Flesh and Cat Burglars

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An exciting ride for our badass female thief
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This is part two in the 'Flesh And' series. While it can stand as a stand alone story, I suggest to appreciate it fully, that you read Flesh and Thieves first.

This is a very short chapter, and it reads just like the action, fast and furious.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Copyright © belongs to MJ Roberts, 2014. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without permission from the author.

Also, thanks to all the readers who have reached out and become friends. For all those who have sent compliments, this story is for you!



Flesh and Cat Burglars

My phone rings. Not my encrypted anonymous work line, my personal line. Not a number I recognize. My family, their names come up. My friends text. Really, no one calls me on this phone. For a vague moment I think about answering it. Nah. I'm not going to answer a call from a number I don't know.

I let it go, see if they leave a message.


They do.

I press my voice mail; play the message back.

For a second, breathing and silence.

Then. "I have a new assignment I can use a partner on." Oh wow, Mr. Big. "If you're interested." Another pause. "Shit, Effie, I miss you, I want you. Fuck. Come to Switzerland with me. God damn, you were so hot, and we are on fire together. I want it again, please. Just call me back, please. I'm sure your phone I.D.ed my number. Fuck."

Hang up.


What? Effie?

I think for a minute. Not a guy to make a mistake.

Not Effie. F and T. Flesh and Thieves. He's been thinking about me. I smile. I've been thinking about him too.

I wait a few minutes. I call him back.

I don't say hello. "Well, Mr. Big. What's the job?"

I think I can hear him smile over the phone at the Mr. Big moniker.

"It's a two-fold. I need to steal a necklace of a princess while she's wearing it and protect the other princess during the same time."

I laugh. "Piece of cake."

"So are you in?"

"You bet your fancy binoculars I'm in."

"Meet you in the airport in Bern; Friday at noon?"


We hang up. For the first time in my life I don't give a shit about the job. I'm looking forward to the sex. Oh fuck, I'm looking forward to the sex.

I remember last time.

He lifted me easily and slammed me up against the wall. Rocked me with his hard, huge length against my belly until I was soaked. Plunged into me, almost no foreplay, but fuck, we were both so ready, running high on adrenaline and anticipation.

God damn, now I was getting wet just thinking about it.

I call him back.

"Yes," he answers the phone.

"I forgot to say hi," I drawl. "I forgot to say every time I think of you I get wet. I forgot to say that if that wasn't the best damn fuck of my life, it was damn fucking close."

He laughs.

"Right back at you."

I made my voice as low and sexy as I could make it.

"Friday's so far away; there's so many things I didn't do. Suck that huge cock for instance."

I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Anyway," I say casually. "Just wanted to say hi and let you know I've been thinking about you." I hang up.

I smile to myself. Yeah. I'm the bitch. A total, total bitch.

Yeah me!

Friday is going to be awesome.

Can you say mile high club?

* I've been to Switzerland once, for exactly four hours. I've never been to Bern. I know nothing about it. I do some research. Seems like it would be a really nice place to sightsee.

I have no intention of seeing any of it that isn't inside wherever the job will be, or the inside of a hotel.

I arrive in the Bern airport early. Mr. Big hasn't told me where to meet him. I consider texting him to tell him I'm here, but decide against it. There's a directory on a center kiosk-like thing, not all that different from some airports in The States and a lot of malls.

I study it.

Strangely enough there's a hunting and fishing enthusiasts shop. I'm assuming they have guns. And binoculars.

Seems like as good a place as any for a rendezvous.

It's the cleanest airport I've ever seen.

I find the sports store. I pretend to peruse the items in the window, trying to look inconspicuous and checking out the passersby in the reflection. I sense Mr. Big before I see him.

I turn around. There he is, in all black, looking hot as fuck.


I couldn't help my huge smile. He smiles back at me.

Big doesn't hug or kiss me. But he gets very, very close in my personal space and leans down, his mouth close to my ear.

"Ready?" he asks.

I have never, in my life, heard a word more laced with innuendo.

"More than," I answer back.

He pulls back a little and smiles.

"Come on, baby, I've got a limo waiting."

A limo? That's unusual. Traceable. But...he must know what he's doing.

We walk, side by side. He matches his stride to mine, so much shorter than what his usual step would be. I'm on his left. His knuckles graze my wrist occasionally, but he doesn't try and take my hand.

He's smarter than that.

We go outside to where the line of limo drivers are waiting. A driver is leaning against his car with a very small white sign, 'Ms. F.N.T.'

I smile when I see it. Flesh and Thieves.

This trip will be some of both.

My favorite.

The driver holds the door for me, and we get into the limo.

As soon as we're both in, before the driver has even gotten back in the car, Big yanks me to him and crushes his mouth onto mine. His tongue immediately delves in, with a ravenously hungry kiss that sets my body on fire.

When he breaks off the kiss to take a breath he says, "I've been wanting to do that for two weeks, since the day I woke up in the motel alone."

"So do it again."

He does. Even hotter and more passionate than the first time, if such a thing is possible.

He knocks on the smoke-colored privacy glass between the front and back of the window. The glass rolls down. Big says something in perfect French. I'm not sure what. Directions probably. I don't speak French.

Spanish is more practical. Come on, like I expect one day I'm going to wake up and find myself in Switzerland?

Ah...I guess so.

The glass goes back up, and Big pulls me onto his lap so I'm straddling him. He's already hard. He fits me to him better.

So this is why he wanted a limo. Because he didn't want to wait.

You know, I like his style.

I smile against his mouth as he kisses me again. He rains hot kisses down my neck. Fastens on to a nipple through the thin fabric of my blouse. I moan and arch against him.

"Oh fuck," I whisper.

"Let's get this off," he says. He pulls my blouse over my head and throws it on the seat. He sets a world record in how fast he gets my bra off.

His tongue circles my nipple before he pops it in his mouth. He bites, softly, working the tip between his teeth.

My core floods, and I moan.

My God, I missed him.

He moves to the other nipple, but fondles the first one softly. The juxtaposition between the soft treatment from his large fingers and the rough treatment of his soft mouth drives me crazy.

Is it possible to come from him just working my breasts?

No. I don't think so.

But oh, so close.

He stops to look at me.

"You're so beautiful, Effie. Every part of you."

Big kisses me again and robs me of of my pants in about two seconds flat. So apparently paintings aren't the only thing he's good at taking.

He pushes me down on the seat, opens my legs, and gives me one quick lap of his tongue, directly on my clit, and then stops.

I cry out.

God that first lick is so, so good.

I look up at him. His gaze is absolutely, positively devious.

Big stares at me. Then, very, very deliberately, he opens the privacy glass, just a quarter of an inch.

He smiles. Utterly wicked.

It's fine with me. For somebody who spends most of her professional time being invisible, I have an exhibitionist streak a mile long. I don't mind having an auditory audience.

I get wetter. Bite my lip. Nod.

He dives in.

I scream.

Oh, fuck. Nobody should be this good.

He has to pin me down as I writhe, trying simultaneously to get closer to him and farther away, because my synapses are searing so fast I'm afraid I'll break something with the force of the combustion that's heading my way so fast. Too fast.

Then I'm bucking upward, against his mouth, and moaning. Oh fuck, moaning.

He throws one of my legs over his shoulder, and uses his fingers to open me up even more. He works large slow licks, getting every single mountain and valley. Then he zeros in on that exact one tiny spot on the one spot that nobody knows about and works it so fast.

I scream again, louder, and come hard. Gushing.

"Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop."

He does.

"Just a preview," he says.

Oh fuck.

Who is this guy?

Aftershocks wrack me, and my body spasms.

"Beautiful," he says softly.

He takes his cock out of his pants. Strokes it. He doesn't remove any of his other clothes.

I close my eyes. I'm still breathing heavy. Another set of aftershocks roll through. I hear a condom rip.

Then his tongue is inside me, and I'm barreling toward another orgasm.

"NO!" I shout. "No, no, no."

He stops. Puts his hands up in surrender. "Okay," he says. "I just wanted to make sure you had enough. You know. To tide you over until you get to the hotel."

"Cocky fucker."

"Any second now," he says and poises above me. "Still ready?"

"For you? Always."

He plunges in. One long, fast push.

"Ahhhhh, fuck."

"Just want to make sure you can feel me," he says.

"You God damned mother—"

Except then he starts moving, and it's so good, he literally fucks me into shutting up.

He leans down and bites my neck. Softly. It's a counterpoint to how hard he's pounding.

I moan louder and louder. I can't help it. I have a second to wonder if the driver has an erection.

Then I can't think. Big hits a spot in me, and I come again. I've never come this way; I can't believe it.

"Oh, so good, F.," he says.

Big slows down, making his strokes rocking and sinuous. The sound that comes out of me is almost a song, the moan is so low and long and melodious.

"That's it, baby," he says, "That's it."

A tear starts rolling down my face. Then another. I can't even explain why. Relief that I'll get to experience this once in my life maybe.

Maybe he notices. Maybe he just notices my change to silence.

"You okay, love?"

I nod. "More than okay. Sublime."

He smiles at me. That big, honest, guileless smile.

Oh God.

Big had stopped pumping for a second when he asked me if I was okay. He resumes. Slower.

"You ready?" he asks.

For what?

I nod.

He pulls out. Turns me over and moves me until I'm on my hands and knees. Slides back in.

Then he starts moving. Fast. Faster.





"Unh, unh, unh." A deep grunt is forced out of me when he bottoms out at the end of each thrust. He's so big, from this angle he's reaching the end of me and giving my inside a little tap that almost hurts. It's edging the pain/pleasure barrier. Keeping me adrenalinized, and scared, and excited. But it's so good.

My heart is seizing up.

"My feet are burning," I say. I say it again, louder. "My feet are burning."

He keeps up the steady torture. I can't go much longer like this. I have a mini orgasm. Electricity exploding everywhere. Maybe I can go a lot longer.

But my body sizzles hard.

"Hurry." My voice is breathless, it sounds almost teary. "Please. Hurry."

He moves me around again. Like I'm a tiny rag doll he has no problem manipulating. Then I'm sitting on him, straddling him. My legs wrapped around him, and that big cock nestled in me.

He leans me way back, supporting me. He easily moves me up and down.




Big is grunting now, the first sounds I've really heard him make.

"Close," he whispers.

With a huge roar, I feel him twitch and come. I collapse against him.

"Not bad," he says.

"The traffic threw me off," I say. "I was trying to backseat drive."

He chuckles slightly.

He doesn't get soft right away, so he stays inside me for a minute.

"Get dressed, baby," he finally says. "We're burning so much gas traveling in circles we're creating an energy crisis."

I smile.

I dress.

Big taps gently on the window, and closes it up that last inch.

About five minutes later the limo stops.

The driver opens the door for me. I don't know whether to look him in the eyes or not. I vote for not. I look down. My cheeks are red.

I hear Big talking to the driver in French. I look up. Big hands him a hundred.

So much for not memorable.

I look around. We're at a tram station. Smart. If anyone tracks down the driver or the company and asks, all he can say is that he let us off at a public transportation depot.

I smile at Mr. Big.

Who is this guy?

Who the fuck cares?

"Time to look in on the two princesses?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "We have time. The ball's not until tonight. I thought we'd inaugurate our room first."

I smile at him.

Sounds like a plan.


Dear Reader,

If this story pleased you, then please be so kind as to honor me with a high five. It will mean a tremendous amount to me. It's only a mouse click away. The power is under your clever little fingers.

If you liked the story, drop me a note. Tell me what you liked and why, and how you feel. I love to hear from readers. (PG comments only please.) I read every note and welcome corrections, suggestions, and positive feedback.

I'm already working on the next installment.

You can leave a public comment or use the contact tab on my author page to get in touch with me. If you'd like to leave your first name and last initial, feel free to do so. I really want to know what you think. It just takes a minute.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks, sincerely;


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
JustplainjeffJustplainjeffalmost 3 years ago

Hot! Hot! Hot!! I'm still kicking myself for not reading these long ago.

veryfaithfullveryfaithfullover 9 years ago

Short, sweet and to the point. Perfect.

DeathAndTaxesDeathAndTaxesover 9 years ago

Seriously, only 1 comment on this? I LOVE this series! So hot! don't even know his name, he doesn't even take off his clothes? Where do I get one of those?? 5 Stars!!

SweetDesire427SweetDesire427over 9 years ago
Hotter than the first!

Thanks for the hotness.

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