Dr. Snip


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In having sex with him she felt a thrill of danger that she had never got with her previous lovers. Not that she was afraid he would hurt her, she was totally confident in her own ability to defend herself against any human being, but she didn't know in advance what he would do or say, he followed his own script.

She didn't know what he was thinking about now for instance, she didn't blame him for taking time out to think things through, she couldn't imagine what it must be like to be pulled out of your comfortable world and plunged into so many changes one after the other.

Angel felt a bit guilty at seducing him on top of everything else that had happened to him, but the more she got to know him the more she desired him. He was so hairy, she felt she was having sex with an animal, she herself had no body hair at all, and head hair and eyebrows were all that a modern woman needed.

She didn't need to shave unwanted hair off her body she didn't grow any by design, so the feel of his hairy body rubbing against her smooth skin ignited her wantonness and stripped her of the few inhibitions that she had concerning sex.

In the heat of her passion she had found herself pleading with him to perform various sexual acts with her that she would never dare ask even the paid lovers to do. She had considered asking to be relieved from this duty, but despised herself for being too weak to walk away from him.

She glanced up and saw him looking at her intently, what must he think of her, she felt herself blushing, and to her horror it spread all over her naked body. Steve emerged from his reverie and realised that Angel was playing with his hair again, he had joked to her when he first realised the fascination it held for her, that she must think she was being shagged by a gorilla.

She had blushed then too and had promptly shut him up by sitting on his face. He couldn't see what she saw in him, why did she want him? Perhaps it was only the novelty of it that excited her so much, but whatever it was he wasn't complaining.

He opened his arms to her and she wriggled up his body until she was lying on top of him face to face. He hugged her tight and kissed her gently, 'How's my beautiful girl?' He asked smiling at her. 'A bit tender in places, but nothing I can't handle,' she replied cheekily.

'I don't know what to do,' he admitted to her ruefully, 'why can't I just go back to punishing the perverts, it's what I do best.' 'Let me give you a few lessons first,' she suggested. 'You can't be horney again, he protested.'

'You can talk, Mr. Rampant, no, I meant a lesson in using the QT properly, so that if you want to continue your career in pervy bashing you can do it more efficiently.'

'Why not, sexy bum,' he said squeezing her bottom, 'perhaps some plan will occur to me while your teaching me the tricks of the trade.' They got dressed and after a good breakfast, she sat on the floor and pulled him down beside her.

'I'm going to take you to my secret place,' she said, 'It's a small target and if we get it wrong there is a fifty foot drop into a lake waiting for us, so concentrate please.' She placed her QT next to his and pressed various buttons on both of them.

'I've just programmed your QT with all the information that is in mine; yours now knows everywhere and everywhen that I've ever jumped to and has the locations coded.' She explained.

'I doubt that you will use more than a few but it's just as easy to put them all in as it is to pick out those I deem necessary.' 'From now on, when you jump to a specific location and time you can allocate a codename for it, if you ever want to return to it you just think of the codename clearly and press the jump button.'

'Ah, but what if I jump back there and I'm still there from last time?' Steve queried. 'The QT wont let that happen, it keeps track of the biological time difference between one jump and the next, so you will always arrive after you left.'

She explained that the only real time for a time traveller was his or her own aging process, called biological time to differentiate it from liner time. A time traveller could go to Rome and live there for sixty years, then return to base one hour later, but he would still be sixty years older.

You can fool liner time, but you can't fool biological time. The QT'S had various safety protocols built in to protect the operator from most dangers, they operated by default and could be overridden, but unless it was a life of death emergency it was best to leave them alone.

'On the count of three' she warned, 'One, Two, Three, Jump.' They both pressed their keys simultaneously and arrived together on Angels sunning ledge, in the Jurassic. Angel put out her arm to steady him as they arrived, she was used to the view but he might be a bit disoriented and she didn't want him to hurt himself.

Steve was thrilled at the view; they were about fifty feet up a sheer cliff face that formed part of the edge of a freshwater lake. It was a beautiful blue colour, but what took his breath away was the Dinosaurs.

Real live Dinosaurs walking about in the trees below, and drinking at the side of the lake. The air was full of sound, and strange smells, each species made a different noise and the trees were full of multi-coloured birds.

What surprised him most was that the Dinosaurs were coloured too, he had always been taught that they were gray, but nothing could have been further from the truth. Every type he could see had brightly coloured wattles, combs, scales, or feathers; they were an amazing sight.

'Wow, this is fantastic, what is this place and why do you come here?' 'This is my sunbed, how else do you think I avoid having unsightly white bits on my body.' 'If you had white bits on your body they would only highlight areas of interest, I can assure you.' He replied kissing her. ' Thanks for bringing me here, I had considered a spot of sightseeing with the QT but to be honest I was too scared to try and jump back this far.' Steve wondered if she ever swam in the lake, in answer to which she pointed to an area of trees that the rest of the Dinosaurs seemed to be avoiding.

As he watched a large head consisting of big teeth was raised up out of the bushes, it looked around for a few seconds and then went back into concealment. 'Good God, that's T.Rex' he exclaimed, 'I've seen a live Tyrannosaurus, Wow.'

Angel smiled at his boyish enthusiasm and was pleased with herself that she had given him such pleasure. Steve asked her how he could access the list of places now in his QT, she explained how to have them scroll down the inside of his eyelids and he sat with his back against the warm rock and played with this function for a bit.

'Where would 'Caligula' take me Angel?' he asked. 'If you fancy an orgy, you might like that one, I remember chatting to Claudius's wife during a drinks break, she really did have a competition with a famous prostitute to see who could wear out the most men.' 'Tell me more, who won?'

'The professional of course, she only used the minimum of effort on each man, whilst the amateur needed to impress each one with her energy and inventiveness. Although she did cap her performance by having a white bull service her.'

'I'd like to have seen that' he said. 'I did and it was a messy business, not worth the bother really, the bull became so excited that it shit all over the floor, and peed all over her.'

Steve laughed out loud at the mental picture she had evoked, and asked her if she had ever been tempted to try out a bull. She replied that she had her own personal bull on call, it's name was Steve.

He said nothing, but she noticed that he stood a trifle prouder. He took a last look around and suggested that they go back home for a while.

They jumped back to 'Steve's' the code-name for his own house in the Twentieth century, and he was soon reading through the files again. 'I'd like to try out something new on this case' he said, 'I'd like to be able to jump around a room, and if possible hover in midair for a few seconds, can it be done?'

Angel considered his request for a minute, 'Mini jumping around a room, spatially is reasonably simple, for the best effect you should pre-programme the QT before you start jumping otherwise you will be seen to be fiddling with something between each jump.' She said.

'As for hovering in midair, let me try something for fun.' Angel spent a minute programming her QT before going to the center of the room and calling for his attention. 'I've never tried this before, so it may not work, here goes.'

Even though he was hoping for the exact effect shown, he was still very impressed. Angel was floating in midair about two feet off the floor, suddenly she was in the far corner of the room still hovering, then she was back in the center again.

Then she was gone, he looked around to find her and she walked back into the room from the kitchen. He applauded and whistled to show his appreciation of her expertise; she curtsied and smiled at his obvious pride in her.

'Is that what you want?' She asked, and went on the show him how it was done. To get the flying effect she had to programme a series of micro jumps to the same point in space two feet off the floor.

Although she had appeared to be there all the time, she was actually disappearing and reappearing at the same point faster than his persistence of vision could detect. By constantly moving through time and space in millisecond jumps she had effectively negated the force of gravity, and appeared to be floating.

'Let me guess, it was all done courtesy of the Implant,' said Steve. 'You bet, no human could programme that amount of jumps in that amount of time, without the super computing power of the World Brain via the Implant.' she confirmed.

Angel programmed Steve's QT to perform the same series of jumps on demand under the code-name 'Magic'. 'Now you have the effect, what do you need it for?' She asked. Steve explained

Eternal Youth

The Coven was assembled; twelve dedicated naked Satanists dressed identically in loose black hooded robes stood in a circle around a central figure wearing a blood red robe under which he also was naked. They began the chant praising Satan, asking his blessing and for him to attend this event.

Each of the twelve Black robed Satanists were fervent believers in the Lord of Evil, the Red robed man however thought they were all pathetic idiots and believed only in himself.

His name was Sebastian, and he had a plan to become very rich and powerful, it involved these fools and their stupid chanting, video cameras, an equally pathetic stinking rich woman, one young girl, and lots and lots of blood.

He was a makeup man in the film industry, and had made a reasonable living turning often-plain actresses into temporary beauties worthy of being recorded on film. However during the past few years, competition had increased, scores of mincing queers had jumped on the bandwagon and stolen the new stars of the screen away from him. He was reduced to working for small Porn producers and dusting makeup onto the naked arse's of young would-be porn starlets to stop them shining into the cameras.

One day he overheard a long time client of his complaining that time was winning in her endless battle against it, and although she still had work she was realistic enough to know that when her looks went so would her lifestyle.

Her name was Deserie Sanderson and she had plenty of money, in fact she was in the top ten rich bitch list, but it wasn't enough, she needed to be worshiped on screen for her life to have any meaning.

He had taken a chance and told her about a method of not only preserving her looks, but actually reversing the ageing process, it was not for the squeamish he warned and those who could perform this feat would need her total commitment and silence if they were to help her.

'I suppose they want to help me free of charge,' she said sarcastically, being wise in the ways of the film industry. He told her that money meant nothing to these people; they were only interested in her soul. 'What, that old thing, they can have it if they can deliver the goods.' She said dismissively.

The coup-de-grace was a woman friend of his who purely by genetic chance looked twenty years younger than she was. And for a fee was only to willing to meet Deserie and tell her the story that Sebastian had concocted about taking part in a ritual and regaining her looks as a result.

The worldly-wise actress had employed a private detective to check out the woman's documents but as they were perfectly genuine they passed inspection and she was convinced. 'Leave it to me then and I'll see what can be arranged' he said, mentally rubbing his hands.

Another one of his clients was a long time Satanist and he had sometimes gone along to their meetings for some kinky sex, in honour of their Lord. Although he considered them raving lunatics, they were dangerous lunatics.

They loved human sacrifice and so far had killed over a dozen people, all of them derelicts and those who nobody would miss. Amongst their coven were a Butcher and a Crematorium worker, ideal for disposing of dead bodies.

He was good at bullshitting people and after he had helped rape and sacrifice a bag lady. they regarded him as an honorary member of their Coven. He contacted them and explained that he had a woman who was willing to give her soul to Satan in return for eternal youth.

They were ecstatic and looking through their grimores found a ritual that they were sure would work, but it needed a young virgin's blood. He said he knew just the girl for the job, and they should leave the procurement of the virgin to him.

All that remained was to loan a set of video cameras from the Porn Company and talk a runaway wannabe porn starlet into performing in a Satanistic film. At last all the threads of his masterplan were assembled and he could begin.

Sebastian knew that no matter what their grimore said, nothing would stop the actress ageing or restore her looks, but his plan was a simple one. He had explained to the actress that she would have to give herself completely to Satan, and do every degrading act she was told to do in order to prove it.

He didn't however tell her that at the end of the ritual she would be drenched in the hot blood of a young girl sacrifice. He would tell her she had been videoed in the aforementioned acts, if she refused to pay the enormous fee he would demand , he would have her on tape as an accessory to murder. She would be his meal ticket for the rest of her life.

The Coven of course knew nothing about the cameras, they would not be happy to know their murder of the girl was being recorded.

In fact if everything worked out as planned then there was no reason not to pick another gullible old fool and do it again. One good thing was he didn't have to worry about the sacrifices being virgins as the ritual was a load of bollocks anyway.

He adjusted his Red robe and in a loud voice intoned ' Let the supplicant enter the circle.' On cue Deserie crawled naked into the center of the circle of black robed Satanists, she still had a sexy voluptuous body and her large breasts owed nothing to silicone. Her long black hair dragged on the floor of the old de-consecrated church that the Coven used as their meeting place, and Sebastian noticed that she winced in discomfort at the feel of the hard wooden floor against her tender knees.

He smiled inside his hood, she would know what discomfort was really like when she was forced to satisfy all twelve of the coven, and then of course it would be his turn, and he would revenge himself on all the little slights she had given him whilst he was plastering over the cracks in her face.

She had never shown the slightest desire to sleep with him, the stuck up bitch, but he would have his way with her tonight for sure, and record it for his private viewing pleasure. Deserie had been instructed to crawl around the circle obeying each member's demands before crawling to the Red robed leader and again obeying his every wish.

She didn't know the identities of any of the Coven, nor did she know that he was there at all and that is how he wanted it to stay. Under each hood the coven members wore a black silk mask that gave the effect of the hoods being empty, he was confident that she wouldn't recognise him.

Sebastian knew there were six males and six females comprising the Coven and they were positioned alternately around it. Deserie slowly circumnavigated the circle, he listened in pleasure to her screams and sobs as she was forced to lick three of the females to climax.

She had then been whipped by two of them and subjected to a golden shower by the final woman. At least Sebastian thought she had only been raped by the men, albeit in every orifice she possessed.

He couldn't wait to see the Videotapes that had captured every debased act she had performed, but now she was crawling towards him and it was his turn to think up something degrading for her to do.

The trouble was the coven had already subjected her to every form of debasement he could think of, so he lifted his arms as a signal for the 'virgin' girl to be brought into the circle.

Four of the coven dragged her into the circle and tied her face down to the X- shaped frame taking pride of place at the exact center-point of the circle.

She was following the script for the porn film she thought she was co-starring in, screaming and struggling piteously, but not trying too hard to escape. In a cold voice Sebastian gave Deserie her instructions. She stood up and went over to the girl spread-eagled on the cross.

With a large knife provided by a coven member, Deserie cut off the girl's clothes until she was completely naked and her pert bottom was exposed to view. She then strapped on a giant rubber penis and proceeded to sodomise the girl.

Although knowing what was coming the girl still gasped in pain as Deserie thrust into her, the script had stated that she had to be a virgin to be sacrificed. She understood why the woman was having anal sex with her, but she didn't have to like it.

Sebastian smiled to himself, up until now Deserie could always claim she had be the victim of the piece, but now she was recorded clearly raping a helpless young girl in a disgusting manner.

Watching them excited Sebastian, so he walked up behind Deserie and sodomised her while she was still pounding away at the girl. He was careful to position himself so the camera had the clearest view of the action. Finally he finished with her and withdrew, allowing her to withdraw from the girl who was sobbing loudly.

Coven members laid Deserie on the floor and tied her face upwards so she was looking up between the girl's legs. The members then released the bolts fixing the cross to the floor and using a chain hoist, turned the cross upside down.

By the time they had finished the young girl was suspended upside down over Deserie. This was where he was going to deviate from the script as far as the young starlet was concerned, she expected to be gently whipped.

Whereas in his version her throat was going to be cut, allowing her blood to gush out all over deserie's naked body. The 'virgin' blood combined with the chanting that had been going on during the entire scenario would work the magic that gave Deserie back her youth. Once he had that on videotape she was his for the rest of her life.

He was about to motion the Butcher forward to cut the girls throat when he noticed a sulphurous smell that hadn't been there before. The Satanists had been chanting 'Master Satan come to us, Master Satan bless us,' over and over until it had become just a background noise to Sebastian.

Suddenly the chant faltered as a sense of dread filled the room, a smoky cloud formed in the center of the circle and a large black cloaked figure appeared in mid air in clear view of them all. The figure hovered for a few seconds then floated down to the ground.
