Empty Nest

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Couple finds themselves alone after 20 years.
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Copyright © 2021- This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Empty Nest

Cathy and her husband Bert were sitting at the kitchen table quietly eating their dinner. After twenty-five years of marriage and three kids, the big house was quiet as they ate. Maybe too quiet. After all, for almost twenty years there had always been noise, good noise, in the big place they called home. Just last night, it had been a ruckus place to be. Cathy, smiling and laughing along with the three children as everyone had packed to go back to school. Then there was the noisy ride to the airport. It had all been so much fun having them all home for the summer, but now it was early September and the house was quiet.

"Listen," said Bert.

"What? I don't hear anything," Cathy said a smile on her lips, knowing what Bert was about to say.

"I know. Neither do I and on one hand that makes me glad but, on the other, it makes me sad. It's only been six hours and I miss them all already."

"Me too. Me too," Cathy said. "But now, we will have the house to ourselves, for those things we would like to do when the children aren't around."

"Ah, yes, those things." Bert took a deep breath. He sighed as he let it out. "Alone time for us to be together without someone barging in. Yes, indeed. Looking forward to time alone with my one and only girl."

"Who is she?" Cathy said giggling.

Bert just chuckled along with his lovely wife. Cathy looked at Bert. She had stopped giggling.

"Well, who is she?" Cathy asked in all seriousness.

"What?" Bert said now completely confused.

"Who is she?" Cathy asked once more.


"Your one and only girl?" Cathy repeated.

"You of course," Bert answered.

"Then why didn't you say so when I first asked?"


"You just laughed... chuckled then, without saying a word. Why?"

"I have no idea," Bert said still looking confused.

"We should probably, sit down and have a very long conversation about our communication skills."

"Of course, dear," Bert said still with a confused look on his face.

"Bert, whatever is the matter, dear?"

"I... I don't know. Tired, I guess. Maybe I better go up and lay down for a while."

"Maybe you better, I'll clean up and be up in just a couple of minutes," Cathy said walking with him to the stairs.

She watched her husband as he went up to their bedroom. He seemed okay as he climbed the stairs. But his face still had that confused look. She went into the kitchen and cleared the table. She rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. There were only a few dishes so she didn't start the noisy thing. She was getting to like the peace and quiet. She only hoped her husband was not ill.

Cathy climbed the stairs and went to the master bedroom. Bert was lying on the bed in his clothes. This was something he had never done before. Cathy was suddenly worried. She rushed to the side of the bed and sat down next to him. Bert's eyes opened. He looked up at his wife.

"God, you are so beautiful," Bert whispered.

"No need to whisper dear, the children are gone." Bert smiled at her.

"You are so, oh so beautiful." Cathy smiled at him placing her hand on his head.

"Thank you, dear. Are you feeling okay?"

"Can I kiss you?" Bert asked. Now Cathy was confused.

"Of course," she replied.

Bert sat up, leaned forward, and touched his lips to hers very gently. Cathy sighed at the soft touch of his lips. That was the way he had first kissed her twenty-five years ago. That kiss was what endeared him to her. Her heart swelled with love.

"What is your name?" Bert asked. Now Cathy was extremely worried.

"Cathy. My name is Cathy," she replied.

"Cathy. Such a pretty name. What's your last name?" Cathy was now shaking with dread.

"Patterson, the same as yours."

"Are you my sister?" Cathy closed her eyes, a tear leaked out and rolled down her cheek.

"No, dear, I'm your wife," Cathy said softly.

"I have a wife?"

"Oh god, no," Cathy whispered to herself, picking up the phone.

She dialed 911 and asked for an ambulance to come to their place. She explained what was happening to her husband. They asked her to stay on the line until the ambulance arrived. She did. It got there very fast. The 911 operator asked to speak to the paramedic. Cathy handed the phone to one of them. He nodded and talked to the operator.

The paramedics bundled Bert up and placed him on the stretcher. Cathy rode upfront, as they sped to the hospital. On the way, Cathy called her sister and Bert's sister. They both said they would meet her at the hospital. When the ambulance arrived. They wheeled Bert into the emergency room, and right into a cubical. A nurse was there to take his vitals. A clerk was also there to get the paperwork started. A doctor came in, said hello to Cathy, and then examined Bert.

Cathy sat there answering silly questions about where they lived, and what insurance they had. All the while, the doctor was examining Bert. She finally had enough and told the clerk to get out, she then went and stood by the doctor.

"Oh, Missus Clark, I have ordered some tests. We won't know what's wrong with him until they are complete. You're welcome to stay here with him," the doctor told her.

"What do you suspect, stroke, early-onset Alzheimer's, what?" Cathy asked feeling so helpless.

"It sounds like a combination of things or it just could be exhaustion. Has he been sleeping well lately?"

"He never said anything, but he always came to bed after me and was up in the morning before me," Cathy replied.

"Well, let's hope it's exhaustion then. But we'll test for the others just in case."

"Thank you, doctor," Cathy said turning to look down at Bert who was now asleep.

Cathy sighed as she watched him sleep. She loved him so much, sometimes she just couldn't stand it when he went out of town on business. Bert was a buyer for Singer, Wentworth, and Cali. One of the biggest manufactures in the valley. He had just returned from a two-week trip around his region looking at new things the company might need for the new winter line of... whateverthehelltheymade. Cathy didn't have a clue what they made. She didn't care, except that Bert's job let them afford things like putting the kids through college.

She was standing, when her sister showed up. They hugged silently. Lilly, Cathy's sister, left the room and returned with two orderlies. They all had a chair, one each for Cathy, Lilly, and Nancy, Bert's sister, to sit on. The two women sat holding hands. Half an hour later, Nancy showed up. She hugged Cathy and Lilly, stood looking down at her brother. After a few minutes, she sat with the other two women. All three women eventually fell asleep in their chairs. It's not that they were comfortable, just all three women were really tired.

Each time a nurse came in to check on Bert they all woke. Bert continued to sleep through the commotion. Shortly after the nurse left, the three women were back to sleep. It was about four and a half hours after arriving at the hospital that the doctor returned. All three women woke at the door opening. The doctor indicated that they should all step out in the hall. Cathy led the way and introduced Lilly and Nancy.

"Missus Clark, all the tests we ran were negative. He hasn't had a stroke nor does he have early-onset Alzheimers. It is most likely a severe case of exhaustion. I'm going to prescribe some sleeping pills. These are non-narcotic, so there is no addiction problem. We will be keeping him until morning. You'll be able to take him home around ten in the morning."

"Thank you, Doctor," Cathy said.

He walked away. The three women went back into the room and sat quietly.

"I need something to drink," whispered Lilly.

Cathy and Nancy nodded. All three stood and left the room quietly. They went down to the cafeteria and all got diet sodas. They found a table and sat.

"What the hell happened, Cathy?" Nancy asked.

"We had just finished dinner. The last couple of days have been hectic getting the kids ready to leave for school. We took them to the airport early in the morning, came home and Bert helped me clean the house. We had lunch and went up and took a short nap..."

"A nap. What you mean is you two bounced around on the mattress for an hour," Lilly said her voice full of sarcasm.

"No... we really took a nap," Cathy snapped back at her sister. "Or at least I did. Bert lay there with me. I don't know if he ever got to sleep. He woke me after an hour. After dinner, we were talking and he suddenly became confused. I helped him up to bed. I cleaned the kitchen and joined him in the bedroom. He wasn't asleep as I expected. He looked up at me and asked who I was. That's when I called for an ambulance."

"I hope it's as the doctor says and they didn't miss anything," Nancy said.

"Me too," Cathy added.

"How old is Bert, Cat?" Lilly asked.

"He's four years older than me...forty-nine. Why?"

"Just wondering. How has your sex life been?" asked Lilly.

"None of your business, Lilly," Cathy shot back angrily.

"Of course, but it might have a bearing on what's wrong with Bert. Are you wearing the poor man out?"

"My god Lilly, what do you think goes on in our house?" Lilly laughed at her sister.

"You really want me to answer that question? Don't forget I lived in your house for two weeks last year. In the room right next to yours. The things I heard..."

"Lilly, do shut the fuck up," Cathy said completely embarrassed by her sister.

"So Cathy is a sex maniac?" Nancy asked giggling.

"Nancy!" Cathy growled.

Nancy and Lilly both laughed at the blush rising to Cathy's cheeks.

"Sorry Cathy," Nancy said smiling at her sister-in-law.

"Me too, Sis," Lilly said.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. And it's not a lot of sex. Bert has slowed down in that area also. He only seems to want it one-way, on Saturday night, missionary position. He does make me cum, but I crave it more than one night a week. I will mention that to the doctor also when I take him to Doctor Reynolds. He's only forty-nine, he should want it more than once a week, shouldn't he?"

"Not if his testosterone is low," Nancy replied. "Jerry had that happen to him. It devastated me at his lack of desire. Have the doctor check his testosterone levels."

"I will, thanks, Nancy. So, is Jerry back to... normal?" Cathy asked.

"More than normal," Nance answered blushing brightly.

"Oh," Lilly said, giggling. Nancy and Cathy joined her.

The women stayed in the cafeteria for a couple of hours. When they looked around, the sun was shining through the windows. Cathy looked at her watch and grunted. It was only seven in the morning. She excused herself and went back to Bert. He was still sleeping peacefully. A nurse entered, when she saw Cathy she nodded at her and pointed to the hallway. Cathy got up and went out into the hall.

"Missus Clark, I have your husband's discharge papers here. The doctor will be here in a minute to explain what he would like your husband to do and give you the prescription."

"Okay, do you need me to sign something?" Cathy asked.

The nurse nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. If you could sign by the x's," she said handing Cathy a pen.

Cathy signed in all the places marked and initialed where the nurse indicated. Then the nurse was gone leaving Cathy with copies of everything she had signed. She sat in the chair in Bert's cube and read what she had signed. Then the doctor was there. Cathy got up and followed him into the hall.

"Missus Clark, here is the prescription for his sleeping pills. Now they shouldn't make him groggy in the least, but he needs to take them so he will be able to stay asleep for at least eight hours. And keep him away from the coffee past noon or if you can keep him from drinking it at all. Do you have a PCP?"

Cathy nodded. "Yes, Doctor Reynolds. So, no coffee?"

"Yes, no coffee would be better. And have Bert see Doctor Reynolds as soon as you can get an appointment."

"Thank you, Doctor." The doctor smiled as she turned to go.

Cathy sighed. She took her cell phone from her pocket and called Bert's boss to tell him Bert wouldn't be in today. Once she told him he spent the night in the hospital, he had no problem with Bert staying home. After all, he had like a hundred sick days coming. So, Cathy asked that he get the week off. His boss agreed.

Cathy sat in her chair watching her husband sleep. The doctor said they had given him something to sleep... just a gentle sedative. He looked peaceful as he breathed softly through his nose. She watched his nostrils flare and close as he did. She also thought about how much she loved him. She knew he loved her, he told her every chance he got.

Then Nancy and Lilly stopped by to say goodbye. Cathy was sitting there nodding off when Bert called her name.

"Cathy?" he said.

"I'm here Bert," she said getting up and going to his side.

"Where am I?" he asked looking around at the room and the machines hooked up to him.

"You're in the hospital, Bert. You collapsed last night at home and you didn't know who I was."

"No, really? How could I forget my best girl," Bert said looking up at Cathy's face.

Cathy leaned down and kissed Bert on his forehead. She started to cry and didn't know why.

"Oh don't cry dear. I'll be okay, I promise," Bert said moving his one free hand to the back of her head and stroking her hair.

"I know dear, I know," she said kissing his cheek.

Then there were three nurses there to unhook Bert from the machines. They were gabbing amongst themselves all the while Bert was watching the three attractive young nurses attend to him. Cathy watched Bert watch the nurses. After they left, Bert looked up at Cathy.

"Feeling better are we?" Cathy asked, arms folded across her chest and tapping her foot with eyebrows raised.

"A little, dear, a little," Bert croaked smiling at her.

"Hello, Mister Patterson, I'll be taking you down. Oh, they haven't got you dressed yet. I'll be right back." The women left the wheelchair and zipped out of the room.

A minute later one of the young nurses was back.

"I'm sorry Mister Patterson. Let's get you dressed." Bert nodded smiling.

Cathy cleared her throat. Bert's smile got bigger. The nurse had him dressed in less than a minute. She left him sitting in the wheelchair. The woman who brought the wheelchair came back, grabbed the handles in the back, and wheeled Bert out of his room and down to the elevator. Cathy and Bert were home within half an hour. Cathy got Bert to the couch and got him comfortable.

"No, no, I need to get to work," said Bert.

"Not today. I called and you have the day off."

"That slime Carlton will steal my clients, I have to be there to fend him off."

"Bert Patterson!" yelled Cathy. "You will lie on this couch and watch daytime TV until your brain oozes out of your ears. You got that Mister?"

Bert looked up at his wife a pained look on his face. Internally, he resigned himself to spend the rest of the day at home.

"Can I at least have my cell phone?"

"Of course, dear. But you had better not be on it all day. Because once the battery runs out, that's it, got that Mister?"

"Yes, dear," replied Bert feeling a little dejected.

Cathy bent down and kissed his forehead. Bert smiled as her lips touched his skin. Reaching up he pulled her down on top of him. Cathy screamed as Bert pulled her lips to his. She kissed him while she struggled to get loose. When Bert let go, she scrambled to her feet looking down at her husband.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

"Of course, you're a lightweight," huffed Bert.

Cathy swatted him on his shoulder. Bert laughed.

"I'll be up, catching up on my sleep. If I come down and you're not here there will hell to pay, you hear that mister?"

"Yes, dear. In fact, may I join you in bed..."

"ONLY, if you intend to sleep, sweetheart."

"Of course," replied Bert getting up from the couch.

Both of them went to the bedroom, stripped, and climbed into bed. Bert cuddled up behind Cathy, sighing as he put his arm around her middle. His Cathy was so beautiful and he wondered how he had ever captured her heart. He wanted nothing but the best for her. He kissed her head, sighed again, and closed his eyes. Cathy sighed when Bert cuddled up behind her, and again when he kissed her head. She closed her eyes and was asleep in seconds.

~ ~ ~ EN ~ ~ ~

Cathy woke sometime later. There was a noise she hadn't heard before. Looking over at her husband, she realized he was snoring loudly. Smiling she pulled on his left arm to get him on his right side. His snoring stopped. She was now wondering why he would be snoring now. Well, she would ask Doctor Reynolds when they saw her tomorrow. Of course, Cathy hadn't told Bert about the appointment yet or that he was off from work for a week. She giggled softly at that as she silently rolled out of bed, pulled on her robe, and heading for the bathroom.

In the kitchen, Cathy looked at the clock and found that she had only been asleep for an hour and a half. Shaking her head, she knew she had missed more sleep than that last night. Yet she felt refreshed. She poured herself some orange juice. Sitting at the kitchen table, she sighed, taking a sip of her OJ. Then she groaned at the thought of what might be wrong with her wonderful husband. Taking a deep breath she shook her head, knowing she would find out tomorrow at the doctor's office.

Not fifteen minutes later Bert made his appearance in the kitchen. He smiled at his beautiful wife and went to make coffee.

"No! No, coffee," Cathy ordered getting up to push the coffee maker back into its little cubby on the counter.

"Aw, honey, you know I can't function without my coffee," Bert moaned.

"And the doctor told me no coffee. The coffee is what is keeping you from sleeping. So, no coffee until we talk with Doctor Reynolds tomorrow. Got it?" Cathy scolded him.

"Yes, dear," Bert replied backing away from his wife. "Doctor? Tomorrow? I need to go to work."

Bert, surprised by her, as she never, ever scolded him like that before. She must have been scared witless last night. Cathy just watched her husband back away from her. She hadn't meant to scold him, but she had been so scared last night, she just couldn't let him do what he wanted anymore.

"Bert... sweetheart. Come sit with me. But first, hug me. I need you to know I love you and you, me."

Bert stepped back up to his wife wrapping her in his arms. She hugged him back, tightly. Bert sighed as Cathy hugged him. He knew she loved him and all she wanted was the best for him. He also only wanted the best for Cathy. She was his life, his beacon of hope and love. When Cathy let go of him, Bert gave her one more gentle squeeze and let go of her. Cathy smiled up at her husband as she pulled him to the table and they sat facing each other.

"Bert, my love, you don't know how scared I was last night. Well, maybe you do as you woke up in the hospital. I was scared. Really, scared. So scared that I called my sister and yours..."

"They were there last night?" gasped Bert.

"They were but left before you were allowed to wake up."

"No wonder I was so groggy."

"Yes, they gave you something to sleep. Just a gentle sedative. Now... no more interruptions. I have some pills the doctor wants you to take every night. Ah, ah, ah, no interruptions. You will take them, I will make sure you do. I don't want to lose you, do you understand me?"

"I do, dear," replied Bert.

He could see the distress on her face. He could hear the distress in her voice. He would do as she asked. Or was that ordered? Bert chuckled.