Dinosaur Planet

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Anthropologist goes undercover on dinosaur dominated world
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I made my way to the forward deck. I was positive that the crusty and old-fashioned captain would attempt to talk me out of my mission. I was just as certain that I would not back out now. Not that I didn't have a qualm or two, but this mission was far too important to fail. Its interplanetary implications were profound. I had no illusions that my job would be easy or even safe, but espionage had been a risky endeavor as long as mankind had existed.

The walk to the forward deck was not a long one. There was no door. Already gathered and seated were the other members of the crew. Standing before them, our distinguished captain of the good ship "Resnick". Barris is a nice guy, a good commander, but, in so many ways, a true dinosaur. That analogy caused me to laugh inwardly. Captain Barris has been an astronaut for a long time. I swear he has been in the service longer than warp drive! In so many ways he represents a far older generation. One that had not been as egalitarian when it came to matters of the sexes. Even as I slid into the lone unoccupied seat, I could anticipate every syllable the old man would utter.

"Summers, it is not too late to withdraw from this mission. No one will think any less of you." stated the commanding officer in a flat voice I am sure he hoped was devoid of emotion.

"Thank you for the out, Captain", I replied, "but I am committed to this venture. This is beyond any of us, sir. The way the Frethian's are treating the humans that share their planet has to be investigated. We need someone on the ground, sharing their life to discover if our suspicions are correct."

"I knew what your answer would be Summers. I had to ask. To be honest I would be far happier if it were a male member of my crew on this espionage mission. Call me old fashioned but that IS how I feel."

"Your concern is noted," I replied, "However, I am the most qualified field anthropologist in this sector. The fact that I lack testicles is immaterial. With all due respect, Sir!"

"Crank it down a notch, Lynda!" the captain shot back. "I am well aware of your abilities and qualifications. It is just how I feel. In my day ..."

Captain Barris let his words trail off before he began speaking again.

"OK, planet fall is less than seven hours away. We will be going in cloaked and we have to be back in orbit no more than ten minuets later. Beyond that firm timeline the Frethian's will know that we are there and I really don't want to spend five years in the federal pokey. Is everyone ready?"

The crew, every last one of us, rose to our feet as one, saluted and shouted, "Yes, SIR!"

"Make me proud, gang!" returned Captain Barris. After an interval he stated "Summers, I want you getting as much rest as possible. I KNOW that you are all squared away and have dotted every I and crossed every T. I will wish you luck right now, because you are going to need it."

"Your concern is noted and appreciated, Sir" I replied sincerely as I saluted Captain Barris smartly.

Of course I felt the eyes of the crew upon me as I exited the forward deck. Despite my bold exterior, I was not entirely free of butterflies. What I was facing was a slew of unknowns but my mission was essential. The Interplanetary Council On Human Affairs would only intervene if they were certain that the reptilian masters of Frethia, who had evolved from dinosaurs, were abusing the humans who shared their world. The Frethian's were rather uncooperative with the galactic government, viewing the issue as an entirely local matter. I could still hear the words the Frethian's representative in my head, they were practically committed to memory.

"The issue is a plain case of discrimination. Humans and humanoid lifeforms tend to dominate the star systems, you view your dominance as an almost "divinely" gifted condition. In the case of Frethia humans evolved long after we sauropods achieved sentience and civilization. They are not settlers on our world and therefore of NO interest to this body. They are a gentle, inoffensive people. We care for and protect them. That is more than we are required to do. That answer should satisfy EVERY member of this august body. We realize that it is difficult for you mammalian life forms to see a planet where your kind does not dominate. However, if the egalitarian goals of this body are to mean anything then reptilian life should have as much autonomy as mammalian forms. Be advised that we are quite capable of dealing with interlopers. Humanoid interference will be dealt with harshly."

I'm not an idiot, I'm astute enough to realize that not all of the representative's statements had been inaccurate. Humanoid pride is a real thing and there was something almost primal in our disgust at sauropod lifeforms. What ever the source of the myth of the Garden of Eden, human flesh still crawled at the sight of serpents. That these particular serpents could pilot starships and calculate PI to just as many decimal points as as human beings, and colonized other worlds, did not lessen the ill ease one iota. Perhaps, if the Frethian's had not been so intentionally vague about their treatment of human beings and certainly if the reptile masters of the planet would allow the humans to evolve socially and form a civilization of their own, there would be far less distrust of them.

The reptiles were very leery of humans and had only joined the Council of Planets grudgingly. I sighed as I recalled the current status of relations between Frethia and the Council. It resembled nothing so much as the Cold War between East and West in earth's distant past. I knew full well that if my cover was blown and I was discovered, the Frethian's would be well within their rights to execute me without even a semblance of a trial. Were my presence to leak to other planets prematurely, the current Cold War could became a very hot one. The Frethian's were taller, stronger, and some argued, smarter than humans. A war between the species would not be pretty. Despite the fact that the reptiles of Frethia were vegetarians, they had huge serrated teeth that caused a deep set irrational fear in humans. Still, no one off the planet had any real idea as to the status and condition of the subjugated humans, hence this covert mission. What was known was that the humans on Frethia were as uncivilized as possible, they had not even mastered fire making yet and strode around completely naked and unabashed. Or, was it a case of the dominant reptiles intentionally keeping the simple humans ignorant through such evils as eliminating those who showed invention, initiative and creativity? No one knew for sure. Only if it could be proved that abuse was occurring could the Council of Planets compel the Frethians to alter their behavior regarding the humans in their midst. Even though I have not even seen a human from Frethia yet, I already felt a great kinship with them.

My attempts at rest had been futile. The seven hours passed like an eternity. There was nothing more to say, nothing more to do. It all came down to this. I stood in just a simple robe in the airlock as the "Resnick" hurtled through the thick atmosphere of Frethia. Bringing gear was out of the question. A tiny recording device, created out of biological materials, was carefully concealed within my left forearm. Not even a minute inspection was likely to discover it. With this, I could record data which then could be retrieved back on earth or other human dominated world. That was, of course, assuming that little ol' me, Lynda Summers, soon to be cave girl, could make it back to the rendezvous point in three month's time to be returned home. As the turquoise surface of Frethia loomed into view, I tried psyching myself up. "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it." I sang, recalling an ancient ditty for children that had provided the motto for spies and soldiers in every subsequent age.

I bent my knees in anticipation of the landing shock as the altimeter diminished to zero. With a bang, the "Resnick" was on the ground. As the air lock door irised open, I shucked the robe and stepped naked into the blue sunshine of Frethia. Then, I ran like a crazed fiend towards the nearest tree line to prevent, as much as possible, from getting hit by the energy waves when the engines were reignited. I ran as fast as I could, still, I felt the heat of the launch against the skin of my back. In someways, the actual delivering of me to this planet, was my first and greatest potential danger. After I had run the requisite distance, I hit the dirt and allowed the now diminished wave of energy to wash over me. With a gasp and a cough, I turned to spy the rapidly dwindling spark in the purple sky that was the "Resnick" returning to deep space.

"Well, THAT was easy." I said to the vastness about me as I rose to my feet and ran my fingers through my now tangled long brown hair. "Now, let's go meet the folks." I said as I began to get my bearings. The "Resnick" had deposited me in the middle of the preserve set aside for humans on Frethia. Just where the humans were in this expanse of deciduous trees, grassland, and shrub, I would have to discover for myself. I opted to head for the river.

I considered myself as I trod upon the mossy surface beneath my feet. I am 1.67 Meters tall and weigh a shade over 49.8 Kilograms. I have long brown hair and I strive to keep myself in shape. It is a common occurrence for me to attract appreciative glances and stares from most men and lots of women. My last boyfriend put it this way, "Lynda, you have fantastic legs, an amazing butt, great tits and the face of an angel, of course, I love you." I believed him right up to the moment I found him in bed with two of my coworkers. The fact that I was currently unattached and had little family were two major reasons why I had been selected for this mission. If I never made it home again, I could be easily erased from the record and disavowed without consequence. As I strode towards the river I thanked the powers that be that my bust was not enormous. My unholstered boobs would not get in the way too much. In the past, I never had a problem with nudity. However, back then concealing clothing was usually not far away. Nudist colonies also had niceties like towels and napkins. Frethia would be more rustic than anything on earth.

This was a pretty world. The sky was a deep purple, the trees a deep green. Away in the distance were some snow capped mountains. The air smelled sweet with flowers and freshness. The bluish sun felt good on my bare skin and gave a pleasant tint to everything, sort of like the view through blue tinted sunglasses. The tree line parted and the river came into view. What an enchanting body of water! I sat on a rock and dangled my feet in the water. Frethia's humans could be anywhere. This preserve was nearly as large as Yellowstone Park back on earth. No one had even a ballpark figure on the human population so its density could not be calculated. My options were to go looking for them or wait for them to turn up. I figured they relied upon the river, so I decided to wait for a while as I acclimated myself to this new strange world.

I could not entirely let my guard down. It was not known if there were any large predators of or other dangers to the simple humans of this planet. "I'm just as edible as the locals." I reminded myself. If I could have just had a simple knife or even a spear, I would have felt so much better, even if the blade proved useless against local claw and fang.

I have no idea how long I sat there, the sun was a bit higher in the sky. On earth, it would be lunch time. I was beginning to get hungry. There were some attractive berries growing along the river bank. I had no idea if they were poisonous, however. It would be beyond ironic if my mission ended before it had even begun from food poisoning.

Suddenly I was aware of footfalls. From out of the forest came a tribe of humans! They were an attractive bunch. The men were naturally muscular and all seemed well endowed. They reminded me of Tarzan. The women were trim and fit. In their group were a half dozen children. Some of the women bore infants in the crook of their arms. A precious few white haired people of both sexes occupied the periphery of the group. They froze when they spied me. I slid off my rock and raised my hands in the universal signal that I was unarmed and friendly.

The male who was obviously the leader of the tribe approached me. I held my breath as he eyed me head to toe and examined me from all angles. I allowed myself a shallow breath as his hands roved over my body. I ignored the digits he inserted in my sex and anus. He ran his fingers through my hair, then, he began smelling me. He sniffed from the top of my head to my knees paying particular attention to my brown thatched kitty.

I must have passed inspection because he then threw his arms around me and kissed me hard. Instinctively, I kissed him back. I was passed on to the women, each of whom seemed quite interested in me. I also realized how old the emotion of envy actually is as I saw unmistakable looks of jealousy in the eyes of some of the women. Each of them kissed me lightly. I noticed the young men of the tribe watching everything closely. I could tell that I was a subject foremost in all of their minds .These humans were almost nonverbal, they communicated with growls, grunts, and whistles. I had encountered similar languages in my studies. So long as I remained alert I should be able to learn the vocabulary in no time. For the first time, I noted that several members of the tribe wore collars about their necks bearing what were clearly bar codes. The reptilian masters of this world obviously did not leave these simple folk completely unmolested.

The women then began harvesting the succulent looking berries. They gazed at me expectantly so I joined them. The berries were just as tasty as they looked. The berries were placed on large leaves which became simple baskets. While we women were picking the men were catching fish with their bare hands. Some of the guys were quite adept at the skill, others flailed the water without success. Taking sharp rocks, the older men gutted the fish and laid them on the grass to drain. The children turned over rocks and collected up certain large grubs. I realized it was lunch time when the leader whistled and everyone assembled on the bank of the river. All sat down to eat. Surprisingly, the grubs were quite tasty, sweet and savory at the same time. The berries were a new taste somewhere between a strawberry and a blueberry. After setting in the sun for a while, the fish was palatable. Sushi it was not!

The meal finished, the children began splashing in the river. The men patrolled the woods for a few moments and then returned to where the women and infants stood or sat. The men returned with smiles on their faces. I could tell by engorged state of their manhood what they expected. The women went to meet them falling at their feet and performing fellatio on the man of her choosing. I noted the chief striding towards me, his erect manhood leading him like the prow of a ship. Another woman shot me a look of derision as the chief loomed.

I was definitely not in the mood, but that scarcely mattered. I knew that primitive people tended to be quite randy. I had no illusions about what my mission would entail, I had to blend if if my mission was to be a success. I fell to my knees as the other women had done and eyed the chief's massive tool. The chief had a earthy, pleasant aroma. I kissed his huge phallus and then began to explore it with my tongue. It took a bit of time for me to determine the angle of attack but finally I had all of his maleness in my mouth. I tried to give the best blow job I was capable of.

The chief made appreciative noises before he pulled away and fell to his own knees. He embraced and kissed my mouth with his hot lips and them began kissing his way down my body. Like a skilled artist, he suckled my breasts and I felt his lava like lips on my rib cage and then around my navel. I was in the mood now, I began making encouraging noises of my own. The two of us laid on the ground under the purple sky and the chief's tongue and lips set to work on my furred kitty. He was better than my best boyfriend! My moans were authentic as he focused intently upon my clitoris. After I came, he mounted me. His pumping skills were first class! I gasped once more as he released himself deep inside me. The chief smiled broadly as I panted.

I briefly thought of pregnancy and pushed the thought away. Nowadays, on earth, fertility is controlled by nanobots. But if I fell into the reptile overlords hands, those would turn up in even the simplest blood test. There was a tiny device planted in my uterus that would prevent any fertilized egg from implanting. The likelihood that the dinosaurs would discover it was extremely unlikely. First, they had no reason to be looking for it, secondly, the device was carefully camouflaged. If captured, the thought of the sauropods tearing apart my uterus was the least of my worries.

The big chief kissed me for a long time before he rose and helped me to my feet. Everyone headed to the river to wash. Afterwards we sat in the sun waiting for our skin and hair to dry while one of the old men told stories. It was mostly pantomime, most of it was beyond me but I clearly understood when he was talking about the dinosaur overlords. His face took on a frightening, toothy expression and his body became stiff and rigid. He gestured to the collar about his neck. No translation was necessary for that part of his performance!

The tribe then gathered into the same formation as it had arrived at the river and marched off to the woods. I was not sure where to position myself. The other women forced me away from the chief and towards the outer edge of the rectangular formation. They were not subtle about it either, striking or slapping me until they were satisfied. The women were all determined to show me my place. I gathered the women felt much as I did, that I was lucky that the chief had allowed me to join the tribe. Like any sorority there was a pecking order. I determined to learn that order so I could blend in.

By now the sun was low in the sky. We came to clearing. I sat with the women as the men vanished into the woods. Many of the men had long walking sticks or clubs. I watched fascinated as the men beat the bushes while others attempted to club what wildlife attempted to flee. About two dozen creatures resembling rats or squirrels succumbed to the clubs of the young men. Taking a sharp stick, the beasts were quickly skinned and dis-articulated by hand Everyone was given a section of animal to dine upon. I had never eaten raw meat before. It was bloody, gamy, and disgusting it was however far less offensive than starving to death. A nearby nut tree, provided dessert. The flavor was quite reminiscent of walnuts. The sap of the tree was also collected and formed into tiny balls. Together the tribe masticated, I noted a peppermint like flavor and that the substance did a good job of cleaning my teeth, my mouth felt fresh and clean. Noting etiquette I spat out my sap ball when everyone else did.

A hike to another clearing followed. Here I noted beds of moss, feathers, fur and other soft materials set at the foot of several trees. Frethia's twin moons rose and the sun vanished over the horizon. I did not know what to do next. One of the young men appeared with a small bouquet of flowers and another produced a host of lovely feathers. Obviously, I was being courted. Both men were quite handsome. One was a blond with lovely green eyes. His beard thin with immaturity. The other was a bit older with black hair and dark eyes. His beard was full but not too ragged. I've always been attracted to dark haired guys so I accepted the flowers. The blond guy appeared genuinely disappointed as I took the dark haired guy's extended hand and allowed him to lead me to a mossy pile at the foot of a spreading tree.