F5: The Games She Plays

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A man's love for his eccentric wife.
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F5: The Games She Plays

(Author's note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. Every story for this FAWC begins with the exact same line. Where it goes from there is up to the author.)

* * * *

Upon the table lay three items: a handkerchief, a book and a knife. He walked further into the room taking in everything, looking for anything else that could be seen as being out of place in frugally furnished room. There wasn't much in the small space; the table was low and surround by two large comfortable armchairs. Two shelf lined walls were crammed with books arranged apparently without rhyme or reason. A third wall held a bay window where a cushioned bench lay invitingly in the sunshine.

Once again he looked slowly taking in every little nuance. This was her room, her sanctuary. He had built this room for her, her own special retreat. He both loved and hated this room. He loved that it gave her solace when she was feeling down or neglected by him as he concentrated on a project of his own. He hated it because it took her away from him time and time again, not just her physical presence in his world, but her mind seemed to drift to another place, another time, another love. He shook his head and tried to remind himself he had won her love and loyalty a long time ago, he adored his eccentric wife with all her quirks and idiosyncrasies but sometimes like now; it drove him to distraction.

This wasn't the first time he had woken to find her gone on some escapade, or another, but she had usually warned him of up-coming trips or adventures she was planning. Maybe she had mentioned it, and he had not been paying attention as he pottered around in his shed out the back working on some never ending project of his own or when he had been writing the column that was their main source of income in his semi-retirement.

She had packed a bag, and as the sun lit the horizon had kissed his cheek and murmured, "I love you."

"I love you too," his sleep addled mind had not realised exactly what she was saying. He groaned remembering his drowsy voice as he had replied, "I love you too." How could he have not realised she was saying goodbye? How could he have let her go so easily without finding out where she was going or what she was doing?

Old jealousies and resentment warred within him as he looked for clues within the little room. He was hoping this was just one of her little games, a mad moment in time, the beginning of an adventure. It wasn't like it was an unusual event in their lives, for her to disappear for a while. Mostly it was just a need to escape for a time. There had been one time though that that he had endured weeks of heartache as she ran away with mandolin player for a wild month of abandon in a hippy colony down in the hinterland. That had been the worst of her flirtations. Mostly they led to nothing but a mad moment in time, as she liked to call them. The time with the musician though, had hurt, and left him with a feeling of insecurity that he had never quite recovered from.

He shook his head dispelling those dark times. She had always come back seemingly more in love with him than ever and promising never to leave him alone again. He had been helpless in his love for her and despite the advice of friends and family had taken her back with open arms. He once again looked at the table and taking a breath decided it must be one of her games. It had to be one of her games. The alternatives were too heartbreaking. Looking for hidden meanings in the items she had left on the table, he scratched at the morning growth on his chin thoughtfully.

He sat in one of the large armchairs and studied the table. The handkerchief was crisp and white, ironed to a perfect triangle with lace softly curling its edges. An old fashioned thing in today's disposable world but it also told of his wife's femininity that she would never go anywhere without one, "just in case." He often chided her about her just in case scenario, but she was adamant that a lady should never go anywhere without lipstick and a handkerchief.

He smiled as he remembered times where those dainty squares of cotton had held the treasured lost teeth of their children, or precious things like special shells found on the beach. He picked up the neatly folded handkerchief and held it to his nose, closing his eyes his mind filled with the image of her when they had first met so many years ago.

She had been the most beautiful debutante of the season, escorted by a handsome young man of the right social standing and surrounded by friends and family. He had met her as she escaped the crowd seeking fresh air and glowing with perspiration she had fished a handkerchief from her cleavage to dab at her forehead and nose.

He found himself chuckling at the memory of her turning to find him standing there watching her. He had been part of the hired help, so to speak. As a member of the band he held some cache but the elite crowd here was way out of his league, and he knew it. Rather than ignoring his presence or simply dismissing him, she had surprised him by approaching him with a flirtatious smile and fluttering eyelashes. She had wanted two things from him that night, firstly a cigarette, which he quite happily supplied from his breast coat pocket and secondly music that wasn't going to put all the young people at her party to sleep.

While the first request was easily done, it took some fast talking to convince the percussion and brass players of the band to up the tempo and create a bit of a stir for the younger crowd. He'd been fired after that night, but he didn't care as he had managed to land a date with the most beautiful girl in the world.

He brought himself back from the memory to the feel of the soft handkerchief against his face. He sighed out loud, "Where are you baby? Where did you go this time?"

Once again he looked at the only clues she had left as to what was on her mind before she disappeared with the last vestiges of the night. Holding the handkerchief in his hand, he looked at the two remaining items on the table; the knife glinted in the stray beams of sunlight as they filtered through the curtains.

"Why on earth would she have left the knife in here?" he asked himself and leaned forward to pick it up. He studied the implement. It was a plain butter knife, silver with a heavy handle and a thin blunt blade. He knew it was here for a reason, but his mind wouldn't bend to its meaning. He closed his eyes willing himself to think of something. This had to be one of her games; it had it be, he felt himself slipping into the darkness he did not want to acknowledge. He gripped the knife tightly willing an emotion, a distant memory, anything, to try and make sense of what she had left for him to find.

"Please baby," he said out loud to the empty room, "Tell me where you are, before it's too late!" Dropping the knife back to the table at an absolute loss as to why it was there and despairing that the time limit he knew he was on would run out. There was always a time limit with her games. He knew there was always a need to prove himself to her and always a need to show how well he knew her and loved her.

He understood that when he took her from the world she knew, leaving behind a disapproving family and the friends who turned their backs on her, that he would need to be her world until she found her own place in his world. He had hoped as they began their new life together that creating their own family would be enough. His own working class family had embraced his new wife at first but began to resent that she was so far out of her depth. She had no knowledge of even the most basic housekeeping or cooking, and they were not about to act as housekeepers for her.

Taking on more work so he could afford a housekeeper on top of the mortgage that was barely with his means had had meant that his lovely young wife had been left on her own even more than they planned. It had been a difficult time for both of them but their love had conquered all in those early years of marriage. While his colleagues bemoaned married life as an end to any sort of exciting sex life, he had commiserated and smiled smugly thinking of his beautiful wife who constantly amazed him with her creativeness and need for that kind of physicality in their relationship.

Those early years had been filled with blissful joy, but as his career grew to include greater responsibilities so did his time away from home. They had three children within the first five years of their marriage, and his extended absences began to create a wedge between them. One day he came home to find the housekeeper with the children and no sign of his wife. He had begged the housekeeper to move in for a few days and began his search for her. That had been the first of her disappearances.

She had returned a week later and with teary eyes had confessed that she had felt trapped that they never did anything together anymore. That their life had become stale and boring, and she had runaway only to realise how much she loved him and their beautiful children. She had sworn that there was no one else, could never be anyone else that she had only ever loved one man, and that was the man she married.

Relief and passion for the woman who had returned to him filled him, and he took her in his arms, kissing her hard. With a sense of urgency, they had practically torn each other's clothes off and made passionate all-encompassing love right there on the living room floor. Her cries of pleasure echoed through his mind with the image of her sitting atop him riding his cock, her tits and hair bouncing as if in slow motion, in his mind's eye, made his cock stir.

Leaving the children with the housekeeper, they had spent the weekend in a small hotel wrapped in each other's arms and renewed their love and commitment to each other. They each made promises to make more time for the other, to be more thoughtful, to remember how they felt on their honeymoon when they were so madly, deeply in love that no one else in the world mattered.

Life has a way of getting the better of people though and over the years she had disappeared at regular intervals, always coming back to him with words of love and commitment. She was not hard to find after the first couple of disappearances. She had always escaped to an idyllic bohemian community within the hinterland, populated by artists and musicians of all descriptions. It was enough for him to know she was safe and had not left him and their family for another, so he had never interfered with her time away. In fact, in some ways he enjoyed the break himself, indulging in his own passions. He went and saw friends he had lost touch with from his band days and played the occasional gig.

That was until she returned to confess her first affair, blaming him for not loving her enough, for treating her like a maid hired to keep his house and his children. She accused him of forcing her into another man's arms and took no responsibility for her own actions. There was no passionate reconciliation as he had flown into a rage. He had been understanding, had understood her need to runaway sometimes and recharge her life, he had provided everything she could possibly need, and she had thrown it all away on some unemployed musician who could never love her like he did.

The fight had been long and loud, ending with him calling her a bad mother for constantly leaving her children and making them feel unloved and unwanted just like him. He remembered the look on her face, as if he had physically slapped her. She had fled upstairs at that point, and he had slept on the couch in his den. When he woke in the morning, she was gone and had taken the baby with her, their daughter, Honey.

It was the darkest time in his life. His closest friend had gone to find her and found her shacked up with a mandolin player and Honey. They had appeared to be healthy and happy, unlike himself and his two young sons. He had thrown himself into work and raising his boys not stopping to think about what had torn his marriage apart. Then one day he came home, and she was there, acting as if it was just another day. That night after the children had gone to bed she came to him and begged forgiveness, professing her undying love and admitting fault for everything.

He brought himself back from the past with another shake of his head. While that had not been her last disappearance, it had been the worst. She hadn't completely disappeared for a while though, she usually told him directly about some wonderful adventure she wanted to go on. This disappearance disturbed him because she had been more erratic than usual lately. He knew he had to find her; she was his world, his one true love and he was worried about her well-being.

He dreaded looking at the book. He never understood the meaning she intended when she left messages for him by book or movie choices. He looked at the title with surprise. <i>The Five People You meet in Heaven </i> he looked again at the knife lying beside it. "Oh god, she wouldn't do that!" he thought in panic. His mind whirred with a new sense of urgency.

Taking up his phone, he tried to call her again and on being sent to her message bank yet again he left an impassioned message, "Baby call me please, I am worried. Where are you? Why aren't you answering your phone?"

He walked to the bay window and looked out. It's a game he thought just one of her games. She was always trying to keep him on his toes. He turned back to the small table and picked up the book reading the blurb on the back. Okay, he thought, not actually opening the book, it's about people who have influenced my life, for good or for bad. Let me think, five people who have influenced my life, well aside of her of course. His mind immediately went to his children, and he picked up his phone again. He didn't want to worry the children, but if this was one of her games, his daughter would know.

"Hi Honey, it's your dear old, Dad," He greeted the forever happy voice of his daughter, the youngest of his three children.

"I know your voice silly, you don't have to tell me who you are," she laughed at him. "Mum said you wold probably call and asked me to give you a message.

"She did, did she?" He answered feeling part relief and part frustration at his eccentric wife's antics.

"Poor Daddy, not in the mood for a game today?" she teased him with a giggle, hearing the tone of frustrated resignation in his voice in comparison to the excited chattering of her mother who had called earlier that morning.

"So you spoke to her today?" He asked letting his relief win out.

"Oh sure, today, yesterday most days over the last few weeks she has been planning this little adventure for you for a while," she laughed.

"Tell me I won't end up in a nudist colony like last time, or in some bizarre spring solstice ritual with a coven of witches," he grumbled but there was a smile on his face as he remembered some of the more outlandish adventures they had been on together over the last few years.

"Don't worry Daddy, I think this time you will be the human sacrifice in some Mayan doomsday cult ritual so that you won't have to be a worry-wart anymore, it will all be over once and for all," her peals of laughter made him hold the phone away from his ear.

"Very funny," he groaned but his voice was light. His free spirited daughter was so much like her mother it actually frightened him sometimes, and he felt for her partner and the life he would need to lead to keep her entertained. "So this message you have for me?" he asked when her laughter finally faded enough for him to talk over it.

"Oh yes," She took a breath. "You're starting in the wrong place, you have to go backwards before you can go forwards." She said as if reciting a poem she had learned by rote. "She said she left you three clues, a fourth will be arriving soon and you will pick up a fifth along the way."

"Right," he rolled his eyes even knowing that she couldn't see him. "So backwards then forwards, more clues to come, got it," he said sarcastically, "It all makes so much sense now."

"Why don't you go have a shower and get dressed, you will feel better," she let the laughter creep into her voice again, "Don't even try and tell me you aren't standing there in your pyjama's and that ratty old robe."

"It's not ratty," he protested petulantly.

"Yes it is!" She said with certainty. "Just go with the flow today Daddy, it will be easier for you that way,"

"Are the boys in on this too?" he finally asked.

"Sure this is a big one Daddy, but I promise it won't be too painful. Just remember, we all love you very much. Now go get ready you have a big day ahead," she heard his groan again. "You're not fooling me with that groan of yours. I know you love these little adventures."

"I'm getting to old for all this shit!" It was his turn to chuckle, "I guess I'll see you on the other side of whatever this is. Wish me luck, Honey."

"Good luck, Daddy," she hung up the phone.

At sixty, he was a semi-retired columnist writing for several newspapers. He enjoyed his increasingly quiet life in their house by the lake. It had been too quiet lately, and he should have known something was up when his wife had not complained about becoming boring old people. Resigned to his fate, and much relieved to find that this was indeed one of her games he climbed the stairs to ready himself for whatever was about to happen.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
An ending

Back in 2014, an anonymous commenter wrote a crude ending to this story. While crude, it matched my feelings as well. So . . .

When he reached the top, he paused briefly, listening. The old house softly creaked in the wind. Nothing too strong; just late autumn winds, blowing the last of the leaves from the trees. The yard needs raked. Not today. The thought settled a weight into his mind. It was always this way. The weight fell on him. He had accepted this fact when he won her. Delightful, vivacious, affectionate, spoiled. The heaviness of the life of a working man making his way in the world seemed intolerable to her, as the wife of that man, at times. He turned on the landing. Photos on the walls illuminated their life. Two had only them. Walking down the hall, a visitor could read the growth, the increase and then the decrease in his family as the children came, grew, then left to make their own lives. As happened more frequently lately, his turning on the landing caused his ankle to ache. Such a small thing, a slit twist to the ankle, nothing more than anyone did a hundred times a day, now brought the occasional dull ache. He ache and the thought of the ache soured his mood. He walked slowly back into his bedroom and settled carefully on his bed. His deep breathe brought the aromas and odors of the room, filling his mind with memories. The sweet odor of his wife. A mixture of her soap, her boutique shampoo and body wash, her beloved White Shoulders. Under it, the faint sweetness of an old woman's aging body. His eyelids lowered as a breathed deeply again. This time he detected the sour odor of his unwashed body. A deep memory of his grandfather bubbled to the surface. When his grandfather died, his father had taken him, still a young boy, to the funeral parlor to make the final arrangements. The man remembered the inside of that room, dusty, musty, with a hint of the sour rot if decay not fully covered by the cloying perfumes and candles. The memory brought the man's eyes opened and he began to rise. The sudden thought of death chilled him and he found himself needing the comfort of his wife's gaiety. But she was not there. He settled back, his lower back now joining his ankle in causing him to wince. His left arm, broken falling from a ladder while placing the last of her Christmas ornaments one icy Christmas Eve, the two fingers on his right hand permanently twisted from the woodworking accident while hand crafting her chest of drawers. The ache in his heart from those men, those absences, the loss of their daughter, the burden of the weight of their life, the ache of lost vacations, holidays taken only by her and the children as he struggled to surround her with joy, peace, happiness, and love. His gaze travelled around the room. So much made by him, so little by her. Their wedding picture hung in a frame lovingly carved during evenings after coming home exhausted from his work. The furniture, the nick nacks, all gifts from him to her. Her gifts - adventures. Her adventures. Her puzzles. Her tricks. Her vacations from him. He no longer thought of those peculiar items on the table downstairs. Bitterness rose in him. Tired, oh so tired. What he most desired was rest. Rest from his labors. Rest from that dull ache of sorrow. Rest. To sit in his daughter's kitchen, a mug of warm coffee in his hands and to watch her boys play in the brisk autumn air until they ran into the house, shouting, shoving, laughing. His face lit with a smile and he began the first movements to stand before the thought but him, pushing him back into the bed. The puzzle. How sick he was if the puzzle. Tired, oh so tired of puzzles. Tires of her puzzles. Tired of her including his.sons, his daughter, in her plans. Tired of feeling ever so outside. Tired of those years missed. Tired of the mockery of those pictures lining the hall. Tired of looking at them and seeing her, the children, but so many without him. All those memories she shared with the kids. His memories - work.

The idea came, fully formed. He rose,.walked to his bathroom and carefully went about preparing for the day - the first day of the adventure. He carefully packed. His children always loved his wife's puzzles. They delighted to laugh at him as he struggled to solve them. His wife's ever-boisterous retelling of his mortifying embarrassment at the nudist colony never failed to have his daughter and two daughter-in-laws rolling with laughter. His son and son-in-laws were more restrained, but never failed to smile at the take. He always hid his mortification with a smile. After all, this was why he married her. And that was why it was time for him to give his family a puzzle, an adventure. The thought came that this would obviously ruin whatever plans they had. No problem. Once they solved the puzzle, they would forget the pain, the worry, the fatigue and just laugh. He carefully pulled his old clarinet case from his closet. Carefully carrying it and his packed suitcase down the stairs, he stepped into his wife's room and placed his clarinet in the center of the triangle formed by his wife's clues. A sudden idea came. Filled now with energy, he strode to the hall closet and pulled an insole from his work boots. He laid that on top of the clarinet case. A quick check of the house ensured all the doors and windows were locked. He stopped briefly in the kitchen on his way to the garage. Picking up the phone, he dialed his daughter. Her laughter tinted voice rang out through the phone, "Dad. No calling for clues. You have to play the game right." His curt reply, "Cathouse" silenced her, but the sound of a dial tone cut off the question before she could voice it.

As he drove away from the house, he wondered if she, or his wife, would understand his clues. He had always loved jazz. For years he had spoken of his dream, to take a tour of jazz, beginning in New Orleans, then up through St. Louis before ending in Chicago. Perhaps the clarinet and clue, "Cathouse" would be enough for them to follow him to New Orleans. If they did not find him, then he intended to sample those fine cathouse whores of New Orleans he had heard of in his years as a youthful musician. He did not intend to spend every dollar of their life savings on whores, but he did intend to clean out all of the cash they had in the bank. She could keep the house, unless she followed the clues. After all, he did leave that insole for his falling arches. That should be enough to get them to St. Louis. If not, well, he would have his adventure. Then when he was done, this time, she could pick up the pieces. This time, he would tell the stories. This time, she would ache. Suddenly, he no longer ached. His fatigued fell away from him. The weight lifted from his body. This was his adventure and he felt fine.

Okay - I just wrote that straight through. No checks for grammer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A very slow learner

Sorry, author. I would have shed this weird woman at the time of the mandolin player. Who needs such an upside down brainless twit for a partner?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Anon, if you don't want to come across an unfinished story, I would suggest going to a book store and paying for your literature. Thankyou Ellie for fulfilling my imagination

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Well I think there will NEVER be an end to this story

If I understand the author, this was written as a part of some weird challenge. I'm not sure why this chapter has to be quite so unfinished, but since this writer continues to post and has made no mention of continuing this, I feel this is all we will get. Which makes for a problem. Unfinished, as it sits, this was a very unsatisfying read and I'm not sure why any author would leave it like this. With FTDS no longer with us, someone else would have to take this thread up, ask the author's permission to finish (this author is still active and posts stories now and again) the story and then actually write a decent finish. Maybe someone like George Anderson might attempt such an ending. Highly unlikely that happens. So we're left with this mess. Not good. Not good at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Ya what the hell is this about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A story of unfinished possibilities

But as I understand it, this particular story will never be continued? Which is too bad. I don't like that he feels "resigned to his fate". And I would like to either find the wife or at least understand her motivation to start this game. Too many unanswered questions. I don't want a continuation of the general story. I want a finish to THIS story.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 9 years ago
An interesting setup

But not one that I enjoyed. I'm not sure about the other games that she has played throughout their marriage but it sounds to me like she has some serious issues. As a husband, how did he not divorce her when she left him for a month of debauchery with another man or men? And what man (or woman for that matter), who was half asleep, would expect his wife to be packed and leaving when she whispers in his ear "I love you"? It sounds like his job in semi retirement was portable. I think he should have one of two responses. File for divorce and ignore her going forward would be the easiest and probably the best. Regardless of his love for her, the type of mental instability she's demonstrated over the years is probably only going to get worse and why would he want to continue to torture himself with her idiosyncrasies? The second choice might fit into your fictional story a little better. He should pack himself up and take a long vacation. And I mean at least a month if not months. Ignore her clues, pick a destination and head out. Only AFTER he has left would he phone his children, tell them he isn't playing their Mother's game, that he has started a game of his own. She can either figure out his game or she can continue on her own. That he was tired of chasing her, that if she wanted him, she could try and find him. And he should have made himself VERY hard to find. Maybe after a year he could file for a divorce using abandonment. In any case he needs to leave this crazy woman. No, I didn't like this unfinished story at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
But I don't think he relaxed.

Tired of his wife's games he implemented his own plan. He had been packing his things for awhile. He made one call that got the movers to the house. He made a second call that moved 75% of their assets to his private accounts, then moved those funds again to an offshore account that was untraceable. A third call was made to his attorney to serve his wife with the divorce papers. The PI he had hired knew exactly where his soon to be ex-wife was located. As the movers finished packing and left, he made one final call to his Daughter to say goodbye, tell her that he was tired of the games and was leaving her Mother. That after the divorce was final, he'd be in touch with her and her brothers. End of the silly game. This was unconvincing at best, boring at worst.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
mving to very kinky territory

The thesis of a whole family of erotic funsters is light and spicy and quite stimulating. The story starts off a little repetively as was mentioned in a previous comment. But it moves swiftly and smoothly into the core of the story and leaves me really curious about this new game.

Tx Tall TalesTx Tall Talesalmost 10 years ago
Not all games are fun.

Warning: My comments will tend to be harsher than complimentary. It is meant to help. I hope that by identifying what *didn't* work for me, the author might have some insight into areas of improvement, so far as one reader's opinion goes. I didn't read the other comments, until composing my own.


* First impression during and after the read. *

" . . . out of place in frugally furnished room." I think you're missing a 'the' between in and frugally.

Need to say this. Pet peeve of mine are first paragraphs with errors. You'll often lose me as a reader. If you can't get the first paragraph right . . . . In this case it's your first sentence. The other one was given to you.

" . . .low and surround by two large . . ." Surrounded, not surround.

Second sentence, second mistake. You definitely would have lost me as a reader.

"Once again he looked slowly taking in every little nuance." Awkward sentence, probably should have the word 'around' either before or after slowly.

" . . . sometimes like now; it drove him to distraction." - I think this would be better punctuated as: sometimes, like now, it drove him to distraction.

" . . . she ran away with mandolin player . . ." with 'a' mandolin player, perhaps?

Starting to wonder about this guy and this relationship. She leaves him for a month with another guy in a hippy colony, and he takes her back? WTF? And he calls it a flirtation? Buy the guy a dictionary.

" . . . held some cache but the . . ." I think the word you're looking for is cachet.

" . . . was barely with his means had had meant . . ." I think you meant within, not with, and you have one too many 'had's here.

Starting to understand a little of their issues. She's a flake. He loves her. They're from two different worlds.

Scary how weak-willed this guy is. She leaves, takes the child, has an affair, and it's just another day. Sad.

I'm getting pissed at the daughter. He's miserable, and they're laughing at him? What is the deal with the games.

So it's a game? Was it always a game? Honey is grown up, and the wife had an affair when she was a baby - is it 20 years later? Twenty years of this crap?! The man has the patience of Jonah, or the spine of a jellyfish.

Alright, where's the rest? I mean, seriously, that can't be the end. You must have forgotten to submit it or something. This isn't an open ending, it's a fail.

Too bad, despite a lot of editing issues, it was an interesting story, different, and engaging. You managed to make me feel and take sides, which is good. I wanted to know what was happening. Unfortunately just as you got me totally engaged, you dropped the ball.

As for the items, for all it means in this story they could have been a rock, a pickle and a dump truck. The hanky had some tie in, but a butter knife?

* Favorite Elements *

Interesting, different plot. Good character development on the part of the husband.

Engaging, and kept me wondering.

* Issues *

Need some editing. That and an ending. Ok editing, ending, and a spine for the husband. And maybe new locks for the house.

Frustrating. It could have been a very interesting, compelling and engaging story. It's a third of one.

jomarjomaralmost 10 years ago

I'm in agreement with others here, very well written, but...

I think it could use some smoothing out...she disappears and has affairs or not and he's worried she's at it again. But then we learn it's also fun and games as well and his family is in on some of them. So which is it and in what order? When she disappears these days should he be worried or anticipate some fun?

For awhile I felt like I was in the LW zone given the initial setup. I was irked at her for being so thoughtless and high maintenance and I was irked at him for putting up with it. So ya got me feeling...well done!

sheabluesheabluealmost 10 years ago
Interesting, but incomplete

This was such a nice start, and written well, in spite of some repetition. I like the developing characterization of the husband, and the feel I was getting for the wife. But there just wasn't enough for me to make it a satisfying story. I would be interested in reading it if there were ever more to read.

stlgoddessfreyastlgoddessfreyaalmost 10 years ago

So hard to score this!

Your characterization was a solid 5. I thought you used deft touches to describe the relationship between these two and I thought it was clear that her disappearances had become more and more benign, a game they both enjoyed on different levels. I completely believed that he had accepted her leaving and sometimes taking other lovers, whether she told him or not, as part of the total package of life with an eccentric bohemian stuffed into a suburban life. They're an escape for him, too, since he gave up being a musician to support his family.

Your copy editing was a 3. Typos and some usage errors roll off me as long as the story is compelling, but yours became somewhat distracting, which was a shame because your writing is solid.

Your ending was goddamn enraging. There have been plenty of stories in this round of FAWC that have used open endings, some more successfully than others, but what you have here is two missing pages. Made me cuss at my monitor when I realized there wasn't more to the story. The good news is that I was hungry enough for more of your story that it made me mad not to get it.

SecondCircleSecondCirclealmost 10 years ago
Looking Back

The concept of this story was very unique and interesting. The husband snd wife characters seemed a perfect contrast to pitch a little conflict in the tale. I like the use of the items from the opening lines as these confusing little clues she leaves for him, snd as of yet, it's the first butter knife I have read in this contest. Nice job thinking outside the box there. Everything was set up to head in the right direction for a good read.

And what I read was pretty good. True there was a whole lotta telling and not showing. Thats fine, because you told it in kind of a dreamy look back in the past. It was cool to relax and study the past, how they came to be, and watch for clues along the way. The writing was very good grammatically and mechanically.

But really that's all we are left with. The past and a sudden present with not much suggested for the future. I liked the idea of her restless nature and his constant attempt to avoid complacency in the relationship. But we only got to see past transgressions. There was no true hint as to what her current game was going to entail. I think everyone was wanting to know. The clues never really led us anywhere. It's not really what would qualify as an open ending. That would be fine, but there's not enough really suggested to leave anything "open" for interpretation. We get to relive the past and are told of her games, we learn it is a game, then nothing more.

So it did feel like there should have been a second page. Keep FAWCing though, because it's clear from the writing itself you have the skill.

SwillySwillyalmost 10 years ago
Very nice beginning

of a longer story. It is well written, but feels abandoned. I'd love to read the rest of the story!

drteethodrteethoalmost 10 years ago

I think this could have played better if the wife's disappearances or games or whatever were more innocent. I guess most of the time they were (in addition to being eccentric, which is pretty cool), but there seemed to be multiple times she had an affair (unless I'm reading it wrong). I can see taking someone back after one affair, but multiple times I find less believable. Plus the one time she takes off to have an affair AND takes one of the children while leaving the others behind is really off-putting.

Changing the "games" to be more innocent and eccentric would have made the story better, in my opinion, and the ending tease, which to me is the best part of this story, would have played even better.

I can identify with the husband in one way, in that it can be exasperating to deal with someone who is so out there. I think you captured that dynamic well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Missing a page and a point?

It just stops. I too tried to find the next page. The story was already irritating me, though, before I got to the just-off-the-cliff stop. Problems with setup for a reader--in addition, there were five mechanical problems in the first paragraph alone, which continued to intrude on the reading--which is something I tried to get into, because it seemed to be trying to weave a melancholy "can't live with her/can't live without her" mood that I was thinking might be good.

The setup problems: First, OK she plays games with him. It wasn't established that the items on the table should be seen as part of the game she's set. Has she used this setup before for a game? Were these items highlighted enough for him to recognize that they were part of a game? Not that I could see. And then, too, the time setting. It wasn't pinned down. Items are used to help set period. I know they still play the mandolin, but mandolins are literary symbols of the ancient past. We get "hippy" right away, but these two together just make the question of time period more of a whiplash concern taking attention away from the story. Every element you use should be important in a story and should serve it. Why the mandolin? It hurts rather than helps setting the scene/time period.

Once you get with an editor, the "goodness" of your writing and storytelling will probably quadruple. Until then, I think you need to think about keeping the reader with you and not off trying to figure out where we are and you need to do a little research on what a story is. You've got the dilemma--another one of her games, and this is beginning to threaten their relationship--but you need a resolution unless material has been dropped at the end of this, and the tension wasn't compelling. The butter knife pretty much killed any tension for me. A butter knife? Really? Where's the tension in that? For that matter, why a butter knife altogether? The knife is one of the three required elements. Getting back to every element needing to be important to the story, what's important to this story in a butter knife? I looked in vein for why a butter knife and how it fit anywhere except for an external story element requirement. If it's there, I missed it. Maybe it's there, but I didn't see it, and an author doesn't really want the reader backtracking and not being able to find some key element they expect to see.

patientleepatientleealmost 10 years ago
I was looking for a second page.

I really wanted to know what the game was about.

AMoveableBeastAMoveableBeastalmost 10 years ago

Such a hard one to score. Technically sound, expertly rendered, but it read more like an introduction than a proper story. There was a great deal of telling, and very little doing. Yet, it had so many good elements in it, and was such a relatable, resonating story--at least for me. Who hasn't loved that girl, and been the unwitting victim/beneficiary of that lovely, chaotic storm?

In its current state, I suppose it has a kind of elegance, but I longed for more. I wanted the adventure, not allusions to past exploits and a nod to the future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I'm honestly not sure what I think about this. It's well-written, but it seems the first of a series -- as opposed to a story with an ambiguous ending -- so, hmmm. The emotions come across well, though.

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