February Sucks My Way

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He couldn’t wait to March first.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/16/2022
Created 04/10/2021
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My thanks to Mr. George Anderson for allowing me to do my version of February Sucks. I have not read every version so if my version sounds familiar is totally a coincidence. I used other versions also to make my story complete.

To me, men might forgive the sex, but not the disrespect in this situation.

Remember this is Fiction. And could never happen "yea right."

Since everyone has read the original. My story starts when Marc LaValliere is in the club and Dee sees him.



February Sucks My Way

He Couldn't wait to March first.

My story starts from here.

"It is, it is!" Dee squealed excitedly. Marc LaValliere was the star tight end on our city's football team. Unlike many others on the team, he made his year-round home here. He had the reputation of being a genuinely good guy, and he was as well known for his community activities as for his exploits on the field. Marc became the main topic of conversation at our table, as the guys talked about his football feats and the women praised his good works and good nature.

"It doesn't hurt that he's a hunk, either," Dee put in. Linda and I both knew who he was, but we weren't very interested in anything besides each other just then. We let the conversation wash over us, holding hands under the table.

"Hey, you two, get a room!" Linda and I looked at each other. We hadn't even been kissing. Well, not really kissing, anyway. My feeding her wings (so she wouldn't get sauce on her new dress, of course) didn't count. Besides, we'd already gotten a room. We were saved from further embarrassment when the band started again.

"Shall we dance here, or upstairs?" I whispered to Linda. Before she could reply, Jane interrupted.

"Look! He's coming this way!" Sure enough, Marc LaValliere had left his table and was heading for ours. I was amused by the reaction of the women at our table. Four of them primped and strutted, all but saying "pick me, pick me!" If you think a woman can't strut while she's sitting down, you have a lot to learn. Linda looked downward and held my hand a little tighter.

"Hi, I'm Marc. Would you like to dance?" He was standing behind Linda's left shoulder, holding his hand out to her.

I felt Linda gasp as she dropped my hand as if it were a hot potato. I watched dumbstruck as she turned her back to me, gave Marc her right hand (it almost disappeared in his big paw), and gracefully rose from her chair.

"Hey, man, now my feelings are hurt. I thought she was just dancing with you tonight." Dave smiled as he needled me.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, too," I groused.

"Relax, Jim. It's just a dance." Jane tried to soothe me. I tried to believe her, but I couldn't help having a bad feeling about this.

The band played a couple of fast songs, and our whole table watched them dance. So did everyone else in the room. Marc was good, far better than I was, and Linda was clearly enjoying herself. Her partner and her dress combined to show her off to perfection.

"Don't they look great together? Come on, Jim, let's join them," Dee invited, clearly trying to distract me.

"Thanks, but no."

The next song was a slow one. I watched Linda melt into his arms, fitting perfectly as though she belonged there. He was good at that, too. Lots of practice, I'll bet, I thought to myself sourly. Marc said something to Linda; she smiled sweetly as she responded. He wasn't doing anything I could legitimately object to. He didn't dance any closer to her than I danced with Dee or Jane; his hands didn't go anywhere they weren't supposed to.

Another slow song, a ballad this time. I could see the band leader watching my wife and her partner, taking his cues from them. Marc was smiling as he held Linda in his arms; he was clearly pleased with whatever was going on. I'd seen enough. I rose from my chair and felt Jane's hand on my arm.

"Wait, Jim. Let her have this. Don't ruin it for her."

I jerked my arm free, and then I looked at Linda's face. She clearly wanted to be exactly where she was, and nowhere else. She did not want any interference from me. I slumped back into my chair. Finally, the song ended. Marc nodded at the band leader, who started a faster song. He and Linda left the dance floor, smiling at each other, but not touching, not even holding hands. Linda gave him a last brilliant smile as she turned toward our table and Marc turned toward his.

The difference between a woman's best smile and her second-best smile isn't much. Unless you know the woman well, you probably wouldn't notice it at all. As Linda neared our table and our eyes met, her best smile faded to her second-best. I knew then that we had a problem.

"I keep telling you that you're the most attractive woman in here," I whispered in her ear as I seated her. I reached for her hand and held it in both of mine. "Is it time to take the next dance back to our room?"

For just the tiniest moment, I could have sworn Linda was afraid. Her eyes widened and I could feel her hand trembling. She covered the moment quickly, though, and looked away from me, across the table.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I just have to go to the restroom right now. Linda, come with me?" Dee's voice could be heard far beyond our table. I was too preoccupied to wonder why she had to broadcast this to the room at large. Linda looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, Jim. I can use some freshening up, too." She rose and left, without answering my question. Of course, the conversation immediately turned to why no woman who is out with a group can possibly go to the restroom by herself. I had just started to wonder why my friends were working so hard to keep the conversation going on that topic when Dee came back. Alone!

"Where's Linda? Is she okay?" I practically shouted.

"Relax, Jim," Dee said, smiling. "Linda is fine, she just has something to do.

"Fuck you, Dee, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining as I stormed off towards the Women's restroom. I rushed through the door to see the restroom empty.

I came back out just in time to see Linda and LaValliere slipping out the side door. I yelled towards Linda and took out after them.

Two very large men stepped out in front of me and grabbed my arm, "no you don't he'll bring her home tomorrow as if nothing happened."

Both of these men were his teammates from the Sharks. One was the middle linebacker Jack Right, and the other one was nose guard Stephen Kildare. I yelled, "get the fuck out of my way."

They laughed and Jack said, "if you are going to be a bear you better be a Grizzly." I am not a professional fighter, but I could always carry my own weight if need be. I started to go back thru them when Right threw the first punch. I blocked it and nailed him in the side of the jaw staggering him.

I knew that Kildare would be coming next, so I spun and using my elbow caught him in the mouth. Before I could reset I felt a bottle being broken over my head. I went to the floor immediately. Then the beating began. I was being kicked and stomped on. The final kick was on the right side of my face and I was out.

The next thing I remembered was waking up laying in the snow with two strangers standing over me. As I came to it sounded like I was in a tunnel and voices were getting louder," Jim are you ok? Wake up Jim, wake up.

I looked up and could see out of only one eye. Blood was running down into my other eye, burning it. I pushed her away. "Get away from me just get away," I got up and staggard away trying to remember where I parked my car. I heard a voice yell, "Linda will be back don't ruin it for her."

Thirty minutes later I was home. By this time my right eye was completely swollen shut. I slowly pulled up my shirt to see contusions and bruising of my ribs. I was sure a few of them were broken. I wrapped them the best I could to just to get me through the next few hours.

I looked in the mirror and I was very proud of myself. It looked like I managed to block everyone one of their kicks with my face. I reached in the medicine chest and took out a handful of Tylenol and swallowed them with a mouth full of water.

I went downstairs to my office, punched in the combination to my gun safe, and took out my Glock 45 ACP. I hit the magazine release button on the weapon. It released the magazine into my hand, I verify I had all 13 rounds of hollow points in it and slammed it back in. I removed the hard safety just in case I had to pull and shoot in a hurry.

I use hollow points to make sure if I had to shoot, one didn't pass through someone and hitting a bystander. I grabbed two more magazines and put them in my pockets. I strapped on my holster and dropped my gun in it.

I went to the web and looked up LaValliere. His address wasn't listed. It came to me he is good friends with that fucking band leader.

30 minutes later I was standing back inside of the bar. My head was killing me. As I walked in. Two of Lavalliere's men saw me and started towards me. They were about 10 ft away when I pulled out my Glock and pointed it towards them. A woman screamed and the band went silent. You could hear a pin drop.

A woman came towards me. Jim what are you doing she will be back tomorrow. "I looked at her, "lady I don't know who you are but take one more step and I kill you." "Jim, it's me," Dee. I looked at her, "sorry lady I don't know you."

"Now for you assholes. I heard one of you say, 'if I wanted to be a bear I better be a Grizzly.' Well gentlemen this makes me a fucking Kodiak." I leveled my Glock at them and shot their knees out. I turned and walked towards the band.

I pointed the gun at the Band Leader. "you're coming with me." I waved my gun motioning him to move towards the door. Once outside I gave him my car keys and told him to drive. I was getting weaker by the minute.

He asked, "where are we going?"

"To Lavaliere's," I replied.

"I don't know where he lives." He replied.

I responded, "too bad I don't need you then," pointing the Glock at his crotch.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll take you there." As we were driving I was zoning in and out into consciousness.

We got to Lavalliere's place around 11:30. His house was gated. I pointed my gun towards the Band Leader and said, "make him believe."

He pushed the buzzard until LaValliere answered, "what in the fuck do you want? It better be good." The bartender answered, "It's me, Luke. We have a problem both Kildare and Right have been shot by that woman's husband." Click and the gate opened.

We drove through the gate and parked in front. I made him go to the front door with me. I rang the bell and I heard from the door LaValliere approaching.

I pointed the gun towards the bartender growling, "Run!, Now!. The Luke took off. And the door opened.

"What in the fu......." LaValliere said failing to see whom he was standing in front of him. I smashed the barrel into his nose... You could hear the cartilage breaking. I pointed it in his mouth and backed him into the living room.

I heard Linda, "Marc who was it, baby? Come on and give me some more of that big D...... Oh my god Jim what are you doing here? What did you do to Marc?" She got up and ran to him to help him to the couch. She then realized she was nude and tried to cover herself.

"You've ruined everything," she yelled. "I would have been home tomorrow and I would have let you reclaim me as you own."

"I don't think so, there is certain hazardous waste and trash that can't be recycle, they are just too toxic, it has to be destroyed or buried for 1,000,000 years. Give me my Grandmother's rings." She gasps and slowly pulled them off and handed them to me. I walked over to the fireplace and through them into the fire.

Linda's eyes started watering, "why did you do that? They were over 100 years old. I wanted Emma to wear them.

I screamed in anger grabbing my head trying to stop the pain. "Linda, I bet you had them on as you were sucking his dick and your hands were wrapped around it. She cringed when she heard that. You have defiled them. I would never let Emma have them they are cursed now.

"Jim," Linda tried to explain, "I was coming home tomorrow, and we could go on with our lives just like before,"

"What is that Linda? Kind of like BC-AD, before and after Christ, but now it is BL or AL The first time I kiss you After you sucked LaValliere's dick, The first time I fuck you After you fucked LaValliere. Our first anniversary After you let LaValliere fuck your ass. The first Mother's Day after, the first Father's Day After the first Christmas. About our 25th anniversary After you fucked LaValliere."

"Not going to happen." I looked over to see Lavalliere smirking. Smirk at this mother fucker and I put the next round between his eyes blowing the back of his brain across the artwork behind the couch.

Linda screamed, "you killed him you asshole and now you're even huh. You will be going to jail what an idiot. All you had to do was to wait and I would have been back tomorrow."

"Linda I thought you knew me better than that. You know I always play to win. I never play for a tie."

From the outside of the condo, you could hear a scream. You could hear the booms and see the flashes through the blinds and the open front door. Flash Boom, Flash Boom, Flash Boom until you could hear the slide go back and lock. The clip was empty.

5 minutes later, "dropped the gun or we will shoot. Sir drop the gun." ordered the policeman. Jim just stood there until the cop slowly walked over and saw the gun had been emptied and took him to the ground.

The next day the news hit the national sports network that Marc LaValliere and his lover were killed by a jealous husband. Details to follow.

Monday morning in the Madison DA's office behind closed doors. The DA stood up to talk to his staff. "All right guys which one of you want this Smith case?" asked the DA. No hands went up. He snorted, "That's what I thought. I got two dead people, that asshole LaValliere and that stupid wife. Two football players in the hospital that beat the shit out of the shooter, then he blew their knees away with hollow points."

"And now to top things off we failed to take him to the hospital when we saw that he had the shit beat out of him. He laid in jail for two days unconscious. He is now in the hospital laying there just short of being in a coma with brain trauma. They are trying to relieve the bleeding in his brain. Does anyone know who his attorney is?"

"A voice from the back spoke up, somebody that goes by the name L.W. "Oh fuck, that's just great," snarled the DA, "this case just keeps on getting better and better. L.W is just waiting for us to take this to trial. That son-of-a-bitch is worth ten of you. That guy taught John Austin the law."

I bet right now every husband in this city wants to be on that dam jury. And when the women hear how he was abused by that woman and that his children will have to grow up without parents...you guys get the picture. Oh by the way his friends betrayed him and help her pull that shit off. It is a fucking Greek Tragedy."

"Do any of you nice liberal women want it?" No hands went up, "cowards," the DA responded. "If I put this guy on trial my career is dead, I couldn't win an election as Head of Animal Control if I go to trial with this case."

John, if he comes to you take this to the arraignment, "Let's not look like the bad guys here. Ask for no bail. He has family, small children, and has roots here, he is not going anywhere. And to top it off he is one of our leading citizens. This is just fucking great, now all of you get the hell out of here and go prosecute someone."

After the meeting. The DA called his secretary over the phone, "get ahold of L.W. for me." "Sir," a voice came back over the phone, "L.W. is on the phone for you." Picking the phone up the D.A spoke, "hey L.W. how's it going...................goddammit this one fucked up mess..................... Yea, I agree. Can we get together and do lunch. I want to discuss this off the record. Can we meet Friday if he wakes up.?

Over the next few days, facts came out about the case. Sports talk shows phones blew up with men taking up for the guy and wanting to be on the jury. The Shark's organization was being crucified and ticket and merchandise sales dropped.

The NFL commissioner called in the Shark's organization and they were ordered to make this go away or there would be new owners in the future.

Jim came out of surgery two days later and has woken up. Doctors gave him a good prognosis. The press was clamoring to see him. The only people allowed in was his children and immediate family and his lawyer, L.W.

Two days later the Madison DA Pete Donavan walked into the restaurant towards an elderly well-dressed man. The two men shook hands and seated. "You don't look so good Pete. What's the matter?" asked L.W.

"Man L.W. this is one messed up case," admitting Pete. The waiter walked up and asked, "can I get you gentlemen anything?"

"Yea," replied L.W, "a Jack and Coke and you Pete."

Pete replied, "make it a double."

After the drinks were served. L.W smiled and softly spoke, "Pete, I can't wait to hear your offer. I got you by the balls. LaValliere and Linda destroyed this man. LaValliere's men beat the shit out of him rendering him incapable of making rational decisions. "

"I even have eyewitnesses that said he didn't recognize them, and they were his so-called friends. And just as a reminder they started it by beating the shit out of him. It took a day before he remembered who I was, and I have known him since birth."

"To top it off he laid unconscious in your jail cell for how long before they discovered how serious he was hurt? Doesn't look good for the home team. I am getting thousands of dollars in donations every day for his legal defense. And I don't think you're going to able to field a jury that will be willing to convict him."

"Oh by the way he has amnesia to everything that has happened because of your negligence in getting him to the doctor. I also have several psychologists lined up that after he was beaten he was in shock and probably doesn't even remember the event."

"L.W" sighed Peter, "you know that is not true." L.W was still smiling, "yea maybe, but the jury will hear it anyway. They will be looking for an excuse to let him walk."

Peter finished off his glass and yelled for another one, "hell L.W. half of my prosecutors are wanting to resign to be on that jury. I have had calls all morning threatening me that my career is over if I put him on trial. I have heard from my wife what she thinks. I should in no uncertain terms if I ever want to get another blowjob, let him go!"

All right here's the offer. " 8 years manslaughter and he is out on payroll in 3."

LW smiled, "nope I'll take my chances.

"Dammit, L.W" Pete struggling to stay calm, "I can't let him walk it would make it open season for cheating spouses and their lovers to be shot."

L. W. chuckled, "yep there wouldn't be anyone else left to vote for you if that happened. It used to be if someone killed a cheating spouse and lover they could run an office and be elected."

Peter countered, "how about 5 years and out in 2 on probation.

"Nope," smiled L.W,

Pete snapped back, "You are taking a really big risk on me not winning. You do not want his kids growing up without either parent. And let us not forget you will be tied up with all those lawsuits that you are about to file against everyone human being on the planet that had anything to do with this mess from the NFL, The Sharks, restaurant, and the Band. I am sure some of the ex-friends will be hearing from you also."

L.W. started laughing, "nice try Pete, the lawsuits can wait."