Deliciously Naked Ch. 04

Story Info
She's exposed naked on a college campus.
10k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/08/2021
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Official Disclaimer: All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older. No cheerleaders were harmed in the writing of this story.

* * *

Cheerleaders need exceptional cardiovascular endurance and running is a cardiovascular exercise, so I run a lot of laps each week. All the running benefits my legs too. You should see my legs. They're amazing!

I was just starting my tenth lap when Elizabeth showed up on the athletic field. She saw me running laps and she sprinted across the field to catch up with me. She had a great deal of distance to cover to catch up with me, however she has long legs, and she has lots of energy. She caught up with me and then slowed her pace to match mine.

"Hey, Scarlett," she said as she ran beside me, "lookin' good."

"Hey, Lizzie," I said, briefly nodding in her direction. "You're looking pretty good yourself."

"I got a text message from Ms. Streng," Elizabeth confided. "She wants to see us Friday night at eight."

"Oh, God," I exclaimed.

Ms. Streng was an older lesbian woman who, Elizabeth had informed me right before our first visit, had quite a reputation for kink. I'd only met with her once but during that introductory meeting I found her capacity for kinkiness to be exceptional indeed. My nipples stiffened and I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about her.

We continued running laps around the track, side by side, keeping up a respectable pace as we talked. "Did she say what she's going to do to me this time? Last time I went to her place, it was pretty intense."

"She wants it to be a surprise," Elizabeth explained. "She thinks it will be more fun that way."

"Is she still planning on spanking me?" I asked.

"You have the most adorable, perfectly shaped ass she's ever seen. What do you think?"

My heart pounded a little more insistently in my chest at the thought of being stripped naked and spanked by the imperious older woman. I'd imagined spankings being sexy, but I had no practical experience. My parents had never spanked me, and I'd never had a girlfriend or lover who was into spanking. I was uncertain just how much pain was involved, and I was worried that I might not be able to handle it.

I wasn't the only one with a well-shaped bottom. When Elizabeth pulled ahead of me, I could see the outline of her cute, round ass in her tight running shorts. Her ass could tempt a priest or a nun to violate their holy vows. I suppose that's part of the reason she was able to get me to go along with crazy schemes like the mysterious sex games at Ms. Streng's house. I found myself running just fast enough to keep an eye on her admirably tempting backside for as long as we kept running.

* * *

When Friday night rolled around, Elizabeth came by my house to pick me up. I heard her familiar knock and went to answer the door. I was surprised to see that Lexi and Nikki were with her.

"Lizzie," I said, "why are Lexi and her sister here?"

"I told Ms. Streng about how these two helped me to objectify and sexually violate you out in the woods and she wanted to meet them. She thinks that they could be a real asset at tonight's party."

"Yeah, we have experience objectifying you!" Lexi bragged boisterously.

"Shhh! Keep it down!" I admonished Lexi. "Do you want my step-mother to hear you talking like that?"

Lexi looked suitably chastised, and she lowered her voice.

"Are you ready to go?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."

Lexi and her sister were exceedingly excited and extolled the idea of me being stripped naked and sexually objectified by a former teacher. "Could you imagine if a teacher did that to her in school?" Lexi asked. "I mean, just picture it, you're in class, the teacher lectures you for not doing your homework, then she makes you strip naked, and she spanks you in front of all the other students!"

I felt an insistent throb in my sex at the prospect of such a public humiliation, but I didn't share that information with the other women in the car. Instead, I said, "The school would never allow a teacher to do that."

"Well, Ms. Streng is no longer a teacher," Elizabeth replied. "She can strip you naked and she can spank you."

Then Lexi piped in and added, "And Lizzie and I are students who can watch when she does things like that to you. Maybe it won't be done at school, but it's still incredibly kinky."

* * *

When we arrived at Ms. Streng's ostentatious home her maid Greta let us in. As per usual, she looked at me like I was an annoying stray cat that kept showing up on her front doorstep. However, she allowed my friends and me to come inside.

Lexi and Nikki hadn't met Greta before, so I made some quick introductions. Greta didn't seem at all interested in meeting my friends, then she turned to me and said, "You must undress now."

"What?" I asked, thinking I must have heard her incorrectly.

"Ms. Streng has instituted a new household rule," Greta explained. "She will not see you until you are completely naked, so I will not take you back to see her until you strip."

I turned to Elizabeth, hoping for some sort of support or compassion, but she just gave me a look of surrender and said, "Hey, don't look at me! You knew she was kinky before you agreed to meet with her!"

So, there was no help from Elizabeth, and Lexi said that she wholeheartedly approved of Ms. Streng's new rule. With a heavy sigh I bent over, untied my shoes, and took them off. I handed my shoes over to Greta, and she dumped them into a nearby laundry hamper.

"You'll get your clothes back when it's time for you to go home," Greta informed me.

All four women watched with rapt attention as I stripped. My jeans were nearly skintight and when I pulled them down, my panties were dragged down slightly with them. Lexi stared at my nearly naked body with a predatory look, and I wondered how long she had thought of me as a sex object. Was it only just since Elizabeth invited her into our kinky lesbian sex games? Or had she secretly lusted after me for years?

By the time I was down to just my panties, I felt defeated and submissive to all four of the clothed women watching me. I sighed in resignation as I hooked my thumbs into the elastic waistband of my delicate panties and pushed them all the way down. I felt a surge of shame as I bent down and picked my panties off the floor, and I handed them to Greta without making eye contact.

While I was waiting for Greta to lead me to her boss, Lexi grabbed my ass from behind and gave it a squeeze. "Hey!" I yelped and jerked away from her. Then Nikki slapped me hard across my buttocks and said, "Don't yell at my sister like that! You're here tonight to be sexually objectified. Lexi should be able to fondle your ass as much as she wants."

Lexi, Elizabeth and Greta all chimed in and agreed with Nikki's assessment of the situation and when Lexi placed her hands on my naked buttocks once more, I held my tongue and passively allowed her to touch me as much as she wanted.

After Lexi was done feeling me up, the authoritarian maid marched me naked down the hall to meet with her employer. I was made to walk in front, so the other women could stare at my ass as we walked. I was ordered to walk into Ms. Streng's office just as she was finishing up a zoom meeting. Greta pressed her hand firmly into the small of my back and pushed me forward.

When Ms. Streng saw me enter, she looked up from her computer, eyed me up and down and said, "Scarlett, it's so nice you could join me this evening. You're looking lovely as always."

I was looking naked, and I could feel my face burn hot as my naked body was the center of attention and now there were five women staring intensely at my naked body. It was both scary and exciting to be so naked and sexually objectified by such strong, authoritarian women.

"When you invited me, it never even occurred to me to refuse," I said, feeling self-conscious about being the only naked one in the room.

"Of course, it didn't," Ms. Streng replied. "You crave the approval of dominant women like me. It's part of your submissive nature. It's one of the things about you I find so endearing."

Ms. Streng got up from her desk and closed the distance between us. She was taller than me and I felt immediately intimidated by her as she stood intimately close.

"Clasp your hands behind your back, dear," Ms. Streng ordered, and I immediately obeyed. I suppose that's an example of the submissive nature Ms. Streng was talking about.

With my hands behind my back, I felt like a naked prisoner. My shoulders were pulled back and my breasts were thrust forward. The imperious older woman took advantage of my vulnerable breasts and grasped my nipples between her thumbs and index fingers. She knew exactly how to play with a girl's nipples to drive her to exalted heights of excitement. By the time my nipples were released, I was panting, my nipples were embarrassingly erect, and my sex throbbed with hungry spasms.

"Are you glad that you accepted my invitation?" Ms. Streng asked, and my heart was pounding so loudly in my ears I could barely make out the words that she had said.

"Oh, yes," I replied breathlessly.

"I've invited several other dominant women to participate in tonight's libidinous activities," Ms. Streng informed me. "Does that frighten you?"

The thought of having my naked body ogled and sexually objectified by an even larger crowd than the one currently in Ms. Streng's office made my feelings of anxiety surge. My breathing quickened and my body suddenly felt feverishly hot. I felt the beginnings of a panic attack, but then my surge of anxiety was accompanied by an equally powerful surge of sexual arousal.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. "It frightens me, but I think I should do this. The idea of being naked and objectified by total strangers is thrilling. If I chicken out, I'll spend the rest of my life thinking about the spectacularly erotic scene I missed by not being here."

"Good girl," Ms. Streng said and then she turned me around and patted me affectionately on the bottom. "I'm proud of you."

That tiny compliment from Ms. Streng filled my heart with pride. It was about as satisfying as an A+ on an exam. I desperately wanted her approval for reasons I didn't want to think too hard about, so that one little compliment meant a lot to me.

"Greta will take you down to the basement and prepare you for the evening's festivities," Ms. Streng explained. "Until I join you downstairs, Greta is in charge. Please do everything she tells you to do, or else I shall be very disappointed."

I felt very uncomfortable about being placed under the authority of Ms. Streng's maid, however, I wanted Ms. Streng to be happy with me, so I reluctantly agreed to follow all of Greta's orders.

Naked and barefoot, I was made to walk down the dark, shadowy stairs into the basement and directed to a sturdy wooden table, upholstered on top with leather. Greta ordered me to lie across it, face up. She watched me coldly as I crawled up onto the table. Once I was up, on my hands and knees, Greta slapped my butt and snapped, "Turn over. I need you face up."

I silently glowered at her as I arranged my naked body on the table the way I'd been ordered. I didn't like Ms. Streng's maid Greta, and I was sure she didn't like me, but Ms. Streng had made it very clear I was to obey her orders.

"Spread your legs far apart and raise your arms above your head," Greta commanded, and I felt twice as naked and vulnerable splaying myself out like that for her, but I did it anyway. She buckled leather restraints around my ankles and wrists and hooked the wrist and ankle restraints to chains. In seconds I was chained spread-eagle to the table.

Ms. Streng's maid had already rendered me remarkably helpless and exposed, however, she wasn't finished yet. Next she took a pillow and shoved it under my ass, forcing me to raise my pelvis and put my shaved pubic lips indecently on display.

When Greta was finally satisfied with the way my body was stretched and spread wide open, she roughly pinched one of my nipples and informed me that Ms. Streng's guests should be arriving soon and that they'd be escorted down in an hour or so.

"What?" You're going to leave me chained up like this for an hour?" I asked, suddenly feeling much more helpless as I strained reflexively against the chains that held me.

"You'll be chained up like this until midnight," Greta replied calmly, "however, you'll only be alone for an hour. You can use that time for quiet contemplation."

Quiet contemplation was a bad idea. Naked, helpless and alone with my thoughts, I considered all the things that could go wrong with tonight. My mind was reeling with worst-case scenarios. There were all sorts of agonizingly painful things Ms. Streng's people could do to a helpless, naked girl.

My fears were probably irrational, but I'd just been chained up naked in a dark, shadowy basement in an unfamiliar house by a household servant who didn't like me. Feeling panicky when I was so helpless and vulnerable and alone was probably a normal human reaction.

I fought with all my strength against the leather cuffs holding my wrists and ankles, but my frantic struggles accomplished absolutely nothing. When I finally gave up, I was panting and knew for sure I could never free myself. I settled down and fluctuated between hating Greta and enjoying my feelings of helplessness and vulnerability.

I had no way of knowing time, and Greta had left me utterly, completely, alone. How long was an hour? Sixty minutes...or three thousand six hundred seconds. I hypothesized that I could keep track of how much longer I'd have to be alone down there by counting to three thousand six hundred, however, I soon found that a naked girl, chained up in a dark, spooky basement is easily distracted by every unexpected noise she hears. I was so startled by every obscure sound that I heard down there, I kept losing track of how far I'd counted and had to start over again.

That night I discovered that not knowing the time can be a sort of psychological torture. It unsettles you and leaves you not knowing what to think or judge. It doubles the impact of captivity. At a certain point I became worried enough that I was seriously considering calling out for Elizabeth, and to keep on calling until she came down.

As luck would have it, right before I began to scream my head off, I heard the door at the top of the stairs open, and then the stairs creaking as people walked down them. The way I was chained down, I couldn't see anyone unless they were standing directly over me, however, I assumed that it was Ms. Streng and her guests who had entered the basement.

"A virgin?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask.

"Very nearly," I heard Elizabeth respond. "She lost her virginity to me earlier this month."

"She's still quite inexperienced," Ms. Streng added. "There are so many things she has yet to learn. I'm looking forward to initiating her into some of the more alluring activities a young woman can undertake."

"You're going to be the mentor to an eighteen-year-old lesbian novice?" another female voice asked.

"Medina, you sound jealous!" Ms. Streng said playfully.

"Damn right I'm jealous," the female voice responded. "Where do I find an eager teenage lesbian I can train to be my sex slave?"

The women approached me and when they were close enough, I counted nine of them. Elizabeth, Greta, Ms. Streng, Nikki and Lexi were in front. And slightly behind them were four women I'd never seen before. They all looked polished; well-dressed and older than me, probably in their mid-thirties. Their eyes roamed over my naked body with obvious enthusiasm.

I felt so exposed, so trapped, and so vulnerable. I was nervous about the position I was in, but I felt a familiar stirring in my loins as my body was examined with prurient interest. Being only eighteen, naked, and bound spread-eagle in front of lustful strangers, some of whom were twice my age was so kinky it heated my libido intensely. I felt my heart absolutely racing. I had never in my life been so filled with anticipation.

Almost a dozen women hovered over me, examining my bound, naked body--my arousal seemed to intensify in direct proportion to the number of women who studied my bound nudity. One or two women staring at my naked body lit a sexual heat inside of me. But nine fully clothed, prurient women staring at my naked body?

That was like detonating a shamelessly wanton incendiary bomb inside of me.

What a remarkable feeling to be spread wide open, in chains, completely unable to close my legs, with everyone standing over me just like in my notebook fantasies. I was so exposed and helpless, a perfect little target. My skin felt feverish and there was an urgent, wet throbbing in my sex. I desperately wanted someone to touch me.

The nine clothed women were soaking in every detail. I'd experienced excitement at being sexually objectified before, but this was taking the sensation to a whole new level. My entire body felt tingly, as if it had been charged with electricity. I really was naked, chained spread-eagle to a table and being studied by a gathering of prurient onlookers. My breathing became ragged, and I felt a delicious shiver of fear run through me as I wondered what these women would do to me now that I was their helpless captive.

"This lovely, charming young woman was kind enough to willingly surrender herself to all of us tonight," announced Ms. Streng. "We are all so fortunate to have such a beautiful eighteen-year-old here, so naked and helpless. She will be lying here throughout the party, completely naked and completely helpless. All of you are free to look at her and touch her whenever you want. You may also touch her anywhere you want. So, I encourage all of you to take advantage of her while she is in this position. I want you to violate this young girl however you please. Touch her wherever you want, but make sure that her gorgeous pussy gets a lot of attention. I want to hear this girl moan a lot tonight."

There was enthusiastic agreement among the women who surrounded me. I already felt thoroughly sexually objectified, but suddenly that feeling was hugely amplified. Ms. Streng's words sent my arousal levels into the thermosphere.

My heart thudded with anticipation, but there was a long pause where nobody moved. It seemed that nobody wanted to be the first to reach out and touch my naked body. My skin tingled with eager anticipation and Ms. Streng insisted that somebody had to be the first. And then maid Greta reached for me and roughly groped both my breasts.

"Aaahhh!" I gasped as my boobs suffered under such rough treatment. "Greta, that hurts!"

"Tonight, you're a sex object," Ms. Streng insisted. "Tonight, your body belongs to us. We can gently caress your naked body or abuse it with stinging slaps and pinches. The rules of polite society don't apply."

Then, as if to emphasize her employer's point, Greta pinched one of my nipples and tugged on it forcefully until I cried out in pain.


That broke the ice. Once the assembled women saw that it was acceptable to inflict pain upon my naked body, gently feeling me up seemed tame in comparison.

With my legs open wide, my chest, belly and vulva on display as much as humanly possible, I felt deliciously vulnerable and excited. A small army of clothed women took advantage of how open and exposed I was and leisurely examined every inch of my naked body. I felt their hands touching me all over.

My skin felt feverishly hot, and my pussy throbbed as everyone grabbed me, squeezed me and stroked me. I could feel moisture seeping from my wet sex and I felt humbled and shamed that my sexual arousal would be obvious to all the woman inspecting my bound nudity. Then, as if to confirm this in the most indelicate way possible, a dapper woman dressed in grey commented, "Look at her pink slit! Her sex is so wet, her juices are overflowing!"