Dr Grey: Final Part


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Karen screamed but the rest of the family was too shocked to react. From his demeanour it was clear that Grey was not bluffing and Simon, protecting his family, ordered them to comply. Grey made Karen kneel before he cuffed her hands behind her back.

Grey lowered his weapon and opened his case. He produced some air-freshners that contained the oil and placed them around the room, causing Karen and Mary to relax somewhat despite their fear. He then produced the master-unit and pushed the play button. To everyone's horror the family saw that Grey had recorded Mary feeling up her father and him and her having sex on Simon's bed.

"Nobody is to speak without permission. Karen and Mary are addicted to the aroma oils I have used, with the result that they will go into very painful withdrawal if these air-fresheners are removed. I will remove them as a punishment if any of you break my rules." Grey began. "You will perform a series of sexual acts at my command. If you do not commit the act I require I will do worse than remove the air-fresheners."

As Grey finished he produced two more syringes. "These contain the antidote to the poison I have just injected into Karen and Mary. There are two and two alone. If anyone refuses my sexual request then I will break one of these syringes, condemning one of them to death in around 5 hours. A second refusal will cause both to die. If you comply fully then both shall live and you will be released.

This is an experiment to see how much the so-called bonds of family love extend. Simon and Susan cannot die unless they attempt to hurt me, in which case I will shoot them, but they must sacrifice themselves in order that Karen and Mary can live. As for Karen and Mary, I just want to thank you for allowing me to bring this pain into your family." Grey finished with a smile from his black soul. It was as manic as his mind and left no one in doubt that this man was completely insane.

Grey had performed this test on four other families in his life. The results were that two had passed and two had failed, resulting in the deaths of family members. He genuinely hoped they would live for that would allow him to continue to hurt them for the rest of their lives. Karen and Mary would be blamed, and would blame themselves, for something they had no power over. Simon would see his role as dominant male destroyed and Susan was about to discover just how much Grey had resented her attitude.

Grey looked over them.

"Now I am going to nominate each of you, one at a time, to be stripped. Simon will do the stripping and I warn him that I expect him to stare at the genitalia of all the ladies present. I am going to release you now Simon but the gun is covering you. Don't be a dead hero, eh?"

Grey released Simon and then stood back. Simon looked to be a broken man and was not about to offer any resistance.

"Ok, Simon, bring me your daughter Susan. Present her to me and then strip her, slowly, in front of my eyes. As you undress her I want you to fondle her breasts and stroke her pussy, placing some of the gel you will find in this bag deep inside her vagina," Grey said.

Simon took Susan over to Grey and began to unbutton her shirt. He was scared, humiliated and ashamed yet a tiny part of his mind was curious to see how his little girl had developed. It was not sexual, just parental-curiosity, but nonetheless it was present.

As Susan's shirt was discarded she felt deep anger at Grey and at her mother for having brought this evil into her life. The very last thing she wanted was for that creep to see her naked, much less for her father to have to fondle her, but she knew that she must play along at least for now. Grey would make a mistake and she would free them all.

Simon fondled her naked breasts, as ordered, before moving onto her jeans. Her stroked her buttocks as the jeans were removed and now, for the first time, he was aware that her nakedness was beginning to appeal to the animal in him. He felt appalled that his cock was becoming firm. Finally Simon had to stare at Susan's naked pussy as Grey enjoyed the situation almost as much as casting his eyes over her.

"That was good Simon. Now place Susan in the doggie-style position, facing away from me. Then go over to Karen and strip her quickly and gel up her pussy well. We've both screwed her and there is nothing much to savour now," Grey said.

Simon was shocked but afraid to say anything. How could Grey have slept with his wife? He'd never been more than a few feet away most of the time! Simon concluded that Grey was lying, for he knew Karen would never be unfaithful to him.

Simon placed Susan in position for Grey and then went over to his wife. He quickly stripped Karen as Grey admired Susan, all bent over and humiliated, from behind.

"Right Simon. Come here and allow me to cuff you again and then go sit down."

Simon allowed Grey to handcuff him before he sat down. He could only feel the pain of Susan, her humiliation and fear and he cursed himself for not being able to end it.

Grey lowered the gun and undressed. He was erect as he looked as Susan and everyone knew what was coming next. He knelt behind her and waited.

"Susan, if you had been more polite to me then I would have waited for that gel to work. It stimulates sexual response and would have allowed you to enjoy my presence, or at least tolerate it despite your lack of consent. Instead you have earned the right to feel pain." Grey entered her and Susan closed her mind to it as best as possible. She had to survive if she was going to live through this and, with a true survivor's mentality, Susan knew that Grey could only hurt her body and not her soul.

The gel helped at least to lubricate Grey's thrusting and, as she quickly identified, he was only going through with this to demonstrate power. He therefore made no attempt to slow down his climax and it was mercifully over in 90 seconds. Grey had claimed the pussies of every member of our family, Susan thought, but he would not have won if they were able to overpower him and get medical help for Karen and Mary. Susan hated Grey with complete intensity and her hate allowed her to survive the rape with her soul intact, at least for now.

As Susan was tied up again by Grey her mind was racing. Insane or not, Grey was still just a man and therefore his libido would wane. That meant that they were going to have periods when he would leave them alone, as well as the time he would need for the toilet and to eat and drink. Each natural pause would give her a chance to talk to the others and plan how they were going to break free. All they needed to do in the interim was survive.

Grey was in fact spent for the moment but he gained most of his pleasure from feeling control over others, a desire that had no such physical limitations. He dressed slowly to once more create a physiological barrier between the clothed captor and his naked, humiliated prisoners. Only Mary was clothed apart from Grey, a deliberate act to make her seem favoured over the rest. He expected that they would have formed a mental bond, identifying a common-cause and a common-enemy to unify against, and that was something he needed to undermine. Fortunately, he had the perfect method of attack.

Grey went into his bag and produced a series of electric sensors, which he silently attached to each family around the heart and on the top part of each eyelid. The sensors transmitted their data to the master unit, which Grey now adjusted so that all the readings could be seen on the screen. He entered the corresponding name to each reading, allowing all to see how the others were responding.

Grey stood back and addressed them.

"During sexual arousal the heart-rate will increase to a level which is about 10% higher than during simple physical exertion of similar magnitude. This is a crude guide, however, as each person differs. Another indication is the dilation of the pupil of the eye. These sensors are able to detect both and, as you can see, they are giving everyone present a combined overview of your levels of arousal.

Your heart rates will be a little higher than normal due to the stress you currently feel and your eye dilation will also be affected by the various lighting effects in this room. If both are at least 5% greater than they currently are then the subject is becoming aroused. In short, my friends, this will allow you to see inside each others minds."

Grey smiled softly as the sensors showed each family member with a newly accelerated heart rate. Clearly they were intimidated by this latest development and already, Grey thought, they would now be focusing on their own reactions and not on presenting a united-front.

Grey checked his watch and saw it would be another 15 minutes before those gelled-up pussies began to ache. It was time for some light relief.

"The heart rate and eye dilation are also useful for telling if a person is lying. I am going to use the on-screen data to assess the truthfulness of answers to a series of questions. If I consider anyone to have lied then I will break one of the antidotes and the liar will have condemned either Mary or Karen to death," Grey said softly.

It was a lie in itself. Under such conditions, with such equipment, Grey had no way to detect a genuine lie from a mere fear-reaction. He knew that and he knew they also probably guessed it, but he doubted any of them would stake a life on what they thought to be the truth.

Grey began with Simon.

"Simon, you have had an affair with your secretary. Tell your children what felt best, the sex or the dirtiness of the secret."

Mary and Susan looked at their father with shock. He could feel their eyes burning into him but feared telling anything but the truth, despite what the revelation would do to their view of him.

"The dirtiness. It felt better to get away with it far more than the sex ever did." Simon said in a quiet voice.

Grey knew he had assaulted the father-daughter bond and now it was time to attack the husband-wife bond. Matter-of-factly he turned to Karen.

"Karen, when we made love in your bed upstairs you were a little hesitant at first. You warmed to it though and in the end you seemed to really enjoy yourself. Am I a much better lover than Simon?"

Karen did not want to answer but knew she must. She was terrified to say anything more than she needed to, for the truth was that the gel had made Grey into a much better lover than Simon, but she also knew she must not lie.

"Yes, you are," Karen said, coldly.

Grey smiled as he watched Simon tense during her answer. Nothing as reliable as male-ego, Grey thought.

Grey moved towards Susan and uncuffed her, keeping the gun visible as deterrent.

"You will all notice that Mary has been left clothed. Mary shares some of my beliefs, as her delight with the dildo showed last night, and I think it is only decent that such a far-sighted individual be granted some respect. I also think it is time that Mary was granted a few more experiences to compensate for her self-imposed lack of experimentation," Grey said this as he moved to Mary and stood her upright.

Grey looked over to Susan with a gleam in his eye. It was time to test the bounds of sisterly love.

"Susan, come over here and undress your sister from the waist down. As you do so you are to softly stroke and kiss her legs, feet and buttocks but you are not to touch her pubic hair or her vagina," Grey said.

Compared to having Grey inside her, this was not half as bad to Susan. She was happy that this was going to waste a little time, time that would eventually lead to Grey taking a break. She moved over to Mary and slowly removed her jeans as she kissed Mary's panties. Susan's long, slender fingers began to slowly stimulate every part of Mary's legs and Mary, despite herself, felt the gel and the stimulation make her wetter.

Susan removed Mary's panties and knelt down again, placing her face just inches from her sister's vagina as she stroked her thighs. Her curiosity noted that Mary looked tighter than she was and had slightly better muscle-tone. Mary felt Susan's hot breath just nudge her pubic hair and it felt odd and not in the least bit unpleasant.

Grey gave the two sisters 5 minutes whilst he watched. He wanted Mary to have time to relax into it and enjoy the feelings that another woman was giving to her, as well as the sense of power over her elder sibling. It was all part of the lasting legacy he wished to create whereby Mary would always carry a part of his twisted sexuality with her.

It was time to make his point and also to shame Mary again.

"You see the screen? Mary has increased her arousal by 6% and therefore we can know that she is enjoying the attentions of Susan," Grey said suddenly.

Grey's voiced made every family member look at the screen. None present could doubt what Mary already knew, that she had enjoyed what she had been given by Grey. Mary almost died with shame, sending her arousal ratings plummeting, but it was too late. The knowledge was known.

Grey looked at the kneeling Susan.

"Susan, you do not possess the foresight of your sister. You are to kiss her feet now as a sign of homage," Grey said, knowing she would not feel humbled.

Susan almost laughed at the idea. It was so quaint and not in the least degrading to her. She placed a mock-loving kiss on each of Mary's feet.

"Now, Susan, move to the back of your sister and kneel down again."

Susan was less sure about this but complied. As she knelt down she was at waist-height to Mary.

Grey was enjoying the anticipation.

"Susan, you are nothing but a dog in comparison to Mary. Kiss her ass-cheeks and bark like the dog you are," Grey said with a fixed expression which at once showed both his psychosis and hatred of women.

Susan was scared where this was leading now but she knew that refusal meant death of either Mary or Karen, both of whom she loved deeply. Slowly, as slow as she could, she began to kiss Mary's ass and bark softly between kisses.

Grey waited a minute. Susan was scared, he could see from her sensor data, and he wanted to do everything he could in order to make her nervous. Grey eventually addressed Susan again.

"Right my little doggie, I want you to lick deep inside your sister's anus," Grey ordered.

The thought appalled Susan more than any she could comprehend. She began to move her mouth closer but something deep, deep within her just could not comply with this disgusting, humiliating request. The survivor within her fought through and she withdrew.

"NO! Go fuck yourself you sick bastard!" she screamed.

Grey levelled the gun at her head as he spoke with the voice of the possessed.

"That's fine Susan. You do not have to so anything here that you are not comfortable with. Come here and allow me to handcuff you again. You will only be hurt if you resist," Grey fixed her eyes. He knew he had to challenge her if he were to stop her from attempting to rush him.

Susan was shaking with her anger but, fearing her execution, she did not fight Grey as he cuffed her again. Grey took his time in dressing Mary again before he sat her down. He then went into his bag, producing the two syringes of antidote.

He held them up so that the family could see them clearly.

"I have to congratulate Susan on finding the courage to defend her honour. As a reward she will not be asked to perform the act she rejected again. She has saved part of her integrity, the most basic of human desires, and has decided instead to sacrifice either her mother or her sister," Grey spoke with ice-encrusted words.

He dropped one of the syringes and, with melodramatic zeal, he crushed it under his shoe. The life-saving antidote mixed with the broken glass and soaked into the carpet, as every member of the family watched in horror.

Grey's faced switched to normal again. He began to link their arms and legs together with wire from the bag as he spoke.

"Time for breakfast. I'm off to the kitchen for something to eat and so I am going to have to secure you more before I leave. You are, however, free to speak amongst yourselves whilst I am gone."

Grey left for the kitchen, leaving the family silenced by morbidity as they stared at the broken syringe.

Simon was the first to speak.

"My God, he did it. My God he actually did it. Susan you shouldn't have.." Simon began.

"Have what dad? I'm sorry, so very very sorry but I just couldn't. Listen, if we can get out of here then both mom and Mary will live. It's only if we let this sicko play with us that we are going to lose anyone," Susan whispered hoarsely.

She was right, of course, for the rules only applied whilst the game was on. The clock showed them to have four hours before the remaining antidote was needed.

Karen was crying softly. Inconsolable and unable to find words to express her deep pain at having allowed Grey into her family. She resolved that, if it came to it, she would not allow Mary to die. She had brought this man into their lives and she alone must pay for it.

Mary tried to move her mouth to her mother's ear. "Mom, don't cry. None of this was your fault. You had no way of knowing what he was doing. If it comes to it I want you to take the final antidote, for dad's sake. I feel I've disgraced him and with my desires," Mary began to cry herself as she tried to console Karen.

Susan looked at them all with anger.

"Wake up will you all! This is exactly what Grey wants, us broken and in self-recrimination. If he just wanted sex he could have broken into anyone's home with that gun and took it, why do you think he went through all the elaborate charade with mum just to get it?" she asked.

"Maybe he just was working himself up to it?" Simon offered.

"Dad, think. This whole thing is to well planned to be his debut. He's got us wired up to try to show each other that we get aroused, despite the horror of the situation. He's only raped me so far, with most of his commands being for family members to touch each other. This whole poison thing is to get you to hate me for condemning one of us to death and, in fact, I think you can bet he is going to make us vote for who gets the remaining chance at life. He's a power-freak pure and simple and all he wants is for this family to be torn apart, mentally scared for life and a sick-testament to his warped training." As Susan spoke she was already formulating how Grey's plan could be defeated.

"So what can we do, Susan?" Simon asked.

"I am going to rush him during the next session. If any of you get the chance whilst I am distracting him then try to knock him off-balance. We can kick that son-of-a-bitch to death between us if we remain as a team, or maybe get that gun off him. I will wait until he uncuffs me again, so be ready when he does," Susan said.

"He's armed, Susan, he might kill you. He's quite a strong man." Mary objected.

"I'm the one who made it vital we get to hospital, Sis. Thanks to me we can no longer play his game and have both you and mom live through this. He's a liar, he's a bully and he's a rapist. He's no man by any definition of the word. Just help me and we can all get out of here." Susan tried to flash a comforting smile to her sister but they both knew she would be lucky to see another dawn, no matter how well co-ordinated their actions.

Grey returned with a piece of toast.

"Ok campers, we have another four hours to go and then I'll be on my way. Simon and Karen, I've been neglecting you in our little game so far. I am going to uncuff you both and then I want you to lay in the centre of the room." Grey munched as he said this although the gun remained in his other hand. Susan began to study his mannerisms with it.

Grey released Simon and Karen and they lay in the middle of the floor.