Everybody Needs a Hobby Ch. 17


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Lifting my hand that was still perched upon her breast, she pulled at me; "C'mere," she whispered.

I crawled up beside her and lay on my side facing her. She rolled to her side, now nose to nose. Her eyes glistened and she closed them as she leaned in for a kiss. We kissed lovingly as she retrieved her own essence. She opened her eyes and those big blue orbs bore through mine and pulled at my heart. She smiled as my eyes began to tear.

"I love you," she whispered, her hand running up and down my side; "and I love to be woken up that way." Leaning back in, she kissed me again lightly, but not withdrawing from the kiss. We whispered and she giggled with our lips still touching, the occasional tongue slipping out to tease the other. It was a real test of will to carry on some semblance of a conversation without breaking out into a make-out session.

"So what are you up to today?" I asked, my lips moving hers as I spoke.

She tried to answer, but my tongue kept getting in her way, slipping in as she tried to speak. Finally I retreated and she giggled out a reply; "more website work and I'm working on cataloging all the work we've done and your past work so that we can retrieve it easily." She paused for a second, moving her lips around over mine like she was fluffing a pillow, trying to find a more comfortable position. "This is silly, you know," mumbling into my mouth; and with that we gave up and just kissed, tongues and lips passionately playing. Britt threw one leg over my hip and I felt her hand take my cock and effortlessly slide it into her welcoming pussy. She moaned into our kiss as she felt me reach full depth and then paused, breaking our lip lock.

Her blue eyes had darkened; a dead giveaway to her passion and as much as I wanted to continue to make love to her, an early appointment nagged me. "I'm sorry baby, but I have an early appointment."

"I know," she smiled as she squeezed me with her talented puss. "I saw it on your calendar yesterday. I just want to hold you here for a couple minutes and then I'll let you go."

I said nothing as I looked into her eyes and ran my hand over her side and down to her perfect butt which I held as she held my cock inside her. Britt looked through me, as though in a trance. She wore a contented smile as her pussy continued to just hold me, hugging me gently, capturing the feeling of my stiffness inside her.

All too soon, she kissed me once more and released me. "Here, let me at least clean you up," she said seductively as she slid down and took me into her warm mouth. A few swipes of the tongue and a little squeegee between her soft lips and I was certified clean and ready to go. She licked her lips after she gave the tip of my cock a parting kiss; "Damn, I taste pretty good," she laughed.

I shook my head and laughed and drew her in for one more kiss; "Yes you do, and I could eat you morning, noon and night," as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

She met me at the end of the bed and we hugged each other tight; "Well I don't think my pussy will hold you till lunch, so I'll go make you some breakfast while you get dressed," as she gave my cock one last loving squeeze and I watched her naked butt bounce its way toward the kitchen.

She was still naked as a jay as she proudly put an egg, ham and cheese sandwich in front of me with a cup of coffee and a glass of juice. No matter how often I see her beautiful naked form, it still distracts me and she knew it as she skipped around the kitchen cleaning up her mess.

Finally, I made it through breakfast without wearing most of it, got my teeth brushed and found Britt still in the kitchen, bent over and rummaging through a lower cabinet. I couldn't resist as I stepped up behind her and ran my fingers up over her pussy, grazed her rosebud and then gave her a love swat on each cheek.

Britt turned and took me in her arms once more and gave me another dick-straightening kiss; "Thanks again for this morning lover. I'll be thinking of your cock in my pussy all day long."

"Aw fuck," I moaned as she giggled, knowing what her teasing did to me. She gave me on last squeeze through my pants and then turned me and patted me on the ass; "Off you go baby. I'll talk to you later."

I hopped in the truck, spotted the remote for the new door operator and smiled as I punched the button and watched the massive door magically roll open; 'Ah, now that is nice.' I'd decided that life couldn't get much better than it was right now.

**Tuesday, mid morning **

The day was moving along well and my early meeting was productive, although it took all I had to keep my mind from wandering back to earlier this morning. The phone rang just as I pulled up to the pump at the gas station and I cringed as I looked at the price.

"This is George," I answered as I pulled my overtaxed credit card out of my wallet.

"Hi baby," came Britt's sultry reply. "Gotta minute?"

"Sure," I replied, "I'm just getting ready to bend over and take it in the butt for a tank of gas," I laughed somewhat unconvincingly.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry, but I'd gladly put something up your ass for free," she said nearly panting.

"You just stay away from my butt," I laughed, getting a strange look from the gray-haired lady at the pump on the other side of the island. I turned my back to her and said, "So what's on your dirty little mind?"

"Well now I'm thinking about sliding a dildo in and out of your ass while you fuck Kate's tight little virgin ass at the same time. Fuck, my pussy just gushed thinking about it," she moaned in my ear.

"God damn it Britt," I whispered into mid-air, my Bluetooth stuck in my ear and my crotch hopefully hidden from view; "You do this to me every time you call. Thankfully I'm not driving this time. So what did you really call about?" trying to distract us both by changing the subject.

"Oh yeah," she said, still breathing hard. "I was on Amazon and I saw some really nice lounges that would work great on the deck. They're about $200.00 each and we'd gladly chip in and help pay for them. What do you think?"

I grimaced as I thought about $800 for lounges as the dollars flew by on the gas pump, quickly approaching the century mark. "Yeah, well what are they made of? I don't want to have to try to get some giant teak monsters up through that roof hatch."

"No silly," she countered; "They're nice powder coated aluminum with cushions. The shipping weight is only 20 pounds each, including the cushions."

"Yeah, that sounds okay," as the pump mercifully came to a grinding halt at buck and a quarter; "Good lord, a hundred and twenty-five for frickin' fuel," I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry," she said. "We'll gladly pay for the lounges."

Now I felt like a real heel; "No baby, it's okay; it just gripes my ass to have to pay this much for gas. I may have to look for another mode of transportation; like maybe a motorized skateboard or something. Just go ahead and put it on my card; you know where the number is."

"Yeah, I've got your number," she said in her sexy lilt. "I'll order three and we'll probably have them tomorrow."

"Wait a minute," I said as I tore the receipt from the pump. It reminded me of someone sticking their tongue out at me and I jerked it accordingly. "Only three? Don't I get one?"

I caught her kidding tone as she said, "Well I figured you'd just share with one of us if we were all up there at the same time; you know, you could lay on me while you tanned your little butt or I'd lay on you while I tanned mine," and she broke out in a giggle.

"Well, that works fine until we want to tan the front side. I mean, I don't mind you laying on me that way; I have plenty of options, but you....., besides, I weigh too much to just lay on you without, well you know..."

"Yeah, I know," she said, sounding all exasperated; "We can't expect you to just lay there with our hot, oil slick, naked bodies touching you and not want to take advantage of us," and then broke up laughing. Before I could respond; "Whoops, there's the other line babe. Gotta go lover," and then all I heard was dead air. Oh well, I didn't have a snappy comeback for her last comment anyway, so I stuffed the gas receipt in my pocket and eased back onto the road, conscious of my lead foot.

** 5:00 p.m. **

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and I marveled once more at the massive door on my warehouse/home/studio opening at just the push of a button. I rolled on inside and parked in front of the house, the sound of the door rolling shut behind me. "Hi baby," I heard as I stepped out of the truck. Britt was upstairs and gave me my welcome home titty flash.

Her smile and beautiful boobs were enough to bring the worst day at work to a glorious end. "I'm gonna grab a beer; do you want anything?" I yelled up to her.

"I made some fresh ice tea this afternoon. Could you bring me a glass of that pretty please?" she replied.

I popped the cap off a bottle of Sam Adams and poured her a big glass of tea over ice and headed upstairs. Britt was at the desk, hunkered over the keyboard, mouse in hand and just clicking away. I stood behind her and gave her a kiss on the top of the head and checked out her handy work on the screen. This girl could do things on the computer that made my head spin and I took a seat next to her and let her do her thing. While she was doing that, I did my thing and checked her out. Today's work attire was a little crop top that didn't quite make it to the bottom of her boobs and on the bottom she wore her favorite pair of satin running shorts. Barefoot, she wiggled her toes as she typed, as though somehow connected to her fingers; it made me smile.

"So," she said, taking a break from typing and taking a sip from her ice tea, "here's what I've done," and she proceeded to walk me through the various files and directories that made up all our past work and talked about how easy it was now to reference dates and job names and find virtually any shot that had ever been taken. She was obviously quite proud of her accomplishment and I was proud of her, but I was also smart enough to know when I was out of my element and admitted that I didn't catch half of what she had just shown me.

Britt pushed back from the desk and stood up and landed in my lap, giving me a big, wet kiss. "That's called job security," she whispered as she ran her tongue around my ear.

"The kiss or the computer work?" I asked as my hand strayed up under the cut off shirt and played with a stiff nipple.

"Uhhh...either, I guess," she groaned as she wiggled in my lap.

We continued to make out, her gyrations increasing exponentially. "Mmmm..." she moaned as I mauled her tits and ran my hand over her taut belly; "I wish we had the lounges upstairs. I'd take you up there and work on my tan while I fucked you senseless."

"You would, huh?" I answered as I ducked down and took a nipple in my mouth as my hand found its way under the loose-fitting legs of running shorts. It only took a couple minutes to trip her trigger as her pussy gushed all over my embedded fingers.

"Oh shit baby," she moaned, her head buried against my neck, nipping at it. I released her captive nipple and we kissed as I continued to play with her clit, setting off mini-explosions inside her until she finally pushed my hand away, bringing it up to my mouth, making me clean up my own fingers. I saved a little for her and her sucking my finger soon had my cock straining for attention.

Timing being everything, we were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Being the guy, I'd have let it ring. After all, isn't that why they invented voicemail; so you wouldn't be interrupted while she slobbered all over your cock? Evidently, Britt hadn't received the memo and bounced up for the phone.

"Red Brick Photography," she said into the receiver.

"Oh, Hi Becky," she said. "Nope, still here, hard at work," she replied to the cute redhead we'd met at the western wear shop. "No," she continued, "we haven't shot it yet. I think it will be in the next day or so." She looked at me and winked as she listened; "Hang on, I'll ask him." Britt covered the mouthpiece; "Becky wants to know if she can drop by and watch us shoot the Dodge. You know, I still think she'd make an excellent model for the calendar, and a redhead would be a good addition.

I couldn't argue and my dick hadn't receded as I thought about the little cowgirl's generous rack and round ass. "That's fine, but you know we'll have to postpone the 'other' calendar shoot for later."

She stuck her a tongue out at me just a little and answered, "Yeah, okay..." and then a whispered 'maybe' before she was back on the horn and giving Becky directions to the studio and swapping various phone numbers. "Okay sweetie," she said gleefully, "I'll give you a call when I know that it's scheduled. See ya then, bye."

Britt hung up the phone and turned and gave me a mischievous smile. "I'm so glad we get to see Becky again," she said as she stepped in front of me and bent to give me a kiss. The kiss lingered as my hands danced up and down her bare sides and her tongue parried with mine as one of her hands strayed to my crotch. "You know," as she broke our kiss and slowly dropped to her knees, "I've had a couple dreams about her since we met," unsnapping my pants and digging for the zipper. Her deep blue eyes stared up at me as she grabbed my pants and briefs and slowly started to pull them toward the floor. My stiff cock bounced free, just missing her chin.

She smiled as she pushed my clothes to the floor and then addressed my cock; "I'll bet Becky would love to meet you," she said, giving it a kiss on the underside. She proceeded to run her tongue up from my balls, all the way to the tip. Never loosing eye contact with my dick she continued; "Do you suppose she's a real redhead?" taking me in her hand and running her tongue around the crown of my eager cock. "I'll bet her pussy tastes sweet," taking me into her mouth, her lips wrapped tightly around my shaft.

I had my hands in Britt's blonde locks as she took my cock into her mouth, all the way to the root. Her hands played with my balls as she tried to swallow me whole. Coming up for air, she latched onto me, stroking my slick cock. Still conversing with my dick, she kissed and stroked it with a twisting motion. "You think she has a tight little pussy?" varying the tightness of her grip as she hand-fucked me. "I'll bet it's not as tight as mine is," squeezing a bit more, slowing her pace.

She took me in her mouth once more, thick mucus collected from deep in her throat. Wet once more, Britt formed a circle with her thumb and forefinger and placed it on the tip. "I wonder if Becky would like to have you in her ass as much as I do?" as she pulled the constricting 'O' of her fingers over the head of my cock. It popped in; forcing its way into the tightest ass imaginable and I shuddered as I watched it break through. "Hmm baby, your cock is so big in that tight ass," as she wrapped her fingers tight, slowly taking my cock deep inside her.

I closed my eyes as I imagined my cock probing the red-headed cowgirl's ass. I felt a tongue on my balls as I fucked Becky's ass; "Ah fuck that's hot," Britt moaned. "Her pussy's so fucking wet and your cock's so fucking big, stretching her little ass....Mmm, her pussy's so sweet." My mind had Britt underneath Becky, lapping at her pussy and my balls, front and center as I continued to pound the little red-head's ass. "Fuck her, fuck her ass baby," Britt moaned as she stroked my throbbing cock. "Ahh shit baby, she's eating my pussy...ahh fuck Becks, eat my cunt baby, lick my clit, suck it, suck it...Fuck George, she knows how to eat pussy...."

I scrunched my eyes tighter, immersed in fantasy; "Fuck George... I'm gonna cum baby...cum in her ass baby...I want you to cum in her ass while I cum all over her face baby...fuck...fuck...fuck...ahhh fffuuuccckkk...." My body shook as I exploded feeling her ass constricting and sucking the juices from my balls. My heartbeat finally slowed and I cautiously opened my eyes, as though I was unsure of what had just happened. My eyes finally focused on Britt's smiling face, her eyes brilliant and her breathing a little labored. She was licking her lips as her hand was still wrapped around my spent cock; "Fuck baby, you almost drowned me. I couldn't swallow fast enough;" the evidence running between her breasts.

I was speechless; I had worked up fantasies in my own head that have certainly gotten me off, but I'd never had someone else get into my head and lead me like that. In my mind, I was indeed fucking Becky as she and Britt were eating each other's pussy. I gave up and pulled Britt to my lap and kissed her; "You are unbelievable," I finally said, kissing her once more.

We sat there, hugging and kissing, murmuring 'I love you' to each other, totally wrapped up in the moment. I was nearly ready to carry her to the bed there in the studio and make 'real love' to her when the sound of the big rolling door broke the spell. We stared at each other, reading a bit of disappointment in the others eyes and then with a shrug of the shoulders, we stood up and straightened each others clothes. Britt turned to head down to greet our roommates when I grabbed her hand and pulled her back for one more kiss. Running my hand through her thick blonde hair, I stared into the deep blue eyes and said, "I love you more and more each day."

Her eyes glistened and a small tear trickled down her cheek as she buried her face in my chest, holding me tight. After a couple seconds, she tilted her head up and whispered, "I can't even tell you how much I love you." We both broke into huge smiles, and kissed once more; and then on cue, Kate and Gina yelled from down below, "Hey, what's for dinner?"

We looked at other and said in unison, "Kids!"

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Rapier875Rapier875over 1 year ago

This is so good, just a shame it's got to end at some point !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I liked the ending

You are a very talented writer., Keep the stories cumming. ha ha. Can't wait for the next one.

reader661reader661almost 12 years ago
Another great series.

After reading this and the Carla series I hope to see more. Truly enjoying the reads.

WitchfanWitchfanalmost 12 years ago
Good chapter.

Foundation is solidly build, so it is no surprise that it keeps on going. I sure dont see it ending anytime soon!

crow76308crow76308almost 12 years ago

... work, as usual. Some language idiosyncracies, but still enjoyable. Cannot wait to read more. I hope he gets to really enjoy that redhead, and finally plays in Kate's back yard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Make sure you have a good ending

Thoroughly enjoying the series. Please please have a good ending planned. There is nothing more disappointing than the story just left hanging or fizzling. Keep up the good work

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