Endangered Ch. 04


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"Wouldn't you like to hold onto that? If I had you alone for a few nights, we could umm... you could help me perform some, interesting magic. It would be more than enough to..."

A few nights of spell casting with the dragon would be more than lucrative, extremely pleasurable, too, from what she'd heard. Dragons had an almost cult reputation among female Beings, which was only given more fuel by the complete lack of reliable firsthand accounts.

"I'm flattered, but no. Sorry."

Chris apologized surprisingly gracefully while Annabel was a little flustered. If she understood correctly, the woman had propositioned her own boyfriend to prostitute himself while she stood right next to him.

"Very well, how does two and a half ounces sound?" Mary said, trying to hide her disappointment as she pulled out a digital scale from under the counter, zeroing it.

"About three grand? Extortionate," Chris replied with a little smile. "But it's a very nice dress."

He got out two pre-weighed bags of dust and another of assorted nuggets which could be split more easily.

Mary picked up a bag to examine it, using her magical senses as well to examine the metal. She saw something there that she'd only ever heard about, a warm glow and a sense of movement, like the dust in the bag was actually molten. "You've given me the wrong bag. This is dragon-gold, isn't it?"

Lillian inhaled sharply. Susan had been waiting to call out the witch, waiting to see if she was actually honest once she discovered what Chris had to offer.

"Yes, it is," Susan said matter-of-factly.

"What's that?" Chris asked.

"He doesn't know?!" Lillian exclaimed. "Jesus Christ!" She narrowed her eyes at the young man. "I'm going to have to watch you closely, dragon."

"I wouldn't have let him give it away," Susan said.

"You could have told me. How much do you have? It should be in the Compound vault." Lillian pushed forward to look into the small case. He must have at least thirty of the little plastic bags, mostly dust and tiny nuggets in the little toiletries bag. She hefted it delicately after extracting it from Chris's hand. "The surprises never stop with you, do they?"

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck dragon-gold is?" Chris asked, getting fed up with people ignoring him.

"It's gold collected from the earth and hoarded by a dragon," Mary explained. "It's magically imbued with the dragon's power and greed. Placed next to other precious metals it slowly makes them grow. That's why in all the legends the dragons are lying on massive piles of treasure. It literally grows around them when they care for it, even more if they take it from the earth themselves." Mary marvelled at the value of the single ounce bag she held in her hand. "Dragon-gold is also used instead of regular gold as part of a spell or potion. It makes the effects far more powerful or long lasting."

"Yeah, so what's the big deal? If it grows then--" Chris clearly still didn't understand.

"Chris." Lillian caught his attention, her expression intense. "It loses its power as soon as the dragon it belonged to dies. People usually drain its power into other gold to increase their holdings or use it up in powerful spells. Ever since dragons started being hunted, before I was even made vampire, it's been very rare. The dragon has to 'lovingly take it from the earth,' with their bare hands, no magic, only a few ever bothered because it's such hard work. Besides, dragons are notoriously miserly. Now that dragons themselves are so rare as well... I doubt there's been dragon-gold on the market for a hundred years."

Chris took a moment to process this information. It seemed he was constantly bombarded with new aspects of his own nature. Sure, he had enjoyed the excitement of searching for hidden treasure in the silts of a cold mountain creek. He'd loved being outdoors and splashing around in the water and sunshine and he did get a comforting feeling from keeping the gold he collected close by. Miserly though? He didn't think he was miserly, and he never could have guessed that he was investing magical value to his small bag of treasure. He turned to Susan with a question in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me, Mom?"

"I didn't want it to ruin what you enjoyed," she said. "You were always so happy going off on your little expeditions, I didn't want that to change. I would have stopped you if you'd tried to exchange it but I didn't want to worry you that people would come hunting for your gold as well as for you."

"So how much is it worth?" he queried, giving his mother's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'd be very happy with one tenth of an ounce for the dress," Mary said tentatively.

"You'd be happy with one fiftieth!" spat Lillian, suddenly defensive. "It's practically priceless."

"Sorry, I don't mean to cheat him Lillian," Mary apologized hastily at the vampire's anger. "I don't know what it's worth."

Chris was startled, it was finally sinking in just how valuable his little hoard was. The problem was, he'd been prepared to part with two and a half ounces. It didn't feel right to give Mary so much less now, after she'd been the one to point out its true worth. His gold didn't feel that special to him, perhaps he'd never really been exposed to anything other than dragon-gold. He made a snap decision when he remembered what Lillian had said. If dragons were so miserly, today he was going to be generous.

"What if I gave you one ounce as thanks for being helpful and honest?"

"It's too much." Mary glanced at Lillian.

"It's my gold, isn't it?" Chris asked.

"Yes but.." Mary started.

"Okay so, please take it, it's yours." Chris closed her hand around the small bag she still clutched. "I hope it serves you well, Mary."

"Th..thank you," she stuttered, putting the bag in a pouch at her neck before bagging up their purchases.

Annabel was stunned; the gold she'd previously thought must be a small fortune was worth over fifty times its face value, if a value could even be assigned.

Lillian held back a little as the others began to leave.

"I hope you realize how generous that was. That he gave it to you freely makes it even more potent, you know," she hissed. "Thank you for being honest but I can't let you sell that. It would be too obvious where you got it and he's already in enough danger. You'd be putting both him and yourself at risk if you even tell anyone about it. It's worth far more than fifty times its weight to some, there are spells which haven't been wrought for years..."

"I didn't want to sell it," Mary assured. "I just don't know what to do. Maybe I could use it in my ever-clean potion spray but that seems like a waste."

"It would be, clothes don't need to be clean for ten thousand fucking years." Lillian paused to think. "I'll ask Lady Narlakis if she'll pay a renting fee for having it sit in her treasury."

Lillian thought the drow would probably go for it, if she didn't try to snare the rest of Chris's stash as soon as she found out.

"Thank you, Lillian."

Mary breathed a sigh and a shudder as the vampire made herself invisible again before following the dragon. Vampires, always so friendly and charming... until they aren't. She'd been going to call her friends, gloat that the rumours of a dragon were true and that he'd been shopping in her store.

Now she felt the weight of the gold, heavy beyond its true weight with magic. It pulled at her neck but felt warm nestled between her breasts. Realising her friends would know something was up if they ever found out from anyone else, she sent out a message through Maginet, not feeling the sense of giddy excitement she tried to express in the email.

Outside, Lillian called in her latest discovery to Reyla. She had to really.

"What?! Lillian, put him on the phone right now."

Lillian rolled her eyes but handed the phone to the dragon. "She wants to talk to you."

"Hello," Chris greeted her as he put the phone to his ear.

"Chris, is what she just told me true?"


"How did you get it? From trade?"

"No. I read about the gold rushes when I was younger and wanted to see what it would be like. I got lucky that first time and kept going back every few weekends because I enjoyed it."

The drow sounded like she might've been having some serious trouble breathing evenly. She spoke only once she was more calm. "And you are walking out on the street with it? Chris, dear, can I persuade you to secure it somewhere where others will not be tempted?"

"Like where?"

"It should be in a vault, as any gold is nowadays. I have a vault at the Compound that has never been broken into. It will be safe, I would be happy to store it for you."

"No, thanks, Reyla. It's mine, and I think I'd like to keep it nearby."

The next pause was filled with Lillian wondering whether Reyla could hold herself back or if she'd push too hard again. The drow surprised her by conceding. For now.

"Very well, Chris. I look forward to seeing you this afternoon."

They ended up finding Annabel a set of sneakers, some nice flats, and a pair of black heels to go with her dress. Chris also got some shoes to go with his new pants. This time, Susan paid cash.


Around mid-afternoon they wound back through the underground passageways to see Reyla. She had them seated in her dark office this time, lounging on low couches near an open fire. Chris thought the fire was a bit over the top, but to each their own. He was, however, impressed by the high shelves of tomes and scrolls. Reyla had clearly amassed an impressive collection of magical knowledge to match her powerful and wise aura. Looking around he realized this was the stuff she wanted people to see; she no doubt had many secrets vaulted away as well.

When Reyla approached them, she first examined Annabel carefully. The drow probed gently so as not to have the feisty little enchantment lash out at her. She'd even shielded herself before launching a gout of flame just past Annabel to the right. It'd bounced right back at the elf with the bright flare of a purple barrier, and she'd caught it quickly.

"Shit," Chris whispered to himself, trying to calm his anxious inner dragon.

Annabel had been even more terrified, then excited as the spell rebounded. The calculating look on the beautiful drow's face told her she was no longer insignificant to these people.

Lady Narlakis, forever dressed in some sort of beautiful gown, didn't dare try any of her more powerful or insidious attacks, intelligently fearing for herself if they also rebounded, or for Annabel's safety if they didn't... and her own yet again as the real dragon would no doubt retaliate. The more she was close to Chris, the more she realized that he was almost her equal. Frightening because she'd worked thousands of years to grow her immense power.

Reyla watched Annabel interact with the little tattoo dragon, seeing how it listened and responded to her, wondering how it had muted Susan that morning. It was indeed a living spell, unheard of in that it was cast on a human. Livings enchantments were rare and unique, it was impossible to say what they could or couldn't do. They were living so they could change and evolve, as could the owner of the enchantment.

"I agree that Annabel is well protected for the moment," Reyla finally said after long moments of contemplation. "She should get some education in the basic exchanges of magic and energy. We will have the tattoo--"

"Bartholomew," Annabel said, and the drow nearly grimaced.

"Yes, we will have 'Bartholomew' registered in your section on Chris's profile."

When conversation returned to Chris's small stockpile of gold, Reyla urged him that if word of it ever got out, it was almost an attractive target as he was.

"And who exactly is going to steal or kidnap in your community, Lady Narlakis?" Chris asked reasonably.

"Well, I admit there are some less...desirable elements living amongst us," Reyla replied. "Beings who still maintain the Secret, but barely live inside the council's other guidelines."

"There are even those who have rejected the council's authority altogether," Susan added. "They live in hiding away from the central hubs of each territory."

The drow arched an eyebrow at the witch but nodded in agreement. "There are only around half a million Beings in the world, so it is easy to lose yourself in the sea of humans, if that's how you wanted to hide. These are the types who steal and kidnap, those who value personal gain above any sense of loyalty or community to Beings as a whole. They live darker lives beneath the face they show the world."

Chris mulled that over. "So...do you know how much my gold is really worth? The witch at the store didn't know."

Reyla sighed again at that unfortunate indiscretion. "I estimate that you could name your own price in any barter. But please, Chris, if you need to purchase something, exchange your gold with me for some other form of currency. It would not do to have dragon-gold on the open market during these tentative times for your species."

They talked amiably about Reyla's territory for a while, the midwestern territory. Fairly different from the human's political borders, the midwest area included the Great Plains and the Rockies, from Canada to Mexico. Despite it being the largest area under one Being's oversight, it had the smallest population of the four territories in the States, but was also the easiest to manage when compared to the complex, central hubs located in many of the largest human cities on the east and west coasts. As with most all territories, Weres and magical humans were the most numerous. It was nature's way of balancing she'd explained, there were far fewer of the older, more individually powerful Beings such as elves and elementals because they reproduced much more slowly even if they did live for thousands of years.

Reyla's territory was especially hassle free, much of the great tracts of land under her control were only frequented by Were packs. They naturally preferred the access to wilderness rather than living in cities and their pack structure made them almost completely self-governed. Reyla generally left them alone if they didn't cause trouble, and that was the way they liked it.

Chris had some questions about dragons but Reyla begged off, asking him to wait until he went to see Lord Guthrie in four days time.

"I have sent a message to my bastard cousin as well," she said with a smile. "He's an Ether mage of somewhat dodgy repute, but I've asked him to come and tutor a 'promising young candidate' in the secrets of the Ether. Once you are settled in, we will discuss your education and employment further. I already have several options in mind that you might enjoy."

When they left, Susan was feeling better about their entire situation in Denver. Reyla seemed to be honestly providing sound, if somewhat self-centered advice to Chris, even putting in the extra effort to examine Annabel and get a tutor in for Chris's Ether magic.


Annabel called her parents that evening. Jim and Barbra Sommerset were less than impressed.

"You get your ass back home, now!"

"That's not really possible."

"I'll report a kidnapping, or a missing person."

"Dad, the first thing the police will do is call my cell and I can tell them myself that I'm fine. I'm just moving out a bit early and I'm going to move in with Chris. I'll be back in a few days to collect my stuff."

Her father proceeded to call Chris all sorts of unchristian names. "I want to speak with that boy!"

Annabel could only stifle a laugh as she looked to the couch where Susan was snuggled up next to him while they kissed gently, tongues only just meeting between their partially opened lips.

"He's indisposed. I love you, gotta go!"

Annabel hung up before joining the two lovebirds on the couch, determined to maintain her fair share of kisses in this relationship.


The next few days passed in a blur.

Lillian showed Chris to the security team's workout facility. There were resistance machines designed for Beings so he actually got to give himself a decent workout. Lillian offered to teach him how to fight and they met on the sparing mat.

She'd kicked his inexperienced ass all around the floor. Oslo howled with laughter as she simply threw him over and over again. Once, she'd let him get close to see what he could do. She soon found herself on the floor, arms behind her back with his satisfying weight pinning her. The sensation had almost made her wriggle back into him but she couldn't; it would have been sexual and her blood pact prevented it. For the first time in years, she was a little thankful for its presence.

"You're strong, but you could stand to work on the speed a little," the vampire appraised as she had many a beginner, brushing off her hands as she gained her feet. "Get beyond the grabbing and punching like an amateur and you'll be a force to reckon with."

Now, if he learned to phase, he'd be a terror. She wondered if he'd be a more difficult opponent in his half form, but the dragon remained hidden as it recuperated from its exertion to protect Annabel.

Chris had slipped back into the Ether one night but didn't leave his bed, not wanting to be caught out in unfamiliar, populated territory. When he'd woken up, his dragon was almost back to its annoying, opinionated self. It seemed the dragon could somehow draw energy from the Ether.

Chris delivered coffee to Susan every morning and slept with Annabel every night. Their lovemaking mellowed a bit as they learned to take their time with each other. They would enjoy slowly thrusting together for what seemed like hours before they fucked like frantic bunnies towards the end. He loved that he could get her off a couple times if he was patient and had time to excite her entire body.

Annabel enjoyed how her body was adjusting to him; she was almost constantly ready for him now, a few words or a meaningful look could have her nethers slick and dewy. It was hell on her underwear. He always made her feel so completed, whether he fucked her lazily from behind, watching his penetration distend and drag her labia backwards, gripping tightly to his cock.

Or, if he kissed her neck as his body arched into hers with her legs locked around him, she never failed to find absolute bliss. It often triggered or was followed by a second orgasm as he spilt his magic seed deep in her with forceful, hot, jets. She would lie there for minutes afterwards, enjoying the gooey, tingly, warmth inside her womb as he held her close.

She didn't realise it bit every time he come inside her, a little more of his magic would soak in, healing any small imperfections both inside and out and priming her with energy. She took on a healthy, beautiful glow as he imbued her, it would be weeks before she noticed. Their inexperience quickly evaporated as they spent their nights learning just how to set each other off. Meanwhile Bartholomew slowly profited from their efforts, growing in minuscule ways each time they expressed their love.

Susan was becoming friskier, too, a little frustrated that she and Chris were stalled at kissing and some rather heavy petting. Though really wanting to go further and cement their new relationship, she didn't push the issue too much, just frigged herself silly in the shower. She was taking a lot of showers recently as her neglected sexuality was rekindled by the dragon's kisses. Annabel was becoming more comfortable with their new relationship, too. She'd discovered that if she ever felt jealous watching them kiss, she could interrupt and demand some for herself. However, turnabout was fair play and Annabel quickly learned that being interrupted wasn't fun. They gradually worked out a system that seemed to work. It mostly involved being patient and generous, but above all else, not hogging the dragon.