Does Honesty Pay? H20wader's Ending


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That was okay, I knew he would call before bed time. I ate one of the steaks and put the other in the fridge. I showered and decide to shave my vagina. He had asked me to do that but it was so much trouble. It was fun thinking how much he would enjoy it. I was giggling while I shaved. I found one of his dress shirts and out it on, he goes crazy when I wear his shirt to bad. Maybe I don't do it often enough. I fell asleep waiting for his call.


With all of things I could finished, I went to work. The boss MR. Jefferson was glad to see me, things had backed up quite a bit in two days. I worked hard and had to stay over for an extra hour. I felt good, it was a good day, tomorrow would be hectic but I was ready for it. I ate at the Waffle House and went to bed early. I slept peacefully and restfully.



I was able to get some things accomplished at work. The three stooges did not call me looking for more sex and I was able get a very big client to compare our product with another in a field trail. I knew ours would win. So I had a nice bonus coning when the order came in. I did nor feel that much joy with the victory. Keith still had not called me. At lunch I called him at the Motel 8. Now that I knew he was there the clerk put me through to his room. There was no answer. I still was sure that it would work out I just need to show him how sorry I was.

That night I got a surprise.


I invited my dear friends to a party at my house on Friday night. I asked the women, not the men and got assurances that they would all be there when I asked my dearest wife Susan for forgiveness. I promised to tell what had happened. I did not promise to tell the truth. I checked out of the motel and took all my dirty laundry home. I found Susan's laundry. In real Glee, I washed all of her pink and her pale blue and her white and any other light colored underwear with a new pair of red woolen socks. Then I dried everything at the highest heat and for 90 minutes. Everything came out a glorious RED!

RED for the slut she was. Red for the treatment of her husband who told her the truth. I had no idea what happened in that bed with Judy, but I knew that I was just not capable of cheating on my wife. I had always told her the truth. I had never lied to her.

I had copies of the CD for everyone at the party. Each was wrapped and labeled. I had three 5 X 7 foot pictures of her with John, of her with Tim and of her with Roger. I was not sure that I would give then the gifts but I wanted the CDs ready.

I started dinner for Susan and stayed busy until she came home. It was fun in a way. I was going to be the sorrowful, devoted husband. I would be a good little boy. I would not sleep with her because I feared a STD, but I would be so nice.

At 5:15 Susan opened the door, there was no alarm and she knew I was there.

"Keith, where are you? Keith, I love you. I am so sorry. Darling, I was so wrong to treat you like that. I forgive you for fucking that bitch, you were drunk. You had no idea what you were doing."

Somewhere in all that she had wrapped her arms around he and hugged me. I had tasted the stew when I heard her and had a mouthful of food, no way to kiss. I swallowed hard and grinned at her.

"Welcome home Susan. Dinner is ready. I will get the wine, sit down."

I pulled out the chair that I had always sat in when this was my house and she was my wife. She did not see the significance of that move. That was all right she would see it later. She was unable to contain her glee that I was home. She looked tired but relieved. Actually she looked very beautiful when she did not have another man's cock in one of her holes.

"Susan, let us not talk about what as happened during dinner, tell me about work. Did you talk that company into a side by side comparison?"

"Yes I did, there will be a huge bonus for me. I know we have the best product. When they switch to us, we will have a 50% increase in sales. We have the capacity by adding a second shift. My company will make a ton of money and I will get a super bonus."

We chatted about how she could use the money. I noticed it was how she could use the money not how we could use the money. Well when she saw all her now red underwear she could spend some of that bonus at Victoria's Secret.

It was after dinner that she wanted to talk about what had happened that week.

"Keith, you have ruined our Paris Vacation by taking a full week off. That only leaves you a week and we need at least 10 days for Paris."

"Well, there is always next year."

"Keith, by next year I will be pregnant. We cannot go to Paris when I am pregnant."

"Susan, could you be pregnant now?"

"I do not think so, darling."

"Your calendar said you were in your fertile time. What do we do if you are pregnant?" No anger showed in my demeanor or my voice.

"I will not have another man's baby. I will have an abortion." Well, well I could add baby killer to the list of my wife's sins.

"Susan, I want you to know that I did not use a condom with Judy. I do not know anything about her. Next week I will be tested for STDs. Maybe you should be tested too."

"Keith, do you really think that your friends have an STD?"

"Well, there were three of them. And I have no idea what they do on boy's night out. I mean look how fast they all said yes to you. Don't you think they would say yes to any woman if they were asked?"

She look a long breath, "I suppose so, Keith. I will get tested after my next period. Since we cannot have sex, can we just cuddle?"

"Honey, I have not been sleeping well. I am really tired. I think I will go to bed early."

"Good, we can cuddle in bed."

"No, Susan, you know what always happens when we cuddle in bed. I will sleep in the front bedroom." Like hell I will ever sleep again in that bedroom where you fucked all my so-called best friends. There was enough emphasis in my voice that she let it drop and I head up for to my bed. I was glad this was so easy.

I was asleep in 10 minutes.


That night was weird.

At 5:15 I opened the door, there was no alarm, so I knew he was there.

"Keith, where are you? Keith, I love you. I am so sorry. Darling I was so wrong to treat you like that. I forgive you for fucking that bitch, you were drunk. You had no idea what you were doing."

Somewhere in all that I was able to hug him and give him a grind with my pelvis. When I kissed him all I tasted was the damn stew he was cooking. Damn, I hate fucking stew.

"Welcome home Susan. Dinner is ready. I will get the wine sit down."

He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down at the table. I was so happy he was back. It was okay. I was unable to contain my glee that Keith was home. I know I looked tired but I was so relieved.

"Susan, let us not talk about what as happened during dinner, tell me about work. Did you talk the company into a side by side comparison."

"Yes I did, there will be a huge bonus for me. I know we have the best product. When they "switch to us, we will have a 50% increase in sales. We have the capacity by adding a second shift. My company will make a ton of money and I will get a super bonus."

We chatted about how I could use the money. He did not ask me about us just how I could use the money. I was thinking of spending some of that bonus at Victoria's Secret. I wanted all new lingerie for my husband.

It was after dinner that I had to talk to him about what had happened that week. I decided to bring up the Paris vacation.

"Keith, you have ruined our Paris vacation by taking a full week off. That only leaves you a week of vacation time and we need at least 10 days for Paris."

"Well, there is always next year."

"Keith, by next year I will be pregnant. We cannot go to Paris when I am pregnant."

"Susan, could you be pregnant now?"

"I do not think so, darling."

"Your calendar says you were in your fertile time. What do we do if you are pregnant?" No anger showed in his demeanor or his voice. He had forgiven me. I was safe. But what if I were pregnant. I wanted to ask him to accept the baby as his no matter what. Somehow I just did not think he would do that.

"I will not have another man's baby. I will have an abortion."

"Susan, I want you to know that I did not use a condom with Judy. I do not know anything about her. Next week I will be tested for STDs. Maybe you should be tested too."

Damn, I did not think about STDs. Shit I could have ... fucking hell! Time to bluff.

"Keith, do you really think that your friends have an STD?" Share the blame with our friends

"Well there were three of them. And I have no idea what they do on boy's night out. I mean look how fast they all said yes to you. Don't you think they would say yes to any woman if they were asked?"

I look a long breath, "I suppose so, Keith. I will get tested after my next period. Since we cannot have sex, can we just cuddle?" Anything to get in bed with him. He could not hold me without making love.

"Honey, I have not been sleeping well. I am really tired. I think I will go to bed early."

"Good, we can cuddle in bed." I needed him to make love to me. That way I will not have to abort the baby, if there is a baby.

"No Susan, you know what always happens when we cuddle in bed . I will sleep in the front bedroom."

Well he was not going to make love to me. He went to the front bedroom. In 10 minutes, he was snoring. I sat up for another hour thinking about the dinner and what was said. I had to be better, I wonder why he sat me in his chair at the table. I was yawning too much and went to bed. I was asleep in 10 minutes.


The full week had passed.


I woke up with a marvelous good feeling. My loving husband was back. All was forgiven. I could have a baby and things could go back before he fucked that bitch. Well, he did not really fuck her, but I know he would have if he had not been so drunk. Well, the three stooges had put him in her bed. But....

I showered and dressed for work. What the fucking hell, all my pastel underwear was fucking red. All I had that was not red were the black ones So I wore black. I was not to say anything about it, that could wait until the weekend. I would make him take me out and buy me all new underwear. I had my hair brushed and my makeup on and headed downstairs. Keith was in the kitchen making me breakfast. He had never done that before; this was so unlike the Keith.

"Good morning Susan. Are you ready for breakfast?" Hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth. He was trying to make me happy.

"I sure am, darling. I am so glad you are back. I just knew we would be our old selves when you came back home." He did look so cute in my pink apron. Maybe he would like cooking for me. With that bonus I would get and with what I was going to be making, maybe he would like to stay home and be the care giver fpr the baby while I worked. I would ask him about that later too.

His breakfast for me was better than anything I had ever made for him. I loved him so much. When I kissed him good bye when I left for work, he was turning to check on his eggs so I missed his lips. Works was great, everyone was congratulating me on the comparison test. The entire department was sure that that we would get the contract. My boss and the top boss took me out to lunch. I was on top of the world. They even let me go home early.

I opened the door and Keith was in the middle of putting up decorations for the party. Nothing fancy, a few flowers, clearing the basement, laying out the floor sections for dancing. Over the summer Keith had built some 4X8 plywood sheets that had parquet layer on top. A little wax and a 12 X 16 dance floor, stackable in the storage area and easy to lay out. Keith was good with his hands and even better with other things. I did notice some rolled up posters but he told me that they might be displayed later but maybe not.

The bar was ready to go, I thought it was short drinks but Keith reassured me that there was more than enough. He had arranged for delivery from Quizno's for the fixing for subs. He had lots of mix and other soft drinks. So with everything is good shape, I went up stairs and showered and dressed for the party.


I made breakfast, she is so sure of herself she did not notice that I never made breakfast. She did try to kiss me when she left for work, but I was able to turn my head to check on my eggs. Whew!

After she left, I cleaned the basement and go out the dance floor I made last summer. I got some bunches of flower from the flower shop and had then in vases through out the house. I also got the 5 X 7 pictures but decided against them. I rolled them and put rubber bands around them so they would stay rolled until I decided to let them drop. I ordered the sub making material. I got the gift wrapped CDs and put them in a safe place. I had showered and dressed when she came in. She was early of course but I was ready.

The three couples arrived on time and I poured the drinks. The talk started in a wary way but as the guys saw that I was being very mellow they relaxed and we all laughed at some silly jokes. The three wives were dressed sexy but not slutty. They were laughing and talking. The good time was under way. Susan came down stairs.

The way she was dressed was a real conservation stopper. The dress was 2 inches below her knees. The neck line was almost to the neck. It was the most un-sexy dress I had ever seem on her. She asked for a soft drink. When I suggested that the men go downstairs for pool, no one did not object.

Then I lower the boom on them

"Hear me and hear me well. I have copies of the unedited film. I have CDs for everyone," the looks on their faces was indeed priceless. "I have an envelope for each of you. I want the matter inside the envelope signed and back into my hands by Monday at 5 PM. I am not willing to discuss the matter." I leaned back on a chair and waited.

Each one tore and ripped and read. They all looked at me with hate then fear. The promissory note and 12 pictures were hard enough to take. They had suddenly lost their appetite for a party, but they could not get out of it now. They had to stay and have fun. I would enjoy watching them tonight. It certainly would be more fun than last Friday. I did not laugh. But I did toast their health.


I had my dress laid out, short tight and low cut. Then I remembered that I was trying to get Keith to forgive me for what I had done. I changed to a more conservative outfit. Long , high and prudish. I did not wear panties or a bra but no one would ever know in that dress. It was a show stopper when I went downstairs. All noticed but no one said a word. Then Keith took the guy downstairs for pool. He always wins and they bet silly things. I did not hear any yells or groans so I figured that Keith was being easy on them. In 30 minutes the girls and I head down for some dancing.

I have never been to such a dead party. The three stooges were dead. I mean they were trying to have fun, they laughed, they danced, but no touches, no bumps, no crude or sexy remarks. The music was loud the drinks were strong, but they had no life. Except Keith. He was a dancing fool. Several times he was dancing with two girls at a time. I was never one of the two girls. Not just dancing, he was touching. Any ass or any breast near him he would bump, fondle or grope. Well, he bumped the three other wives, he fondled the other wives and he groped their asses. He did not do that to me. Maybe the conservative dress was a turn off.

Needles to say the party broke up early, except for Keith no one was having any fun anyway. By 11 it was all over. Keith told me to go to bed he would clean up. I was ready for sleep. It was the most boringest party I had ever seen. I tossed and turned but I went to sleep.


I wanted to but I just could not do it. I was mad, I was hurt but I could not do it. After I sent Susan to bed I just sat and wondered why I did not do it. Hell, I knew I liked Jane, Clare and Karen. They were nice people. I could not hurt them. Wel,l there was a change in my plans. I burned the posters I got all the CDs and microwaved four of them. I got four large mailing envelopes and

took them out to my car and put then under the seat. Then I wrote a letter to my wife.

,Susan, you have made the biggest mistake you could ever make. I do not believe that I had sex with Judy, but it matters not. Your payback was too long, too hurtful, too mean and too brutal. I will see an attorney on Monday after work. You should have the papers by Friday. I want a divorce. I need a divorce. If you fight me on this I will destroy every marriage of all three women that are your friends. I will post the pictures and film on the internet. I will shame you in front of you family. If you agree to the divorce we will split everything down the middle and each go out onw way. We are both young enough to make new lives. There will be no communication except through our lawyers. Keith.

I began to pack. At 7 Am Sunday morning I drove away. I returned to the Motel 8. Monday afternoon I had all three signed and notarized noted in my hands.

I wrote another letter to each of the wives. Jane, Clare, and Karen.

Dear Jane, you husband has made a major error. If he confesses to you, this is a part payment for your pain. If he does not confess the notes are yours. I suggest a safe deposit box. Your husband will be paying a good sun of money into an account to reclaim these notes in 15 years. Do not ask me, I will never tell. Do not ask him, just let him have a large hidden savings just for you. You are the only one who can withdraw the money. Use it wisely and well. Keith

I found an apartment and moved in. I got the furniture when she was not at hime and left her a note of what I took. The divorce went as I expected. The house sold at a great price. The new family in my old house found the dance floor and use it often. I have heard that my old friends go to parties there and dance on my floor. Susan moved away, I know not where. I am dating and looking for a woman who can maybe ask me and forgive me if I ever make a mistake like that again.

Does honesty pay? I will find out with the woman i love when i find her.

The CDs are still in a safe deposit box. I will never need them but I will keep them.

* * * * *

As always, i am the H20wader.

the ravings of a lunatic.

'Lay on MacDuff and damned be he who cries, "Hold enough". MacBeth, act V scene viii.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Absolutely those videos are admissible. The wife shot the videos, and she starred in them. Quite excellent for a divorce.

Interesting and good work, but you got lost in the weeds every once in a while, and at the end.

Keep on writing!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 2 months ago

I don't normally complain about typos, shit happens, but the typos were egregious in this story. There were enough of them that I wouldn't be surprised if they were intentional to get back at complainers or the author has a different native language. It impact my enjoyment of the story and the review score. by two stars.

as for the story, we didn't get the final conflict/divorce experience nor did the three husbands get any on-page justice so it felt disappointing.

MarkTwineMarkTwineabout 2 months ago

This one doesn’t even rate one star. It was already bad but then the author had to insert his moronic right wing opinions. Give this one a pass.

inka2222inka2222about 2 months ago

A GOOD ending would have ended with her in jail for unlawful restraint and assault, her videos threatened her to give him everything in divorce or else they are released; same with 3 assholes to blackmail them. Then once divorce happens, he still distributed them to EVERYONE who knows her, the 3 wives wiping out the 3 cheater assholes in their divorces.

inka2222inka2222about 2 months ago

3 stars. He had a way to destroy her and 3 cheaters and he decided to be brain dead and under the idiotic guise of "not hurting" the wives let them stay married to 3 cheating assholes and lost his entire revenge. And he have all the money away to the wives too. What a brain dead idiot.

The only reason this is 3 stars instead of 1 is at least he divorced that cheating twat.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Okay, let’s go through this line by line based on how men actually think and act:


Being restrained against his will has two possible consequences. First, he calls the police, and presses charges against his wife, and anyone who helped her. Multiple felony counts all the way around.


The second option is if he decides to punish them himself. That’s the only reason why he wouldn’t call the police. That punishment would be death at a minimum, or crippling pain resulting in a lifetime of suffering.


As for not telling the wives of his so called friends because he doesn’t want to hurt them, that’s utter nonsense. Telling them serves them by letting them know what shitheads they’re married to. Telling serves him by adding another layer of suffering to those who betrayed him.


Anyone who restrains me should pray that they spend a long time in prison. That would be the least painful punishment they could receive.



SunnyU2SunnyU23 months ago

Terrible ending

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Utter trash.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ugh dude why do you waste our time with this absolute sorry excuse of writing. What was that at the end...? No details, no reactions...just typing sentences? You suck at writing man, please never write and post again

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulay4 months ago

So much of Susan's perspective but then no Susan's perspective at the end when he finally pulls the trigger on divorce?? It didn't wrap up well, only him not deciding to take harsh revenge was tied up, but nothing else. If you rewrite the ending to be as fleshed out as your beginning and middle it'll be a lot better I think.

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