Elizabeth's Story Ch. 01


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At the moment, an insult seemed to be the best way to move away from the emotional reflection on Dad, and move on to more normal discourse between Gary and me. But quickly I was reminded of the sexual tension of Gary's nakedness, his huge impressive erection, and my unnatural attraction to my brother's rigid penis.

"Ah sis, ain't nothing but a little vomit. That's all." Gary made a face feigning hurt at my comment, then continued, "I admit, my mouth tastes like a dog has taken a dump in there."

Then he got up. He appeared to think about using the sheet as cover, but seemed to decide it was far too cumbersome. "OK, sis, turn your head, and no peeking." and walked to the bathroom that he & I shared.

I turned my head slightly, and remarked, "After the show you put on last night, I think I have already seen everything you have."

I could not help but peek as he got up, his erection poking skyward. And as he walked past me, I could not resist I watching his firm ass as he walked away from me. He did have a wonderful physique. I felt so damn conflicted. I was attracted to my brother; and I just could not help the magnetic appeal of his firm, muscular body right now. I knew this was wrong. I could not help it.

I listened from his bed as he brushed his teeth and gargled with mouth wash. As he returned to the bedroom his penis swayed proudly in front of him, still about three quarters erect, it poked straight out in front of him. Gary made no attempt to cover himself. His comfort being naked in front of me was peculiar, but exciting.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and I moved to sit 'Indian style', my legs crossed underneath me, as he returned. I knew that in this position, the thin cotton gusset of my white panties was all that covered my now very wet, very aroused vagina. I sat there aware that I was giving Gary a good view of my panty covered virgin pussy. I do not know why that excited me as it did, but it clearly did. I wanted Gary to look at me with the same lust and admiration with which I was looking at him.

His eyes went right for my panties as he walked across the room. I pretended not to notice, but his gaze thrilled me beyond belief. I am ashamed to admit that I was flashing my baby brother, and I liked doing it. I could feel my vagina pulsing slightly and lubricating. I could feel the wetness leaking out of me. I wondered if the wetness was visible to Gary as he glanced at my crotch, looked away, and then glanced again. God this was such a rush. My face burned with a combination of excitement and embarrassment; embarrassment about what I was doing; and embarrassment at how exciting it felt to do it.

I thought I could see his penis arch up and grow each time he glanced between my legs. I liked knowing that my private parts excited him as much as his erection excited me. I looked with increasing admiration each time his penis would arch up and pulse under my gaze. It was a marvelous sight; one that I will never forget. I loved watching his penis slowly react to the 'innocent' viewing of my panties.

With each successive pulse, it rose slightly, and was now standing slightly 'north of horizontal'. It was considerably longer and thinker than it had been last night in its flaccid state. I thought to myself, 'the male penis is a marvelously interesting device indeed.'

Gary caught me looking and detected a bit of shock in my face as his penis stiffened. "I think you are peeking a bit there Liz", he said boldly. But still he made no attempt to hide his throbbing cock. Clearly he was impressed with his own endowment, and not the least bit bashful of showing off. I guess my face betrayed my thoughts. Gary quipped, "You look like you just saw a snake." As he laughed at his own 'witty comment' his erect penis bounced wildly slapping his abdomen.

"Jesus, Gary. You are sporting one hell of an erection there. What gives?" I pretended to be completely unaware of my barely covered pussy and any role I might have in forcing him to sustain, and grow, this erection.

I made no attempt to cover up, or to end our little game. At this point, we were just involved in a slightly older version of the children's game, 'I'll show you mine, if you show me your'. Wicked as it felt, I really believed this was harmless 'show and tell' exploration; nothing more. And I was learning things about the male anatomy that they simply did not teach in school.

"It's just a little 'morning wood'." Gary answered. "George wakes up rigid every morning. It's just part of the territory."

Gary was obviously enjoying my shock, discomfort and interest. He certainly was not going to admit my exposed panties were playing any role in his arousal.

"You are kidding me. You wake up with a boner like that every morning? And you named your penis 'George'?" I was amazed at this revelation. "How do you guys deal with those things, anyway? How do you even walk with those things?"

"It's hard." Gary laughed at his own pun, which triggered me to laugh a bit.

"It certainly is. How do you get rid of that thing? You can't walk around like that all day?" I was genuinely curious about the function of the male anatomy right now; but I was also aroused at this whole surreal situation.

"Well most of the time, I just work the 'stiffness out of my joint' manually, if I don't have a female friend to lend a helping hand." Gary was testing me to see how I would react. Would I be offended and flee; or would I remain and discuss 'morning erections' with my baby brother.

I shocked Gary and me, "Let me see how you do it."

I could not believe I had just said that. I blushed at my own boldness. I almost followed up with 'I'm only kidding', but something stopped me. I wanted to see if he would show me how he 'relieved his pressure'.

"Seriously sis? You want to watch me do this? Jack off?" His penis seemed to pulse up and grow bigger and more rigid just at the thought of masturbating I front of me.

I know I should have said 'no, I was only kidding'. I know I should have left him to handle his needs I private. But I was mesmerized and aroused, very aroused; and I was not thinking straight. I really wanted to see this, to learn about how this all worked.

I tried to keep my voice calm. I tried to sound clinical. "Sure. I have never seen anybody do that before. Consider it an educational demonstration for me." Hell not only hadn't I ever seen a guy masturbate before; this was my first penis to even observe in any state. It was certainly my first opportunity to witness an erect penis. But Gary did not need to know that.

"OK, you are not going to tell anyone about this, right?"

I chuckled at that thought. "Of course not. Cross my heart. Who would I tell anyway? What would I tell them? I am being as bad as you are right now."

With that he took his shaft in his fist and slowly stroked up and down, rocking his hips to and fro as he did it. He walked up closer to me, standing about two feet in front of me as I sat on the bed watching this demonstration with amazement. I could feel myself grow wetter as I watched my brother stroke up and down is long rigid shaft within arms reach of me.

I was captivated by the beauty of the purple head straining upward against his downward strokes. I could not help but wonder how a penis that long and that thick could ever fit in any girl's vagina without tearing her open, hurting her. It certainly could not fit inside me without doing a lot of damage I concluded. The thought scared and excited me at the same time.

I had a major urge to reach down and touch myself. It took all my limited will power to resist that temptation. In my 19 years on the planet, this was the most profoundly sexy education I had ever received. Today, I am a married woman with two children, and this is still the most erotic moment of my life.

Stepping forward, with his erection now inches from my face, Gary said, "Help me out here, sis."

I looked up at him with lust and shock, "I can't do that, Gary. You're my brother."

Gary looked at me and seemed to sense the lust in my eyes. He seemed to sense my state of arousal. While still slowly stroking up and down his rigid pole with his right hand, he reached down with his left hand; Gary took my hand and slowly, very slowly, brought it up to his rigid erection. "Gary, we can't be doing this." I protested verbally, but I allowed him to place my hand on his shaft.

I remember vividly feeling the warmth, and the weight of his engorged penis. It was firm, but incredibly smooth. The texture was like nothing I had ever touched before. And the sight and touch served to arouse me more profoundly than I have ever been before. God, I wanted to reach down and touch myself. I have never wanted to touch myself more. I knew I could climax almost instantly with even the slightest stimulation on my clitoris. But I refrained from doing that, from touching myself.

Even as I was telling myself and my brother that we could not do this, I willingly wrapped my fingers around him and felt the thickness of an erect penis for the first time. My fingers barely could encircle the entire thickness of his shaft.

After closing my fingers, I just froze, leaving my hand in place as Gary humped his erection in and out of my hand. The thickness, rigidity and weight of the erection all surprised me. I was simply unable to process the enormity of this event at the moment. I had never intended that my visit to Gary's room this morning would lead to any physical contact between us. I knew my sexual curiosity, which had led me to looking at my brother, was totally inappropriate; but I never intended to actually touch him, certainly not masturbate him.

My entire world seemed to be moving in slow motion. And as absurd as it might seem, I felt as though it was not me, but someone else inside my body doing this. It felt as though I was watching myself from outside myself, and that I no longer controlled my own actions.

If it sounds like I am trying 'distance myself from these actions', even remove blame and guilt; perhaps I am. Nonetheless, that is how it felt at this very moment, like someone else was holding Gary's rigid cock, and I was an innocent bystander watching the event unfold.

Gary then took my wrist and started moving my hand for me, demonstrating what he wanted, or needed, me to do for him. After two or three strokes of my fist driven by Gary, he released my wrist and I continued to move my fist up and down, pumping his erection in time with his hips thrusting back and forth.

Involuntarily, I started rocking my own hips, and squeezing my legs together as I masturbated my brother inches from my face. Gary's movements became more pronounced, and more rapid. I found that my own rocking was now matching Gary's pace. I was caught up in the most erotic and arousing experience of my young life.

Gary started moaning ever so slightly, "Oh, sis, you are getting me close. Oh damn, you are good. Shit." His comment sent a shiver straight through my own aroused loins.

I was squeezing my legs together tightly now, stimulating my erect clitoris between my thighs without directly touching myself. I did not understand what was happening, or why I was reacting as profoundly as I was, but I was caught up in the total eroticism of seeing and touching my first erection; and giving my first hand job. God I was so friggin' turned on; I actually felt dizzy with lust.

Gary moaned "Liz, I am going to shoot".

Before I knew what was happening the first long string of warm, white semen erupted from Gary's penis, shooing through the air several inches, landing on my arm and t-shirt, barely missing my face.

The suddenness of the ejaculation, and the strength of the squirt as it shot from his erection caught me by surprise; and, to my amazement, the shock triggered my own orgasm. Sitting there with my legs tightly squeezed together, I started to cum as I pumped his cock in my fist. Other than squeezing my legs together, there was no physical contact on my private parts; yet I managed to have a powerful orgasm; the most powerful orgasm of my young life.

I let out a moan as the waves of my own climax crashed across my lower body through my pelvis. Gary did not seem to notice my climax; he was too wrapped up in his own orgasm at the moment.

My own orgasm surprised, no shocked me, "Oh, Gary, damn, oh....oh. God." I moaned as the waves of pleasure quaked across me. My entire body shook and quivered as the waves of pleasure rocked though my vagina. I could feel myself spasm in wave as my vagina seemed to open and close in the most intense response I had ever experienced.

Within seconds, the second eruption from Gary's penis was launched into the air, this time landing on my thigh in a long white string of goo.

One of the most salient memories I have of that moment is the aroma of his semen. I had not expected semen to have any odor. I guess I never even thought about is. But the poignant scent that permeated my nostrils only served to increase my arousal and further embed this event into my memory.

I stopped pumping his penis for a moment, to which he urged me on, "Oh, Liz, don't stop. I am not done yet." And he grabbed my wrist and motioned me to continue, which I did. Immediately a third string of semen shot from his erection; this one not as large, not as powerful. The third rope of semen seemed to dribble down my fist and down Gary's shaft as I finished pumping him.

Suddenly, Gary grabbed my hand to stop me, "OK, that's enough. I am too sensitive now."

I was astonished at what I was learning about how the male anatomy functioned. I was amazed at how stimulating it was to give my first hand job and to jack off my brother to orgasm. But most of all, I could not believe I had a climax with no physical contact or stimulation at all.

I suspect most of the readers think I am exaggerating, that no one can reach a climax by merely squeezing their legs together. I assure you I did on that day a little more than a decade ago. But truthfully, it never has happened again to me.

I was also shocked to learn how sensitive the penis became after a climax. It surprised me how contact, that moments before was stimulating, was suddenly unpleasant. Yes, I was learning a great deal.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I was panting, trying to catch my breath. I held my semen covered hand out, not knowing exactly what I should do or where I should go to clean up.

I was in a state of shock. The enormity of what I had just done, understanding the magnitude of the sin I had just committed and the social mores I had violated had not hit me yet. I was still caught up in my post-orgasmic euphoria.

I instinctively brought my semen covered fist up to my face to examine the precious 'essence of male virility'. Its white translucent color seemed to change as I examined it. It seemed to go from thick white, to a translucent, cloudy color right before my eyes. I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me or not. The entire experience seemed surreal. But my first exposure to semen remains one of my most vivid memories I have, even to today. I have been attracted to semen ever since that moment.

I smelled the sticky material; it definitely had a unique, and very distinctive aroma. An aroma that I found somewhat pleasant, but I did not know why. The scent seemed to connect with some deep primal instinct that I did not understand. But I liked the way Gary's semen smelled; I liked it a lot.

As I was studying the gooey mess on my fist and wrist, Gary fell backwards on his bed, appearing to be exhausted, totally spent.

"Liz, that was the absolute best orgasm I have ever had. Thank you. You are wonderful. Can I do anything for you now?"

Gary 's question shocked me back to the reality of what we had just done. A wave of guilt and embarrassment came crashing over me. "No. This was a one time experience. We should not have done that. But I am fine." I needed to separate myself from this situation as fast as I could. "I need to go clean up. You need to get dressed."

I do not know why, but I decide not to tell him that I had climaxed as well. I needed to sort out my own reaction to this event before I could discuss it with anyone else.

I got up, holding my hand and arm such that the semen on my hand and arm did not spill on the floor or bed. I felt the globs of semen on my thigh started running down my leg. "Gary, get me a tissue or a rag." Fearful that I would drip semen from my leg on to the floor, I sat back down on the bed waiting for Gary to rescue me from this gooey mess that was 'entrapping me'.

Gary , returned with a warm, damp wash cloth and gently wiped the semen from my hand, arm and thigh. As he was cleaning my thigh, he slowly started to inch up towards my panties. I stopped him. "No, Gary. We have already done quite enough: too much. I need to take a shower. You need to get dressed. Mom will be awake and looking for both of us soon."

I got up, and walked into our shared bathroom. Before closing the bathroom door, I took one look back over my shoulder to see Gary watching me; his penis slowly deflating. God, he did look good; but this was so very wrong, on so many levels.

What had I done? Why had I allowed this to happen? This was stupid and wrong. I felt a wave of guilt and shame come over me as I waited for the water to get warm.

Why are things that are so pleasurable and enticing so wrong; or why are things that are wrong so exciting and enticing? Damn, life was complicated. And I just made my life far more complicated than it needed to be.

I climbed in the warm shower in an unsuccessfully attempted to wash my guilt away.

Coming soon: Chapter two: the rest of Saturday .....dealing with the impact of our actions....

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
susanne1987susanne1987about 10 years ago
Thank you

This is turning into a great read, im looking forward to the next few chapters, very aroused right now kisses sue xx

kalodinkalodinabout 10 years ago
Congratulations; first rate

Great imagination or strong autobiographical thread; most likely both I am thinking. Sensitive and well crafted writing reaches stimulating depths in this reader for certain. Finding your work in Lit is a happy discovery for me. Well done and please do share more with us. Kal

SplendidSpunkSplendidSpunkabout 10 years ago
Very Good

This was another example of how well you craft your stories. Unlike others I have no other comment other then to say thank you for a wonderful, amazing beginning to a sexual awakening.

Tuggen4MomTuggen4Momabout 10 years ago
I am so Happy!


This story is very fun to read and I am ready for more! Thanks for writing this one because I was ready for a little fun with myself. Very Nice

engagemindengagemindabout 10 years ago
Well writen.

Your style gives the reader a sense of real life, not the fake content of so many stories (a style I enjoy and try to achieve). If willing to share is this real? or just fiction? Should you care I have several stories under my handle "engagemind" Waiting for the second chapter.

jacktar48jacktar48about 10 years ago
I can't stop thinking about this

Actually, when you write, "I suspect most of the readers think I am exaggerating, that no one can reach a climax by merely squeezing their legs together. I assure you I did on that day a little more than a decade ago. But truthfully, it never has happened again to me," you could more effectively say, "I suspect that most people will find it hard to believe that someone could reach a climax merely by squeezing her legs together. But I know I did...."

Incidentally, I doubt that most people would question such an occurrence. When a woman is fully aroused, it doesn't take much. I had a wife who could get off by stepping on the brake pedal in the car if she'd had a little warm-up first.

But anyway, beyond that and a few typo's, there's nothing here to criticise at all. In fact I'm somewhat jealous.

Thanks for the story...

jacktar48jacktar48about 10 years ago
Well Done

You have a definite, instinctive knack for this. I hope you continue to use this for your own entertainment, as well as that of others.

One note: When the author addresses the reader directly, it is called "author intervention" and is generally considered to be disruptive to the story line. But sometimes it seems to work, and the way you did it here is not egregious. But I would probably edit that paragraph out. It might be more effective to say something like, "I had discovered early that if I clasped my legs tight together in a certain way, and then rocked my body, I would become very excited, and often find it necessary to put my hand in my panties and finish myself off." or, perhaps, "I had heard whispers from other girls that they could reach orgasm by crossing their legs and swinging a foot. Or by merely clenching their thighs together and rocking their bodies. I had been doubtful, but now I believed every bit of it."

cliptoecliptoeabout 10 years ago
Cant wait for chapter 2!

Wonderfully written, your style and storyline built up into such a marvelous crescendo!

I especially liked the way you could weave your thoughts throughout the story, making it possible to really feel and 'know' you in this wonderful adventure into the taboo.

Thank you for sharing this wonderfully erotic and exciting tale!

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