First Time with Mom

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Sahil loses his virginity after being seduced by mom.
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Hello everyone, my name is Sahil. I am a 20 year old guy living in Ahmedabad in Western India. I am currently pursuing my bachelors in engineering. This is the first time I am letting anyone know about my first sexual experience. It was with none other than my beloved mother. So here goes.

I live in the Satellite area of Ahmedabad which is one of the most posh areas in the city along with my parents. My dad Arun is 45 years old and mother Ami is 41 years old. My parents got married when my mom was just 19 years old. I was born 2 years later and am my parents' only child.

I had always been a shy kid since the beginning. I didn't use to go out and play cricket or football with my friends when I was young. Instead I liked staying indoors and play video games or board games. My parents never minded my shyness and introversion. Although they noticed that my tastes and interests were different as compared to my peers they never asked me to try and become more like them.

As I entered my late teens my dad was getting more and more involved in his business activities. He was working very hard and was providing very well for our family. The downside of this was that he started working longer and longer hours as the days went by leaving very little time (if any) for my mother and I.

My mother who had been a housewife for her entire life tried very hard to compensate for the absence of my father in the household by taking on all the duties that a father should take for a son, especially in his son's growing years.

I had an almost unnaturally awesome friendship with my mom since childhood and it strengthened even more as she tried making up for my dad's duties toward me. She taught me everything that a father should teach his son. She explained to me the changes that I was about to go through in my mind and body. She also explained to me the concept of sex and gave me the whole lecture about the "birds and the bees". I never realized how cool she was in explaining all this to me as parents rarely teach their children about sex even in this day and age.

Things were going on pretty smoothly until one fateful day my father suffered a very mild heart stroke that rendered him to the bed for an entire month. It was nothing too serious or to be worried about as the doctor assured us. It was just a mild warning for my dad to get the state of his physical health in order. Our lives and routines became a little upset as dad remained home for a month but it soon got back to normal. Or at least I thought they became normal. Little did I realize that dad's mild illness would change the entire fabric of our family life forever!


More than six months had passed after dad's illness and our lives had seemed to get back to normal until one day just 3 days before my 18th birthday I came home from college (I was in the first year by now studying electrical engineering). I live in a 2 storey mansion and my parents and I have our rooms on the first floor. I had a glass of Gatorade from the fridge and climbed the stairs to go to my room. I wanted to just greet my mother and tell her I was home so I decided to go to her room first before going to mine. I reached the door of my parents' room and was about to enter it. I could strange sobbing sounds emanating from behind the door as if someone was crying. I opened the door and the door made some noise as it wasn't properly oiled. Suddenly the sobbing stopped.

I stepped into the room and found my mother sitting on the bed trying to conjure up a smile. It didn't fool me for a second. I went towards her side of the bed and sat down with her asking what the problem was and why she was crying.

She denied to be crying at first and tried to change the topic. But I told her I didn't buy it and asked her again why she was crying.

She told me I wouldn't understand. I told her that I was nearly 18 years old and had enough brains to figure out what her problem was.

She told me it was a personal problem between her and dad and that I shouldn't be concerned about this. Hearing this sort of made me a little tense. I got tense because never in my life had I seen or felt any amount of friction between my parents. Of course, there were some incidences here and there as there are in every marriage but I had never seen my mother cry citing my father as a problem.

I told her that I had a right to be concerned about the problem between her and dad as they were my parents and family. I had a vested interest in their happiness as any tension between them would eventually affect me.

Hearing these words, tears started trickling from my mom's eyes. I was puzzled.

I asked her why she was crying. She told me didn't realize that I was a grown up man who would understand her problem until I spoke those words of concern to her. Till then, she only considered me a kid. I started laughing.

She asked me why I was laughing. I said that it was funny for her to just realize it right then that I wasn't a kid and was in fact an adult. I was 6 feet tall, had an athletic body thanks to my regular work outs at the gym and I had inherited the good looks and features of both my parents. I stopped qualifying as a kid a long time ago.

Hearing this my mother burst into laughter. She said I was right and she should have stopped looking at me like a kid a long time ago.

I was glad that the atmosphere had lightened up a bit. So I gently asked her what problem she was having with dad.

She sighed and looked down at first and then slowly said that she and dad were having physical problems.

I asked her what she meant by that.

She lowered her voice even more and said that she and dad were having problems in their sex life.

I was sort of taken aback hearing those words. I never thought of my parents as sexual people or thought of them ever having sex. I knew they obviously did it now and then but I never thought about it consciously.

Getting my mind in order after about half a minute or so I asked her what the problem specific ally was. She said that the doctor had advised his father to refrain from indulging in any sort of physical activity that would put his body through too much stress. Sex was therefore out of the question for at least four months.

Mom continued by saying that even after the four months had passed dad could not have sex with her because the medications that he had been taking for his heart condition had, had a side effect on my father's body leading him suffer from erectile dysfunction. He simply could not get an erection. Apparently the problem was so severe that they had visited a sexologist who diagnosed him with having a rare condition where he could never get an erection in his life sufficient to perform sexual intercourse.

This diagnosis in other words said that my parents would not be able to have sex again.

This information struck to me like a thunderbolt. From the education and information that I had received about sex until then from my school as well as my mother, I knew what the importance of sex for the functioning of a good married life.

I was so shocked I couldn't say anything for a few minutes. As soon as I got back to my senses I tried to console mom.

Although, I didn't know what to tell her I tried to falsely tell her that things will eventually get better as medical science was progressing rapidly.

After that I went to my room and got back to my studying.


As I told you earlier, my birthday was coming 2 days after the day my mom told me about the problem that she and my dad were having.

The day arrived and I finally turned 18. I was a major according to Indian law and was legally allowed to vote (although not allowed to get married until 21).

My parents were very happy to see their son grow to 18 years old and gave me a car for my birthday. I was ecstatic. I had already learned to drive six months ago (even though it is illegal to do so!) and wanted the specific model of the Hyundai Verna. I bunked college that day and met all my friends and gave them a ride in my new car. I was so happy.

I came back home around 4 PM. I went straight to mom's room to meet her and inform her that I was home if she needed me. She was sitting on her bed watching the TV. I saw the look on her face and was immediately reminded of the problem that she and dad were facing. That made me sad.

So in the spur of the moment, I decided to do something special for her just to cheer her up.

I asked her if she would like to go out and have dinner with me that night. I didn't have any plans and would like to do something special with her that evening.

She joked that she didn't want to spoil my birthday. She told me that it was my 18th birthday and that I should do something really special that night.

I told her that I had something special in mind. I asked her that as dad was working late that night and wouldn't probably be home that night she should come out with me and we could have a night out on the town.

She said she appreciate the idea and understood what I was trying to do for her but said that she would probably bore me with all her mom talk.

I didn't want to lose this one and really wanted to do something special for her. So, I thought of a great idea. I asked her to come out with me that night but not as my mom but as my date for the night. We would be like two people on a date and would behave with each other in that way. No mother-son stuff.

She started laughing on hearing that thinking that I was joking. But when I didn't join her laugh, she saw the look on my face which told her that I was serious and that I really wanted to do that for her to make her happy.

She finally said yes.

I left her room telling her to be ready at 8 PM and dress like a date and not like a mom.


I am just a regular guy with a macho type of attitude. I don't take hours to dress up. But today was an exception. After all, it was my 18th birthday and I was going out on a date with my mother.

I took a bath, shaved my face, trimmed my nails, powdered myself up pretty nicely, applied all sorts of creams and lotions and put on one my favorite pair of blue faded Levis jeans and put on a nice Lee Cooper shirt which I had received as a gift from my cousin earlier in the day.

I knocked on my mom's door as precisely 7:55 PM. She opened the door and I was stunned by what I saw.

She was wearing a beautiful Ritu Kumar designed short kurti that I had gifted her on her birthday a couple of months ago. She had put on a pair of tight jeans that I guessed must have been new as I had never seen her wear it earlier. She had let her silky hair remain free and had put on some make up. She was 39 at the time but she looked someone in her early 30s at the most. She had put on the Chanel 5 fragrance that my dad had got her from Paris a year ago and was sporting a Louis Vuitton bag.

She was simply looking stunning.

I told mom that she was looking like a babe and I had to admit that I had never seen her looking like that in my life.

She said she was going on a date like this for the first time since she got married to dad and that she wanted to make the experience special for the both of us.

I thanked her.

She told me not to address her as my 'mom' for the evening as she was my date and in the spirit of things she wanted me to call her 'babe'.

I agreed.

We went out to the newly opened Marriot hotel near S.G. Highway where I had already booked a romantic table for two earlier. The atmosphere there was amazing. People looked at us in amazement as they saw our considerable age difference and the way we were 'handling' each other as dates. One rarely sees this kind of age disparate relationships in a conservative city like Ahmedabad.

We had a great five course meal followed by a very lustful chocolate pastry. Mom and I talked about all sorts of things ranging from my school and college life to her experiences in her school and college, the crushes we had on people, the latest celebrity scandals and hookups and all the other sorts of things that a couple my age would talk about. I was impressed by the knowledge she possessed about all the things that were 'hip' and 'cool' with my generation.

I expected the evening to make her feel happy but she was more than happy. She was ecstatic. She even jokingly told me that she was feeling attracted to me just like a horny teenager. I blushed and laughed it off.

After the meal was over, we got out of the hotel and I took my mom on a long drive on the highway adjoining the hotel. We continued talking about all sorts of stuff. Mom even asked me about my sex life. I blushed and told her that she was my mom and I couldn't talk about stuff like that to her. She immediately reminded me that I wasn't his mother but his date and thus she had a right to ask me.

I relented and told her that I honestly didn't have a sex life aside from masturbating regularly. She smiled a sly grin and asked me if I would like to have that first experience. I said that I obviously wanted to but I was too shy to get a girl friend.

Then out of the blue, she asked me if I wanted to have sex with her.

I was shocked! I never expected my mother to say anything like that to me in my life.

I got angry and shouted at her. I asked her how she dare ask me something like that. She was my mother after all.

She held her cool and gently reminded me that she wasn't my mother for the evening but was my date. I could do anything I wanted to do with her.

I got angrier and started shouting even more loudly in the car.

She still held her cool and told me that I was a virgin who wanted to be introduced to the world of sex. Who better to introduce me to it than my own mother? If I went out fucking prostitutes the I risked getting some STD or if I fucked girls my age then I wouldn't get to learn the things I needed to learn in order to lead a good and healthy sex life in the future. She added that she too needed to 'get some' after more than 6 months of a sexual drought in her life. She tried to reason that we would help each other out mutually.

I was still not convinced. I told her that it was wrong for mother and son to indulge in sex as it was wrong. She countered and asked me whether helping his mother out to satisfy a basic necessity in her life was wrong.

I had no answer.

I kept quiet for a while as my car approached our home. My mind was turning upside down. The urge to have sex was too great and the urge to help my mother out was even greater in my mind.

So I finally told her that I would do it.

She became so happy she hugged me tightly as I got out of the car after parking it in our house's compound.


We immediately rushed to my parents' room and started stripping our clothes in front of each other. Needless to say, I already had a raging hard on in my pants by then.

I was the first strip to naked. My 7 inch cock was standing to attention like a missile ready to fire. My mom stripped to her bra and panties and stopped stripping after that.

She took a very un-motherly look at my well chiseled body and my upright cock and smiled a wicked smile. She told me to lie down on the bed. I did as I was told. She immediately jumped on to the bed like a crazed vixen and took my throbbing member in her hands and in a split second my cock disappeared into my mother's mouth.

The feeling of my mother's tongue licking the tip of my dick was amazing. I almost cummed right there but mom realized what I was sensing and slowed down her oral onslaught on my cock. She kept licking it from top to bottom just like she was licking a mango dolly. She kept licking my cock for a good 10 minutes. After that she started licking my balls. I have a habit of shaving my pubic area regularly as it gets really hot in Ahmedabad most of the times. This habit paid off as the feeling of my mom performing oral sex on me was enhanced.

She kept on licking my cock hungrily for almost half an hour. I was surprised that she could handle my tool so expertly for such a long time that I didn't cum. I had heard that most guys cum very quickly when they get blow jobs. Finally, I came with a huge gushing load when my mom had deep throated me. All my load shot directly at the back of her neck. To my surprise, she swallowed all of it!

My dick went soft after that. My mom told me that it will get back to "its feet" in no time. In the meantime she ordered me to perform oral sex on her. I quickly got down to her pubic area and removed her panties. She took her bra off. I was standing on my knees at her feet and saw the majesty of her naked beauty for the first time in my life. I was speechless and madly turned on by the sight of my naked mother.

I started licking her pubic area. I stimulated the clitoris and gently pounced on her pink pussy lips. Her clitoris started getting a little stiffer due to the stimulation. Mom was already playing with her tits by the time and was moaning loudly.

She was so stimulated that she started yelling to me and ordered me to fuck her right then. My dick was erect again by then.

I got on top of her on the bed as she slowly guided my dick into her vagina. The feeling of losing your virginity and that too to your mother on your 18th birthday cannot be described in words. The warmth of the interiors of her pussy enveloped me and made me shudder with passion. Her arms and legs were wrapped around my back as I gently thrusted my cock in and out of her pussy in a passionate rhythm. Our screams and moans of pleasure sprayed around the room and turned us on even more. I didn't want to thrust in and out of her too quickly as I wanted to elongate the pleasure and make her cum with me. I continued thrusting in and out of her for another five minutes until finally my mom screamed with ecstasy that her orgasm was approaching. Her vaginal walls began to contract and started to get tighter and tighter around my dick until I couldn't hold on any longer. My mother and I cummed together as she felt a surge of contractions pass through her body like an electric bolt and I felt my young seed fill the caverns of my mother's sex.

My cock retracted after losing its sheen and I pulled it out of her pussy to lay side by side with her. We were both panting heavily. We held each other's hands and kissed each other a long passionate kiss which involved our tongues. We made out not as fuck buddies but as passionate lovers.

We both fell asleep in each other's arms that night knowing in our heart of hearts that our relationship as mother and son had evolved into something even more pure and beautiful. We were now lovers.

The End.

Please send your feedback to this story. Your suggestions/criticisms/opinions will help me become a better writer. If you have any new story arcs or themes in mind like incest, group sex etc. then do send me an email.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

that's a great age to learn from your mom.. I did too.. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


tobytimtobytimover 3 years ago
Loved it

Keep writing this story needs more loved it

junamjunamabout 4 years ago

Thanks for this story. Mom and Sahil satisfied each other’s needs, in bed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Hey buddy! That’s an amazing story about you you laid your mother down for some good reasons! I have been to ahmedabad and got across an encounter with a milf. It’s pretty amazing to have a milf in bed. Hope you are banging her hard these days!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Panin ka oma ema

Mina jämasin oma emaga palju aega enne kui sain keppi.Kord tuli ta koju purjus olekus.Mina istusin diivanil ja ta seisis minu ees.Siis ma suudlesin emaga kaua aega kuni ta ekstaasi läks ja oigama hakkas.Pöörasin ta ringi ja käskisin kummarduda,kiskusin siis tal püksid maha ja hakkasin teda tagant jalgevahelt lakkuma,imesin ta kliitorit ja vittu kuni hakkas suus märjaks minema.Võtsin oma pea ta jalgevahelt,kus siis tuli kust tugeva trukiga,mis ma emal välja imesin,ning ta ise kukkus põrandale oiates.Hommikul ta ütles,et tal on häbi eilse pärast et pidid nägema emme pissimist.Mina aga ütlesin,et ma olen ammu piilunud sinu pissimist ja see meeldib mulle.Ükskord hiljem ema kutsus mind metsas seenel olles põõsa taha,et tal on väga kange pissihäda.Siis ajas omal jalad laiali ja kusi ning ma panin oma käe alla,oli ikka kuum kusi.Lõpuks ma nikkusin teda metsas tagumisse auku ka.Sedamoodi elasime kaua aega koos kuni ma omale naise võtsin.Esimene naine läks ära kui nägi mind oma emaga nikkumas.Nüüd on mul teine naine ja elame hästi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Mom-son sex is never loveless because mom will always love her son.

Most sons love their mother truly, madly, deeply, but not all of them are aware they have such a side.

I became aware of the strengh & intensity of my incestuous side when i was 18. Mom & i were in Dominican and her shoulders & back got burned by the sun; back in the room i was applying some skin care stuff on affected parts of her body. I was turned on beyond imagination. I was in a brand new territory. I did not know one can be aroused that much. She was not naked, she wore her bikini bathing suit. In my imaginstion she was 100 percent naked.

I am sure she noticed my hard on. Being a 41-year old woman, she may have sensed the smell of my precum (i myself could not sense the smell of precum, but some women that i subsequently dated told me it has a distinct smell).

On a daily basis, I applied her sunscreen before the beach & that stuff for burns afterwards. That was my sexual life as i was still a virgin, being a late bloomer.

After the Dominican winter gataway i had the hots for my mom big time & then some! That lasted for 10 - 12 years.

I lost virginity later that year. By the age of 21 i had caught up with my peers in terms of sexual experience & stuff.


I wish i had a more eventful vacation to write about but incest was not in the stars on the day i was born. However incestuous impulsies & fantasies were abundant.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

wow that was amazing next time make her get on top of you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
it's a fine story, and

it's so nice when a boy's first fuck is his mother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Fisrt time to get sex

Actually, i have no experience about the sex. Until now at my age 20, last december 2012 and i was amazed to your stories. Very unbelievable i mean, WOW!!! i feel horny now. Take care =))

mom4usonmom4usonalmost 12 years ago
good Story

I liked your story, it seems like many didn't. that is fine, Not everyone likes these sort. our other stories are good also.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
nice story

nice story

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very erotic.....

Very erotic story.....must catch up with you buddy.....plan to read your other stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


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