Dowager's Deception


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"Nancy, how are you, darling? Have you left the house since the gala?" Alice held Nancy by the shoulders and looked her over. "You look like you should be gardening dressed like that!"

Nancy gave her a weak smile and hugged her friend again. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm just relaxing and enjoying the view." Nancy steered Alice over to the couches facing the window. Alice glanced out past the golf course and spotted the many ships and pleasure craft darting along the Gulf.

"I can see the appeal, but sitting here all day and doing little else will not do you any good. You need to get out of this house and do something with your life. You caused quite a sensation with your donation at the gala. CBC has been recycling the news daily. You'd think they had something better to talk about. But no, you sit here, brooding. When did you eat last?"

Alice sat on the couch and Nancy sat beside her. "Who's snitching on me?" asked Nancy.

"Never you mind that. You have people who care for you, Nancy. They worry about you."

"Yes, yes. I know. I just can't seem to find anything to interest me. I'm getting emails and texts all the time from every charity on Earth. All wanting money. Or representation. Or... anything. Its too much. I wish I had donated that money anonymously. Such a pain."

"We both know you wanted it given in George's name. Anyway, ignore them. The Country Club would love to have you round. They asked me specifically to ask you."

Both women looked out the window at the Country Club sitting predominantly at the golf course. The sprawling green and towering pines were a beautiful sight. Tennis courts could be seen with their bright blue surfaces and white lines. The club itself represented the best in Canadian architecture. The club had hosted a couple of Canadian Open golfing events, and it was renowned worldwide. Alice was jealous of the view. It was magical, but she knew Nancy only had eyes for the water and the ships that sailed the Gulf.

"Yes, I'm aware. I'll be round soon, I promise."

"Good." Alice looked over as Lan came into view in a way only exceptional staff could. She was unimposing but made her presence known. Nancy smiled at her.

"Miss, would you care for some refreshments? The chef has prepared a small service and is eager to provide it."

Nancy nodded. "That would be lovely, thank you. Please give our chef my thanks. We'll take it here, please."

Lan gave a small bow and slipped away like a small breeze.

Alice looked her friend over. She was aging before her eyes. "How are you managing?"

Nancy looked at her, bewildered. "Whatever do you mean?"

"The businesses. All of George's affairs."

"Oh! That. Bates Enterprise is fine. I guess? Why?"

"You haven't sat at a board meeting since George passed. You really need to keep your finger in it. I know the board will take care of things, but you need to steer things. Push them."

Nancy grimaced. "I hate all that. They know what they're doing."

"Probably. But who knows what is happening?"

Nancy said nothing.

Alice tried another tack. "I'm meeting with the Vancouver Troubled Youth Committee tomorrow. Would you care to join me?"

"Remind me who they are again?"

"A group dedicated to improving the lives of our youth. Many live on the street. Terrible addictions. A lot of young women doing terrible things for money to feed those addictions. They are preyed on. The committee tries to help them. I think it might help you to help others. It's what you excel at, Nancy."

Nancy looked thoughtful. "I remember them. Fine. When is it?"

Alice blinked. "I just said. It's tomorrow."

"Okay. Pick me up."

Alice smiled to herself, pleased she could pull Nancy out of the house. Alice looked around the room. "Besides this room, where do you go in here?"

Nancy gave a small laugh but didn't notice the delight it gave Alice to hear it. "George said the same thing to me. Many times. You know me. Small-town girl. I don't want for much. To be honest, I don't think I've ever truly seen the entire place..."

"No doubt." Alice was about to say something more when Lan emerged pushing a small catering cart. On top was a layered dish containing small sandwiches and pastries. A gorgeous bone china tea pot sat on a silver tray with cups, saucers, milk and sugar.

Nancy and Alice watched Lan place the items on the expansive coffee table before them and looked to Nancy to continue. On her nod, Lan poured the tea and fixed them to both their tastes. Lan placed cloth napkins on their laps and then put two small bone china plates on the table. She went to pick up the silver tongs when Nancy stopped her.

"Thank you, Lan. We can manage from here."

Lan put down the tongs put placed them near Nancy. "Yes, miss." Lan quickly left them alone.

Nancy picked up the tongs. "Hungry?"

Alice's eyes were a delight to watch. She scanned the layered dish and pointed at a few items. "Oh, yes." Cucumber finger sandwiches, open-faced smoked salmon sandwiches, scotch quail's eggs, and a number of fine pastries filled the dish. Soon, Alice had a little of everything and nibbled.

"I still want to steal your chef. She's a delight."

"Well, hands off. I picked her out myself. A wonderful gal I knew in Tsawwassen. I had to beg to have her join the staff. I promised her only one year and then a glowing review to wherever she chose to go from here. Now she won't leave. Insists I need her." Nancy took a small bite and savoured the smoked salmon. "She might be right!"

Alice was pleased to hear her friend laugh again.

"Well, you might want to put her under lock and key. How did you meet?"

Nancy's eyes fell for a moment and Alice mentally kicked herself. "I knew her from before I met George. She was always so brilliant, but she couldn't find work. Every place she tried demanded she come with papers, or a referral from a restaurant. She tried so hard to break in, but being a woman, and with a disability, closed all the doors. I heard from an old friend that she was out of options, and I paid her a visit with George. One meal and he was convinced. It's been ten years now. It's funny, actually. She gets calls from all over now, all trying to steal her away" Nancy looked out the window. "She's so loyal. I can't convince her to leave for her own good."

Alice reached over and grasped the top of Nancy's closest hand. "That's a good thing."

Nancy smiled weakly at her. "I suppose. She only cooks for me and the staff. Such a waste of such brilliant talent."

Alice smiled at her friend and released her hand and picked up her tea. "She's a grown woman. Allow her her own choices." She sipped her tea and enjoyed the strong bergamot flavour of the Earl Grey. "Anyway, eat. I want to see you eat something substantial. You're wasting away."

Nancy nodded, and they grew quiet, enjoying the high tea. Finally satiated, they leaned back and enjoyed the last of the tea. Finally, Nancy spoke.

"I was wondering if you knew how I could get in touch with the person behind the invitations to the gala?"

"Well, yes. Quite easily arranged. Why?"

Nancy blushed and Alice found that remarkable. "I would like to get in touch with that Steve Fagin fellow."

Alice opened her mouth and closed it. Then she opened it and squealed like a much younger version of herself. Nancy gave her a timid smile. Alice smacked Nancy's hand closer to her. "Nancy! That's wonderful! It's been a year now and look at you! Are you ready to start looking again?"

Nancy's smile grew a little broader.

"I'll see what I can do. Leave it with me. A top priority."

"Thank you. Please be discrete."

"He was quite the handsome fellow. Strong, secure, and well spoken. Those great big hands..." Alice waggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner and then giggled. "Oh my God. I feel like a teenager again! Do you think?" Alice leaned in to whisper theatrically. "Do you think he has a big penis?"

Nancy squealed, shocking Alice. "Alice! Don't say that!"

"I bet it is. Long, thick, and hard. So very tasty. Mmm. I might be getting a bit damp thinking about it!"

Nancy giggled and then looked at Alice. "I can certainly hope so!"

* * *

Alice pulled into a parking space near the door to the community centre and put her car in park. She looked over at Nancy who was pressing her hands into her lap. She pushed the button on the dash and the car stopped running. She reached over and grabbed Nancy's hands.

"Relax. This will be fine," she said to her.

Nancy nodded, seemed to brace herself and exited the vehicle with Alice. Alice smiled at Nancy's back as she faced the door. Nancy wore jeans and a sweatshirt. On her feet were her Converse sneakers. Alice was comforted knowing Nancy was dressing down. She was always her most comfortable dressed like that. It was a good sign.

They entered together and were met by the organisers; all of them women. Hands were shaken and hugs embraced. Nancy's smile grew a little larger.

The host, Gabrielle Roy, a middle-aged, grey-haired woman with a slight Quebecois accent, was someone Nancy had met before. They got along famously, and Gabrielle didn't hesitate to take Nancy's hand and pull her inside.

"So glad you came, Nancy. You mean the world to these young women. You give them hope for a brighter future. Come meet some of them. We just put out coffee and some Timbits. There is one young woman I would like you to meet."

Nancy nodded and allowed herself to be pulled inside the large gym where dozens of young women and girls were clustered in little groups of three to four. A couple of tables were set up along the closest wall and coffee, tea, juices, and donut holes were available.

Gabrielle turned to another woman and asked her if she would fetch a tea for Nancy and Alice. The older woman nodded and went over to the table.

"Come," said Gabrielle. "Let me announce you. Don't look like that! It will be fine!"

Gabrielle kept a firm grip on Nancy's hand and pulled her to the centre of the room and Alice smiled. Gabrielle knew Nancy all too well.

"Everyone!" called out Gabrielle. "Attention! J'ai le plaisir de vous presenter Nancy Bates. Everyone this is Nancy Bates. She has decided to come visit and say hello. She has been a contributor to our organisation for many years but does not often find the time to come see us. Today we are truly fortunate. Please don't mob her! She's a gentle soul. But please speak to her and share your stories. Be honest with her. She's really just a girl from a small town. She's known women like you all her life. Nancy?" Gabrielle turned to her. "Please mingle."

Nancy nodded and looked at the expectant faces. She could see the marks of years of abuse and self-abuse. Most of the women were between sixteen and twenty-five. Their clothing was from second-hand stores. Most were dressed to expose parts of their bodies. Piercings and tattoos covered them from ears to lips to who knew what else. The clustered by age and many held hands.

Nancy smiled out at them although her heart was breaking seeing these poor women. "Hi everyone. I am so glad to be here. It has been a long time for me. If you want, come speak with me. I will listen. You all have stories and maybe I can help. But only if you want that help."

She looked at Gabrielle who smiled at her and then gave her a little push, which had a few girls giggling. In moments, the surer women, typically the older ones, came forward and started to introduce themselves. Soon Nancy was surrounded, holding a Styrofoam cup of weak tea, and trying to memorise names and situations. Alice wrote some things down every time Nancy glanced at her in a meaningful way.

Alice noticed Nancy kept looking over at a woman sitting by herself on the collapsible bleachers. Gabrielle had noticed as well. Over time the crowd dwindled as the women wandered away outside and back to their fractured lives. Nancy watched each of them sadly.

Alice saw that the woman sitting by herself was still there. She managed to free Nancy and met with Gabrielle.

"Who is that woman over there?" asked Alice, glancing over at the bleachers.

Gabrielle glanced over and her face looked sad. "Ah, that is Angela Hickman. She's the one I mentioned earlier. She's from Calgary and been in Vancouver for a little over a year. She always comes to these events but never says anything. She does ask about you, though, Nancy. A couple of times. I thought she should have a chance to meet you, finally."

Alice looked at the girl closely. She was a red head with short hair, overly thin, with checks splashed heavy with freckles. Nancy was staring at her and seemed shaken. She looked about twenty-five, certainly one of the older women here.

Gabrielle took Nancy's hands. "Would you like to meet her?"

Nancy hesitated and then nodded once, quickly.

Gabrielle brought them over to her. Alice could see the woman fidgeting as she noticed their approach. Alice looked at Nancy and saw a little fear. What is matter? she wondered.

The woman rose and stood awkwardly. She was very thin. Her cheeks were hollow and dark rings stood out prominently under her eyes against her pale skin. Alice heard the small intake of breath from Nancy.

Gabrielle took the woman's hand and turned to Nancy. "Nancy. Alice. This is Angela. I thought you would like to meet. Angela, I told Nancy you were hoping to speak to her."

Angela looked frightened. She kept looking at Nancy and then away. Nancy, on the other hand couldn't stop staring at her.

Nancy seemed to recover. "I'm so sorry. You remind me of someone. How are you?"

"F-fine," stammered Angela.

"What did you want to speak to me about?"

"Nothing really. I just wanted to meet you. I... I'm a big fan. I used to read about you when I was younger back when... Well, back then."

"I see. You are from Calgary?"

Angela nodded and looked at Gabrielle. Gabrielle drew her in closer and gave her a squeeze.

"So shy. You're just like Nancy, Angela. She overcomes it. Forces herself to do what she needs to do. Isn't that right, Nancy?"

Nancy nodded slowly. "In a way. It's true I'm shy. I've always been that way. I'm only truly myself with my friends, like Alice here. Have you many friends here in Vancouver?"

Angela shook her head. She looked at Alice and then Gabrielle, keeping her eyes from Nancy. "Um, no. I've been here for almost a year now? Maybe longer? I had to leave Calgary. I came here for work. I did a lot of waitressing. Cleaned dishes. You know."

Nancy nodded. "And you have a place to stay?"

Angela looked down.

Gabrielle spoke for her. "No. She lives on the streets."

Nancy tutted. "Are you clean, Angela?"

Angela looked up sharply at Gabrielle and Alice could see a flame there. "Yes!"

"Good. Sorry I had to ask. It's okay if you weren't. Gabrielle has a great programme to help with addictions. Are you working now?"

Angela shook her head.

"Do you have an education?"

Angela nodded. "Yes. Some." She was back to looking at the floor.

"What is it?"

"I took some classes at Robertson. In the School of Technology."

"Some? Did you not complete your studies?"

"No. Like I said. I had to leave Calgary."

Nancy moved forward and took Angela's hands in hers. "Look at me, Angela. Really look at me."

Angela lifted her head and tried to look at her but couldn't.

"Why won't you look at me?"

Tears started to fall from Angela's eyes. She didn't cry or shake. The tears just formed and streamed down her face.

"Tell me."

"You.. You're so beautiful! I can't!"

Nancy lifted a hand to Angela's chin and Alice saw it shake a little. Nancy gently lifted her chin until Angela had no choice but to look at her. "So are you, Angela. Beautiful. I could trace pictures with your freckles." Nancy held her eyes for a moment and then Alice saw the beaming smile that erupted on Angela's face. This time her sobs broke free and Nancy pulled her to her and held her.

"Shh. Its alright. You're coming home with me. We need to fix you."

Gabrielle looked shocked. "Nancy? That is not necessary. We take care of all our women, you know that."

Nancy looked over Angela's head and smiled. "I know, Gabrielle. You are wonderful. I'll be sure to write you a generous cheque as always. Your cause is dear to me. But Angela is a special case. I think I understand her. Will that be alright? You can call and come over every day to check on her. I insist. Please?"

Gabrielle looked nervous. "Nancy, of course its alright. But its one thing to help us here and another to bring a woman into your home."

"I understand. I'll be fine. Come Angela. Let me take you home."

Alice unsure of what was happening. "Nancy, what's going on?"

"I am bringing Angela home with me. Isn't that right, Angela? Let me take care of you for a little while. Just until you find your feet. You need to be off the streets, right now. You won't last a week. Come."

Nancy turned and called out to the women left in the gym. "Bye, ladies. Please take care of yourself. See Gabrielle if you have problems. You can trust her."

The women smiled and waved and called out their goodbyes. Nancy held Angela and brought her outside. Alice opened the doors to her car, and they got in.

"Why are you doing this?" sniffled Angela from the back seat.

"As I said, you remind me of someone. I'm doing this for you, but also for me. If you want to leave, I will understand. But let me get you back on your feet. Please. Give me a week."

Angela sniffled. "I'm not a charity case. A doll to play with."

Nancy turned in her seat to look at her. "No, you're not. You're a bright woman with a bright future. Let me help you find your path again. Alright? One week. It's all I ask."

Angela nodded. "One week."

* * *

One week later, Nancy walked into the Country Club after her chauffeur dropped her off. She dressed for the occasion with a tasteful blouse and tailored cream-coloured designer pants. She wore white flat shoes and had a summer shawl over her shoulders. The staff at the Country Club greeted her by name and she heard the warmth in their voices. She paused by a few and inquired into their families and well-being, remembering the names of the children and even their age.

A few years back, Nancy had hosted a children's party for all the staff. When the Country Club had refused to host the event due to some legal crap, she had opened the doors to her house. She hadn't spared any expenses and the staff still remembered it fondly. Nancy was their friend, and they loved her.

Soon she was inside and heading to the outdoor patio area near the pool and tennis courts. She had a favourite seat and hoped it was available. From there she could watch the Gulf and ignore the surrounding snobbery. She sighed as she made her way through the club complex. George had always understood and never questioned her need. She missed him fiercely every day. Together they were a team; always in step with one another and always reaching out to touch one another.

Nancy faltered and almost turned to leave when the club owner called out her name. Nancy forced a smile and turned to the voice. A rather large man, immaculately dressed to club standards, appeared from the office area. You can dress a pig in the same clothes, and it would look better, she fumed and stepped toward him.

"Mr Carter. How are you?" she reached out with both hands and Mr Evan Carter grasped them, too strongly as usual.

"Please, Nancy. Call me Evan. I wish you would." His voice was always high-pitched, and it grated on her nerves. George had hated the man, and that was all she had needed to know to equally dislike him.

She merely nodded.

"Such a pleasure to see you once again to bless us. You've been missed. The members are always asking about you, especially after your donation at the gala. That was very generous. I'm sure George would be pleased."