Fictionrotica's Contest Scandal Ch. 03

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The fixing of Fictionrotica's Great Divider Contest.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 01/04/2008
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The events and characters of this story are figments of my imagination. Truly, I have no idea where I get this shit. I need help.

Should someone see themselves as characters in this story, it's either a huge coincidence on my part or guilt and shame on your part. Yet, for those who are truly shameful and guilty, don't despair, oh miserable ones. God is saving a special place for you, one that is much darker than your personality and more deeply disturbed than your thoughts.


Whenever I can, I promise, I'll drop you down some ice. Only, by the time it reaches the depths where your soul remains in burning eternity, the ice may turn to boiling hot steam. In that case, I'll send you extra ice...and you thought your stories were hot. Give my regards to Dante, to all the Popes of the Catholic Church, who took pennies from the poor to build the glistening gold of Vatican City, and to all of our political public servants. I'd wear sunscreen and bring marshmallows if I were you.

Edna's father John continued reading his daughter's hot mail to his wife, Jean.

"Listen to his, she told everyone on the Fictionrotica site that she was taking a year off from writing anything. She tricked everyone into believing that," said her father. "Only instead of writing stories under her name of ShortFusedAndNasty, she's been using stories written by her friends and posting them all under the name of BongoLark II just to win the $500 and to buy more cheese doodles, no doubt."

John looked at his wife with a face full of disappointment.

"She's 30 years old. It's time for her to get a job, her own place, and to be on her own."

Now, there are those who will write that I am a sore loser or have sour grapes towards the winner of the 2007 Fictionrotica Great Divider Contest. Yet, when someone has a pure heart and unselfish reason to win a contest for the betterment of the neighborhood and to build a clubhouse for the poor children to play, then I disagree with you. Besides, cheating is cheating and there is no place in a competition for cheaters.

Just as Jose Conseco, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens, et al, of the hundreds of baseball players, football players, and every professional athlete in every professional sport, who have enhanced their performance by using illegal steroids, it is wrong for someone to submit stories in someone else's name just to win a contest. How can you live with yourself knowing that the words you submitted were not your own?

Besides, it is not only me who you have cheated by writing stories in conjunction with others to post under your name, BongoLark II, as your own stories, there are all of those people who finished behind me and who you have selfishly chosen to displaced for your own personal benefit just to win this contest and to buy more cheese doodles. How could you do that to all the other contestants who worked so hard writing their stories? How dare you? Who do you think you are? Get off your fat ass, get a job, and go buy your own dame cheese doodles.

Yet, I won't waste my time being bitter or angry. I'll just refrain from reading anything that you write no matter what name you chose to use and I hope all those others who participated in this contest and contests prior and who followed the participants in this contest will have the forethought to refrain and boycott from reading your writings and the writings of your accomplices, too.

We all know who they are. You just have to look to see who wins the contests. It's the same characters over and again. The rest of us don't stand a chance of winning, not the way that these contests are designed and rigged. Occasionally, a newcomer will win a contest and that's a fluke. Only, is it a fluke or is he or she just another one of the group who is writing under a different name? Yet, you dear writer, I know that your story was better than the one who was voted to win. I voted for you, but to no avail. Don't waste your energy feeling bad because the contest was a sham and your story truly was deserving of the award.

I happened to have the good fortune of meeting BongoLark II or ShortFusedAndNasty or whatever is her name. She was there standing at the Dunkin Donut counter. Never having met her before, I knew it was her. There was a look on her face and instantly, I picked up on the lunacy that plagued her. She was ordering 3 dozen donuts for an outing she told the clerk behind the counter. After I was given my small black coffee, I followed her car, a blue Ford Escort station wagon that listed to one side due to her enormous weight. I felt bad for the driver's seat and could hear the springs moan as she slowly drove along.

She pulled into an empty parking lot and parked her car in the distance away from all the other cars. She was gorging on the sugary confections. Fearing the worst, I tried to make it to her car before she had a sugar high, but I was too late and she was too strung out on carbohydrates, calories, and sugar.

"You're BongoLark II aren't you," I asked as I approached her opened driver's side window."

"Who are you," she said turning to face me with a face full of white, cream frosting. I threw up in my mouth with the image of her sucking someone's cock and seeing their cum exploded all over her fat face so much like the donuts that she consumed. Only, there was nothing sexual about her. I felt sorry for her. ...And she looked nothing like the picture that she prominently displays on Fictionrotica.

"I'm Freddie, Bostonfictionwriter, the one who you cheated out of winning the 2007 Fictionrotica Great Divider Contest."

"How'd you know it was me?"

"You leave a trail of cheese doodle dust wherever you go."

"Ha! Ha! I got you good, didn't I?"

"Got me good? What do you mean, Bongo?"

"I had all of my friends writing 750 word stories and I posted them all under my name to make you lose that contest. Loser!"

"Don't you feel even a little bit bad that I was going to donate that money for a good—"

"Ah, fuck you, and your altruism. Who do you think you are Brad Pitt? Although you do look a little like him only bigger and better looking."

"All this because I wouldn't buy 4 cases of whipped cream and coat your fat, naked body?"

"You rejected me," she screamed with her donut filled mouth.

"I feel sorry for you, alone in your room. So, you won the contest and the money, you are still alone with your bad self and with friends who don't exist but on your computer. You don't even know their real names. Do you really think that RedMadOldMaid really looks like her photo? That's probably not even a photo of her. And ReallyHateMen, do you think that image of a sexy vixen in black leather and in high heels is what she looks like in real life? And what about Barkers? Her tits don't even look real. She probably has an entire box of Kleenex in her bra. AbbraKadbrica is not even a good writer, yet you guys awarded her the Santa Claus contest when there were so many better stories that were deserving of that award. What kind of friend do you really think Maureen Wynnde is? No friend at all, is my thought. Is Gymsoxlicker your only hope of a serious relationship? Someone who has a fetish for worn gym socks?"

"Go away," she said eating donut after donut with two chubby hands.

"It's time for an intervention. I'm here to save you, BongoLark II or ShortFusedAndNasty. Get out of the car."

To be continued...

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gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
So much for education.

If I had made it past third grade I would have the ability to write so much critical acclaim, as it is I will have to hope that the more literary elite will take up my cause and sing your praises. I was sorry this series was so short lived because the words of a few of the commentators was as informative and nearly as entertaining as the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It was comical!

Thanks for all your different types of efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

The KGB will be around to see you SURE,also the Heavy Underwater Baltic Artillery are looking for you ever since that "upset" in the mens toilets in the Kremlin,you may even have to hand back your Hero Of The Soviet Union Medal,Stalin the Third.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Really Comical

Freddie a legend in your own time,one thing for sure few will forget you no matter how long they live.I can just imagine the keyboards nearly in flames as the bashers go about their evil ways.All the very best interrogaters have the magic ability to enrage people,its when they are enraged you go in for the kill.????J

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Give it a break

Why dont you bashers move on ,its happened nothing can change yesterday or the days before


Is it just me or are all these "nitwits" who leave bashing comments the same illiterate person? Please tell me that there is not more than one illiterate person leaving comments on my stories.

Can someone translate what the Hell the last basher is writing so that I can fully pretend that I am offended, deeply hurt, and saddened that so many sexual deviates and perverts hate me.

Hmm, maybe that's not so bad being hated by sexual deviates and perverts, better than being loved by sexual deviates and perverts.

Please, if you are intent on bashing me, use your Word for Windows software, run a spellchek and grammar check and then copy and paste the result. Don't embarrass yourself further by writing this stuff. I mean, I'm embarrassed for you to read it.

What grade are you in or did you drop out of?

Does anyone speak English around here?

If you are going to insult me, at least insult me in English that I can understand. What ever happened to writing tight. Just write, fuck you or you suck. That way, you will get your meaning across without having to run it all through the spellchek and grammar check.

Now, go back to school box and practice with your crayons how to write a proper bash.

Gees, do you believe this stuff? They can't even bash me. I don't get it. They bash me for writing thousands upon thousands of words and they can't even write one grammatically correct sentence. What has happend to our schools? Talk about no one left behind, they've already left the building.

C'mon people, if you are going to bash me, bash me in language that I can understand.

I feel better getting that off my chest. Oh, and by the way, there is still one red H left on my page. Who's not doing their job? I want you to get out there and get rid of that red H in the way that you eliminated the other 46 in 48 hours. When I wake up tomorrow, I want to see that red H gone. Do you hear me? Am I making myself clear?

Oh, and the one who keeps sending me death threats. Letter bombs don't work through the e-mail. "Duh!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
To the person who made the last comment . . .

Whatever, Danielle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
For Goodness Sake

Last Poster for goodness sake calm down ,you will give youself a heart attack,these are only stories.Read something else if you are going to get so upset.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Masterpiece? :DDDDD that was funny...i really hope u can write better than this...Wut u and that scouries dont get is that u picked the wrong person for your jelousy. U guys think that DK and ppl who u call her friends somehow steal your glory. The only problem is that u guys have a total different way of writing and thinking. U cant steal her fans and she cant steal yours... simple cos who likes your world cant like hers and viceversa. It's not even about's about very different worlds... u cant compare fairy tales and magic worlds with modern incest or cheating wives stories. It's not her fault that people prefer reading sweet and happy ending stories instead of stories about day to day crap. I'm sure u are more realist and more adapted to our modern shitty times but i never read a mean or dirty story by DK... and...this is exactly wut your story is...mean and dirty...made me feel like puking not like dreaming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Another masterpiece, Freddie!

Perhaps the subtitle should be "The Taming of a Drama Queen" or "The Taming of a Princess." Thanks for the laugh as always.

virgin2267virgin2267over 16 years ago
Well Freddie....

You sure know how to get people angry, but it's OK I'll still love you in the morning.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

What bollocks you talk ,have a valium and take a rest in a shaded room

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Fully Endorse

I fully endorse last comment,whoever he or she is will not be missed by me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You should change your name to BOSTONDRAMAQUEENTAMER.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

To the comment in ohio,I fell arse over head on the ice and I am several thousands of years old,we do not know of this strange place ohio,where is it?Nerfatiti,s Grandad

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
What Is IT?

What is it the negative comments are on about,perhaps one of them could explain,none do.They just make an abusive remark and thats it.I can only assume that one particular author took real exception to this series,to bad thats their problem.This is after all a porn site ,erotica and entertainment we want and from you we get it.We also get plenty of humour.Only one thing fancy being beat into second place by a transexuall,what a disgrace[tongue in cheek]What I want to know what sort of tranny,man to woman or vice versa.THE JOKER

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Terrible Thing Pride

Even worse is having no sense of humour,There is a saying,"To those that have shall be given ,and to those that have not shall be FOREVER taken away"No I would not be happy with Silver[a strange horse],and you should not be.Now I am very tempted to give my email address,but not just yet,you know it anyway Freddie.JIMBO.The queens are dead ,long live the queens.

XantuXantuover 16 years ago
Don't let the power corrupt you

Use your powers for good, turn away from the dark side, soon you will be tempted to do evil, remember the children.

It is our duty to leave this world a better place than we found it. Always filter your actions through that one simple concept.

Play to win, but always play fair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Just to let you

A group of us are looking in great detail at the works of three authors on this site[not you]to try to establish a link between them in style presentation etc. of their submissions.A pattern is emerging linking them,it will be interesting when we come to a conclusion.WE are doing it for fun and not one of us belongs to Literotica,in the meantime keep us laughing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
message from the "professor"

I am sending you an e-mail later. While I go by many names, I an not a professor; though I am flattered you called me so. I am retaining my anonymity because quite frankly I don't exist on Literotica and I don't want DK knowing who I am. After all, I her mortal enemy and want to continue to enjoy our game of cat and mouse.


the jumping Texas mouse

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