Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 20


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The bedroom door opened and Mom came around the corner. She was naked and her neatly trimmed dark bush glistened from her sexual arousal. She had a look of concern on her face at first and then she smiled and joined the laughter when she saw the situation.

Julie crawled down my body with her legs splayed wide on either side of me and let my erection drag through her sex on her way toward Mom. I wondered if she would pause there and sit down on it and I'm sure she was thinking about it. She continued down my legs and stretched up at the footboard to kiss Mom. Mom ran an index finger across Julie's face to collect cum and then pushed it into her mouth. She sucked on it like it was a dick as she eyed my boner. Mom bent lower as her big firm tits dropped into Julie's waiting hands. She licked Julie's face clean in between long sensual kisses, while Julie fondled Mom's hard nipples. It looked like everyone was getting primed to attack my cock again but it was beginning to bob lower and lower until it draped down over my balls.

Mom led June and Julie off the bed and out of the room. I collapsed back on the bed and lifted my dick to lay on my left hip. I heard the upstairs shower come on and knew where Mom had led the twins. I decided that I shouldn't be laying here naked when the twins came back to get dressed for the day. I got off June's bed and went back to my room. I noticed the towel and robe that I had discarded on the way up the stairs with Julie were laying on my bed. Mom must have picked them up when she came up to see what the screeching was about, as if she didn't already know. I waited until the shower stopped and bathroom door opened and the twin's door shut before taking my turn in the shower. I was expecting to see Mom or Aunt Mary stepping through the glass shower door, but I finished the quick shower unhindered.

I dressed in a pair of green dockers and a bright red sweater. It was Christmas Eve day and I was dressed for it. I checked my image in the mirror and thought about the Christmas in my early teens when Mom got us all the ugliest Christmas sweaters she could find. They were awful. I think Dad burned them in the firepit the next day. Thank God. I went to the hall and noticed that the door to Dad's office was partially open. I looked in to see Aunt Mary mostly naked, pulling a skirt up her legs. Her big tits dangled forward as she was bent over. She noticed me standing there and cradled her boobs in her hand and jiggled them at me. She had a huge grin on her face. Before she could say anything witty, I waggled my tongue at her. She turned to face me and held her boobs out to show me where I could put my wagging tongue. I looked at her hardening nipples and retracted my tongue. I knew if I stepped into the room that I'd be back in the shower again. I smiled at her and sent an air-kiss to each of her breasts. She got the message and dropped her boobs and pulled up the skirt covering her bare pussy. I smiled and sent an air-kiss down there too. She laughed as I closed her door and descended the stairs.

There was a whirlwind of activity downstairs. Jennifer and Jillian were up and dressed. They looked a little worse for wear as they were inhaling cups of coffee. I was sure they didn't get much sleep last night. Jillian looked up at me as I sat down beside her at the bar. Mom was busy in the kitchen preparing a big breakfast for everyone. Jennifer was sitting at the bar beside her sister with her hands wrapped around her coffee cup like she was afraid someone would steal it.

Jillian had finished her visual examination and gave a half-smile and said, "Aren't you all bright-eyed? I wish I felt half as good as you look."

I chuckled and said, "You have to pace yourself at these family get-togethers, especially with Mom's vodka drinks." Jillian grinned and nodded before going back to her coffee cup. Jennifer groaned as she pulled her coffee cup closer to the edge of the counter and lowered her forehead to the bar.

Jillian and I both laughed as Jennifer mumbled, "Oh shut up. I'm dying here."

We laughed harder and Jillian's turned into a groan before she muttered, "Me too." I just smiled at both of them as Mom pushed a cup of hot coffee across the bar with a smile. I found Dad perched in a recliner in the family room with his feet up, reading the newspaper. He handed the sports page to me and I sat down on the sofa. The sheets and blanket, used by my cousins, were neatly folded on the arm. I rested my elbow on them and unfolded the paper. I paid little attention to local sports. I didn't participate in high school and I didn't know anyone playing now anyway. It was peak time for professional sports with the NFL closing in on the playoffs and the NBA and NHL going strong.

Aunt Mary came in with a hot cup of coffee and sat beside me. She glanced at the paper in my hands and said, "Are the Eagles going to make the playoffs?"

I'm not an Eagles fan so I didn't know the answer off the top of my head. I looked for the NFL standings and said, "It doesn't look like it." We both took sips off our cups.

The twins appeared all dressed in Christmas colors. They looked scrumptious as they crawled into Dad's lap, displacing his newspaper, and kissed him. They came to Aunt Mary next and bent down for kisses and then it was my turn and they sat down on my thighs and jointly massaged my crotch as they stretched up for a kiss. My libido reacted immediately and the contour of my cock was obvious halfway down my thigh. Julie giggled as she looked down and said, "Oh my. I'm sorry. Did we do that." June burst out laughing. Aunt Mary looked around Julie's body to see what they were laughing about. She grinned when she saw the contour on my thigh, pulsing up and down. A year ago, I would have been totally embarrassed and run from the room. Now, I was only concerned with the pain that pulsed in sync with my cock. I tried to grin and bear it but I wound up reaching inside my pants to pull it to a more comfortable position. The twins offered to help but I had it. The hard-on was still obvious but at least it didn't hurt.

June and Julie got up, took one more look, and retreated to the kitchen where kisses were offered all around. I went back to the newspaper and Aunt Mary scooched over closer to me and manipulated the material of my pants to form tight to the contour of my erection and then she rested her hand there as she rested her head on my shoulder so she could read the paper too. I smiled to myself, wondering how long it would take for her to make a move. I thought about Dad's promise of a big surprise and wondered if I'd survive Aunt Mary and her daughters to even find out what the surprise is. He obviously didn't want to spring it until after his sister and nieces had left. My cock pulsed hard against her fingers. She was ignoring it.

Mom saved the day by calling us all to the dining room table for breakfast. I waited for everyone to take a seat and I sat in the remaining chair next to Dad. At least I'd be safe from one side. Jillian was seated on the other side of me and still looked like she'd been run over by a truck. So did Jennifer. Mom looked radiant and chipper in her sparkly bright red dress with matching lip-gloss. The twins were eager to dig in but they knew there was a prayer coming. Aunt Mary was seated across from me kitty-cornered with Dad at the end and June beside her. As usual, Mom gave a short prayer with us all holding hands. After a chorus of 'Amens', platters of eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast were passed around the table. Conversations stopped as everyone was eating, even Jennifer and Jillian, neither of whom looked too enthusiastic about it.

I wasn't the slightest surprised when Aunt Mary's foot slid along my thigh to my crotch. I glance over at her and she was listing to her left with her left hand in Dad's crotch. He glanced at me with a smile and shoveled a fork full of eggs into his mouth. Aunt Mary was the elder in the family and she was still as sexually insatiable as Mom and my sisters. I glanced at Jillian as she tipped back to watch her mother's foot massaging my groin. She grinned at me and I realized that I was surrounded by beautiful and insatiable women. I'd do my best to keep up and not be concerned where the chips fell, or rather where the cum fell. Thank God Dad was here. He was eager to get his share.

After breakfast, I waited a while before calling Reece. It was still early and I didn't want to wake her. I called the apartment land-line first and it rang a half-dozen times before the answering machine answered. The pre-recorded message said, "Hi, this is Sylvia." Reece's voice joined in, "This is Reece." Then there were stereo chuckles. Sylvia continued the greeting with, "We can't come to the phone right now. We're busy cleaning our guns. Leave a message after the beep." Giggles followed and then the beep. I hung up and didn't leave a message. I was laughing too hard about Sylvia saying they were cleaning their guns. To my knowledge, neither of them had a gun, but given their mid-America, country upbringing, I wouldn't be surprised. They most likely had gone home for Christmas and it was too early to call, given the time zones. I'd call Reece's cell phone in a couple of hours.

I went upstairs to wrap my Christmas presents for Mom, Dad, and the twins. We had picked names from a hat at Thanksgiving to buy a gag present from Santa to be opened on Christmas Eve. We had done this since I could remember. We weren't supposed to reveal our picks but I had chosen Julie. This year Mom suggested that the gag gifts be sex-related. We weren't surprised. Everything was about sex with Mom these days. I had other, serious gifts for each member of my family to be opened Christmas day.

I hadn't anticipated Aunt Mary and her girls being here so I was going to have to go out shopping today and join the husbands and boyfriends as they zombie-walked the barren aisles of the mall looking for anything that they thought might appeal to their significant other. Mom told me that she had taken care of the gag gifts for our guests so they wouldn't feel left out tonight.

I had presents spread across my bed when the door burst open and June stepped in and closed the door. I threw a comforter across the presents to hide them. June said, "We have to go shopping. We haven't anything for Aunt Mary and Jennifer and Jillian to open Christmas day." She seemed harried and I smiled at her to calm her down.

"I'm going to go to the mall right after I call Reece. No big deal, except it will be a bitch finding something today. I'll need you guys to make sure I don't make an idiot of myself."

June grinned and let the tension out of her shoulders. She giggled and said, "You are kind of an awful shopper. Especially for women."

I smirked at her and half-assed defended myself by saying simply, "I hate shopping. Especially for women." She laughed and opened my door as she tried to see what dumb thing, I might be giving her for a present. I blocked her view and said, "I'll be down in fifteen minutes. We can go then and I'll call Reece from the Mall." June closed the door behind her. I went back to the task at hand. Through trial and error, I had discovered that jewelry was always a winner with women. So, I had three very small packages to wrap. Dad likes books about early American history, so, that was easy.

I was done in five minutes and found June and Julie ready to go when I came downstairs. They had their coats on and handed me mine and headed for the front door. The girls had their own cars but they were snowbound on the side of the driveway. We went in my car.

The twins dragged me to a jewelry store first thing. I had to smile because that was my first thought. The cases of dazzling diamond jewelry weren't stripped bare like the box-stores would be. I settled on gold pendants on gold chain necklaces for Jillian and Jennifer and a jeweled dragonfly brooch for Aunt Mary. She always wore one. June and Julie both approved. Just like that, I was done.

The twins headed off to a women's clothing store while I sat down in the Mall to call Reece. She answered on the third ring and said, "Hi Dex. Merry Christmas." I was glad to hear her voice and said, 'Merry Christmas' back. I asked if she and Sylvia had gone home for Christmas as I suspected and she said, "Yes. It's nice to be home." They were reminiscing with old school friends and after the small talk was done, Reece took a serious tone and said, "I know you are home for a month and I was going to talk to you face to face but I can't hold it back anymore." My heart sank into my stomach. She hardly took a breath and continued, "I'm not going to transfer. My college will be ready to go for the new semester and with some tweaking of courses, I could graduate on schedule. It doesn't matter though because I'm dropping out to take a job with Sylvia. She got approval to hire an assistant and she offered it to me." She kept talking in a blur. My heart was banging in my chest. The roar in my ears was deafening. The sound of her voice seemed to fade off into the distance. She went on about being concerned about working directly for her sister and how she was going to take on-line courses to get her degree. Then she went on about how we could see each other whenever I was home and during the summer break. She oscillated between being excited about the job opportunity and sad about this change in course between us. I was just sad and hurt.

She went quiet as if to let me say something, but my mind was in a whirl. I couldn't think of anything to say. I realized that I couldn't breathe and I struggled to take a breath. I think I wheezed out, 'That's great Reece.' I pulled the phone away from my face and gasped in another breath. I thought I would suffocate. I could hear her saying something so I pulled the phone back to my face. She was saying, "We'll have to get together after the New Year. Sylvia is taking some vacation so we'll be here a couple of weeks. I'm sorry Dex. I know you were looking forward to us being together. I can explain it better face to face. Okay?"

Other than 'Merry Christmas', I couldn't remember if I'd said anything. I gathered myself and with as much confidence as I could muster said, "Sure Reece. When you get back. Give me a call. I'd love to see you and Sylvia. Say hi to Sylvia for me. Happy New Year." I dropped the phone to see the screen and I could hear her tinny voice as I pressed the 'end call' icon. My hand dropped to my lap and I just sat there staring at the phone until the screen went black.

I hadn't noticed June and Julie standing beside me until Julie sat down beside me and put her hand on my thigh. I don't know when they showed up and the last thing I wanted to do was look up at them to reveal the look on my face; it had to deflect what I was feeling. I pushed the phone into my back pocket as June sat on the other side of me.

From way off, I heard Julie say, "Dex? Are you okay?"

June put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Jesus Dex. You look like you just watched your dog get run over." I chuckled at her analogy. A curious thought invaded my mind, 'I've never had a dog.'

Julie said, "Was that Reece? What happened? She's not gonna joins us next semester, is she? Without looking at Julie or June, I shook my head. "I'm sorry Dex. I know you were thinking of her as your girlfriend." She put her hand on my cheek opposite her and gently pulled my face toward her. She leaned in and kissed me. It was a tender, concerned kiss. No passion. Nothing erotic. I kissed her lips back in kind.

June leaned toward me and put her head on my shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry Dex."

I looked at Julie's sad face and noticed that she was carrying a few shopping bags. To shake me out of this morosity more than anything, I pulled open one of her bags to see brightly colored women's clothing items. I couldn't tell what they were but I assumed she had been successful in her search for presents for Aunt Mary, Jillian, and Jennifer. I turned my head toward June to see if she had been successful too and ran into her lips. She kissed my cheek and softly said, "I'm sorry Dex." Then she turned back into her ever exuberant self and smiled as she said, "Now there's more for us."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked at June's huge grin. I kissed her lips and said, "I love you too." She had a few bags too from the same store as Julie's bags. I said, "That was quick. You found something that quick?"

Julie said, "First two stores we went in. It helps when you know women's sizes and have a sense of fashion." There was no way in hell I would have even contemplated buying clothing items for Aunt Mary and her daughters. Julie ran her hand up my thigh until she had her fingers pushing on my glans. She smiled at me when she felt it nudge further down my thigh. She said, "We're ready whenever you are." Our mission was accomplished and the dull thudding of my heart was dissipating. I visualized Reece in my mind for a moment. I was gazing down into her eyes as she laid under me. Her hair was sprawled across the pillow. She puckered her lips for a kiss and I gave her one. When I pulled back from the kiss, it wasn't Reece. It was Mandy.

The little smile on my face prompted Julie to form a curious look on her face. She smiled too and said, "What are you thinking right now?"

I suddenly became aware of people scurrying everywhere around us. Men and women alike were gawking at June and Julie, just like always. There were no efforts to be discreet by the men. More so, by the women. I smiled at Julie and said, "I'm okay. I'll be okay. Okay?" Julie made one discreet move up my thigh with her fingers dragging along the length of my growing hard-on. She smiled and stood up.

Two teenage boys were passing by at that moment and they caught Julie's hand movement along my thigh and I heard one say to the other, "Oh fuck. I wish that was me." Julie heard him and turned to look at him. He grabbed his crotch and twerked his hips a couple of times, turning as he went by until he was walking backward and ran into an old woman. He turned as he said, "Sorry."

His hand was still on his crotch and the old woman said, "Pervert." The two kids hurried away as Julie burst out laughing. So did I. I was coming out of my doldrums. I stood and helped June to her feet. She still had a concerned look on her face and I told her I would be fine. She grinned and pulled my closest arm around her. I did the same to Julie with the other arm and we walked together like that back to the car. We were ready for Christmas.

June drove with Julie riding shotgun. I sat in the back with my fleeting thoughts of Reece. I was sad about her change in plans. I knew that some relationships survived at a distance, but I knew ours wouldn't; not with recent events. I had a strange sense of relief too and I was confused by it. I couldn't put my finger on it. The drive home was a short one and I was still processing my feelings as June drove into the driveway.

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ChimeraMirageChimeraMirage4 months ago

While I see that others seem eager to see the realities of relationships intrude, I am perfectly comfortable with this fantasy story remaining fantastic. For me, Dex should always stay supernaturally hard whenever he's needed, never pass up an opportunity to lay pipe, stop masturbating entirely, never get tied down or emotionally invested, and for goodness sake's, he LIVES with his sisters; shouldn't he be spending less time sneaking around to get blowjobs from his roommates and more time banging his cousins and aunt while they're visiting? Dex is a terrible holiday host.

Darkness86Darkness86over 1 year ago

I never really thought Sylvia or Reece was serious about Dex so I'm happy they left don't know why Dex is so sad about it after everything that happened he should of relized it wouldn't work out. Still don't know why he pretends to be asleep for someone who is supposed to be smart he really is an FUCKING IDIOT

FseriesFseriesalmost 2 years ago

Ha. Served him right with Reece. Once again he vacillates between wanting a serious relationship and not. So, who cares how he feels and that his nonplan plans are ruined. :)

RamazaRamazaover 3 years ago

Yes, I’m happy that Sylvia and Reece is out of the picture, neither could commit to being with Dex, so they just wanted a “fuck buddy”, nothing wrong with that, but Dex got plenty of those to choose from, more than he likes I think.

Seems that very few of the women actually sees Dex more than a walking dildo anyway, other his closest family members and Mandy, I think she might be a great girlfriend for Dex, he does seem to connect with her on multiple levels

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Glad to Reece out. I liked her, but Dex obviously does better with older women, though Mandy is not that much older. He does have a stronger connection with her and you can feel by the way she acts and in his thoughts. I think they are better suited for each other rather than Reece.

justimdjustimdover 3 years ago

Obviously this is your story.. but God I hope he doesn't end up with Mandy... it doesn't feel like you got us there.. I feel now connection to that character through him

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Architecture and Ball and Chains

Always enjoy another chapter. Trying to avoid sounding like grammar police but the twins bedroom was originally down stars and the parents upstairs. Double checking Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 1 confirmed this. However it would make sense that mom n dad switched as the twins room was the master bedroom. I just do not remember it being mentioned.

I concur with previous commenter on the tediousness of Dex's escapades with twins or mom. But it is called Dex and the Twins at College for a reason. An abridged version of their often and daily hookups might be in order, unless something new and significant develops.

It was a relief to see Dex dodge the bullet with Reese only to cringe at the understanding that it was just another nail in his coffin with Mandy. Why do people want the guy to get tied dow, do they want the story to end that badly. Where do you go when the campus stud suddenly is a one woman guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I would love for a new character, possibly a non-related college age male character to call Dex out on him fucking his sisters & mother, possibly a nerdy guy working at a place where Dex and his family fuck or have fucked before and called the parents mom and dad, rather than Maddy and Jerod(?).

If the guy has a younger college age sister and/or mother he wants to fuck but hasn't found the courage to do so, he might try to get help from Dex by using his knowledge of Dex and his family to coerce Dex into helping him.

This could develop into a friendship when Dex considers how the guy really has no friends and is socially awkward.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Thanks for hinting at some upcoming plot twists. As well as you do on sex scene narrative, I've commented repeatedly that you need to move the plot along rather than rinse and repeat incest sex. I'm at the point now where I really skim over the sister/mom stuff because you've used it a couple times per part x 20. Don't get me wrong, I'll always read the next part (I have too much of my life vested by now - LOL), but would love to see the story get "real" and Dex find true Loveland all the complexities that come with untangling his "commitments".

dikupinyadikupinyaover 3 years ago
thank you

for keeping the cops out of it. I think Mandy is a better choice than reece

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