Devil or Angel Ch. 02

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The votes have been tabulated. And the winner is...
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/07/2015
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If you haven't already read Devil or Angel you should do so now or Part II will make no sense to you.


The votes have been tabulated...

The envelope please...

And the winner by a landslide is Devil. Based on the comments I received, both posted and by e-mail, there's a lot of people who demand an eye-for-an-eye Old Testament vengeance...and that's just for an appetizer. For the main course nothing less than a burned bitch with a side order of the adulterers testicles, neatly sliced and diced, will do.

Many gave a spirited defense of their belief that a woman who committed adultery in her heart would never stop until she debased herself physically. Of those that picked angel a sizable number said they did so because they like a happy ending.

Michelle had a choice to make, one which would change the course of her life. Most angel fans were pulling for her to come to her senses and see how good she's got it. But people are funny and seldom do the logical thing.

The devil makes his temptations look mighty attractive. If you don't believe me spend an afternoon in divorce court and listen to the tales told. It will shock the fidelity into the heart of most any wavering spouse.

Michelle actually chose the path of light. Yes, her angel won. But the story doesn't end there as his halo got a bit tarnished.

Our story picks up as the sun is breaking the horizon. It's Saturday morning and the Vernors have been talking for almost five hours to see if their marriage could be saved. Michelle looked like hell; her eyes were red and swollen and her nose was running. A pile of soggy tissues lie on the floor.

Brian was an experienced poker player. He had his game face on and knew how to bluff. He knew what she had done and, more important, what she hadn't. Knowing all of your opponents cards certainly made that easier.

He stared at his wife without saying a word, watching as she tried to craft the sentences which would save her marriage. Most began with, "I'm so sorry."

Brian kept answering he wasn't sure he could overcome Michelle's betrayal. "I don't know if I can stay married to someone who I can't trust. I don't want to be watching the clock and interrogate you if you come home a few minutes late."

"Please, I'll accept any punishment without complaint. Give me a chance to prove I've learned my lesson."

"What about all of the shit you said about me? When you were supposed to be defending me, our marriage, you...".

"I'm so sorry. I screwed up. I betrayed you...our marriage. I..."

A lot of their sentences trailed off to silence as though neither wanted finality.

"I can't begin to tell you how badly your betrayal hurt me."

"Please, I swear I'll make you forget the pain. I will never...

The time had come to lay our cards on the table.

I took my wife's hands in mine and said, "I believe you are sorry for what you did. I also believe you are sincere when you say you learned your lesson and nothing like this will ever happen again." I squeezed her hands tightly. "Your second, make that your last chance, begins now.

"I am. I'm so sorry I hurt you," Michelle broke in.

"Please don't interrupt while I'm speaking."

Michelle looked ready to say something but wisely didn't.

"Let's consider this weekend an audition for resuming our marriage. You screwed up real big and are going to have to earn back my trust. You can start now."

Michelle let loose a scream of joy and leapt into my lap. She rained kisses all over my face. "I love you! You are the most wonderful husband in the whole world. I love you!"

Her sweatshirt and shorts were soon discarded and she ground her naked body into mine.

I fully intended to take advantage of Michelle's defeated mindset while I watched her like a hawk. I might forgive but I would never forget.

"But actions have consequences and I'll be..."

"I'll do anything you say."

"Don't say it if you don't mean it."

"Anything. Period. Underlined. In bold. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere."

"Then let's start with you shaving your pussy." A request which had always been denied.

Ten minutes later she emerged from the bathroom teasing me from behind a towel. She slowly raised it until I could see her pink lips. I walked up to her and ran my fingers over her smooth as silk pussy. "That feels nice."

That hurdle being passed we spent most of Saturday in bed. Michelle was only too willing to do whatever I said and my imagination runneth over. We finally collapsed, exhausted, a couple hours later. The next thing I remember was Michelle's lips around my rock hard cock.

Later that afternoon I told her I wanted to see her in the little black dress from the pictures.

When she came out of her bathroom I was blown away. It was short enough that I got a glimpse of the garters holding up her lace topped stockings when she walked. That was one hot dress.

"How many times did I ask you to wear something like this for me?"

Michelle hung her head in shame.

"I can't begin to tell you how hurt I am you were willing to wear it for a bastard who wanted to destroy our marriage." I piled on.

Michelle didn't say a word. That was all the encouragement I needed to go big. "If you truly are sorry and seek redemption prove it. Start by taking off your bra and panties. And put on more makeup...a lot more. Then we'll be ready to go." I wanted her to look like the slut she is.

Michelle stood up and walked back to the bathroom. When she came out looking like a proper courtesan I complimented her on her new look. "We have reservations at the same overpriced restaurant I tried to take you to last night."

My wife had always refused my requests to dress risqué when we went out. Tonight she had acquiesced without hesitation.

But before we left I had her pose for a very intimate photo shoot, another pleasure which she had always denied me.

When we arrived at the restaurant one valet walked over to trade a claim check for my keys while his partner helped my wife out of my car. Now even in the best of circumstances it is very difficult for a woman to get out of a Corvette with grace. The young man got an eye full of Michelle's charms as he stood holding the door for her. I smiled at her and said, "You look incredible." Her face was flush as she said, "Thank you."

Michelle blushed a lot that evening, first at the restaurant then at the night club we went dancing at. I made sure she was on display all night long. After a few cocktails she started to look like she enjoyed making her girl parts public.

As we walked out I said. "Make his evening." The valet got another great show when Michelle got in the car nice and slow.

As we pulled out of the lot I placed my hand between her legs; she was soaking wet. "It feels like someone enjoyed themselves tonight."

"I told you I would do anything you say." A minute later my wife was riding home wearing only nylons and a garter belt.

Michelle spent a lot of time naked fulfilling my fantasies. It seemed she had a latent exhibitionist streak and reluctantly admitted to enjoying the attention.

We slept in on Sunday morning then resumed our marathon love making session.

So what happened to Ravlis? It seems the little fella got a knock on his hotel room door alright, only it was two burly men instead of my beautiful wife. The dumb ass swung the door open and was greeted by a roundhouse punch that knocked him out cold. The proceeded to give him a beating which he will long remember.

When he came to blood was still flowing out of his very broken nose. It took him a while to notice that not only was he naked but his suitcase and all of his clothes were missing; his wallet and cell phone too. His nocturnal visitors even liberated the hotel phone making it impossible for him to call for help..

I read about it in Sunday's newspaper; it made page one and the local TV news too. It seems the police were called when his wife and mother-in-law showed up at his hotel room at two in the morning. After she learned of his dalliance Mrs. Ravlis, Kate, called his cell phone but it went straight to leave a message. So she called the hotel. The front desk clerk rang his room several times and said, "I'm sorry ma'am. There's no answer." She was, to put it mildly, not a happy wife.

Kate was sobbing when she called her mom, "That bastard lied to me about going to St. Louis. He's at a hotel in Chicago with some whore."

Mom said she would be right over. Kate, packed up her baby and the three set off for the big city.

When they arrived at the hotel the desk clerk confirmed her identity and issued a key card.

Kate didn't bother to knock. Nope, they barged right in and found her weasel of a husband curled up on the bed with a blanket wrapped around him; his face was caked with dry blood.

A heated argument ensued. Ravlis tripped on the bed sheet and pushed his wife. She fell hard on her stomach and went into labor. An ambulance was called. His mother-in-law stretched the truth and swore out a complaint for assault and battery. The police took Ravlis away in handcuffs while the paramedics delivered his son in the hotel room.

Thorsen swears he had nothing to do with it. He thinks it was an amazing coincidence.

Ravlis began calling and texting Michelle fast and furiously as soon as his mother bailed him out of jail. She had to drive in from out-of-state and he didn't get sprung until Sunday afternoon.

I had possession of my wife's phone and computer and monitored the messages. They began with his tale of woe followed by speculation of who was behind their demise. He opened his wife wasn't intelligent enough to have pulled this off so it must be "your knuckle dragging husband." He pleaded with her to call him but never once asked if she was okay.

When the tone turned threatening I told Michelle to call the police and file a complaint for harassment. She obeyed without hesitation. A half hour later an officer was sitting in our living room taking Michelle's statement. She swore she was trying to end an "emotional affair" and was frightened by the menacing tone of his messages.

I gave the officer a CD with all of his calls on it.

Sunday night I sat Michelle down and explained, "I hate to say it but this fuck-up is so huge that I'm sorry won't cut it. You made a big enemy and they're out for blood. The note that alerted me to your affair said your adultery partner's wife was also receiving copies of the pictures so you very likely will be getting served in her divorce."

I have never seen a person look so broken.

Next I reminded her that if she spoke with or communicated in any manner whatsoever with Ravlis she was out on the street.

"I swear I never want to hear his name again."

As planned, I called my attorney at 7AM Monday morning. She had already spoken with Thorsen and knew how it had played out at the hotel. I told her about the harassing phone calls and texts.

I felt pretty good when I told her Michelle had signed the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but either she's incredibly stupid or she played you. Without a Notary seal of her signature you can't record a document. And a Notary must witness a signature before affixing their seal. What you have is worthless."

The possibility that she had played me influenced my thinking. "We show no mercy. I want both of them."

"It shall be done."

My attorney had no trouble getting an emergency Order of Protection against a man who assaulted a pregnant woman.

First thing Monday morning my lawyer paid a discrete call on Michelle's employer to discuss the moral turpitude clause in their employment contract. "If you agree to fire both with cause we will not file our lawsuit." She also demanded they not reveal the name of the party seeking retribution. They readily agreed to both conditions.

That same morning Ravlis cleaned up as best as he could and went to work. He had rehearsed a story about being a passenger in an auto accident and taking the airbag to the face.

When he returned from lunch was greeted by the head of personnel, a dour faced woman named Ms. Parsons who commanded he follow her.

As they entered her outer office a Sheriff's Deputy served the Order of Protection on Ravlis. He tried to explain they were friends but was told to he would be arrested if he tried to make contact with Michelle again.

Ten minutes later Ravlis was escorted out of the building by security; no job, no severance, and no company car.

Even after the Notary trick I was tempted to warn Michelle what would waiting for her when she got into work. My own personal devil, however, won that argument and we went with public humiliation. A message to go immediately to Human Relations was waiting when she returned from lunch.

Ten minutes later she was escorted to her desk to get her personal items.

An anonymous call from the south side distribution center had alerted the staff that Ravlis had been fired for having an affair with a slut from their branch. The whole damn department rubber necked to see what was happening. Word spread like a wildfire. Michelle was sobbing as she was led out to her car. Her reputation was destroyed.

As I often did I worked out my home office that day. When Michelle walked in she looked in shock. It took a while before she was able to tell me want happened without getting hysterical. "Now everyone thinks I had sex with him."

I held her in my arms and said "As long as I believe you didn't that's all that matters."


You may think I'm a sadistic bastard but treating my wife with respect and showering her with love didn't keep her faithful. Hopefully the humiliation of having her sins made public would have a lasting impression on her lest she be tempted again.

We never did hear from Ravlis again. Thorsen said his wife raked him over the coals in divorce court and he left town to live in his mommy's basement. Michelle's name was never mentioned in the proceedings.

I kept meaning to but never did have Michelle resign the divorce Petition. It's still tucked away in the metal file box where we keep insurance policies and other important papers. I pray it never sees the light of day.

It's been five years and we have a twelve month old daughter. It took a while but Michelle earned back my trust. I feel sorry for any mope who would try to make a pass at my wife. I honestly believe she would tear his head off.

I never did, and never will, tell her what would have happened if she hadn't kept walking that Friday night.

Please rate this story
The author would appreciate your feedback.
beatman04beatman0410 days ago

Major burn and reconciliation. Perfect

CaptainbklCaptainbkl9 months ago

Sorry......wimp story

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago



MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Trust but VERIFY!!! Never completely trust again...

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

devil? sorry but not even close...

Dlh143Dlh143about 3 years ago

DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS! Stupid fucking RAAC story! Not worth rating. A wimpy cuckold and a slimy cheating whore is the sum amount of this story.

lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

cuck get one star, so do authors who bait and switch the story they promised to give their readers

etchiboyetchiboyover 3 years ago
Everyone needs to note — about the 5th paragraph in...

“... Michelle actually chose the path of light. Yes, her angel won. But the story doesn't end there as his halo got a bit tarnished...”

The first 4 paragraphs talk about the “votes” to chapter 1 and author’s comments about that. Chapter 2, paragraph 5 (and on) is the “real life” answer that did happen. Again, all according to the author apparently telling a true story.

What would have made this all easier to read, and understand, was clear delineation between parGraph 4 and 5, rather than running it together.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 4 years ago

seems both endings were put together here, well done

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

She cheated with that weasel whether she or not. He let her come back, but had his revenge on both of them. Guess he scared the devil out of her.

Oldfart72Oldfart72about 5 years ago

This was nothing but sadistic. If you are going to forgive someone you don’t do this way.

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