Deliciously Naked Ch. 07

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The headmistress strips Scarlett naked.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/08/2021
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Ever since I found out about the existence of Frost Academy, I'd been overwhelmed with strange dark passions, and I'd been unable to stop thinking about what it would be like to be a student there. I was still a senior in high school, and it would be months before I could go to Ms. Frost's prep school, however, my every waking moment seemed to be filled with visions of me in an all-girl's school, wearing one of those school uniforms and under the watchful eye of stern, domineering female teachers.

Ms. Frost had proudly informed me that disobedience and disrespect were not tolerated. Bad girls were simply spanked or whipped until they learned to behave and obey their teachers.

Of course, she said, naughty students were always stripped naked before they were punished. And most punishments were meted out in front of an audience of the student's peers.

I found it all to be enormously exciting, and every night before bedtime, I masturbated furiously, imagining what it would be like to be stripped naked and cruelly punished by one of my teachers while a few dozen of my fellow students intently watched me as I screamed and writhed in agony.

Before long, my excitement about the Frost Academy was seriously disturbing my sleeping. I would have deliciously dark and erotic dreams about being a student in that bewitching place. Here's an example of the sort of dreams I've been having lately.

* * *

It was my first day as a student at Ms. Frost's prep school and even though I hadn't done anything wrong, I had gotten called into the headmistress's office.

"Scarlett, I wanted to have a moment alone with you to talk about boys," Headmistress Frost began. "I understand you're quite fixated on them."

"I wouldn't say fixated," I replied nervously, "although I agree I am at an age where a girl does start to notice boys. Still, I think it's more of a healthy attraction and interest than a fixation.

Ms. Frost sniffed dismissively. "Scarlett, I've seen a number of promising young women sabotage their futures with their 'healthy attraction' to boys. I have therefore instituted a strict policy. None of my students are permitted to have boys in their rooms or to fraternize with boys. Do you understand?"

"Don't you feel that's a bit extreme?" I asked. "I mean...I'm eighteen years old."

"Yes, you are," Ms. Frost agreed. "Eighteen can be such an awkward age for a girl. The urges you experience at that age can be quite...intense. To assist you in counteracting those urges, I've found a volunteer who has agreed to be your lover for as long as you're a student here."

"Wait! What?" I exclaimed emphatically. "You can't do that!"

Ms. Frost raised one eyebrow and said, "Of course, I can. At Frost Academy, I have total control over the students. If I instruct you to have sex with one of your classmates, that is precisely what you shall do."

"Yeah, as headmistress you have a lot of power over the students, but I don't want to have sex with girls, and you can't make me."

The headmistress gave me a disapproving glare. "Your mother warned me that you'd be obstinate. Your reluctance notwithstanding, I can make you have sex with female students of my choosing, and I shall."

"No, you won't," I insisted. "I don't swing that way."

Headmistress Frost glared at me. The temperature in the room seemed suddenly to drop and I involuntarily shuddered.

"Take your clothes off, Scarlett," the headmistress ordered me, politely but firmly.

"No," I replied, backing away. The headmistress stood up and pushed back her chair.

"You can take your clothes off voluntarily, or I can remove them by force."

She paused, just for a moment.

"However, I should warn you, if you are forcibly stripped, the process will be quite... undignified."

My fight or flight instinct kicked in and I ran for the door. I was young, quick and agile, but Ms. Frost closed the distance between us in a fraction of a second. She grabbed me from behind and suddenly I was on the floor with her knee in the small of my back, with my arm twisted between my shoulder blades. The middle-aged headmistress began to tear at my clothes, ripping one garment after another from my body.

"Ms. Frost!" I screamed indignantly. I struggled, but she was astonishingly strong, and my attempts to resist her assault were met with superior skill to boot. She held me to the floor as she grappled with me and ripped my clothes off. The buttons flew off my shirt as she ripped it open, and my panties made a horrific SHRRRRiPPPPPPP sound as she mercilessly yanked at the fabric and ripped them apart by the stitches.

It was only a couple of minutes before I was completely nude, robbed even of my shoes and socks. And with her cruel knee pressed down into my body, she crossed my wrists behind my back and tied them securely with thin cord. The cords dug painfully into my naked flesh, and by the time I was allowed to stand up, I was panting, out of breath, my bare breasts heaving up and down and my long red hair disheveled.

"I did warn you that resistance would have unpleasant consequences," Ms. Frost reminded me. "Are you now beginning to see the advantages of doing as you're told?"

With my wrists tied, my naked body on display and the dapper, polished headmistress eying me up and down, I felt an appalling sense of helplessness and vulnerability. I couldn't use my hands to cover my naked body. My struggles against the cords tripled the pain in my wrists.

"Fine, you have me at your mercy," I grumbled sullenly. "What do you intend to do to me now?"

* * *

I suppose I should have been paying closer attention. Headmistress Frost had already explained her intentions quite clearly.

The headmistress had chosen a student named Georgia to be my lesbian lover. In retrospect, things could have been much worse. Ms. Frost was forcing me into a sexual relationship against my will, but at least the sexual partner she'd chosen for me was attractive.

Georgia was 5'3", eighteen years old, slender, graceful, with smooth, clear skin, electric blue eyes and platinum blonde hair.

"She looks yummy," Georgia said as she looked me up and down, taking in every inch of my naked body. "Thank you for assigning her to me.

Georgia smiled from ear to ear. I felt a wave of nervous apprehension mixed with excitement as she eagerly approached me, then shoved me up against the office wall. I maneuvered, awkwardly, to adjust the position of my bound arms, and by the time I had accomplished that Georgia had her lips pressed passionately against mine.

Despite my many protestations that I'm not gay, Georgia's kiss felt really good, creating pleasant tingling sensations throughout my entire body. I sighed, to the extent I could with Georgia's mouth clamped over mine and felt myself melting into the kiss.

Georgia's lips molded to my mouth. I couldn't resist enjoying the sensation of Georgia's tongue exploring my tongue, Georgia's body pressed against mine and Georgia's hands taking my naked body and holding it possessively close. I squirmed awkwardly as I was kissed, as Georgia probed my mouth with her tongue.

When Georgia finally pulled away, she had an exuberant smile on her face, and she was breathing heavily. She looked me up and down. She seemed very pleased with what she saw; apparently having me naked and bound was a truly delightful treat for her.

"Look, you can't keep doing this," I protested. "I'm tied up and helpless. I can't resist, so... so it's up to you to do the right thing. Otherwise, it's sexual assault."

Georgia silenced me by covering my mouth with hers again. She kissed me very insistently, intensifying the throbbing in my loins against all my resistance, making both of us moan. Georgia's tongue explored my mouth, her hands explored my naked body. I squirmed and moaned, embracing the sensations of what Georgia was doing to me. I didn't want to admit I was enjoying it, but my whole body was alive with delicious throbbing and tingling.

It was bizarre how adamant I was about playing the helpless victim. I was enjoying Georgia's hands and lips and fingertips, but the moment I allowed myself to acknowledge that, I would have to admit to having lesbian tendencies, and for some reason I refused to do that.

Why was I refusing to do that? It was confusing. I didn't understand what motivated me to take such a strong position on the issue.

With my hands bound behind my back, I couldn't wrap my arms around Georgia. It occurred to me that I was grateful for that. My protestations of being purely heterosexual would ring hollow the moment I wrapped my arms around Georgia or groped her ass as we kissed. As it was, all I could do was squirm as Georgia devoured my mouth and fondled every inch of my naked body.

Georgia could only savor my mouth and my tongue for so long. Eventually she pulled away from my lips and began to gulp in one huge lungful of air after another. My breathing was heavy too. There was a look of wild excitement in Georgia's eyes, and the next thing I knew, she took my breasts in her hands and began to fondle them.

"Oh God," I moaned.

First, she cupped my breasts in both hands and lifted them up, as if attempting to weigh them. Then, she pushed them in, flattening them out. Then, she kneaded them like bread dough. It was almost as if she were testing them for resiliency. I moaned as she located my stiff, sensitive nipples and rubbed her thumbs across them, making every nerve ending react, sending millions of tingles throughout my body.

Georgia was wearing her school uniform and Ms. Frost was wearing a tweed skirt suit. They both looked sharp in their fashionable clothing while I was naked and thrusting my tits out like a slut, with my nipples conspicuously hard and erect. Something about being the only one naked excited me and made my pussy throb wetly. I whimpered and shifted my weight from one foot to the other as both women scrutinized my naked body.

"Aaahhh, aaaaahhhhh, aaaaahhhhh," I gasped as Georgia played with my breasts. I tried to tell myself that I wasn't enjoying this, that this was rape, and I was helpless to stop it, that Ms. Frost and Georgia were being cruel and taking advantage of a helpless, naked girl, but the words that I told myself were unconvincing.

Georgia's eyes locked with mine as her hands explored my defenseless body. Her touch became bolder. My traitorous nipples reacted, swelling, engorging with hot blood. Becoming so sensitive that their aching almost made me scream.

The bright-eyed teenager grinned broadly as her fingertips gathered up my areolae, pinching the sensitive tissues gently against the sides of my nipples, beginning a soft squeezing, tugging, rolling action. A wicked smile spread across Ms. Frost's face as she watched my reactions to Georgia's hands. It was obvious that I had become sexually excited, even though I was trying my best to hide it. That wicked smile on her face made me feel a sinking sensation of defeat.

Then Georgia released her hold on my nipples and smoothed her hands across my ribcage, across the taut muscles of my abdomen. She ran her hands across my collarbone, my shoulders, my arms, my ass, my ankles, my calves and pretty much every inch of my helpless naked body. It was like she was a blind woman who couldn't know the shape of my body unless she felt it with her fingertips.

By then my skin was hypersensitive. Every touch of Georgia's fingers sent tingles cascading throughout my body, heightening my feelings of sexual need. Georgia perhaps was unaware of or unconcerned about the sexual torture she was putting me through, but the headmistress, I was certain, understood exactly how much I was suffering.

Georgia ran her hands all over my naked body, feeling the smoothness of my skin, feeling the firmness of my muscles, feeling my thighs, my calves and my buttocks. She spent a great deal of time fondling my buttocks. She palmed each individual buttock, felt it, squeezed it, traced her fingers across the swell where the underside of my buttocks met up with the tops of my thighs, and she even forced her fingers into the tight furrow between and lightly grazed my anus with her fingertips.

"You're incredible," Georgia gushed after placing a kiss on my thigh. "Your calves and thighs are so firm and so sculpted. You have dancer's legs."

Georgia had excellent hands. I enjoyed the way they felt as they slid over my naked body; however, she was completely ignoring my loins. My pussy was throbbing and dripping wet, and Georgia hadn't even touched it yet.

"Georgia, you're being cruel," I said, my voice weak and shaky. "You have to stop."

I didn't want her to stop, but a small voice inside of me insisted that I had to protest what was being done to me. Good girls didn't want to have their naked bodies fondled by other girls. And I was a good girl, wasn't I?

"Ignore her, Georgia," said Headmistress Frost. "She's not allowed to talk to you like that. I'll have to punish her later for that outburst, but for now, just continue to run your hands all over her body."

I gasped and panted, silently grateful that the headmistress overrode my objections. Soon Georgia's questing hands found my swollen pubic lips. She stroked them gently and commented on how moist they were.

I trembled and shuddered as Georgia's fingers teased the swollen folds of my moist pubic lips, threatening to enter my vagina, yet never making good on that threat. She played with both my outer and inner labia, stoking them and testing them for sensitivity.

"Aaaaahhhhh," I gasped. My thighs trembled. I desperately wanted her to impale my pussy on her fingers, but I didn't dare say anything. I was still playing the helpless victim and I couldn't encourage her in any way.

"Your pubic lips are much pinker than mine," Georgia commented. "I had kind of assumed that pubic lips would pretty much be the same for all women, but there are subtle differences, aren't there?"

I was so overwhelmed with sexual stimulation; I could do little more than gasp in response to Georgia's question as she stroked my labia and explored the folds of my pussy.

"And your clit is bigger than mine too," Georgia observed. "I like it. So plump and sexy."

I couldn't speak. All I could do at that point was gasp and make desperate panting sounds. Georgia's inquisitive fingers were overwhelming my nerve endings and leaving my entire body hyper-stimulated, overloaded with sexual desire.

My legs shook and I let out a feminine gasp as Georgia gently peeled back the hood from my swollen clitoris. She proceeded to experiment on it, testing different methods of physical stimulation. She tried squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger. She tried stroking it with her thumb. She tried stroking it with her fingertips. She tried gently blowing on it. My breathing was labored, and my vocal cords felt thick. I couldn't speak; however, Georgia took note of my physical reactions to the various stimuli she applied to my swollen, aching, throbbing clit.

She worked two of her fingers into the gap between my swollen labia and I gasped loudly and moaned as she widened the gap. The longing in between my thighs, the overwhelming naked need intensified as Georgia touched me there and I reflexively spread my thighs apart, an unconscious invitation for Georgia to impale my needy sex with her questing fingers.

That was all the encouragement she needed. I gasped and reveled in my bondage and naked helplessness as Georgia thrust two fingers inside of me and twisted them around.

Georgia treated me like I was a Barbie doll with nerve endings. It was like she had taken me out of the box and now intended to play with me mercilessly until she discovered all my features, located all the most responsive areas on my naked body.


With her fingers inside of me, Georgia made a "come hither" gesture with her fingers and discovered a deliciously responsive spot inside of me. My thighs trembled, my hips squirmed, and I gasped as she played with this spot, pumping her fingertips across that spot again. She was merciless in the way that she stimulated my arousal. My whole body seemed as if it was turning to jelly.

Georgia's probing fingers inside of my pussy were eliciting one powerful shockwave after another. I moaned and whimpered and marveled at the potency of the orgasm that I was experiencing. Georgia really seemed to know what she was doing. She seemed to be finding all the right nerve endings inside of me, and she seemed to know exactly how to rub and stroke each and every one of them.

My brain had mostly surrendered to the delicious sensations of the never-ending orgasm Georgia was forcing out of me, however, there was a tiny portion of my brain that noted that the bondage and the feelings of helplessness made each delicious wave even better.

Here I was, stark-naked, tied up, my legs spread wide for Georgia, while she was fully clothed and free to do whatever she wished with my naked body. Georgia was obviously in control of the situation, and I was just her helpless victim. It simplified things and removed all guilt and complicated questions of morality from the equation.

I screamed and moaned and panted as Georgia's fingers continued to pump inside of me, playing my vagina like a virtuoso. I trembled and spasmed and my chest rose and fell quickly as my breath came in rapid pants. I threw my head from side to side and pulled vigorously against the cords, but I could do nothing to affect the way that Georgia played with my pussy or drove it to orgasm. Georgia owned my throbbing clit and controlled everything that happened to it. I was just a helpless victim who would endure whatever she had in store for me.

Georgia's slick fingers had found the perfect locations inside of me and her fingers pumped in and out of me like a piston. Despite my best efforts to remain quiet, I screamed inarticulately as the orgasm stretched on and on, ripping through my helpless, naked body. Reacting quickly, Georgia grabbed my head, pulled my face to hers and kissed me until the orgasm subsided, muffling the sounds of my screams.

There were aftershocks of pleasure, even after Georgia removed her fingers from my soaking-wet vagina. My breathing was shaky and ragged for a while, but there was no danger of uncontrollable screaming anymore, so Georgia removed her lips from my mouth and pulled back from the kiss.

"Oh God," I gasped, and Georgia smiled at me.

My vision was blurred, my brain working at diminished capacity. And Georgia wasn't finished with me yet.

I can't remember a single thing she said to me after that, however I do remember Georgia slipping out of her school uniform, yanking off her panties and standing in front of me wearing nothing but a bra that did little to conceal her perky, perfectly shaped breasts.

I don't remember kneeling in front of her, but I must have at some point. I remember her swollen pubic lips and blonde pubic hair being at my eye-level and dragging my tongue across her inflamed labia and tasting the flavor of her juices.

I remember being surprised that Georgia's vaginal secretions had a buttery sort of taste. I decided that I liked the flavor.

Georgia's pubic lips were somewhat concealed by her forest of blonde pubic hairs, however her labia were swollen and inflamed. My tongue found them quickly enough.

I worked my mouth and my tongue into her wetness and struggled in vain against the cords that cruelly bound my wrists.

I realized at this point that bondage was a huge advantage for me. Bondage left me feeling powerless and shut down the annoying part of my brain that pestered me with guilt. And the absence of guilt made the sex so much more satisfying and enjoyable.