Finding an Editor Ch. 02


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She walked all the way around it before she jumped in the drivers' seat and held her hand out.

"Keys, now."

I thought I was brave until she got us out on the interstate and let it loose. At one ten I was begging her to slow down, at one twenty I was screaming.

"Pussy" she said, before slowing down to a sedate ninety. She kept telling me how much she loved it until we got to her house.

"That is one mean machine. I just have one question. What does the vanity tag mean?"

Our state only requires a back license plate. Jumping out, I ran around back.


I got it. He was sitting in the porch swing when I got home. I nearly broke the chains jumping into his lap.

"It's a good thing I'm not a jealous bitch. And be careful, keeping up two women could be very costly, we both have expensive tastes. Here."

I handed him a note I had stopped on the side of the road to write, and went into the house.


I love the car! You need to be more careful, it wouldn't do for your wife to see her husbands' bitch in such an expensive car. People will talk. Now, your pussy is dripping, so I need you to plug it. We'll consider it the first payment.

Feel free to set other terms, I promise to refuse you nothing, as long as it stays between us.

Your slut,


He almost ran into the bedroom, to find me on my knees beside the bed, in my submissive posture. His pussy was pretty sore for the next couple of days.

We had Hilda, Jack, Sarah and Jim out for some barbeque, to tell them where the money we had been spending came from.

To say they were surprised was an understatement. We gave them an advanced copy of the book with strict orders not to show it to anyone before the release date, one week away.


The book was already getting buzz, Saul and Beth had been earning their pay. Every critic in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles had been given copies a week before the general release. The feedback was amazing. A few were in a struggle to see who got to meet him first. Beth flew the ones from out of town in for a mass interview, followed by thirty minute each privately. It took two days, and exhausted Benny.

"Damn, Bonnie, they asked me everything but your bra size and the length of my cock. I didn't have a good time."

"Relax, honey. You knew it was coming. Just do like Etta taught you, and it'll be fine."

Etta James[no relation, she was quick to point out}was a stunning black woman, forty two and looking thirty. She was a semi retired publicist, very good at her job. Saul recommended her.

Her husband was having health issues, and she refused to leave him. A publicist has to travel a lot, so she gave up her job, becoming a consultant used on an as needed basis. Even now, she had to turn down jobs.

She coached him on how to do interviews, what questions to deflect, which to answer, what to say when he made a statement.

"Never give your home address, or personal information past what is already publicly known. To be honest, you'll probably have to move. Most people mean no harm, but if you're easily assessable, they will just drop by. They won't think of it as invading your privacy, they will think you'll enjoy knowing how you affected them."


The book had been out three months today, and Saul, his wife Agnes, Beth, Jen, Etta, her husband Farley, Grace[our attorney] and her husband Will were having us out for a celebratory dinner/business meeting. Saul gave us an update.

"Universal called me today, sniffing around. I jerked them around a little, telling them I wasn't sure you were going to agree to a movie. But if you decided otherwise, we'd be glad to consider their offer. And Oxygen wants to make your first book into a movie of the week. They've offered you three hundred thousand for the rights.

I turned it down cold, Three months from now It'll be between three quarters to a million."

Beth added her information.

"The latest projections put you at half a million copies sold by the end of the year, maybe higher."

We sat with our mouths open. The book was priced at $24.95. Benny got almost seven dollars after everything was paid. That rounded out to 3.5 million!

"I'm guessing the movie rights will go for twice that" said Saul, grinning. "Add in paperback publishing, pay per view, DVD sales and rentals, and you could be looking at fifteen million by the end of next summer. By then, your reworked third book will be out. Don't expect the same numbers, it's not nearly as good, but you'll probably realize three to four million just from riding on the coattails of this one."

The Champagne flowed to the point we had to call a limo service to get us home.

The next day, after recovering, we had a serious talk about the money.

"Benny, do you want a post nupt? I'll sign it."

He turned bright red.

"If that was Plum talking I'd have her over my lap. Don't go all stupid on me, Bonnie. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."

I glowed, and never brought it up again.

"Well then honey, what shall we do with OUR money?"

He shrugged.

"Never really thought about it. I never expected to ever have this much. I suppose we should think about our family. After all, we have nine grandchildren now. College educations can be pretty expensive, as I remember."

"Yes they are. And it'll soon be ten. Whitney called while you were in a meeting. A girl, due in August."

He grinned at the news.

"I stand corrected. Ten, and probably more. We need to call Grace. Didn't she tell us her husband was a financial wizard? We need to see about a trust, make sure the money is there whether we are or not."

We decided to help our kids out with mortgages if they would accept it, discussed buying a new house if we did indeed lose our privacy. I already had my two cars, and Benny did get a new truck, an F250 with all the bells and whistles.

Other than that, we had no idea what to do with the money.

We talked about helping out Sarah and Jim, Hilda and Jack, if we could find a way to do it without offending them.

I surprised him, trying to lighten the mood.

"What about your mistress? Be careful there, I think she's pretty high maintenance. I know you bought her a car, bet you thought I would never find out. Seriously, a Corvette? That pussy must be gold plated."

He grinned, bantering back.

"I'm sorry honey, she fulfills needs I'd never ask for from you. And if it is gold plated, then yours would be platinum and encrusted with diamonds. In fact, I feel a need to polish it a little. You coming to bed, or should I call Plum?"

In response, I dropped my dress and bra. Clasping my breasts together, I shook them at him.

"Come to bed husband. I'll make you forget all about that low rent whore."

It's hard to drag someone to bed when they're dragging you harder, but we managed.


Word had gotten out in our small town about his success. It was kind of hard not to, when he was on all the national morning shows, some of the late night shows, and a few independent talk shows. We ended up on Rachel Ray after Saul told her about his barbeque. He even made some, shared his sauce recipe, but not the dressing recipes for the slaw and potato salad. His corn bread pancakes were a big hit.

He was on Ellen, where she asked him when he was going to write about a hot talk show host and her even hotter wife. He earned a lot of points when he told her he didn't do biographies, and that real life was often more fairy tale like than people knew. He gave us as an example, and told her I was in the audience.

She had me come up, and asked me what it was like being married to the hottest author on the planet.

I shrugged.

"I wouldn't know, I'm married to Benny. But, he is the hottest thing in the world, to me."

Benny gave me a big kiss while the crowd cheered.

I ended up staying on the couch with him for the rest of the show.

Unfortunately, everyone was either nervous around us, or treated us like aliens. It came to a head when I was at the pub, one of the rare chances I got these days, and friends I'd had for forty years treated me like a stranger.

"What the hell is the matter with you people? I played in the sandbox with some of you, and now that Benny did something totally unexpected that has earned us a few dollars, I'm not the same person? I don't need Hollywood ass kissers or New York flunkies, I need someone to tell me I'm full of shit without hurting my feelings."

I turned to Hilda and Sarah.

"You two! I've loved you like sisters for years. You're my best friends in the world, and now you act like you're scared to talk to me.Well if that's the way you feel....."

I lost it, started crying, and headed for the door.

Hilda, Sarah, and three more women caught me about halfway across the floor, hugging me and crying along, murmuring apologies. They pulled me back to the table.

After we settled down, Hilda grinned.

"Drama queen! We didn't mean anything, we figured now that you're rich, you didn't need us anymore.

You made it pretty plain you're as screwed up as ever, and we're going to have to keep an even closer eye on you. But you're footing the bar bill, moneybags. And we're kind of thirsty. Being friends with you is hard work."

After that we laughed and carried on like always.

I did tell them a few stories about the oddities of some of the famous people we had met, that kept them laughing. Other than that, we did what women the world over do when they're together, talk about our men.

Sarah had continued to lose weight, twenty pounds so far. Every ten pounds got her a trip to the lingerie store. Jim was still diligent in helping her groom.

Hilda was experiencing motherhood for the first time, Jacks' two daughters had moved in permanently, by choice. Her days were filled with soccer practice, band rehearsal, school events, and church activities. She was happier than I had ever seen her.

"The only thing I hate is the lack of privacy, but their mother does take them every them weekend. I think we'd go crazy if she didn't. Jack is as diligent as Jim on our grooming schedule."

She giggled, and told us how his youngest had almost caught them, and how she had to pull on panties quickly, over a full coating of shaving cream. We howled.

"What about you Bonnie? Benny still wield a mean razor?"

I hung my head in pretend regret.

"No, our schedule is often too hectic."

"So, you have to shave yourself?"

I looked up and grinned.

"No. I took a little of his money and had it removed permanently, from my ankles to my neck. Gotta tell you girls, I love it. I could probably have you guys done, if you want. We can call it a birthday present."

Sarah said no immediately. She liked the attention she got, said they often discussed problems while he did it.

Hilda went thoughtful, said she'd have to ask Jack.

"Is it really that smooth?"

"Wanna see?" I said grinning. "Step into my office, I'll even show you my tattoo."

I headed towards the ladies room.

Hilda grabbed my hand.

"Not here! Think what would happen if we got caught. I can see the headlines now."


We all broke down giggling, but she was closer to a truth she never even realized.


Etta gave us both several lectures on propriety.

"Everything you do in public, you need to bear in mind could be interpreted wrong. Negative publicity could hurt your reputation and wallet, deeply. If Benny wrote stuff like Fifty Shades of Grey, maybe it wouldn't seem bad, but like it or not, Benny is being hailed as a moral hero for a lot of religious and conservative groups. Doesn't matter if that's what he had in mind when you started writing, that's the result."

So we made sure we were circumspect in public, well dressed, polite, even tempered. We often had to go to public events because he was in such high demand. It took a little getting used to all the cameras.

In a move that surprised every one, at the first instance, Benny went into the crowd of paparazzi and introduced himself, learning names and shaking hands.

"It must be annoying chasing people around. Tell you what, why don't you all come out to the house next Saturday afternoon? Bring your wives and girlfriends, heck, bring your kids if you like. We love family time. You can get all the photos you want, a little individual face time, and a pretty good meal. Please though, call me and tell me how many are coming, so I can make sure I have enough food. And don't expect to drink too much, if kids are present."

He made each of them in turn take a group photo of him with the others, then waved to them and stepped inside. They had been so captivated they missed a lot of celebrities. When he found out it was the birthday of one, he coaxed a rising young singer out to sing Happy Birthday, and made them all join in the last chorus.

The guests were all laughing when we entered.

"Damn!" said one well known stage actor, "If I knew all it took was being nice to them, I would be drinking buddies with half of them now."

"In fact" he grinned, "I think I'll take them some drinks. It has to be hot in that blazing sun."

He got the waiters to gather up some soft drinks and water, and pretty much the whole party trooped out, shaking hands, passing out drinks, talking.

Twenty minutes later we went back in, to waves and well wishes. Ten minutes later they were gone, having got enough photos for the day.

The next day Beth called.

"I got an interesting phone call from Etta a little while ago. She told me what Benny did. No one has ever done that before, to her knowledge. Is he really going to invite them to your house?"

"Yes" I said, laughing. "Remember, it's a rental, and we're moving out the next week, so there's not much of a problem there. He's actually looking forward to it."

"You know, Bonnie, I don't think people realize how perceptive Benny can be, or how sharp he is."

"You're right" I said, soberly. "Even after two years, I'm still finding out things about him."

"Well, I'm sure Grace will call you, probably to insist she be present. Saul and I will make it a point to come also, just to keep an eye on things. I hope this doesn't blow up on him."

After she rang off I started thinking. Benny was in the office of the house we had rented just outside New York, actually getting some work done. I waited until he took a break before talking to him.

"Are you sure about this, Benny?"

He smiled.

"Yes. These people, or more like them, will be following us for awhile, until our fifteen minutes of fame are up. I'd rather have a good relationship than be antagonistic. After all, except for Plum and her little adventures, there's nothing about us the least bit titillating, and I'm not bringing her up. I can see the headlines now."

"Conservative author caught in romp with his mistress/sex slave. Film at eleven."

He broke up laughing, and I had to giggle.


We had thirty paparazzi, girlfriends, wives, and about fifteen kids of various ages show up. He had a talk with them all before the party.

"I know you'll bring your cameras, and I don't begrudge pictures, but please, keep it manageable. Try to relax, have a good time. We'll sit and answer questions for fifteen minutes after everyone arrives. After that, I don't expect to conduct anymore business, let's just relax and have a good time. If you can't do that, maybe you'd better leave now."

Nobody left. He answered all the legitimate questions, and the intrusive and off color ones he ignored. Grace was proud.

The house we leased had a security system. Grace insisted on a few upgrades, and made sure they were up and running. While most of our guests enjoyed the party, the cameras caught two, at different times, rummaging through our bedroom. One planted a small camera, and another placed three listening devices through the house.

What Benny did surprised everyone. He was cold, ruthless, and out for blood.

He held a press conference with national media. Beth and Grace made sure they were there.

He had the State Attorney General and the sheriff of the county the house was in on the podium with him. He had also made sure all the paparazzi present at his party was there. Most were grateful for being treated like professionals.

He started the conference off by recognizing the paparazzi as professionals.

"I hosted a party last week for most of these present, and found most of them to be fairly honest, upright people. I was starting to wonder how they got such a bad reputation. Then I reviewed the security tapes for that afternoon. What I found both disgusted and saddened me. While the majority of their peers were socializing, two individuals chose to violate my trust."

Two of the paparazzi immediately started towards the exit, only to find law enforcement officers waiting.

A huge screen activated behind the podium, showing the two searching through drawers and closets, and planting the camera and listening devices. There was a collective gasp in the room.

Benny was relentless.

"I guess this is what I get for believing in the basic goodness of people. My friends here" he gestured towards the attorney and sheriff, "also take a dim view of such activities. I believe they have something for these gentlemen. I want everyone to know I expect them to be prosecuted fully for their deeds."

He started to leave the podium, but turned with an afterthought.

"Here you go boys. How's that for a story?"

The police arrested them while their collegues snapped away. The Attorney General made a statement about supporting a new law on the books about boundaries for the press, and his intention to enforce it.

Many of the paparazzi apologized to him, personally and in print. They were also a lot more polite and careful around him.


When it came time to sell the movie rights, Saul and Grace were worth their weight in gold.

They had talked it over, and decided we needed to form a production company. It would give us more control and a bigger slice of the money. He lined up some very savvy people, mostly well respected newcomers with experience in independent films.

Then he let word slip out, and waited. It was amazing the way the major studios scrambled to court us. In the end, we went into a partnership with Universal. Benny had interviewed a woman with several independent films to her credit, with good reviews. He came back to Saul and Grace.

"Whoever we go with, she directs. Not negotiable, understand?"

They were shocked, but had no choice. Universal bucked when they were told, but wanted it so bad they agreed in the end.

Major stars were begging to be cast, but in the end it was mostly newcomers, with a few seasoned and recognizable character actors. Security on the set was tight, and all the actors had to sign nondisclosure agreements not to talk abut the film until after it was released. A couple of actors were fired, as well as three of the production staff before they realized how serious we were.

It premiered two years to the day the book was released. Box office receipts set records for six months. Two multiplexes worked a deal, and all eight theaters showed the film. They stayed sold out for three weeks.

The book had a resurgence, especially the paperback. It sold another three hundred thousand. When worldwide sales were added in, over five million copies were in print.

I think my most vivid memory of the film was when we slipped into a theater and watched it with a crowd. We had deliberately not viewed any of the rushes or the final product.