going on. The news wasn't good.

The rift in space-time was still open in the Dark Lord's palace. And it was growing. Even worse, THINGS were coming out of it. Monsters and creatures from unknown realms and worlds. And the best minds in the realm said that only the same forces that created the rift could close it.

David closed his eyes. Oh shit. He was going to have to go find the Dark Lord and bring him back.

This was NOT going to be fun.

David made up his mind.

"Prissy, You and Jenny will take Bitsy back to my home. And this time, STAY THERE."

Prissy knew better than to argue. Jenny just accepted the decision with her usual calm. "Lyssa, you will come with me to find the Dark Lord and bring his happy ass back with us."

"Yes Beloved." 'Lyssa said with a demure smile. David had better NOT try to leave her behind again.

David summoned the maid. "Asshann, you are in charge of packing up the mansion and goods and preparing to move the whole thing to my world when we return. You and the rest of the staff will be given the choice of coming with us, or remaining here."

"Very good." Said Asshann and she faded out.

David sent for Bitsy. She came in tired and happy. She had been playing in her dragon body, flying and stretching her wings.

"You will go to my house and stay there with Prissy and Jenny." David told his daughter. "Where 'Lyssa and I are going is far to dangerous. I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Besides, you need to get to know your other mommies." Prissy and Jenny blinked and looked surprised.

Bitsy pouted and looked stubborn, but David knew that she would do what she was told.

David opened a doorway into his living room, using the doorway from the parlor to the hall. Jenny and Prissy stepped through, holding Bitsy 's hands.

David looked after then for a long moment. "Call Paul Black Eagle if you need help." He called through the doorway. Then he let the spell fade.

David stood there staring off into space for a long while. Then he shook himself. Time to get started.

~Party at David's house~

In David's living room, the three gals looked around. All was as it should be.

Bitsy sat down on the couch and cried. "I miss them." She moaned.

"No sweat." Said Prissy in an effort to cheer the dragon child. "What we need is a party!"

Prissy walked over to the phone. She knew a few numbers from a decade ago. Maybe the still worked after all this time. It was worth a try.

Jenny sat next to Bitsy and put an arm around her, singing a lullaby from her childhood. Bitsy calmed down gradually, and leaned against Jenny for comfort and security.

Prissy was on the phone: "We need some party favors and some music. Yeah, I know it's been a while. And invite a few interesting people. We have a couple of newbies here and one of them's a kid. My kid if you must know. She's about 12. OK See you then." She hung up.

Prissy strolled back into the living room. "Party tomorrow." She announced.

Jenny looked dubious. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked.

"Well, Davy boy didn't say NOT to party. Did he?"

Jenny was forced to admit that he had not specifically forbidden it. However...

"But nothing'," said Prissy. "This is our best chance to meet people and get Staffet's mind off her troubles."

~On the trail of the Dark Lord~

David turned to 'Lyssa. "How do we get to the Dark Lord's palace? The last time we went, it was not exactly voluntary on our part."

'Lyssa thought about it. "Can you orient on the disturbance caused by the rift?"

David let his eyes lose focus as he sent his awareness out on other levels.

There, a definite source of power bleeding uncontrolled into the realm.

"Got it." David said as his eyes re-focused.

"Concentrate on the locus and take my hand."

David twined his fingers with 'Lyssa1s. He sent tendrils of thought out and fastened on where he wanted to go. Once he had a stable anchor, David simply opened the way and pulled himself and 'Lyssa through.

The stone walls, pillar, and floor were familiar.

The 30-foot tall giant composed entirely of living flame, was not.

It was standing in front of a glowing, ragged hole in the air, obviously having just come through. The stone of the floor was melting like ice in the summer under its feet. David used an elemental wall of force to shove the fire elemental back through the rift. Leaving the invisible wall in place to block the opening, David took a good look around.

There were gouges in the walls and floors as if gigantic talons had ripped the stone. There were corpses and parts of corpses strewn about the hall. Some were damaged beyond recognition. For that matter, the bodies that were relatively intact defied classification.

'Lyssa was stunned. In all of her centuries she had never seen creatures or carnage like this. There was a sound from the end of the hall. It seemed there was at least one survivor of the battle.

A huge bestial looking humanoid came out of the shadows.

David braced himself for a fight, sweeping 'Lyssa behind him.

"Would either of you have some kind of pain killer?" The humanoid asked. "This hurts like hell!"

David let out an incredulous laugh. "I think we can come up with something," he said.

David didn't want to give the being something that would do further harm, so he conjured a very oversized icepack. It dropped at the creature's feet.

"Thanks." Said the creature. He sat down and put the icepack on his most obvious wounds. "By the way, my name is Tuck."

David conjured rolls of bandages and gauze pads and tape. "Come on Sweetie," he told 'Lyssa. "We have work to do." The pair set about patching up Tuck.

As they worked on Tuck, David asked a few questions.

"How did you end up here and what happened to you and this place?"

Tuck gave a massive shrug. "I dunno. There I was, walking along the street, minding my own damn business, when I turned a corner and was standing here. Next thing I know, something's tryin' to take my freaking head off!"

"You won that one." Said 'Lyssa as she wrapped a bandage around Tuck's forehead.

"That I did little lady." Tuck said with a chuckle. "I ripped it's fuckin' leg off and used it to beat the critter to death."

David grinned. He was starting to like this guy.

"The good news is, I have a legitimate excuse for bein' late this time." Tuck said. Then he hung his head. "That is, IF I get home."

"Concentrate on your home, the feel, the sounds, the smell, the look." David told Tuck. David slipped easily into the mind if the giant Tuck. There. That was what he sought. David made a small gesture. The space between two of the pillars shimmered and cleared into a street scene from a good-sized city. Tuck looked up. "That's home!" He bellowed.

Tuck lumbered to his feet. "Thanks pal!!" he grabbed David's hand and shook it vigorously. David almost had his arm yanked off before Tuck let go. The giant scooped 'Lyssa up and planted a juicy kiss on top of her head. "Thanks little lady! You two come see me sometime!" And he moved with surprising quickness through the portal and back to his home city.

David shook his head and closed the portal.

David sat down cross-legged on the floor in front of the rift. He closed his eyes and probed the fissure with his mind.

'Lyssa sat down with her back against David's to keep watch where he could not.

David found the trace he was looking for. He could tell where he and the Dark Lord had passed through the rift. He followed the trail to the point where his trail and the Dark Lord's separated and spun off in diverging directions.

He followed the Dark Lord's trail to the realm where it ended, then stood up and took 'Lyssa's hand. "This way." He said. They stepped together through the portal together.

For long seconds, the great hall was empty and still.

Then a sudden motion at one of the great bronze doors, and a voice called out into the echoing stillness.

"Mommy? Daddy? Are you there? I'M SCARED!!"

But there was no one left to hear the words, or the sobs that followed.

~Where is Bitsy?~

Prissy answered the knock on the door. The party was already in full swing. Jenny was dancing with a tall blonde dude who looked like a Viking version of Conan. There were a dozen other people in the living room dancing, eating, and talking.

"Who are you?" Prissy said to the two guys on the doorstep.

"Hi, I'm Rath, and this is my buddy Booger. Say Hi Booger."

Booger waved a hand and made an odd noise. "URT?"

"What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you." Prissy said.

"We heard there was a kickin' party here. And we brought party favors!" Said Rath. "Urt." went Booger as he nodded and held up a brown paper bag.

Prissy took in the goatees, short hair, tattoos, and general ‘party on' attitude of the duo. "OK Come on in."

She stepped back and let the two come on in. If nothing else, they would be comic relief.

She followed the newcomers into the living room where Booger was already digging into his bag.

"Urt, urt!" and he held up a small colored glass pipe. Prissy sniffed the telltale odor of prime weed and grinned. This may be a great party after all!

An hour later, Most of the guests were well stoned, a thick haze of pot smoke hung to waist level in the room.

Jenny made her way over to Prissy. That worthy was sitting on the couch between Booger and Rath. She had a silly grin on her face as she stared at the bong, trying to remember which end to light. Prissy was bombed, baked, stoned and fried.

Jenny patted Prissy's face to get her attention.

"Bitsy's gone." Jenny said.

"Wha?" mumbled Prissy.

Jenny hated to risk showing her power at all. But she felt she had no choice. She placed her hands on Prissy's temples. She sent a jolt of energy directly into the other woman's frontal lobes.

Prissy blinked awake as her head cleared. "What did you say?"

"Bitsy's gone, and I think she went after David and "Lyssa." Jenny said in an urgent low voice. "Oh Shit!!" wailed Prissy. David was gonna kill her for sure this time. And she wouldn't blame him a bit.

"Who's Bitsy?" asked Rath.

"Our daughter, and she's missing." Snapped Prissy.

"Hey, we'll help ya find her, right Booger?"

"URT! You bet!"

Jenny wrote out a quick note to Paul Black Eagle for when he arrived.

"Come on." Said Prissy to Jenny. We have to get her back before David finds out she's gone!"

She had already forgotten the stoners and their offer to help.

She was still feeling off as she led the way upstairs to Bitsy's room to look for a clue.

What they found was a note.

(I'm gone to mommy's house to look for Daddy and Mommy 'Lyssa.)

Prissy turned toward the doorway and used it to anchor a gate straight to 'Lyssa's parlor.

She didn't notice until too late that Rath and Booger had followed them through.

Rath looked around the room at the fancy furniture and the obviously expensive tapestries.

Asshann materialized right in front of them.

"Right on" went Rath.

"Urt." agreed Booger.

"Have you seen Bitsy? The dragon girl?" Prissy asked the maid.

"Why yes." said Asshann. "She showed up here two hours or so ago and asked where her parents were. I told her that they were going to the Dark Lord's palace."

Prissy paled.

Rath was checking out Asshann's tits where her low cut dress showed plenty of cleavage. "Right on" he said again. Asshann winked at Rath and Booger as she faded out like a wisp of smoke.

"URT." went Booger. He was suitably impressed.

Actually Booger had a rather extensive vocabulary. But it didn't fit the image he tried hard to project. However this often led people to underestimate him. And that was sometimes very useful.