First Chink


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That statement rather threw things into a different perspective but I thrust my disloyal thoughts temporarily to the back of my mind and asked if she would like a cup of tea or possibly something stronger. Diane stood up pushing aside my solicitous arm aside and said, "A cup of tea will do fine but don't start it straight away love because I need to go in the shower first."

While setting out the two mugs in the kitchen I could not help thinking that for my wife the worst part of the evenings trauma had been telling me about it afterwards. This suspicion seemed to be confirmed when she reappeared after a much briefer shower than before to smile and say far too brightly, "So it looks as if I have lost Alice as a friend for good."

I sat brooding silently until were making a move for bed but then could not help mentioning her apparent resilience and telling my wife that she seemed far too cheerful considering what had happened. "Colin," she said, "Sex is sex no matter who it is with. If it's with someone you want it can be a wonderful experience but even if you hate the man, you're not harmed at all and I see no reason to jump under a train because of it."

I accepted the fact of Frank having fucked my wife again just as easily as I had the first assault. Possibly I deliberately pushed it into my subconscious, knowing intuitively that if all my thoughts and suspicions were given full play in the front of my mind I could finish up as a jealous twitching wreck. It helped that Diane was suddenly very sexy again; often initiating action outside the bedroom and that was something that had not happened for a year or two.

It is funny the way that an eager woman can inspire for I found my previous lethargy had completely disappeared and I got home from work hungry for sex every single night.

Perhaps I should belatedly give a bit of background information. Diane earned less than I did but our combined income allowed us to live in a very nice house in a good class neighbourhood. In contrast, in the Alice/Frank household, Alice was the only full time wage earner and in consequence they had a fourth floor flat in a tower block on the outskirts of a run down council estate. They lived just over a mile away from us. Twice a week Frank hung about at auctions and used his truck to deliver on an ad hoc basis, large items that the buyer was unable to get home. As far as anybody knew, this was his only legitimate income. The rest of the time he spent boozing, gambling and no doubt fornicating.

It was approaching a month later with the cornucopia of sex just starting to wear off when my wife told me one Wednesday, "I know that Alice isn't my friend anymore but I am worried about her. She has not been into work all this week and she hasn't rung in sick. The store is understanding about illness but on the other hand they are very keen on other absence - she could easily be sacked and I know how much she needs the job. I've been ringing all afternoon but nobody answers. Earlier on I was tempted to go round and check but I daren't."

I think that I muttered something appropriate but Diane hadn't finished. "Will you run me round there after dinner please; it will make me feel a lot safer. I've got to go because if something horrible has happened to her I will never forgive myself if I do nothing. I also threatened on their answer phone that I would be calling if she didn't pick it up and talk to me."

I did not like the idea but Diane had her mind set on it. As I am a slim 5' 8" and Frank a heavily built six footer, I had no desire for a confrontation with him so I traversed the whole area surrounding their tower block looking for any sign of his truck. By the time that I parked in sight of the fourth floor window without having seen the vehicle, I was a great deal happier.

Against my better judgement I allowed my wife to enter the building alone. She was adamant that it had to be done that way, insisting that she was perfectly safe as long as I was waiting outside. The final arrangement was that if Alice let her in she would wave to me from the window and I could then go home until she rang to be picked up. On the other had, if she was not back at the car within ten minutes, I should go looking for her.

After five minutes, while I was keeping a wary look out for the dreaded truck, I glanced up at the window to see a small female figure waving. With a flood of relief I started the engine ready to drive off but then I changed my mind. Frank had turned up unexpectedly before and was capable of doing so again so I decided to remain parked to guard against that eventuality. Two and a half boring hours later I did go home. The reasons for this were twofold. In the first place I had run out of cigarettes but more importantly, it had dawned on me that when Diane rang for her lift I would not be at home. So unless she thought to look out of the window again, she would not realise that I was still parked outside. It was 1 a.m. when the phone rang and my wife's voice said, "Come and get me please."

Diane was waiting outside the tower block and clambered into the passenger seat the moment that I drew to a halt. She did not speak and I was saving all my questions until we were home.

Halfway back she announced, "Alice has finally left Frank" but did not elaborate.

Back inside the house, the moment that I saw my wife in good light there were the unmistakable signs of sexual activity and not the gentle contented glow that followed her encounters with Alice. "Alice wasn't there but Frank was and he told me that she's gone for good," Diane said before I had chance to ask. "He was expecting me because of that bloody phone call and the moment that I rang the bell, he whipped the door open and yanked me inside. Then he told me to go to the window and give you whatever sign you were waiting for. I refused but he threatened to wait until you came to investigate, then beat you up and make you watch what he did to me."

"Then what happened?"

"Colin, you know what happened."

"Tell me," I said.

"The moment I had finished waving he turned me round, bent me over a small table right by the window and stuck it in me without bothering about my panties. In that position I could still see part of the roof of our car so I knew you hadn't gone. From behind me I knew that Frank could see much better because he laughed and said, "I hope Colin thought to bring his binoculars," - it seemed to amuse him that he was fucking me with you sitting down there waiting."

My wife stopped but at my prompting continued reluctantly, "Then we went to the bedroom got undressed and started again - Frank gets ready far quicker than you ever did. From then on there was just more of the same, he can go on forever and never wants to stop. I think he probably does Viagra. At one point when we were taking a bit of a rest, I asked him about his truck and he said he had hidden it so that I wouldn't be frightened off. I also wanted to know how he knew that I would go up to the flat by myself. He told me that it didn't matter because he would have fucked me anyway because you would not have been able to stop him. Then he said ' I actually hoped that Colin would come up because it would have done him good to see how you were with a real man. It might have opened his eyes and let him see the real world.' Frank is a real bastard."

Filled with impotent rage I was unable to speak. Instead I reached out to hug her tightly to me and she hugged me back with equally intensity. We remained entwined in each others arms for quite a while before slowly and reluctantly disengaging. I put on the kettle for coffee and sorted out the mugs while Diane hurried up to the bathroom with the obvious intention of taking a shower. She was a long time but I waited until I heard the sound of her hairdryer before making the beverage. During this time I deliberately kept my mind blank as the only way to stop myself turning into a dithering head case.

Diane was wearing her nightgown when she came downstairs and for some reason we sat on opposite sides of the kitchen table rather than on the more comfortable furniture in the lounge.

For most of the time, as we sipped our warm drinks, neither of us spoke. It was obvious that she was unwilling to elaborate on how she had spent the evening and I asked no questions. I think that I preferred to think that the images in my head were spawned by imagination rather than have them confirmed as fact.

Eventually I said, "The only consolation is that it can never happen again. Frank has fooled us twice but now we are wise to his tricks we will be far better prepared to avoid all contact with him in the future." Diane looked up, nodded her head and threw me a wan smile but didn't add anything to the thought.

In bed we kissed but then lay apart. My wife fell asleep very quickly and I followed soon after. I think that she was physically exhausted and I was certainly emotionally drained. I awoke to a brand new day, resolved that the past was the past and the future lay ahead. I assumed that she felt the same because over the next six days Frank's name wasn't mentioned and nor was there even an oblique reference to him. The good side was that night after night I was given almost more sex than I could handle. At first it was all exceptionally loving but gradually got more physical until I could sense an element of desperation in Diane's lovemaking. But why should I question that because life was good.

The following Wednesday I got home to find a single covered plate on the dining table but no sign of my wife. Peeking under the cover I found a delicious looking salad and was tempted to sit down straight away and tuck in but a more powerful sense of intrigue caused me instead to go in search of Diane. I found her in the bedroom, in front of the dressing table but sitting sideways as she blow-dried her hair. She was wearing the most erotic bra and panty set from her small collection and the sheen on her legs suggested that she had just finished waxing them. She looked delectable. Unseen and unheard, I crept up behind her behind to plant a small kiss on the back of her neck but was unprepared for the reaction this caused. Diane jumped up as if she had been bitten and whirled round to face me with the arm holding the hair dryer protectively across her tits almost as if shielding them from my gaze. Seeing that it was only me did not cause her to relax as much as it should have done. "What's all this in aid of," I asked happily.

"I'm going to see Frank," she said quietly.

"You're what," I shouted incredulously.

"I'm going to see Frank," my wife repeated. "He more or less ordered me to last Wednesday but ever since I have been telling myself that I would do no such thing. Today I admitted to myself that I can't resist. I can now understand why Alice had so much difficulty leaving him, despite the way that he treated her. Colin, I hate the man but I do need his big cock inside me. I've never had a sensation like it. It's not only the size of his cock but what he can do with it. It feels so wonderful that I must experience it one last time."

"Have you considered that enjoying it one more time might mean that you've already had your last time with me?" I asked bitterly. "What makes you so sure that I'll still be here when you get back?"

Diane shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "I'm not sure at all but I desperately hope you will me. I don't want to lose you but I'm in the grip of some kind of some kind of compunction and I've got to go."

"What if I physically prevent you leaving the house? Frank would have no compunction about using force; you told me about that massive black eye that he gave Alice."

You're not that kind of man," my wife said confidently, "If you were then I probably would never have married you. I know that you can stop me leaving but I'm begging you not to. I need to get him out of my system so please say I can go."

"If you go to him now you will keep on going over and over again."

Diane did not deny this. Instead, with a note of pleading, she said, "Please don't try to stop me love because I've got to go."

Still in a state of shock I just stood and stared at her. Hanging ready on the back of a chair was a tiny disco dress that had not been worn since we gave up dancing four years ago. Picking this up, she slipped it over her head and then turned quite naturally for me to do up the zip. I complied automatically but then dropped my hands completely at a loss for words.

Diane stepped forward and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "It's only sex Colin," she said. "Remember that you are the one that I love - and I will make it up to you, I promise."

"OK you can go to him but do you have to dash off straight away? Couldn't we talk a bit first?" I begged, conceding defeat but still hoping to delay the inevitable.

"Frank wanted me to go round there at lunchtime straight from work but I said that I had to do something for you to eat first. I also didn't want to be stuck over there without transport," my wife explained, at the same time holding out her hand for the car keys. I meekly handed them over and then she was gone.

It is amazing how empty the house felt the moment that she left. For something to do I sat down and ate the salad that my 'loving' wife had prepared but it tasted like sawdust in my mouth. I then progressed to endure a most miserable solitary evening - there have been many since but I think that the first has got to be the worst of the lot. Subsequently I developed coping techniques and a mental outlook but the first time that she went I had nothing to help me. I had come to terms with the fact that Diane had been fucked by Frank without my knowledge but I found it a very different matter to sit conscious of the fact that it was happening at that moment only a few minutes drive away. I also found that I was involuntarily very aroused and initially this left me with a deep feeling of shame.

I think that most married men must wonder at some time what they would do if they ever discovered their wife was having an affair. Several times since our wedding I have run the possibilities through my mind and guessed at reactions ranging from righteous indignation to blind rage, with actions falling between tender forgiveness and acrimonious divorce. Despite all that thought, nothing had prepared me for the feeling of total helplessness that enveloped me now that it had actually happened. The base fact was that whatever the cost, I could not deliberately lose Diane from my life and that left me with little option but to endure.

Diane arrived back just after 1 a.m. to find me sitting a chair. She walked in as if returning from an innocent night, bent down to kiss me and said, "You shouldn't have waited up - I could have been a lot later you know."

"Have you anything to tell me?" I asked, phrasing the question that way lest any direct enquiry about what she had been doing might seem to be from prurient motives.

"Actually I have, Frank wanted me to start going to see him on more than just once a week but I refused," my wife told me and then after a slight hesitation added, "But I had to agree that when I do go I will stay with him all night. We will also have to switch the night to Friday's so there is no hassle about me getting to work the next morning." My dismay must have showed on my face for she hastened to say, "Look on the bright side Colin love. You've still got me for six nights out of every week and I promise that you are going to get far more loving in those six nights than you used to get in seven.

That became the established routine. Getting home around ten o'clock on Saturday morning and after a quick chat with me, Diane would take a shower, go to bed for a few hours and then rising refreshed, re-assume the role of my wife for another week. We were in bed early Saturday following her first night away when I discovered my six nights did not include unlimited access. I was about to roll on top when she held me off and asked softly, "Are you sure you want to so soon after Frank was there I know I would prefer that you didn't?" It felt as if a bucket of water had been thrown over me but before my erection had completely disappeared she gave a little laugh and said huskily, "Don't take that the wrong way my darling, I still intend to make you very happy. Just lie back, close your eyes and enjoy." Before I had never before adopted such a passive role and that meant that Diane had never had chance to show the sublime pleasure that she should give with mouth. tongue and fingers. In less than twenty-four hours I had experienced hell and pure heaven.

My wife fulfilled her promise to give me more sex than I could handle during my six nights but I gradually realised that it was just sex and the element of making love had almost completely disappeared. Her behaviour also changed subtly in that she became somewhat bolder in bed. There were other differences, her vocabulary in particular; one example being that she started saying "my cunt" instead of 'my pussy' or another pet name that we often used. So although the two different parts of her new life were in theory completely separate, I recognised more and more influences carrying over from the time Diane spent with Frank.

I think it was the week after Diane returned to me from spending a whole night in the other man's bed for the first time that she volunteered the information, "Frank wanted to fuck my bum last night but it wouldn't go in and I screamed so much that he had to stop trying."

I mention this only because after that it gave me the chance to ask, "Anything new?" every time she came home from then on. It also may have some bearing on a development two or maybe three weeks further on. During the time when her cunt was off limits and still needing an active role to balance just lying back and having my cock swallowed whole, I gained sensual pleasure from either fucking her tits or sliding my prick up the crack in her buttocks. .

One time, pausing for breath, I found that my cock head was pressed against her very hot and squelchy anus. Although we had always been very adventurous in bed, anal sex had always been taboo but now I found myself trembling with temptation. "Push it in, I want you to - I've wanted you to for a long time," Diane urged wiggling her hips as extra incentive. I did and it was fantastic. Unfortunately I did not last very long but my wife was not dismayed. As my climax approached she murmured, "That is all yours in there - squirt lots and lots of cum to mark your territory."

It seems that after Frank, it takes her vagina about twenty-four hours to shrink back to normal size so by Sunday night you cannot really tell something so large has been up there unless looking for specific clues. So for the rest of the time I could have normal sex but I have to say that the combination of anal and having my cock sucked to heaven and back made Saturday my favourite day of the week.

Apart from immediately after she got home and sometimes before she left on Friday, we had an unspoken rule that Frank would never be mentioned by either of us. However, during one evening meal in the middle of the week, after appearing to be deep in thought, Diane said quite conversationally, "I never realised but Alice must have a much bigger mouth than I do. She can get Frank's cock in her mouth quite easily and yet I can't seem to manage it no matter how hard I try." Realising what she had said my wife was very embarrassed and rightly so because her words had given me a vivid picture of what she did with her lover and also exposed the sham of the split life we were trying to live.

There was another time that she slipped up verbally but, although it was actually more basic, the fact of being said in sexual situation made it far less traumatic. Diane had placed me standing by the side of the bed while she knelt in front with my cock in her mouth. As I was about to ejaculate, she suddenly pulled my prick out and held it about two inches from her mouth but continued to wank me furiously. I desperately tried to hold back until she returned it to her mouth but she guessed my intention and said, "No - I want you to cum all over my face the way that Frank does." I had no choice but to do what she said and I found that it made me feel good. I think that was because it was no longer a pleasure he enjoyed and I didn't.