Dealing with Jessie Pt. 03


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She didn’t have that problem, “Would it be all right if I stopped by tomorrow?”

He grinned and said, “I’d love it.”

They each walked off in different directions. He felt so light headed his feet hardly touched the ground.

Ok, Good Friday. He checked his watch. The sun was going down. He figured Jessie would be leaving work soon. He reflected back, yesterday, Maundy Thursday, and it was sixth period. He was alone again in his office when he heard Carolyn’s gentle tap. He called out, “Yes?”

From outside he heard her say, “It’s me. May I come in?”

The door was unlocked, but he got up and walked around. He got to the door just as she entered. Again, they stood there. She whispered, “Thank you for yesterday.”

He said, “You’re welcome.”

They stood there facing each other for what seemed like hours. She was dressed in a white blouse, open collar, top two buttons undone, three quarter sleeves, and a light brown mini. Her hair was pulled back. He asked, “Did you bring me anything?”

She gazed up at him. He could see right down her blouse. The same tense emotions swept over him; he wanted to squeeze her rising nipples with his thumbs, her pink skin looked so tender.

She whispered, “Just me.”

He pulled her in his arms. Her hands went around his neck sending shivers down his spine. He cupped her breasts in the palms of his hands, thumbs over nipples, leaning down toward her mouth. Their lips met, tongues touched, bodies arched, his hard organ against her belly. With a foot he pushed the door closed. They kissed for several seconds until she turned her head and whispered, “I’m not like that.”

He held her in his arms, her soft scented hair caressed his cheek. With his right hand clasped tightly around her neck he reached beneath her skirt with his left and reached through her panties, how warm and wet she was. No panty hose, he pushed his fingers to her slit; it was swollen, hot, and damp. He just couldn’t get enough of her; her hair, her perfume, her soft skin, her small firm breasts, “You’re going away next week,” he whispered.

She looked up at him, her eyes glowed, she slid to down; her knees touched the floor. Manicured fingers, clear nail polish, she found his zipper and pulled it open. Her hands were inside his trousers, then his boxers, his hardening penis escaped their prison and found her face, her lips. Fingertips laced his throbbing shaft, her tongue darted over the tip of his penis. His hands rested possessively on her shoulders. He reached for her neck, his fingers savored her hair. Her lips kissed the head of his organ, delicate woman’s fingers slipped around his rigid shaft. Her tongue slathered over his penis licking him up and down. She caressed his dick with her cheek; eyelashes tormented the tip of his dick. Hands cupped his scrotum, she closed her mouth over him. He felt himself inside her mouth, her tongue licking around his head.

Gary gasped for breath. He tightened his grip on her shoulders, her neck. She tried to take all of him. He could fight it no more, with frenzied lust he poured his semen in her mouth, she choked and coughed as she pulled back, drops of sticky sperm dribbled from his dick and down on her blouse.

Carolyn leaned back and saw the damage; three large spots of pasty fluid soiled what had been a pristine white blouse. She used her right hand to try to wipe the gooey mess from her front, some dribbled between her buttons to her brassiere. She whispered, “Oh my.”

Gary at once felt ashamed; he’d soiled her pretty blouse and she still had one more class, her last class, her worst, the ruffians. He was sure they’d see it and recognize what it was. He murmured, “I’m so sorry.”

Still wiping her front, making it worse, she leaned back on her haunches, “It’s all right. It’ll dry.”

He pushed his still leaking manhood back in his slacks; he turned and found some Kleenex, “Here let me help.”

Carolyn got to her feet, “No, it’s all right, really. I need to leave.” Still clutching the front of her blouse she clambered to her feet, opened his office door and fled.

He stood and looked down. There were drops of semen on the tiled floor. What had he done? She’d be humiliated. He’d ruined everything. He walked about the office, the moisture inside his trousers made him uncomfortable.


Good Friday; it was getting too dark to keep pretending to read, so Gary closed the book. He thought back on what happened with Carolyn, what he’d done; he’d ruined her day, her week, maybe her career.

Jessie stepped out of the front of her office building and started down the street toward her flat. She had a lot on her mind. Mr. Church had called her in to his office after his lunch. He said, though the partners admired her pugnaciousness they’d decided to defer the selection of new partners. He didn’t offer any explanations. What he said after that she’d found devastating. She went back over everything as she walked toward her apartment. He’d left his desk and invited her to take a seat beside him on a nearby couch. Mr. Church was the most senior partner, his office was enormous, plush would have been an understatement, corner office, large picture windows, massive mahogany desk, a long table with seating for at least twelve, a sofa and a loveseat. He invited her to join him at the loveseat where he took off his coat and loosened his tie.

What had he said? “We’ve been aware of your hard work Ms. McGowan. Several of our lawyers have been singing your praises. Mr. Snyder has been particularly effusive in lauding your efforts.”

Then he’d stopped smiling and waited. She replied, “I’m pleased Mr. Church. I want to be the best. I’m sure the partners know that, and were I to be asked to be partner I’d only make the firm even more proud.”

That’s when he revealed the purpose of the meeting, “Yes, I believe that’s true, but you know Jessie,” he’d used her first name, something partners didn’t do, “there’s more to being a successful partner than just a heavy load and responsibility. We like to think of ourselves as a more than just a team, we’re like a family, and families share,” then he’d rather nonchalantly pointed to his crotch.

Jessie saw the movement and understood, “I want to do everything I can Mr. Church. I want to be on the team, a part of the family.”

He smiled the hawkish smile of a predator, “There’s a box of Kleenex on the table behind you if you think you’ll need any.”

This was it, and she knew it; suck off Mr. Church, then maybe one or two of the other senior partners and become a highly paid odalisque, or remain just another peon in the trenches. She smiled and reached back for the Kleenex. He didn’t last long, his erection was pathetic, he smelled, he was small, there was lint, his sperm tasted sour, and yes, he got some on her blouse.

The whole time he’d laid his head back like he was in a trance. When it was over he smiled, “That was very nice. Thank you; how was it for you?”

How was it for her she thought; what was she supposed to say, she liked sucking an old man’s cock? She smiled back, “It was nice for me too.” She wiped her blouse off, politely thanked him for the meeting, and left.

That meeting with Mr. Church got in the way of her real work. Her mind kept going back to what happened. No wonder the only female partner, Georgia Calligeri, was so subdued; Jessie bet she’d been paying her dues for years. She bet she knew how Snyder made his payments; he most likely was tasked with the job of finding young women, or the most discreet massage parlors.

No question about it, her work was tedious and the money great, but Jessie knew, deep down, she hated her job. She’d been degraded beyond all belief; to think the only passably happy things in her life revolved around three lovely girls and a hopelessly lazy soon to be ex-husband, it was like a stake in her heart. She’d once said she’d willingly sell her soul for a partnership; she guessed she finally had, and she didn’t know if it was worth it. One thing she did know; she’d had three penises in her life, Church’s, Snyder’s, and Gary’s, and Gary’s was the winner, going away.


Like before, Gary watched as Jessie purposely walked down the street. Then he saw a shadow, a sinister looking figure stepped from an alleyway. He started straight for his wife. On instinct Gary jumped from his car and started after him. The man, he was sure it was man, was almost on her. Gary shouted, “Hey!”

The man looked up. There was something in his hand, something shiny. A gun! Gary leaped forward. Just in time, he reached him. Though never much of an athlete while in college, to get his Phys. Ed. Credit he’d taken a few boxing lessons. He threw himself at the assailant! With a right uppercut Gary caught him square in the jaw. Jessie’s would be attacker flew back and hit the ground. The gun fell from his hand. Gary kicked it to the gutter. The hoodlum jumped up and ran back down the alley from which he’d come.

Gary ran to his wife. She fell into his arms, “Gary,” she exclaimed!

He crushed her to his chest. She was shaking so! Whimpering, she sobbed, “Oh Gary.”

She was shivering. Her body was soft. He got a whiff of her sweet fragrance. He felt himself starting to feel like a man. Embarrassed, he tried to pull away. She followed his retreat and pressed herself against his chest, “Oh Gary,” she sobbed. Tears were flooding down her cheeks.

He cupped her head in his right hand, “Jessie,” he whispered. She was so warm, though her skin felt clammy, it felt so natural having her in his arms. She looked up; her watery eyes were filled with affection.

Then, just like that it was over. He felt her stiffen. Where a second ago she was in his arms, a yielding helpless girl, in an instant she became hard as stone. Her eyes lost their passion; all he saw was anger. She pushed him away. .

“You,” she shouted! She turned and fled toward her apartment. He watched as she fumbled through her purse, got her keys, stumbled around, unlocked her door, clambered inside, and slammed it shut.

Gary went back and found the pistol. It was an old snub nosed 38 caliber Smith and Wesson, not much of a gun, probably stolen. He checked the safety, carried it back, threw it on the passenger’s seat of his car, climbed in, started up, and drove home. He never felt so bad; something good might have happened, but hadn’t. Later, he got a call. Melanie said their mom had come home, and had run to the den crying. Later Melanie said they heard her crying way late into the night.


The days dragged by, it got warmer, Dorothy was scheduled to graduate high school and pick a college; she’d already been accepted at three. Dorothy was a special kid; always the average kid in the brightest class, she’d never really stood out in any subject, but like her mother at that age she loved to read and write poetry, she wanted to study English literature, but Jessie had other plans.

Jessie wanted another lawyer in the family. Dorothy wasn’t so sure. Gary thought Jessie’s parents were pressuring Jessie to pressure Dorothy. It didn’t matter so much to him; the kid was just eighteen, barely out of high school. Jessie was getting too overbearing about it. Can anyone be too overbearing? Jessie just didn’t get it, but he did. High school kids seldom knew what they wanted. He wanted whatever Dorothy wanted. Once in college Dorothy would change her mind a dozen times before the end of her freshman year. How could he explain that to Jessie if she wouldn’t talk to him, it was still the coldest of cold wars.

What’s the old saying, “The only thing worse than not getting your heart’s desire is to get your heart’s desire?” The bosses at Jessie’s firm finally convened a meeting to select new partners, and from a list of several, two candidates were picked and Jessie was one of them.

She’d finally gotten everything she wanted. She was a partner; that meant more money, more responsibility, more respect, and a new, bigger more luxurious private office with a window! Jessie was sitting on top of the world, but from what Dorothy heard from her inside source Jessie was miserable. They’d chosen two out of many, but for some reason Jessie found out she was the second of the two. That was bad? What could be worse? Jeff Snyder had been their first choice. From what Dorothy heard, Jessie was miserable. What was left to strive for? She had it all, everything she ever wanted, and it still wasn’t enough.

As the days got longer Gary’s life changed very little. He thought Dorothy had her future pretty much in order; she’d been accepted at several good schools and the scholarship money was trickling in. Then she upended the whole program. She called to say she’d decided to forego any of the four year schools; she was hanging back a year to go to the local community college. The way she explained it, the classes were all essentially the same, costs would be a lot less, and most importantly, and this was to be kept a secret, she felt her sisters would need her at home the next year.

It was May, Jessie was in the clover. Meanwhile the house she lived in and owned was falling apart. The girls were unhappy; their rooms needed to be painted, the rugs were filthy, Daisy was leaving poops around inside the house, the cat had unexpectedly started defecating in Katy’s shoes, no one had come to inspect the pool, and the girls suspected a leak. Melanie said the cooler in the “arch dome thing”, she meant the gazebo, wasn’t working, and no one was doing anything about the lawn, or the flower beds, and the shed had mice. Katy wanted to run the lawn tractor but it wouldn’t start. They knew not to talk to their mom; she was too busy.

The word went out; where was daddy? But if dad came, mom would have to talk to him, and that would never happen! And then....

The girls called. They were desperate. Their dad had hooked up a heat pump to the water filtration system, and they’d had a heated pool last September, they wanted one now, in May, but they couldn’t get it to work.

Gary went out the second Saturday in May. The girls were home, all four of them. Jessie was upstairs sleeping off a big night, but the little ones were out and about.

Melanie was first, “Dad you’ve got to fix the pool. First it’s leaking, and second we can’t get the heating system to work.”

Katy was second, “I can’t start the lawn mower. I forgot how. You’ve got to show me again.” He recalled half the time she never cut any grass anyway; she just liked to ride around in the yard. There was two acres.

Then it was Dorothy’s turn, “For one I’ll need help with the flowers. The daffodils have already withered. The Japanese willow you bought us when we first moved in already bloomed and turned green. What am I going to do about the weeds, the dogwoods need work.”

He said, “Let’s get the mower going first, then we’ll check the pool. I don’t think the pool’s leaking; it’s probably something else.” The truth, most of the stuff was no big deal; they just wanted their dad there.

Gary got to work, a little gas, a new spark plug, some fresh oil, and Katy was on the go. He checked the pool, there was some leakage, but it was a hose, something easily fixed. He did check the heat pump and got that going. He was about to help Dorothy look at the flowers when they both heard a defiant yell, “What’s he doing here?”

Katy was off on the tractor. Dorothy and Melanie turned toward the house and saw their mother; she was at the kitchen window glaring at the girls. Gary smiled and hollered, “I’m helping them get the house opened up for summer.” Technically they were still married; that end day was still weeks off in June.

Jessie stared out the window and yelled, “You’re off all summer?”

He nodded.

She added, “We need a repair man. If you can stay out of the way I’ll pay you.”

Gary smiled and sarcastically yelled back, “I expect minimum wage.” She scowled and stepped out of sight.

Dorothy looked at her dad, and in a bewildered tone, “Gee dad, she talked to you.”

Melanie added, “She didn’t say she hated you either.”

Just then Jessie was at the window again, “Dorothy can I see you a minute? You too Melanie.”

Dorothy grinned, “Be right back dad.”

Gary turned his attention to the size of hose he’d need for the pool, and then to the lawn spreader to make sure it was working. It had been his experience lawn spreaders only malfunctioned when filled to the brim with seed or fertilizer. He was still there when Dorothy and Melanie came back out.

Dorothy said, “Mom wants to see you inside.”

He said, “OK,” and went inside.

She was at the kitchen counter holding a cup of coffee. She refused to look at him, but she did say, “As long as you’re not working this summer you could help spruce the place up.”

He replied, “What did you have in mind?”

She looked around and brusquely replied, “Come with me.”

They went through the kitchen, dining room, to the living room and started up the stairs. She shook the banister and said, “Loose.”

He asked, “How did that happen?”

Her reply, “None of your business. Someone might have been drunk.”

On up the steps to the main bedroom they went. He thought; the old workshop. In they went. The old queen sized bed was gone, replaced by a king sized. His old bureau was missing; in its place was a new vanity. She looked at the walls and said, “I want this wall papered.”

He answered, “I can do that.”

She pushed by him, they looked in Katy’s room, “Wallpaper, paint. Ask her.”

He said, “Can do.”

They did the same for Melanie’s and Dorothy’s rooms. They went back downstairs to what had been his den. It looked exactly as it did the day he left back in December. Not a thing had been changed. She said, “This is where I sleep, but I don’t like the color.”

She surprised him. Why was she sleeping in his old den when she had a new bed upstairs? He didn’t ask though. He remembered he hadn’t liked the color for the den either, but it had been her choice when they first moved in. He didn’t remind her, but asked, “Any color in mind?”

Still not looking at him; her tone of voice crisp and caustic she growled, “You choose.”

He said, “All right, but I’ll want you to approve.”

She did turn and look at him, “I said you’re to choose.”

He shrugged, “OK. Anything else?”

“No,” she said, “just give the children everything they want.”

He asked, “Everything?”

She looked at him again, giving him one of those, “you’re an ant” looks when she said, “You hard of hearing?”

He shrugged again, “No, I hear fine.”

She continued looking at him. He wished he could read what she was thinking. Finally she quavered; like someone had shaken her, her eyes grew soft. He thought she wanted to come to him but was afraid, she stammered, “OK, now get out.”

Gary didn’t argue. He went back outside. Dorothy, Melanie, and Katy were all there together. Katy asked, “What did she say?”

It was hopeless. He had to do it. He reached over and pulled his littlest angel in his arms. He kissed her, a real slobbery one right on her left cheek, “I’m the hired help for the summer.”

Melanie scoffed, “God Dorothy did you see that? Dad just globbed spit all over our sister.”

Now when they were little girls he used to pretend to be the big monster and he’d chase them around the house. Right then he raised his arms like he was a Tyrannosaurus Rex and said in a real gruff voice at Melanie, “I’m gonna get ya.”

She laughed and started running away. He chased her down and tackled her, carefully though. He gave her a big sloppy drooly kiss on the cheek, looked up and said, “Now where’s that oldest Munchkin?”

He didn’t have to chase her though; she was already on the ground. Giggling she said, “Right here daddy!”

Daddy! Didn’t he love the sound, he kissed her too. Pretty soon, in like four seconds all four of them were on the grass, just laughing. He happened to look toward the house, toward the kitchen. He saw her shadow, Jessie was watching. He imagined she’d like to be out here too.