Finding Our Way Ch. 04


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I was beginning to harden just at the thought of bedding my mother again.

"But this way, if someone asks what you're still doing in your mother's house, you can say..."

"I can say, 'Actually, I just signed a lease on a new apartment.' I know. You've explained it. And you can come and sleep over in the new place or I can spend the night at the house."

"The property is closer to the corporate park where we both work, Kevin. We could meet there for a lunch-break quickie. We've fucked on nearly every surface of the interior of the house. This will give us new ground to cover."

I smirked at her. "You'd better cut out the smutty talk or we're going to cover new ground right here in this airport, and that'll probably be some kind of federal offense or something."

She smiled wide at this, and gave me a lingering kiss. "I do love you, Kevin."

And, as crazy as it seemed to me – as crazy as it seems to me even now- we went along with my mother's plan. I continued to live in our home and in our bed for three and a half months, during which I got the job Kim had assured me, and settled into the rhythm of a 9 to 5 worker bee...though Kim advised me to come early and stay late. Mom confirmed the advice, and said that I should stay as late as I thought it could serve me socially and professionally. She promised that no matter how late I'd come home, there will be a hot meal and a hotter pussy waiting for me, and she kept that promise beautifully.

Mom continued to have lunches with Kim, and I continued seeing her with a few new friends from work and a few older friends from college. And eventually, Kim did ask about when I was planning to move out of my house. I wanted to blow it off, but there were others from my job there, so I went ahead and said I'd gotten a new place and would be moving soon.

The place was a two bedroom apartment in one of the properties Mom had inherited from my father. It made the property less profitable, but Mom assured me that it was a snap compared to paying for my college for four years.

I even recruited some of the guys from the office to help me move. Mom was there wearing a tight pink T-shirt and a pair of extremely short cut jean shorts. Little was left to the imagination. You could see every inch of her dancer legs, and the small patch of denim curved tightly around her perfectly toned ass. Her waist was pinched sharply, and the T-shirt made her lovely chest seem to bulge out; framed by her raven hair which had only just begun showing a few strands of gray (remarkable for a 40-year-old woman.)

"Holy shit, man. Is that your Mom?"


"Look, no disrespect, but I would either never move out or I would've moved out years ago if I were you."

"Nothing I haven't heard before, John. Now put this box into the U-Haul, or I'll tell Kim what you said."

Mom smiled politely and made friendly conversation, but only smiled warmly for me and Kim (who had come strictly to supervise and offer moral support.) Kim still looked great too, but hid her athletic lines in bulky sweat pants and an over-sized T-shirt, and kept her long curly strawberry-blond hair bunched back into a poofy sort of pony tail.

While Kim – who somehow knew what John had said – took him aside and the other guys drank beers by the half full U-haul I told Mom about John's reaction.

She just smiled.

We were alone in the house, so I put my arm around her tiny waist and pulled her to me. "Are you going to make a habit of this? Are you going to make my friends drool over you while I stand by unable to say anything? You told me you understood that you're mine. Are you thinking of flirting with other men in front of me?"

"Only if you tell me to, Baby." This answer caught me by surprise, and it showed on my face. "If they're drooling about my ass, then they're drooling about something of yours; something that is foryouto play with. I didn't flirt, but it's only polite to smile. Did they like the shape of my mouth? Let me scoot down, and you can put your dick in it. YouknowI'll hum with joy to have it on my tongue. I wore these shorts for you because I like to see that your wonderful cock is getting hard for me. Did it make Kim's dumb-ass boyfriend hard? I didn't notice. If you like the idea of me flirting with them, I suppose I will...up to a point. But they aren't getting in here." She slid my hand into her tight little daisy dukes, and jutted her hips against my fingers. "This is for you because you take suchgoodcare of it." There were no panties, and I could feel the heat radiating from her groin. "For goodness sake, I'm your good little bitch-in-heat. I'll go out there and strip naked as long as it's only you fucking me up against the U-Haul."

"They aren't the only ones who drool over your ass, Mom. I'm drooling over it too." I cupped a soft round cheek with the hand that wasn't down her front.

"And I work very hard to keep it that way for you, Baby. Now you go on and drive that truck to the new place. After everyone leaves, I'll be over – dressed just like this – and we will work up a much more satisfying sweat christening the new apartment and breaking in the new bed. And I'll keep these tiny shorts between my teeth for you if you want, while I fuck you 'till a spring breaks."

"And I get to play with your ass?" I asked.

Mom rolled her eyes. "I'm working on it, Kevin," she said. We'd managed to put one or two of my fingers in her ass in the past, and she loved it. But she was too afraid of my penis' girth to try to get it up there. "In any case, I promise you will go to sleepverysatisfied tonight, and you'll wake up in the morning to find your cock in my mouth. And these long legs will be at your disposal." She rubbed her inner thigh against my hip, and kissed me quickly. Then she gave me a light pat on the ass and sent me on my way. I love those kinds of nights and mornings!

It worked pretty well. Sometimes I would "visit" my mom (I could always tell Kim or anyone who asked enough questions that I just decided to crash there "in my old bed." No one was likely to guess that my old bed was the one in Mom's room!) And sometimes Mom would "Pay me a visit." We kept an extra few ballet practice outfits for her in the back of my closet in the apartment and a few extra suits in the computer room (which is the room I'd used before finding my mother's bed so inviting.)

It was rare that we would sleep apart, but it did happen occasionally as my responsibilities and workload increased. I dreaded waking up those mornings without her, and she confessed missing my warm attention even if it happened only one night in a week. After five months we agreed that maintaining an illusion of living apart was an even greater problem than Mom's anxiety about letting me put my rod up her tailpipe.

Don't worry, Baby," she told me one morning stroking my cock casually in the apartment bed, "we'll get your beautiful beast up my ass soon. I've got an idea I want to test later this week. Hell, I may even be getting close to solvingbothof our problems." She smiled mysteriously into my eyes.

"Tell me." I insisted.

"Sorry, but I can't talk with this big penis in my mouth." And down she went to my continuing joy.

She kept it a secret by keeping me well distracted, but I at least knew why it would be later that week. My department team managed to put together a promotional campaign for a big client, and the client was thrilled. A celebration was planned for Thursday evening, and it would look very bad if I failed to show.

Sadly Kim wasn't invited, since she was in a different department. She and I would still hang out for lunch most days (some of the other days she met my mom for lunch,) and go out some evenings. We still got along so well that, after a few drinks, I nearly forgot she wasn't my girlfriend anymore. She still wore mini-skirts that showed off her muscled legs, and she still smelled great when she leaned over to whisper or yell over a local band. Whenever her boyfriend John wasn't around, her hand often found its way to my thigh. But she never tried for anything more. Remembering my mother's repeated assertions that I was free to play with other women (as long as I didn't get us sick and always managed bring home enough strength to give her what she needed in our bed) I allowed myself to stroke Kim's back or feel her smooth thighs. We would dance together sometimes, but we didn't kiss like we'd done on the night of my graduation.

Going home with her just didn't make sense to me. Despite the sexual heat we shared and the chemistry we enjoyed on more friend related levels, things had always fallen apart between us when we were between the sheets. It hurt her, she always insisted. This may sound like bragging, but I assure you that I took no pride that my dick was giving my girlfriend pain. Most times we couldn't even get properly started once my cock was knocking on heaven's door. It was a frustration that had led to my first (accidental) fuck with my mother.

Maybe I'd rushed to coitus back in our dating days. Mom had certainly taught me the merits of slowing down and easing my way in. But even when Kim had gritted her teeth through my initial penetrations, she could never last. She was always begging me to slow down and to stop. I could never go as long or as hard as my body cried out for.

Don't get me wrong: Kimberly had a body like a brick shit house, and I loved having her rub it all over me on the dance floor. My hands were welcome as long as John wasn't around, and that hard body felt fantastic to my fingers and palms. But I had a woman waiting at home who took it any way I gave it to her; fast, slow, hard, soft, playful or serious. Compared to Kim, my mother looked willowy and frail. But that woman could get wet, take a dick and keep on going with a fire that made Kim seem like weak tea.

So even though the sexual tension was strong between me and Kim, I always poured that tension into the miraculous wet place between Mom's taut thighs. "I've got to find a way to thank Kim!" she said once, squirming her lean body beneath me. "Or else make her promise to keep dancing close with you. Fuck, your dick feels so amazing! Oh FUCK you're so...uuuhhhhh...fucking hard...uh!...hard in me Kevin!"

"I'm sure John is getting the same...kind of benefit tonight." I said squeezing her ass with one big hand, and marveling at how perfectly her buns fit in my paws. I shoved my rod all the way into my mother, and swiveled my hips as I kissed her. Fuck! She was so hot! So wet! So tight!

Mom dug her fingernails into my bare ass. "I like it when you talk about Kim with your dick in me." She stuck her tongue in my mouth for a five count before breaking the kiss and continuing. "Unhh! It's nice how you care about her...Ooh!... and at the same time you're loving me. Ohyeah! But I don't want to hear any men's names Kevin. Now pound me deep and hard. Uhn! Yeah! Motherfucker, you knowjusthow I like it! OHHH! You're setting me on FIRE inside!"

Thursday night was the party. There was music and drinking and laughing, but it couldn't really hold a candle to the parties I'd enjoyed in college. I think at least half of us were just there to be seen, though some of the older guys seemed to be genuinely glad to have an excuse to be out of the house for a few extra hours. I promised myself that I would not be the first to leave, and I ended up getting into a debate with a colleague about a local sports team (no hints! We don't want visitors) until my cell phone rang.

I checked the display, and answered quietly, "Hey, Mom."

"I think you should come to the house right away, Kevin."

"Is everything alright? Are you okay?"

"I'm better than okay. I've worked out the solution to both of our problems."


"Yes. I'm lubed up, and I found a way to loosen up my pucker for you. If you promise to be extra gentle and to go slowly, I want your beautiful monster all the way up my ass."

I had to clear my throat, and adjust my pants. "Uh. Wow! Um. And...uh...the other thing?"

She made a part-chuckle-part-humm-part-moan sound, and said, "Just get over here quickly! I promise you'll be happy with the solution. Oh fuck. My asshole is so slick and this..." She disconnected.

"Hello? Hello?"

My half of the conversation sounded like my mother was having some sort of problem, and needed help, so the colleague who'd maybe overheard some of it was quick to shoo me off. I headed towards my coat, and heard him slurring to a friend that he wishedhecould help Mom out. They both laughed knowingly, but I didn't care. I could only half imagine what was waiting for me at the house.

I forced myself to drive slowly. I hadn't drunk much, but I didn't want to take any chances. I pulled into the driveway, and found Mom's car parked outside of the garage where I usually parked my car. The beer and the urgency inspired by my mother's lurid and cryptic invitation kept me too distracted to wonder about it. I parked my car further down the driveway, and headed to the door.

"Mom?" I called. There was no answer, but I could feel that there was someone else in the house. I headed deeper in, toward the bedroom as it seemed the most likely place. The door was closed, and I could hear the muffled sound of a moan behind it. "I'm not too late am I?" I said to the door. Still no reply, so I opened the portal to the room that had become as much mine as my mother's, and looked inside at my mother's solution.

I knew Kimberly's naked musculature right away. She was lying on her back, strawberry curls spread away from her head and her pert breasts marked out by the moonlight. She was gripping the sheets, and her legs were spread wide apart. It was Kim I'd heard moaning, and I heard her now. My mother's face was hidden between Kim's hard smooth thighs, but I recognized her hands holding Kim's legs apart. I knew the arch my mother's bare back formed as it bent up and away; kneeling before Kim's opening. Mom was on her knees, lapping at Kim's cunt, but the one thing I didn't recognize was the shiny lower half of what I'd call a small to medium sized white vibrator jutting up and out of Mom's ass!

Kim turned her head to me – a sleepy look on her face – and said, "We can explain. You'll be happy when you hear."

I wasn't upset! Shocked and amazed? Absolutely! Upset? Not yet. Not as long as I wasn't being pushed out.

Mom came up from Kim's pussy, and turned to me. Her long black hair was tied back into a pony tail. She drew her slim forearm across her mouth, wiping Kim's juices away, and smiled at me. "She's loose enough for you now." Then she reached back and lightly jiggled the vibrator. "Mmm. And so am I."

Later they would explain everything to me.

They would tell me how, over months of lunches and phone conversations, Mom satisfied herself that Kim was still a friend to me; that she was open minded and might be interested in trying again with me. They would explain how Kim eventually figured out what was going on between me and Mom (though Mom wouldn't say how much of a hand she'd had in Kim's realization.) Kim had been troubled by it, but couldn't deny that it was making us both very happy. Besides, Mom had already begun to seduce Kimberly by then. Maybe Kim would like to be very happy with us; letting her explore her growing curiosity/interest in my mother and get back into bed with me at the same time.

They would tell me how Kim had learned from her now-ex-boyfriend John how to stretch the asshole so anal sex could feel good. Kim was showing Mom. Problem number one solved. They would also explain their solution for problem number two: Kim and I get back together and move into Mom's house. For those who ask, it's to help Mom make ends meet. The three of us would share the master bedroom, but the computer room (my bedroom long ago) would be made up to look like Mom was sleeping there if a guest ever got a tour of the house.

It might come off as slightly unusual, but not as scandalous as the truth.

The house had been paid off long ago, and Mom had investments to cover her expenses not to mention her part time job she kept for her own social purposes. Kim and I were bringing in our own incomes from our own jobs at the PR firm. It was win-win all around.

If things continued to work out with Kim, great! More pussy for me! More pussy for all of us, really! Mom could finally start to believe that I wasn't going to leave her for a younger woman. If things ever stopped working with Kim, we knew she could be trusted to keep our secret if she chose to leave. I could stay in our house and use the "broken heart of losing Kim" as an excuse to stay with Mom. And I would justkeep onliving with (and bedding) her.

As long as I was plowing Kim and "supporting" Mom, the neighbors would see us as old fashioned and sweet. If a time came that it was just Mom and me, then some might think us sad or even a bit strange, but nailing my mother day and night made us extremely happy and friendly people. Eventually people would accept the way things are.

Maybe we'd get tired of the pretense, sell the house and move to another part of town as a legitimate autumn-spring couple. If Kim stayed with us, then we'd have to be selective indeed about moving somewhere as an autumn-spring-spring "couple."

Regardless of what Mom and Kim would explain to me later or what arrangements we'd make in the distant future, three things were clear to me as I stood in the doorway, smiling: One, I was going to fuck Kim like I'd never been able to fuck her before, now that my mother had prepped that hard-body's pussy. Two, I was going to pull that vibrator out of Mom's ass, and carefully sink all eight and a half of my own inches between her prefect cheeks. And, three, no matter what else came from Kim coming together with us, I was never going to stop loving, with the passion and intensity she deserved, my sexy mother!

The End

Keep an eye out for the Epilogue and, in time, book two!

Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed, especially those who showed that enjoyment through votes and comments. They spurred me on to keep submitting. Special thanks to NateBlack for his encouragement and editorial expertise.

At the time of this writing, I am nearly done with a small epilogue (which describes Kevin's activities immediately after the close of this chapter) AND about half way through the second book of this story (which begins about two years later.) Please let me know through the comments which you'd prefer to see next.

I read them carefully, and that's the truth.

The rest is OnlyFiction.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I do not like how his mother, and Kim as well, deceived him about their getting together. Deception is the worst, and grounds for breaking up. Mom, you're supposed to be my woman, and yet you would deceive me like this ? Well then, I hope that you two will be very unhappy together. It seems I'm not enough for you, even after my repeated reassurancees, so I'll be moving along to another job in another state. If that wakes you up and you want to change and beg my forgiveness, we'll talk. Otherwise, you've deceived me, and I'm outta here. I won't put up with that.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I had a feeling that's what was going on between those two - well something along those lines at least. It just didn't make any sense why his ex would be hanging around with his mom and why his ex was always sending him signals and what not. I'm surprised Kevin wasn't bothered that his mom was lying to him all this time though. That would be concerning to me at least. No matter how many times he told her he didn't want other women, his mom kept downplaying it - I guess we know why now, because she wanted Kim involved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hey Mothers can’t help but look after their kids, even super hot mom’s that love being her son’s bitch. In this case she got the bonus of a girlfriend. Btw you forgot to mention he’s get Kim’s ass too since it was her teaching mom. 4 stars because it’s a little long to get to this point.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

I loved this story; however, I was sad to see Kim added to an already perfect loving couple. Although the author may find incest unacceptable, I do not. As long as it is mutually agreeable; there is no positional power play

involved; nor is there emotional abandonment, what harm is there? Although this story is fantasy, the described emotional and physical love could and can exist in real life.

funseeker1186funseeker1186over 6 years ago
One of the best!! 5 stars plus

Excellent story, very complete. One of the most erotic stories. With wounderfull sexual descriptions of almost all sexual acts.

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