Defibrillate My Heart Ch. 02

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Love in a hopeless place.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/30/2015
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I arrived at the library at precisely four minutes past eight. I spent a little too long deciding what to wear on this not-date. I finally decided on my beige chinos and an icy blue button down. I won't lie, I was feeling pretty good while looking at myself in the mirror before I realised I was late and shot off towards the library. Todd already texted me that he was inside one of the discussion rooms (Of course he was early. He has a thing for punctuality).

The discussion rooms are quite private if you disregard the frosted glass that walled the rooms off from the rest of the library. I found him in one of the rooms, sitting quietly by himself, perusing one of textbooks that lay before him. Naturally he was looking simply delectable without even trying. He wore a green hoody that highlighted the colour of his eyes and a wonderfully fitting pair of stone washed jeans. His scent gobsmacked my nostrils as I opened the door. He looked at me and smiled. I could feel my insides melting again.

"Hey, Todd," I said, closing the door.

"Glad you could finally make it," he chuckled, getting up to give me a hello hug. This is something that started fairly recently and always makes me feel like I'm turning to mush.

"I'm only 5 minutes late, jerk," I laughed, pushing him away.Good heavens, his chest was firm. I felt a tingle run down my spine.

"So, what do you have planned for this evening?" I asked, pulling up a chair and depositing myself opposite him.

"A little bit of everything," he said mysteriously, pushing one of the textbooks towards me. "Maybe we can teach each other a few things."

I certainly knew of a few things I would want to learn from him. I found myself admiring him again. It was more than his looks. It was his easy going attitude and the way he made life seem almost effortless. Almost nothing fazed him. He's one of those people you feel better from just being around.

"Sounds good," I said as I picked up the textbook with a groan. I so wasn't keen to be studying weeks in advance for an exam. I'm more of a night before kind of guy. I stress my brain into overdrive. Don't judge me; it has been working for me so far. Naturally it only took a few minutes of reading the same sentence over and over again before I became restless. After checking my phone for the hundredth time I started humming the Frozen soundtrack to try and make my mind focus.

Todd looked up from his book smiling. "You're like a squirrel," he said laughing. "Come over here and test me since you're being so fidgety." He pulled the chair next to him backwards and indicated with his hands.

Now, I know that the last thing I needed to concentrate was to position myself right next to him with his Todd-ness constantly assaulting my olfactory system but it did it anyway. I would see where this was going. I shuffled over to him and grabbed the textbook from his hands. Naturally he could answer every question I threw at him with his usual flair. With each question he leaned in closer to me until he was just inches from my face. His legs brushed mine under the table and I could feel my face betraying my again. I lit up like the fourth of July.

"You're going red," he pointed out. He lifted his hand and placed the dorsum across my forehead checking the temperature.

"You don't feel feverish," he whispered. His hand lightly grazed the side of my face, running down my cheek until he was cupping it gently. He leaned in even closer and I could feel my senses going haywire. I wasn't able to speak, I just swallowed. I almost couldn't breathe.

"Follow me," he said, pulling back and gracefully sliding out of his chair. In contrast I almost fell out of mine. He waited for me by the door and wordlessly took my hand and pulled me after him. I could feel little arcs of electricity dancing up my body from our point of contact. I had never before in my existence felt this way around someone. He was gently leading me to the older side of the library where the shelves cloaked in generations of knowledge almost touched the high ceilings. He pulled me into one of the rows and led me further down the darkened aisle. My heart was doing a jig in my chest. Suddenly he stopped and rested his hand on my chest, lightly pushing me against the stacks. I could feel dust in the air, clearly no one had been here for years, and I was trying not to ruin this moment with an ill-timed sneeze. He leaned into me again, this time closer than before. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as his scent filled me.

I looked up into his dazzling eyes and felt my breath catch. I tentatively raised one of my hands around his neck and pulled his face closer to mine. His hand moved from my chest to my face gently tilting it towards his own. Then our lips met and my world ceased to exist. I was everything and nothing at the same time. His kiss set my heart a flutter and made my neurons feel like they were about to implode. His lips pushed against mine, an introduction to the entry of his tongue into my mouth. His gentle kiss evolved into a passion filled onslaught. I felt as though my very soul might leave my body. It was too much all at once; his lips on mine, the strength of his chest gently smashing into me and his hands dancing across my body, trying to pull me closer into him.

Finally we had to come up for air. I found myself gasping for breath as I stared into his luminescent eyes for what felt like the hundredth time this night. He was still leaning into me as he lightly cupped my face in his hands laying a trail of small kisses from the corner of my mouth eventually ending the path at my neck. Another thing you have to know about me. My neck is the most sensitive part of my body. It claims the spot of Nick's number one erogenous zone. He started licking and nipping at the skin there. His arms wrapped around my waist holding my body against his. This was good. It helped me remain upright lest I sink to the ground. I could feel something else, his growing hardness was slowly pressing against my thigh. I looked up at him again and pulled him to me for another small kiss, less passionate than before but more sweet and reassuring. After our lips broke for the second time that evening I rest my head against his chest waiting for my blood to carry enough oxygen to my brain so that I could think. What just happened?

"I just kissed you. And it was sublime," he murmured, laying soft kisses in my hair.

Oops. I guess I said that last one out loud. "What now?" I asked, in my post-make out hypnotic trance.

"Now, I take you to my place so that we can finish our study date," he said, every word dripping seduction.

We went back to our little discussion room and packed up our things. It took every bit of my self-control to keep my hands off him. My world took on a dream-like quality as we exited the library and made our way towards his car in the darkened parking lot. The sky was clear above us, each star sparkling on the dark background that was the night sky. A crisp spring breeze blew through the air. It was a perfect night. He took my hand and led me to the passenger side door. He gently nudged me against the car and claimed my lips again.

"One more, for the road," he said winking and opening the door for me.

I wanted to say something but words failed me for the first time. I'd been dreaming of a moment like this with him for so long. I was afraid that if I said something stupid, which for me is a very realistic possibility, it would shatter the delicate bubble we were encased in. His car hummed to life and we were on our way. His hand glided over my thigh and came to rest over my own. His thumb lightly brushed my fingers as he drove.

We pulled up in front of Todd's off campus apartment building. "Come on," he said, coaxing me out of the car towards the elevators. We made our way to his front door barely keeping our hands of each other as we did so. This experience was so surreal I actually found myself laughing as we reached his front door. "What is it?" he asked, a smile crossing his perfect face.

"Nothing," I said shyly," I'm just so glad this finally happened."

"Me too. I've wanted you since I first saw you," he murmured as he fumbled with his keys at the door. Finally he managed to unlock the door to reveal his home. Todd's apartment was probably 5 times the size of my meagre dorm room. It was furnished with sleek modern master pieces of dark wood, glass and steel. His apartment was on the tenth floor with large windows revealing a glorious view of the city's skyline.

Todd took my hand and led me over to his sofa. He laid another chaste kiss on my lips and nudged me down until I was lying on my back. He straddled my hips and looked into my eyes. I couldn't hold back any longer. I reached up wrapped my hand around the back on his neck, pulling him down against me. His firm chest pressed into my body as his lips met mine again. He pulled off his shirt and with some help mine followed his, thrown into the darkness. The moonlight shone through the windows illuminating his sparkling green eyes. He started sucking and lightly grazing my neck with his teeth, claiming me as his.

He was definitely trying to leave a hickey and he was succeeding. My body ached for him. I reached up and ran my hands over his broad shoulders, my nails lightly dancing over his strong back. He took my hands in his and threaded his fingers in them as he began to kiss his way down my body stopping only to make love to my nipple on his way down. His full lips and gifted tongue traced their way down my abdomen following my treasure trail to the waistband of my pants. He nuzzled his face into my groin and my body felt as though it were on fire. I needed him, now.

I flipped him over so fast we almost tumbled off his couch. I traced every curve of his body feeling the power that it held. I tasted the salt on his skin, tenderly worshiping every inch of it. He sighed in the most satisfied way possible. I slid down his body reaching his waist. With some tugging and eager coaxing I managed to pull his jeans down to his knees.

Then I was on him, sucking through the fabric of his boxer briefs, nuzzling my face against his hard member. I gently pulled down his underwear stroking his strong thighs as I revealed his throbbing hardness. I licked the engorged head tasting him. He was sweet and musky. I took him in my mouth and his buried his head deeper into the cushions moaning with pleasure. I reached down and unbuttoned my pants and pulled out my own instrument. I told him as deep as I could, as I attempted to become the master of my gag reflex. "Nick, I'm so close," he whispered, running his hands delicately through my hair. My skin flushed wherever he touched me. I couldn't last much longer either. I started sucking harder pulling him deeper into me, inhaling his scent. Then he came and I swallowed his Toddness as well as I could. With a few purposeful tugs I came too into my hand. He sat up and grabbed my wrist with his strong grip and brought it to his mouth. He looked me in the eye as he sucked every last bit of my cum off my fingers. Whoa.

When he was done he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me over him as though I was weightless and kissed my lips for what seemed like that hundredth time that night, with every time being as good as the time before. I could taste myself on him and I'm sure he could do the same. We were both breathing heavily when we broke apart. I was still lying on his sturdy body, his legs and mine intertwining so that we lost track of where one of us began and the other ended. His soft hands embraced my face as he laid his forehead against mine; his panting breaths delightfully warm on my neck.

"That was just..," he started, holding me close to him.

"Incredible? Wonderful? Amazing? There are no words," I whispered. I started to feel the events of the day finally taking their toll on me. I lay my head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat before I knew it.


I awoke feeling more at ease than I had ever been before in my life. I didn't want the feeling to end but I knew I had to finally open my eyes. I quickly realised that I wasn't in the living room anymore; Todd must have carried me over to his bed after I fell asleep. Another thing you need to know about me. I'm a ridiculously deep sleeper. I once slept right through a fire drill in my dorm. Well, until the RAs barged into my room screaming that if this was a real fire I probably would have been a crisp by then. Oh, well. The memories of what happened the previous day flooded into my mind and I found a smile crossing my face. Along with the smile came its annoying best friend, the blush. I put my hands over my eyes and had a little chuckle to myself as I let my head sink back into his soft pillows. The best smelled like him. I grabbed one of the pillows and breathed him in. This is when I came to the conclusion that Todd wasn't actually in the bed.

It was then that I snapped out of my little post-coital reverie and heard soft singing coming through the door. I ushered my body out of his unbelievably comfortable bed and after visiting his bathroom and making myself look halfway decent (as decent as I could look clad only in my boxers, my clothes had mysteriously disappeared) I followed his voice to the kitchen.

He was standing over the stove, his back to me dressed only in jeans still singing as he was flipping pancakes. Even from the back he looked simply delicious. His hair was tousled in the most adorable way and his voice was smooth and relaxing. This is so unfair. He smart, handsome and he gets a voice like James freaking Morrison. Now we know another thing about Todd. He likes Hozier. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest. The feel of his naked skin against mine felt so natural, almost primeval. "Good morning, handsome," he said, rubbing back against me. I breathed him in. This whole thing just felt so right, so perfect. "Have a seat, we're having pancakes," he said. I disengaged from him and deposited myself in one of the high chairs at the kitchen island.

"You look pretty good yourself," I said, fixing my eyes on his body.

"Thank you," he replied as he put a plateful of pancakes on the counter in front of me. He even dusted icing sugar on top. My god, I want to marry this guy.

"Keep this up and I'll never leave," I said, drizzling liberal amounts of maple syrup on my little pancake stack.

"That sounds like a plan. Especially if I can get you to remain in that state of undress," he said with a grin as he sat down next to me. His legs brushed mine under the counter. I started to go red again, sigh, from a combination of the close proximity and his devious smile.

The pancakes were divine. The room was quiet save for the sound of me shovelling more breakfast into my mouth. After our extracurriculars last night I was famished.

He handed me a cup of coffee that I took gratefully. Even his hands were beautiful. I found myself resting my hand over his, tenderly stroking his long, slender fingers. There was a ring on the ring finger on his right hand. It had an ornate black gem with a band kind of like a signet ring in shape.

He noticed me noticing it. I told you I'm not subtle. "That's my daylight ring," he said laughing.

I looked at him trying and failing to raise an eyebrow. Damn it. "You expect me to believe you're a vampire," I replied with as much scorn as I could conjure while trying not to laugh. "I didn't know that vampires liked pancakes so much," I giggled as I poked him in the ribs. My heart did a little flip from the contact (I seriously need to get that checked out). He was expertly dodging my pokes until he firmly grasped both my wrists and leaned in to me.

"You didn't seem to question it when I was attacking your neck last night," he purred as his lips turned up into a mischievous grin. He kept coming towards me as me pulled me by the wrists. I half-heartedly tried to free myself but let's be real. I wanted my good morning kiss. The kiss was quick, sweet and soothing. It helped make everything that happened last night seem more solid and tangible. I was still swooning when we broke apart.

"Todd, last night you said that you've wanted this since you first saw me," I started (damn it. I was blushing AGAIN). "Why now?" I asked tentatively. My neurotic over-analytical brain would not let it rest.

He sweetly caressed my face and then took my hand in his. "I don't know. I haven't really had an in with you. You seemed so comfortable with everyone else. I guess I was scared to approach you. But when I heard through the grapevine that you didn't have a clinical partner this year I couldn't just let that opportunity pass me by. I was finally able to get close to you and discover your silly little quirks that made me like you even more. I like how grumpy you get when you don't sleep. I like how clumsy you are and how you curse at the inanimate objects that have wronged you. I like how much you care about your patients and how you make it your person mission to advocate for them. Most of all I like spending time with you and discovering new things to like every day," he finished with a dashing smile.

My sweet lord, this boy is going to be the end of me. I found myself speechless for the second time in 24 hours. This seems to be a recurring phenomenon with him. "You're silly," I said, pulling my hand away from him. That's my go to line when people compliment me. He didn't release my hand until he brushed my knuckles with his soft lips. I melted internally. All this stimulation was probably going to give me an aneurysm.

"Come on," he said, jumping off his chair.

"Where?" I asked. We were both half naked, me more than him.

"Shower time and then a surprise," he said grinning at me.

"The last thing I need is to be next to your naked body again. I might actually explode," I blushed.

"I promise, just business. We have places to go," he replied cryptically.

"Fine," I said following him to the bathroom. He dropped his jeans and stepped into the hot spray. I oogled his firm buttocks as he did so. I was going to have trouble following my own rules.

Twenty minutes later, after some playful touching mingled in with our cleansing, we were both clean and dressed, me in a t-shirt and jeans he laid out for me (which fit really well considering how much taller he was) and him in a black button down that barely contained his firm muscles. We made our way to his car and we were off to his "surprise". Despite many protestations on my part he refused to reveal his covert plan. "You'll know when you see it," he said, shooting me a furtive smile. I guess I would.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
love it

Really enjoying the story. Will there be more of it anytime soon?

DustyDevilDustyDevilover 7 years ago
Good Start

Please continue with this series you have made a good start. I look forward to reading more of this story hopefully SOON!

bambam1234bambam1234over 8 years ago
More Please!

Love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
love it!

I really enjoyed reading this part as well, just need more.


plz3plz3almost 9 years ago
Good job

I love the story so far. so nice to read a story about gay men that are comfortable with who they are!

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessalmost 9 years ago
loved it .... but

Okay loved the chapter even if it was a bit short for my normal reading tastes.

But I am kinda gutted that you've ruled out Tod being a supernatural being as his "perfect-ness" is kinda hard to swallow as nobody is perfect everyone has some flaws and it's those flaws that allow readers to connect with the characters and make even the most fantastical story believable and absorbing. That said I look forward to seeing where you take this story and Mr Perfect.

aclassyladyaclassyladyalmost 9 years ago

This s a very good story and I can't wait to see where this goes. I have followed this story so far and am intrigued at where this is going. Good characters and good plot are a definite for a great story. I was thinking the necklace was something special, one would give to his mate. I hope this turns out to be a way of showing each other the happiness they can both share.

PhoenixKingPhoenixKingalmost 9 years agoAuthor

They are just two normal people. The necklace that Todd gives Nick is the symbol of one of the great houses in Game of Thrones. The ring is also just a ring with some banter between the two. Thank you for the feedback :) I will try and make the next chapter longer

canndcanndalmost 9 years ago

Does the signet on his ring match the necklace he gave him? What is the signet on the necklace. You gave it a name and I thought it had to do with medical but wasn't sure. I am assuming Todd in his 'perfection' could be a supernatural being. I don't know if you are going that way, but with your other story being in that genre I wonder. :) But the tags aren't implying that so they may just be normal people. Will you tell us which it is?

Good Chapter. It kinda had an abrupt end for me and could have been a bit longer. Overall, look forward to more.

chrisunderchrisunderalmost 9 years ago
Needs to be longer 5 Stars!!!

Can you make this atleast 2 pages?? I get disappointed when I reach the end, great story though I would certainly follow this series.

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