Escape Crew from Dominatrix Island


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Feeling a powerful orgasm building up, I turned to look at the open doorway. None of the ladies were watching me, and I was somewhat disappointed. I managed to not groan out loud as one burst of cum after another shot forth from my penis. A real porn star quality money shot. Drifting back to reality, I made sure any evidence got rinsed off the wall and swirled down the drain before I turned off the water and dried myself with a thick fluffy towel.

Two women led me back over to the infirmary. Suddenly the other ladies swarmed over me and forced me down onto the cold metal exam table, where they began to secure me in place with wide leather straps. Then they stepped back from the table and I heard a pair of high heels approaching out in the passageway. I knew the slow, perfectly measured pace.

To one side, I saw the medic lady drawing a clear liquid from a vial into a scary looking syringe of glass and stainless steel until it was a quarter full.

The footsteps stopped outside the doorway and I was not surprised to see Loredana standing there in her silver leather jumpsuit. She took a drag on a cigarette, slowly exhaled a stream of smoke, and gave a nod to the medic.

The medic lady walked over to me. Maybe she had trouble finding a vein because she couldn't seem to get into the right position to give me the shot, but then I felt the needle pierce my skin, and I turned my head as much as I could to see the fluid injected into my arm.

Loredana crushed out her cigarette under the toe of a silver boot and walked into the room, the other ladies stepping out of her way as she came over to stand beside the table where I lay naked and helpless.

"Mr. Van, first off I want to offer you my sincere apology," she said in a surprisingly friendly tone. Her English was perfect, although she spoke with a thick European accent. "Your keepers were supposed to let you bathe and give you fresh clothing on a regular basis, but it seems that they ignored my orders. I will see that they are punished," she said as if doing me a favor.

"I wanted to make sure you had a chance to get cleaned up. You feel a lot better now, don't you?" she asked. I told her I did and thanked her. Loredana said that I had drawn attention to myself, but assured me that I was not in any trouble. She just wanted to talk with me.

Loredana told me that she knew what my diet was supposed to be, but after tests had been run on my blood and urine, she said that the results were not as expected. I suggested that the hags might have placed something in my food. After all it smelled like they were processing plants down there. Then I told her how the old hag just tossed my food bowl into the pit, usually spilling most of it on the dirty ground. No telling what might contaminate it that way. The hags had been such bitches to me that I had no problem ratting them out.

"The injection that Polina just gave you is a powerful truth serum, an old KGB leftover. They had a nickname for it. What is the translation in English?" she asked as if thinking out loud. "The family recipe? The secret sauce? It was something like that, but I guess it's not important. Don't try to fight it Mr. Van. I'll know if you try. Besides, I just want to sit down and talk with you for a little while," Loredana said as she pulled a tall metal stool over to the table, its legs screeching across the floor.

"When you first arrived here, you observed that we operate like a military force. Just like the military, we have procedures for everything, so when things don't run smoothly it's easily noticed," Loredana told me that things hadn't been running as smoothly as normal, and she found that to be suspicious. "Some of your behavior has also been, a little suspicious," Loredana said.

"Do you remember what my rank is?" Loredana asked and swiveled on her stool so I could see the crest and numerous stripes on her sleeve. For some reason I found them mesmerizing. Three black stripes at the top, with a silver stripe that matched her jumpsuit and I had never noticed before, and four black stripes below it.

"What kind of bird is that?" I asked, staring at the crest on her sleeve above the stripes. I was sure that Loredana would tell me.

"Tell me my rank, Mr. Van. Then I'll tell you all about the bird," Loredana said patiently.

I told her that she was the matriarch and was in charge here. Then I said that her assistant Stanimira was the chancellor, though I realized she hadn't asked me that. The information had just spilled out.

Loredana explained that the bird on the crest was an arctic tern, and they swarmed all over these islands for a few weeks when they were migrating south for the winter.

"Thousands of these birds. It's an amazing sight. They've been stopping here forever, so they make an appropriate emblem," Loredana explained. "They'll be coming in about a month, so you'll see them soon enough."

"That bird is also on your flag," I volunteered, suddenly realizing I should have kept my mouth shut. Loredana gave me a warm smile and said I was correct, and asked me where I had seen their flag.

I had to fight that truth serum. I couldn't mention the flag that someone had put on the old boat, so I told her that I saw their flag flying over the citadel when I had been sweeping outside, on the day I escaped to the lighthouse. It was a lie, but this was a fort of some kind, it had to have a flag. Loredana just gave me a friendly smile.

"That escape to the lighthouse, it was really impressive," she said. "I'm sure your body was tired, the tide was coming up fast, waves knocking you off your feet. You had no idea how much farther you had to go." Yes, it had been just like that.

Loredana said most men would panic in that situation, clouding their judgment, and would likely drown. However, I had a rare ability to stay focused. A mental resolve, able to ignore the danger and keep moving forward.

"Another man escaped to the lighthouse a few years ago. What was his name?" Loredana asked as if thinking out loud again. "McDonnald? McMonnigle?" Of course I knew it was McGonnigle but I was able to focus and fight the urge to blurt out his name.

"This crazy fool MacDonggle, he stole a sailboat from a wealthy uncle. Beautiful boat, maybe fifteen meters long with a cutter rig, and just took off across the ocean all by himself. "MacRonnigle thought he was some sort of hotshot sailor but he ran aground here. Ripped the keel out from under that beautiful sailboat. Now what was his name? McGonnle?"

I was surprised at how tough it was to keep my mouth shut. Loredana lightly traced her fingers across my forehead and told me that I was sweating, so she knew I was fighting the secret sauce. Instead of getting angry, she pulled her stool up closer to the table.

"Let me tell you another story. It's one of our favorites," Loredana said. She began telling me the story of the old wealthy client with the son who was a spoiled brat, constantly in trouble with female coworkers and had a number of failed marriages. "The man was tired of bailing out his son and paying all his legal bills. He thought that his son needed to learn to respect women, and knew that we could straighten him out."

"They flew out here on a helicopter. Only a few helicopters have the range to make it here and back to a location where they can refuel. Even then the weather has to be just right to attempt the journey," she said dramatically. Loredana said the old man told his son that they would go to a private island where he could party with all the ladies he wanted and not get in trouble. "A special island filled with beautiful women," Loredana said. "Women who liked to drink and party all day and night just like..."

"Girls gone wild," I finished her sentence, instantly realizing I had made a mistake. Loredana gave a smile of satisfaction.

"That's right," she said, lightly caressing my shoulder. "Just like girls gone wild. It seems you've hear the story before," she smiled. "I'm not surprised that someone told it to you. It is one of our favorites after all. Who told you the story?" she asked, but I said nothing.

"It would have to be a woman here that speaks English," Loredana said as if thinking out loud again. "That narrows it down to only a few. Who could it be?" There was no way that I was going to give up Anastasia. I had my mind locked down. That mental resolve.

Loredana gently wiped at the sweat on my forehead again, and lightly placed a finger under a back corner of my jaw, perhaps feeling my pulse. She spoke softly with the medic in their foreign language.

I turned my head to see the medic pointing at the halfway mark on the empty syringe as if indicating the dose I had been given, but I knew that was wrong. The medic had only given me half that amount, and had her back to Loredana when she gave me the shot so she wouldn't know. Why was that?

"When you first arrived here, what was the name of the lady who found you on the shore and could speak English? She interrogated you, and later brought you back from the lighthouse?" Loredana asked. I told her that was Anastasia. There couldn't be any harm in telling her that.

Loredana asked me what Anastasia's rank was. I knew she was recently awarded a third stripe. McGonnigle called her commander, though she had pronounced it differently. I probably wasn't supposed to have had any recent contact with her, so I told Loredana that Anastasia had two black stripes on her sleeve, but I knew that she was trying to get promoted. I probably shouldn't have elaborated.

"Do you know what Anastasia does here at the citadel?" Loredana asked. I told her that she interrogates men who speak English and wash up on the shore. Loredana said that was correct, but that only needed to be done on rare occasions, so what was her full time job?

"You have guests here. Men that like the dominatrix fantasy. I'm sure she spanks them, whips them, whatever they want to pay for. Might also be an interpreter for men that only speak English?" I speculated.

"I suppose she could do that," Loredana mused, but said there had to be some other job for her. Boring, day to day things that had to be done around an old fortress.

"Something with electricity," the words just rolled off my tongue and I could feel my heart sink inside my chest.

"That's right," Loredana said with a big smile. "How do you know that?"

I felt slightly nauseous, and quickly mentioned the wiring diagrams that Anastasia quizzed me on during my interrogations. Loredana didn't seem convinced and got up from her stool.

She slowly walked around to the foot of the table, telling me that Anastasia was a bit too ambitious and often disrespected her authority. She explained that even after the wreckage of the jet ski I'd ridden to the island had been found, Anastasia still wanted to torture me for more information.

"You would not believe the things that she wanted to do to you," Loredana said with a tone of disdain. "I had to shut her down. I did you a real favor," she said reassuringly. "I will admit that Anastasia is good at what she does. She studied electrical engineering at my alma mater," Loredana said. "Leningrad Polyteknika."

However, it seems that after graduating, when Anastasia returned to her homeland of Romania, she was unable to find work as an electrical engineer. Most of her friends from primary school had left to work on cruise ships, tending bar or waiting tables, but that wasn't good enough for Anastasia.

"She had a boyfriend in college. He seemed so sweet and innocent, but later he asked her to tie him up, whip him, do interrogation scenes," Loredana explained. "Oh, Anastasia was shocked. Why would a man enjoy such a thing, but that was what he liked. It turned out that she liked it even more," Loredana said with emphasis.

"So now she is here on my island, living the dream, dominatrix and electrical engineer. Such an odd combination," Loredana said, shaking her head as if in disapproval. She told me that sometimes Anastasia made things difficult for her, but she was also very useful.

"She developed a couple of things for me," Loredana explained. "That emergency call switch at the lighthouse? That's not what it really is. It just turns on a red light in my office. Wireless controlled. When you escaped, I knew exactly where you were." She looked me in the eye and her smile was fading.

Loredana asked if I'd had any recent contact with Anastasia. Maybe she told me the girls gone wild story, or somehow tampered with my diet. Perhaps she was plotting something? I denied everything.

"Here is another one of Anastasia's projects," Loredana said, walking over to something mounted on the wall. "She modified this medical device so it could be used to extract information during interrogations."

Loredana flipped several switches. The device made a low growling sound, which started to slowly rise to a higher pitch as if an electrical charge was spooling up.

"I've run out of patience, Mr. Van. You will tell me the information that I want to know," Loredana said, approaching the table holding two large clamps that were connected with wires to the device on the wall, which now emitted a high pitched squeal.

Loredana placed a clamp on one of my nipples, and I yelled out in pain when she clamped the second one on my scrotum. I could feel the sweat pouring from my body. The other women in the room stood as far back from the table as they could. Loredana walked over to the device on the wall and held one finger over a large red button.

"Who told you the story, Mr. Van?" Loredana asked. "Was it Anastasia? I need to know what you have been up to." I've never been more terrified in my life, but I wouldn't tell her anything.

All of a sudden the medic lady swooped in and snatched the electrical clamp off my nipple. The device on the wall made a loud clunk as if it overloaded and the high pitched whining stopped.

Loredana was furious and stormed over to the medic. Yelling angrily at her in their language, gripping one of the three silver stripes on the lady's black jacket, probably threatening to have her demoted.

To my surprise the medic argued with her, holding up the empty syringe once again. Loredana gave me a cold stare and I had to look away. The other women standing around looked concerned. Then to my surprise, Loredana turned and slowly walked out of the room. I think we all breathed sighs of relief, and the medic lady thankfully removed the painful clamp from my scrotum.

Sometime later I was taken by a group of elite guards to an upper level of the citadel. On a floor below where Loredana had her office and private apartment was a short corridor with what she called guest rooms. I was placed in one of the sparsely furnished rooms, which also had a sink on the wall and a toilet behind a partition. It was my old quarters before I had escaped to the lighthouse.

In the past, the stout wooden door had always been left open so I could access a shower stall down at the end of the hall anytime I wanted, but now the door was closed and latched from the outside.

I knew that at least two elite guards were stationed outside the door where a small table and chairs had been set up. Only women who wore silver leather were allowed on these upper floors. Unlike the dungeon guards who dressed all in black leather and paid little attention to me, these women opened a little shutter on my door and peeked in on me at random.

A good meal was brought in the early evening. I savored it and didn't care if it might be drugged. In fact, I hoped it was drugged and I would pass out soon. Preparations for the escape had come so far but I'd probably blown it for everyone, and I felt at an all time low. Anastasia had to know I was being interrogated by Loredana earlier. Why hadn't she created some sort of diversion to stop her?

I imagined the medic being demoted in their painful ceremony, and Anastasia being tortured for information since Loredana seemed to think we'd been conspiring together. I was overcome with despair.

My room had a small window too high up on the wall to look out, but it could be opened with a crank mechanism mounted on the wall. As darkness fell outside, I opened the window and lay down on the bed. Perhaps the escape was on for tonight and I would hear that old boat roaring off into the distance. I suppose I should at least be happy for them.

As I began to drift off to sleep I suddenly realized where Anastasia hid McGonnigle's balloon. It was probably in one of the battery rooms. None of the other ladies would have a reason to go there, and it sounded like McGonnigle only poked around inside the citadel and never ventured out onto the grounds.

Of course I had no idea how to launch a hot air balloon, let alone how to finish his project. He probably just planned to drift out over the ocean, hoping to be spotted by some boat and then come down to the water so they would pick him up. He seemed reckless enough to not even think about running out of propane before seeing any boats.

There was some hope that if McGonnigle escaped without me, he might be daring enough to come and rescue me in the near future. He'd do that, wouldn't he? If not for me, maybe just for the sake of adventure?

I drifted off into a restless sleep for who knows how long, and was awaked by the sound of the door being unlatched. It was probably the elite guards and Loredana, coming in to drag me off for a late night torture session. Pulling the covers over my head and rolling over towards the wall, I heard someone walk softly into the room. No usual sound of high heels.

A woman's voice spoke to me quietly in a foreign language and I felt her hand gently on one shoulder. Rolling over I was surprised to see that she wore a black leather jacket. It was the medic lady, whom Loredana had called Polina. I was thrilled to see she still had three silver stripes on her sleeve, gleaming in the dim light that spilled in the open doorway, but she probably wasn't allowed on this floor.

Raising my head enough to look out the door, I saw one of the elite guards slumped over the table, and the second lay on the floor in what appeared to be a pool of her own blood. I started to say something but Polina held one finger to her lips, and held out a bundle of clothing.

As I got dressed and looked out into the corridor, I noticed there was a wine bottle on the table that had been knocked over, along with one of two glasses. It was spilled wine on the floor and not blood.

Then I noticed the medic lady only wore white socks on her feet, and her rubber boots were near the open door. She kept making hand motions as if for me to dress more quickly, and I did so as fast as I could. The clothes were older grey scrub type pants and shirt, but clean and in good condition unlike what I'd been given to work in the pit.

Clearly Polina wasn't here for a night time medical check. Someone had drugged the wine the guards were drinking, and it was most likely her. She had also shorted the dose of that truth serum and must be working with Anastasia.

Before leaving the room, Polina arranged my blankets so if anyone peeked in the window on the door it might look like I was still in bed. It seemed to me like a waste of time. She also latched the door after we stepped outside. A lot of wine had spilled there on the floor. The two guards were probably only halfway through their first glass when they passed out. Both of them were snoring loudly.

She handed me a pair of leather sandals, but it seemed she didn't want me to put them on yet. Polina carried her rubber boots, and led me down the curving stone stairway.

As on the night when I had escaped to the lighthouse, only dim lights were on in a few of the corridors and stairwells. We continued to make our way down to the lower levels until we were in the passage that I recognized as being the way to the dungeon.