Ethan Nelson Pt. 02

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I'm now in lust with my mom's boobs.
9.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/07/2018
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Author's notes

You may have missed Part 1 of this trilogy if you only read stories from this section. And although this story would probably stand on its own, reading Part 1 first might give you a better understanding of events. It was posted in the Mature category.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this tale.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I'd been fucking Mrs Kowalski for a while now. Not regularly, just every now and again when Mr Kowalski was working nights. He had a nasty temper and I didn't think he'd take too kindly to me fucking his wife.

I liked fucking her though. She was blessed with huge breasts, which turned me on enormously and she was a pretty good fuck although I didn't have a lot to compare her to. Apart from my on again, off again girlfriend Candice Smith, she was the only woman I'd ever had sex with.

But maybe it was time to call a halt to our affair, if that's what you could call it. It was petering out anyway due to the difficulty in finding a suitable time or place to consummate our lust for each others bodies. I loved her big boobs and she equally seemed to love my big cock. And then I began to hear the rumors. People were saying that Mrs K was having an affair with a young stud. Jeez, that was me!

Having my ego stroked like that felt really good for a short time until I realized what the implications of exposure could mean. If I'd heard about the rumors then it would only be a matter of time before Mr Kowalski heard too. And as I said earlier, Mr K had a nasty temper.

Where did I first hear the rumor? Funnily enough it came from a very close source. My mom. I overheard her telling my dad that she'd heard Mrs K was - as she so delightfully called it - 'stepping out on her husband'. She then said that the rumor was that she was playing around with a young man who was hung like a horse. I heard my dad make some noncommittal grunt before murmuring something to my mom that I couldn't make out. I heard her reply clear enough though. She said, "I suppose so."

I didn't think much about it at the time. Shortly after I went out to meet up with Candice. We ended up arguing so I came home. I was sulking because I'd wanted sex. She couldn't because she had her monthly visitation and she refused to give me a blow job saying I was too big for her mouth and it hurt.

The house was in darkness when I got back home. I didn't walk in quietly so it never dawned on me that anything was going on. Not until I went upstairs that is.

The sound of moaning was unmistakable as I drew nearer to my parent's bedroom. The door was wide open, so they obviously weren't expecting me back anytime soon.

What did I do? I looked in of course. I couldn't help myself. I had a great view of my mom laid on her back with her legs spread wide. Dad was sprawled between them humping away and grunting loudly. I was mesmerized. I couldn't look away. I was so conflicted. My god, I was watching my parents have sex and that definitely wasn't right. No child likes to think that their parents ever indulged in sex other than that one time they did it to conceive them. It wasn't right. Old people shouldn't be fucking each other for pleasure, should they? And if thinking about them doing it was bad enough, seeing it was altogether... well ... yuk!

But somehow it wasn't disgusting. For the first time in my adult life I saw my mom naked. Her breasts looked spectacular and I particularly liked the way they jiggled up and down her chest as dad moved up and down her body as he fucked her. God it was so sexy. And why all of a sudden was my cock so hard?

I don't know how long they'd been at it but I suddenly heard my dad speak. "Cumming," he grunted loudly. His butt cheeks clenched, which was disgusting to see - my dad has a skinny backside - and then he rolled off mom. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were slightly parted as she lay there on top of the bed naked, her hips still undulating and grinding down into the bedding. I looked closer at her eyes. So big and brown and so sad. It was then it struck me. She hadn't climaxed. Dad had left her hanging.

With that dad got up off the bed and I fled to my room to contemplate what I had just witnessed. But first I had to relieve the pressure. My fingers fumbled with my jeans but I eventually freed my cock. It didn't take long before I was spurting out a huge load of cum into my toilet.

* * * * *

It was funny really. I'd never looked on mom as a woman men would lust over. Why would I? She was my mom. But since I'd been fucking Mrs Kowalski it had opened my eyes to the qualities of the older woman. I now looked at them with a fresh eye and even started to watch out for them in the store. And now I was looking they seemed to be everywhere. The vast majority were definitely MILF's ... or is it cougars? I'm not sure what the difference is. I'll have to look it up on the internet. But whatever it was my mom certainly fit into one of the categories and was certainly better than most. Compared to a lot of what I saw she was very desirable.

For one thing she was far better looking than Mrs K or any of the other women I ogled at the store for that matter. With long brown hair that just reached beyond her shoulders and large brown eyes, she was a very attractive woman. Plus she had high cheekbones and flawless skin. Added to that she had a sunny disposition and when she smiled it was generous and wide, showing all her upper teeth including her gums.

And her body? I'd never looked at her that way before. After all she was just my mom but now I looked at her differently. It was probably the same way my friends had in the past or maybe still did. I don't know. When I was growing up she'd always seemed to dress in baggy clothes but now I noticed she seemed to be wearing much snugger fitting garments. Especially around her breast area.

And so it was the next morning. I'd had a restless night, probably traumatized from seeing mom and dad copulating. Twice I'd woken up whilst having dreams about them ... well mainly mom and her large breasts ... with a raging hard on that just had to be relieved. I'd jerked myself off several times so my cock was quite sore.

As I came down the stairs I knew that dad had already left for the day and I could hear mom was talking on the phone. I guessed it was my Auntie. She and mom call each other constantly and seem to speak for hours. I stopped to listen in on their conversation. Mom was in full flow and she'd clearly forgotten I was still upstairs judging by what they were discussing.

" ... yeah, it's just like that," I heard mom say. She was obviously answering something my Auntie had said.

" .. huh huh ...

... you don't say ...

... Well I've heard the same rumor ... that's right ... yeah ... that's right too ... she's having an affair ... huh huh ... yep ..."

My mom didn't say anything for a while so I risked a peek around the door frame. She was stood sideways to me looking out the kitchen window listening as my auntie talked. Holy mother of god! She looked sensational. She was wearing an extremely tight fitting, long sleeved tee shirt type top that just clung to her boobs. I'd never seen them look bigger, they were really full and round. My cock, despite it's fragile state jerked to attention. Holy shit!

"... yeah I heard that too ..." Mom said. I could hear my auntie babbling on although I couldn't make out what she was saying. But she did seem awfully animated.

"... yeah ... hung like a horse so they say ..." Mom started giggling and I noticed she was fiddling about with the ends of her hair.

"... I could do with some of that too ..." Mom started to laugh, "I haven't had an orgasm for ages ... yeah really ... Damien only seems to want to pleasure himself ... ... well I suppose he is selfish ... huh huh ... I confess I haven't cum on his cock for years ...

... NO ... I can't tell him that ... no ... really ... ha ha ha ... very funny Trish ... I've always been faithful ... besides, sex isn't everything ...

... well to you maybe ...

... okay perhaps I should tell him but you know how upset he can get ... so maybe it's better to just keep quiet ... if I upset him he might not have sex with me ever again ... and then what would I do ...

... ha ha ha ... even bad sex is better than no sex ...

... no, he doesn't like to go down there either ... and tragically he seems to have lost the use of his fingers too ..."

I could hear my auntie shrieking with laughter and whilst mom was laughing with her I sensed it was tinged with some regret and dare I say, longing. And why was she making excuses for him?

Oh and by the way, Damien is my dad. My mom's name is Cynthia and her sister is my Auntie Tricia, or Trish for short and obviously Auntie Trish to me.

"Okay, Trish, I'd better go. Ricky will be up soon and I don't want him to hear our conversation about young men with big dicks. It might ruin him for life." She started to laugh again and I could hear Auntie Trish doing the same.

"... yeah he's fine. Working too hard at the moment. Long hours, covering for people off sick. He's not had a day off for ages. Short staffed at the store ... as usual ...

... of course I worry about him ... I can see he's very tired."

There was a pause as Auntie Trish talked for quite a while. Mom finally got a word in and she didn't sound happy.

"... don't be silly ... yes I know that woman shops at the 'U' ... and ...

... what do you mean how big is Ricky?

... oh gross! Florence Tricia Stanley, go wash your mouth out with soap. How could you even say that ... that's my son you're talking about ...

... and how would I know how big his cock is?

... gross ... NO ... I am NOT going to check ... NO not even to satisfy your perverted mind Tricia. Besides, Ricky's got a girlfriend. He wouldn't dream of having sex with an older woman ...

... what do you mean, how can I be sure?

... because it's my son we're talking about, that's how. Look, I'm going. I can hear Ricky coming down the stairs. Yes. Goodbye Trish."

As mom hung up the phone I quickly scurried back upstairs to my room. I made a lot of noise, even flushing the toilet in my bathroom so mom would believe I'd just got up. Grabbing my new digital camera that I'd treated myself to a couple of months ago out of my overtime earnings I wandered downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning sleepyhead," Mom said with a radiant smile. "Whatcha doing with that?" she added pointing to my camera.

I did a fake yawn. "I thought as I've got today off I'd go shoot some pictures. You know, try it out a bit, get used to it. Here let me take a few snaps of you." I swung the camera up.

"No, no, you know I don't like my picture being taken," she objected with a smile, putting her hands up to shield her face. I wasn't bothered. With her hands held high her boobs were now on full display, so I clicked away.

"Come on mom, show me your face," I said.

She was laughing joyfully as she dropped her hands down to her side. She half turned and flashed me a gorgeous smile. She looked so happy. And so hot. I took a few shots before she called time on our impromptu photo shoot and went and got me some breakfast. But as she turned away I had the feeling that she snuck a peek down at my shorts.

* * * * *

There was no disputing it. A few days later and I was officially a mess. I found it difficult to concentrate at work and even Mrs Kowalski sensed my agitation the next time I fucked her. My problem was that ever since I'd seen my parents having sex and then overheard mom's conversation with Auntie Trish I couldn't stop fantasizing about her. I was so conflicted.

To make matters worse every time I saw mom at home she was wearing clothing that showcased her stunningly curvaceous body. Okay, maybe it was my newly discovered heightened awareness of her body shape that got my feverish mind working overtime but it was becoming a daily battle to hide my permanent erection when I was anywhere near her. Just the smell of her perfume could get me hard. Plus I'd convinced myself that she was always sneaking glances at my crotch when she thought I wasn't looking.

I was also exhausted because I couldn't sleep. She filled my dreams every night urging me to fuck her harder. There were many nights that I woke up lathered up in a sticky mixture of sweat and cum. She was making me crazy with lust, so much so I didn't know what to do about it. And I had no-one to confide in.

It was dreadful but I so badly wanted to touch her. When I was a kid, mom had always given me loads of hugs and kisses but as I grew into my teenage years and started high school I got her to stop being so touchy feely. I told her it was embarrassing for a boy my age to be shown affection that way and if she didn't stop it I would get beaten up by the other kids.

But now I wanted those hugs and kisses back. If she was surprised by the sudden change she didn't show it. I went out of my way to brush up against her body at every opportunity. I would hug her just so I could feel her large breasts crushed against my chest and a few times I even went so far as to grab hold of her hips as I pushed past her, brushing my hard cock across her ass cheeks. Surely she must have realized what I was doing?

But no - mom seemed unaware of my torment and just carried on being a dutiful wife and mother. Me - I was slowly losing my mind, so I tried to force a reaction from her. When I knew she was upstairs I would ditch the shorts and wander around in just my boxers or briefs, hoping that she would notice my erection. It was pathetic but I didn't care. I even convinced myself that over time her visits to my bedroom were increasing and that she actually WAS sneaking quick glances at my bulge, checking me out, but I guess I was deluding myself.

* * * * *

A few weeks later and I had another day off. My work had suffered so badly since my obsession with mom began that I think the 'U' were glad to see the back of me for the day. I must have been tired because it was late when I woke up. Cursing myself for sleeping in I grabbed my camera and dashed out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I was hoping to catch mom in her nightie but as I walked into the kitchen it was a little bit disappointing but not surprising to find she was already dressed.

"Morning sleepyhead," she chirped out happily, smiling broadly as she saw me come through the door. "Your breakfast is in the oven. It's probably ruined though."

"Morning mom," I managed to force in reply, trying hard not to be too obvious that I was openly ogling her chest. I swallowed hard, hoping she hadn't noticed where my eyes had been drawn to.

She was wearing an off the shoulder white sweater and I was pretty sure there was no bra underneath. I would like to think I could make out her areolae and nipples though the material. A black skirt and high heels completed her outfit. She was also wearing full makeup, with heavy eyeliner and thick lipstick, which was unusual for mom. And her hair was totally different. She didn't look like my mom anymore. She looked hot. She was every inch a cougar. Or a MILF. My cock hardened instantly.

"Going out?" I said, stumbling over those two words. "Hot date?" I added, my voice now croaking and feeling my stomach muscles clench when I said them. I swallowed hard again.

"No, nothing like that," she replied matter-of-factly. "Just meeting up with your Auntie Trish. She's still a bit low because of ... well you know ... 'the asshole' ... so I'm treating her to lunch at that new swanky restaurant downtown and we need to get dressed up a bit."

By the way - 'the asshole' mom was referring to was Auntie Trish's soon to be ex husband Kevin. He'd left Auntie Trish for some twenty year blonde bimbo from work. She must be really hot because Auntie Trish is quite a knockout to look at and has a nice body.

"Why do you ask?" she added with just a hint of a smile.

"No reason," I replied. I was sure mom wouldn't lie to me. Would she?

I remembered the camera in my hand and swung it up. "Before you go, let me take a few pictures of you."

Despite her initial protests Mom started laughing as I manhandled her into the living room and finally got her to pose for me. I even zoomed in on her boobs for a couple of the snaps.

"Okay, okay, enough," she finally said, "I've got to go." She came over and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. I relished the hug that went with it but I wish she'd kissed me on the lips. I would have liked that a whole lot better.

She eventually left saying she wouldn't be too long. Yeah right! If she was with Auntie Trish she could be gone for hours, especially if they went shopping after their meal. I moped around the house for a while but was soon bored and couldn't settle. I even wondered if I should go into work despite the fact I had worked nonstop for weeks.

Deciding against that I went to my bedroom and downloaded the photos off the camera and onto my computer. They were really good. I loved my camera now that I was getting the hang of it. I scrolled through the photographs feeling my cock throb gently as I gazed with increasing lust at each shot. And then I got to the picture of mom I'd taken earlier. I groaned. Fuck me, I could definitely see her nipples through her sweater. My god it was fantastic. I printed it off.

Fuck, it was even better than fantastic after I'd blown it up. I compared it to my favorite shot of mom that I'd taken the first time I'd tried out my camera. You know, the one of her in the brown tee shirt. In that one mom's boobs just looked enormous. So round and full, they jutted out of her chest high and proud. It was probably her bra keeping them up there but who cared. I was in lust with my mom's tits. I printed that one off too.

I couldn't help myself. I now had something tangible to look at now when I jerked myself off. My cock was rock hard as I envisaged my cock sliding between those two mammoth breasts and into my mom's mouth, pushing past her thick pouty lips. Did I mention mom has extremely kissable lips?

But before that, I had to know. I strode determinedly into the bathroom and dived straight into the laundry basket. And there they were. The blue bra and panties mom had been wearing yesterday. I looked at the bra. It was big. I found the size tag. 34FF. Holy fuck. Mom WAS stacked! I picked out her panties and held them up to my nose and inhaled deeply. I'd read that men do that sometimes. I don't know why because I couldn't smell anything that unusual. What was I supposed to smell? But then my heart stared beating hard and my cock began throbbing inside my pants as it dawned on me what I was doing. It was so perverted, so fucked up, so bad, but shit ... it was SO good. My stomach turned over as my lust for my mom threatened to overwhelm me.

I almost ran back to my bedroom. I clambered onto the bed and tugged down my shorts. My cock swung up. It was already big and hard. I grabbed the photo's of mom and with her panties pressed against my nose proceeded to jerk myself off. My hand flew up and down the engorged shaft. I wasn't worried about friction burns. I didn't need to apply any lotion. I was so worked up that alarming amounts of pre cum were already flooding out the end of my cock and liberally coating it and my hand.

My head was awash with feelings of lust as I pummeled my hard shaft. I was going faster now, my breathing ragged, my heart jack hammering inside my chest. Images of my cock in mom's hands filled my mind and I reveled in the feelings of desire I was experiencing. Mom was now sucking me off, taking my huge cock easily down her throat. Her hands were playing with my balls as she urged me on to greater endeavors.

On and on I went, until I knew I was going to blow. I balled up mom's panties and held them around my cock. And then I exploded. Cum flew everywhere. I'd never cum so hard, ever. It was a seemingly never ending flood of white spunk. I slumped back down onto my bed exhausted.