Do Not Pass Go 05 - Peter's Antics


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"Me too. If we don't connect, I'll talk to you Sunday. I think we'll both be out of pocket tomorrow."

With the requisite calls out of the way, I took a cab over to Theresa's restaurant. I'll admit it, I felt a little weird walking into the place with a carry-on bag. Then again, I've done stranger things. I bellied up to the bar, and ordered a martini while waiting. The music blaring overhead hadn't changed since the last time. I wondered if the owner didn't have a single old eight track that he played constantly.

The familiar neon-green polo entered my vision. She still looked damn good. Hair pulled back with a rainbow into her usual working pony tail, her hazel eyes had dark bags under them. She looked exhausted, and frazzled. "Long day?" I asked.

Theresa nodded. "I had the shit shift. Been here since nine forty-five."

"Listen, if it's not a good time—"

"Oh no you don't! The only thing getting me through the day was looking forward to you showing up. I'll be damned if I'm going to let anything mess that up."

She was gone moments later, and reappeared with a large tray, maneuvering her way between the tables. It was after six, I figured maybe an hour before Theresa and I could have our second 'date'. I watched her, discreetly of course, as she tended her customers. Inevitably, I compared her to the other women in my life. She was young, curvaceous, with her long blonde hair tied back, bouncing as she walked. So different from Lily's sleek and sculpted look, or Pia's mature comfortable figure.

It was nearly eight o'clock, and three martinis later when she ambled my way. "I'm so sorry, Peter. Brenda was supposed to be here over an hour ago. The boss said if she didn't show, I'd be the first one he let off tonight. The rush is almost over."

"I'm patient, beautiful. Whatever happens, we'll work around it, alright?"

She brushed her hair back from her face, where a few tendrils had escaped from the hair band. "I don't know why shit like this keeps happening to us. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Then she was gone, leaving a cloud of her perfume in her wake.

It was nine-twenty when she dragged her worn out butt over to where I was sitting. A three hour flight, three more hours parked on a bar stool, two bowls of peanuts, five martinis, and I was just about as worn out as her. She plopped down next to me. "Sorry," she said.

"No apology necessary. Shall me go?"

She nodded silently, and I placed my hand on the small of her back, guiding her out the door. "Your place for a shower and a change of clothing?"

"You read my mind."

I received a tired kiss from her as we entered her apartment. She disappeared in back, and an hour later I went looking for her. She was lying on her bed, hair still wet, wrapped in a towel, sound asleep. I couldn't blame her, she'd worked a twelve hour day. Still, I felt cheated.

I sighed, and took a shower of my own. When I came out, she'd rolled over, and her towel had come undone, exposing her body to my eyes. Damn, she was a good looking girl. I lifted her in my arms, and she woke, startled for a moment. Her eyes slowly focused as I set her down again. "I . . . I'll be ready in a bit. I guess I fell asleep."

Leaning down I gave her a short kiss on the lips. "Relax. You're obviously worn out, and to be honest, it's been a long day for me. How about a quiet night, a lengthy massage, and you can make it up to me in the morning?"

A little smile turned up the corner of her lips. "That massage, am I giving or receiving?"

"Receiving, of course. I can't resist touching that body of yours."

She stretched languidly, her smile growing. "You have a deal. Just remember, the better the massage, the better the makeup sex tomorrow morning."

I spent an eternity rubbing her all over, spending a long time on her poor worn out feet. I found some lotion in her bathroom that I put to good use. I have to admit, I felt more than a little guilty, wondering what I was doing with this child. She was so young, and not much more than a booty call. I had a good thing going at home with Lily, never mind how things were progressing with Pia. And there I was, lying on a 23 year olds bed, rubbing her down, planning on doing all types of nasty things to her in the morning.

I thought she was asleep, when she rolled over, opening her arms and legs to me, her eyes barely open. "Love me, Peter," she purred.

I leaned over her, kissing her softly. "Relax, beautiful," I whispered, moving down her body. I only gave her tits passing attention, before I lodged myself between her legs, going down on her gently, teasingly, just enough to make sure she was ready for me. Over an hour of caressing her naked body had me ready for more.

When her soft moans started, I climbed back up her, easing into her tightness.

"God, this is just what I needed. Thank you," she whispered, as I stroked into her steadily.

It wasn't the wild, crazy sex I'd hoped for, but it was several minutes of pleasure that hit the spot. I wasn't able to get her off, but there'd be plenty of time for that in the morning. When I erupted inside of her, she reached up and tenderly stroked my cheek.

I barely had enough energy to get up and get a washcloth to clean us both up. I turned off the lights, and climbed into bed with her, spooning, caressing her, until I faded.

The next morning I woke to an ongoing blowjob. The second time in two days. I sighed, and she sat up, smiling. "You awake?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe you should do that a little more to be sure. I might be dreaming."

She giggled, and mounted me. "Sorry I fell asleep on you. It's been a tough week."

"Mmmhmm," I hummed, while she eased back and forth on my cock.

It was incredible, so exciting and relaxing at the same time. The ultimate in decadence. I felt like I could go on forever, and when she came down from her first big orgasm I pulled her down into my arms, kissing her. "That was a nice start," I teased.

"We even?"

"Not even close."

She giggled, wiggling her hips. "Then I guess we better get going. I've got nowhere I need to be until after two. How about you?"

"I should leave around one."

She looked over at the clock. "That mean we have a little more than three hours. Does that give you any ideas?"

It did, and I was eager to act on them. I admit, maybe we were both a little optimistic. It wasn't even noon before I knew I was down for the count, no matter how diligent and delightful her efforts were. I was also starving. After we each took a shower, we headed out for lunch at a neighborhood Thai restaurant, and I kissed her goodbye on the sidewalk out front.

"Sure you can't stay one more night? I get off at ten," she pouted cutely.

"Not this time. I really do need to get back. Maybe in a couple of weeks? I'll call."

She gave me another quick kiss, and a quick butt squeeze. "This morning was nice."

"Nice? Not mind-blowing, incredible, diary-filling?"

She laughed. "Even if it was, do you think I'd blow up your ego like that?"

She was still laughing as she walked away.

~ * ~ * ~

I had been checking my phone diligently, nervously, waiting for the ball to drop. I was certain that at some point my evil ex-wife was going to call with one more reason to interfere with me seeing the kids. Even sitting in the anteroom, awaiting my appointment, I was convinced something would happen to ruin my day.

The bored woman from CPS escorted me into the room at 2:00 on the nose, reciting the usual rules and regulations. After just a couple of minutes, my kids entered the room, and I was almost bowled over by the three of them. I don't think anything had ever felt as wonderful as that group hug. They were instantly chattering away, as I gaze at them.

That's when I noticed. "Traci? What happened to your face?" She had a black eye, and a bruise on her cheek.

"Mom's boyfriend hit me," she announced loudly.

The words struck me like a fist to the stomach. "He . . . he hit you?"


Jenna nodded. "He's a real jerk, Dad. Can't you come home? I can't stand the guy. He keeps touching me, and then Mom blames it on me, and sends me to my room."

"Touches you?"

"He's gross. He's always staring at me. As soon as Mom leaves the room . . ." she shuddered.

I felt like my head was going to explode. I looked up at Tommy, and he wouldn't hold my eye. I noticed that the CPS woman for once didn't look bored. She was frantically scribbling away.

"Who is this creep?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Some teacher that works with Mom. Thinks he's God's gift to the world," Traci said. "They're disgusting. They don't even wait for us to go to bed before they start having sex. Last time they didn't even close the door."

"You . . . you saw them?" I asked.

"You couldn't miss it, Dad," Jenna said. "I think he likes showing off. Last night, when Mom was taking care of Traci, he wanted to talk about me going to college, while he was naked. I mean, I saw his thing and everything. It was gross."

Traci nodded. "He's got a tattoo on his butt. Last thing I ever wanted to see. I think I'm scarred for life."

"Where's your mother now," I said. This had to stop. I was willing to put up with a lot, but exposing my kids to, to that? No fucking way!

I had stood and was walking toward the exit before I even realized what I was doing. The woman in the room with us hurried over and stood between me and the door. "Please, Mr. Wilkes. You need to calm down. Your kids need you." She actually looked concerned.

"Damn it, you heard what they said! You and the damn system took my kids away, and . . . and gave them to that slut!"

The woman looked nervous. "We'll look into it, I promise. All we want it what's best for the kids."

Traci was tugging at my shirt. "Don't Dad. It's not that bad. It's not like we ever see her. She's never home. It's only the second time she's brought any of her lovers home."

The CPS woman knelt down facing Traci. "You don't see her?"

Traci shook her head. "Whole days go by without us ever seeing her. She's always at work, or out with her boyfriends."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," the woman said.

"Really? Alright, how about . . ." Traci opened a notebook she had with her that I hadn't noticed. "Monday, she was gone fifteen hours. We were stuck with Grandma getting drunk out on the porch, and ate alone. I was in bed reading, when she finally showed up." She glanced down. "Tuesday, was better, she came home in time to send us to bed." Traci flipped through the pages. "In the last two months, other than a few hours on the weekend, we see her an average of less than one hour a day."

"Can I see that?" the CPS woman asked, holding out her hand.

Traci was reluctant to give up her goods. "You're going to give it back, right?"

"Of course. I won't even hold it that long." She turned to me. "Mr. Wilkes, you only have an hour and a half with your kids. Spend the time with them. They need you. Please."

I nodded slowly, then walked back to the table. Sitting down, my mind was spinning. The notebook was the giveaway. The kids sat down around me, and I looked at Traci. She blushed. Damn it.

My voice was barely a whisper, "This is all your idea, isn't it?"

"I had to do something, Dad. I had to. And the asshole really did knock me down. It's a real black eye."

Jenna interrupted. "The guy stares at me all the time. All the time."

I glanced over at Tommy. The boy was slow to respond. "He hates me. He said so."

"Who is this guy?" I asked.

"William, something," Traci said.

"He teaches 'titerature'. At least that's what he said to me," Jenna added.

"Your notebook?" I asked Traci.

"I started tracking her comings and goings about two weeks after she fell into her old ways. She really is never home," Traci said.

The CPS woman had left us alone for a couple of minutes, but she opened the door and quietly took her seat. I noticed that she didn't have Traci's notebook. She saw me looking at her, and she nodded toward the kids. She had a point. My time was limited.

"Alright," I announced, sitting back. "Fill me in. How's school going?"

The kids looked at each other, some kind of message going to between them. I was nervous, and more than a little concerned for the ex-wife, believe it or not. I was afraid this would happen if Traci got involved. She was scary smart, charting even higher than Jess.

I learned about Traci's newest musical piece, her straight A's, and her writing paper that had been entered in a regional contest. Jenna talked about her soccer game, which her mother hadn't attended, dropping her off, since she had something 'important' to do. Tommy worried me a little. I asked him what he was reading lately. The Prince and Sun Tzu's Art of War. I glanced over at Traci.

"Not my doing," she said, grinning.

Then they started interrogating me. I found myself avoiding any talk about Theresa, but opening up about my dance lessons, and dating Lily. I also told them all about Pia, her kids and the big house they lived in. We talked about their cousins, and the park hikes. I caught them up on everything, when the door opened. Another bureaucrat entered, handing our CPS overseer a packet, before slipping out again.

I checked the clock and we'd run over by a good fifteen minutes. The woman approached, with Traci's notebook, handing it to her. "I figured a few minutes over wouldn't hurt, since things were interrupted," she said. "Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"I really need to talk with my wife," I said, feeling the anger build again.

"Please, sir. It's important. Your wife will still be here when we're done. They'll be interviewing her for a while."

"Alright, can I say goodbye to my kids?"

"Of course, take your time, I'll be outside when you're ready."

She left us alone, and I gathered the monsters in for a group hug. "I know what you're doing," I whispered.

"Someone has to, Dad," Traci insisted.

"Please, you guys have to back off. We can't take any chances on messing things up before I get my day in court."

"When's that gonna be, Dad?" Jenna snapped. "After Mom's fuck-toy has broken Traci's arm, and raped me? Will that be soon enough for you?"

"Jenna, watch your language."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever."

"I'm serious. I'm going to talk to my lawyer, and your mother. Things are going to change. I promise."

"Yeah, the same lawyer that's done so well for you so far, right? I'm not holding my breath," Traci said.

I was losing them. I knew it then. They didn't have faith in me. Not that I could blame them. My record so far wasn't anything to brag about. "Just be careful, alright?" I pleaded.

That won a big grin from Traci. "Of course, Dad. We're very careful. You go back to your new girlfriends, and let us handle this."

Tommy nodded eagerly. "We got this Dad. 'Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.'"

"The Prince," Traci explained.

Shit. They were out of control.

~ * ~ * ~

The conversation with the CPS workers wasn't as long as I'd thought it might be. They asked me some questions about my wife's companions, which I had to confess no knowledge of, except that I'd seen her with one, and she'd confessed that they'd existed. Strangely they asked me a lot about Barb.

They also asked me about my current employment, where I was living, and my intentions as far as remaining in Minnesota, and if I was considering at any point returning to Virginia or the D.C. suburbs. I had to admit that it wasn't something I was considering, but if it meant getting my kids, I'd start looking for a job in the region immediately.

They kept me about half an hour, longer than they'd suggested at the beginning. At the end they told me they'd be recommending to family court that I no longer needed supervision seeing the kids. That was an unexpected windfall, and the thought of free access to my children brought tears to my eyes I struggled to hide.

When I left the conference room, I felt better about my situation than I had in months. The kids were with one of the CPS workers, and I sat down with them while we waited for their mother. Apparently her interview was taking a little longer.

"What's going on Dad?" Traci asked.

"I'm not sure. They mostly wanted to talk about my situation. They did tell me they're going to recommend we won't need supervision for future visits."

Tommy looked up from the magazine he was reading. "That's good news, isn't it?"

"That's great news. One step in the right direction."

I saw Traci's smirk of satisfaction. I needed to nip that in the bud. "I bet your real proud of yourself right now, aren't you?"

She was caught and she knew it. "Pretty much. Don't be mad, Dad. We had to do something. It was getting out of hand."

"You do understand, if they catch you in any lies, it will probably ruin everything. Any progress we'd been making would be ruined." I gave all of them a long serious look. "No more guerrilla tactics. We'll work the system. Things are starting to turn my way, and we don't want to jeopardize that. Understood?"

They all nodded hesitantly, barely able to meet my eyes.

At that point, Jess came barreling out of the meeting she'd been in. She was obviously unhappy. She barely even slowed as she passed us. "We're going. Now. You too, Peter."

Obviously, her meeting hadn't gone as well. She was pissed.

We poured into the car, and her attitude put a damper on everything. Hardly a word was said on the entire way home. I tried to start a conversation a couple of times, but she nearly bit my head off. That was fine. What we needed to talk about was better done away from young prying ears.

Jess pulled into the driveway, and didn't even pause before almost running into the house. The kids all looked to me, as we walked up the path to the front door. "Your mother and I are going to have a serious talk. I need you all to lay low, and don't antagonize her, alright?"

Traci looked like she had something to say, but I cut her off. "This is not a discussion. You will behave, and give your mother and I some privacy."

I took a deep breath and prepared to brace the dragon.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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rlrmiller1951rlrmiller19519 days ago

sbrooks. not if she's on her back with her legs over your shoulders.

oldtwitoldtwit2 months ago

Oh you still have this going strong

mariverzmariverz5 months ago

Que mc más patético ajajajajajaa

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 1 year ago

"I nibbled my way down her thighs" - Sorry, got to nitpick. From her knee to her crotch is up her thigh, even if she's lying down with her knee in the air.


"I'm sure it's not that bad," - God, she's already heard how bad it is (even if the kids embellished!) and she's trying to make excuses for the wife. Talk about a rigged system, meanwhile he got SUPERVISED visitation over nothing.


"No more guerrilla tactics. We'll work the system. Things are starting to turn my way" - They're beginning to turn his way BECAUSE of what they're doing.


I don't see Peter being a wimp. He's hamstrung by the system. If he wasn't a "wimp," he'd never get a whiff of the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not as interested in Peter. His kids rock!

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