Forgive Me...But You're Mine Ch. 04

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A reluctant kidnapper keeps a reluctant kidnappee.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 07/29/2013
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Finally to admit it felt as though Nicki couldn't gasp air anymore. Her lungs choked on every breathe as though she were inhaling bricks. Though she had to face the truth of her situation her stubborn mind refused to accept she wouldn't be breaking out of her prison before Tracy came on Friday to collect her. Alright the pin trick hadn't worked and her now failed attempt at breaking the bedroom window had left her unsuccessful and with an angry man at her back, that didn't mean she couldn't get past this life threatening dilemma like she got through every other issue in her life.

'Just breathe' Nicki whispered to herself bracing against the sharp pain of her manic heart in her chest. She just had to deal with the consequences of this failed escape attempt and once he'd left she would just try again.

'That's probably a good idea sweetheart'

Nicki's shoulders hunched from the closeness of his voice, during her few seconds of quiet contemplation he had moved within inches of her back almost resting his cheek next to her ear as he spoke. No wonder he'd heard her few words of reassurance. Anger freshly asserted Nicki slowly brought her eyes to meet his interested gaze.

'So I can put lack of personal space on the list of issues I have with my new living arrangements,' Nicki almost spat 'do you have a pen so I can write all this down?' she knew riling Jared up in a confined room probably wasn't the next best option after escaping from her jail but so far the consequences for her defiant actions had been non existent and Nicki hoped that meant that if nothing else she could vent her contempt upon Jared with little fear of repercussion even if she couldn't escape him.

Jared gently raised his brows at her sarcasm, the movement so subtle if she hadn't been staring directly into his eyes she would of missed the flash of reaction at her words. Without reply Jared took a step back, his warm presence momentarily lingering on her cool skin before evaporating and leaving her once again cold and hyper aware of the room around her.

Jared still meeting her weary gaze extended his hand towards the lamp primed in her rigid fingers. 'I'm glad you didn't try to hit me with that and steel my keys' he joked though the humour didn't reach the intense blue of his eyes.

Nicki had no reply. Had she been thinking with the same logic as Jared's obviously calculating mind, she would have thought to do just that. Another failed escape plan had passed her before she'd even had chance to try it.

'I'm clearly not as seasoned as you in situations like this' Nicki muttered reluctantly handing her make shift hammer over.

Jared repressed a nod of agreement deciding it best not to confirm her statement.

'It's not something you really get used to'.

Slipping the lamp out of Nicki's fingers Jared was freshly assured in order to prevent these future potentially violent incidents it was time Nicki learned not to fuck with him the fast way. In order for Jared to set in motion the plan for the rest of the week he needed to remove her false sense of strength and bravery. A process he didn't enjoy indulging in for longer than needed to break her down just enough to bring compliance.

'Spoken like a true mobster.'

This time Jared allowed the broad smile to sweep across his lips. Even terrified and completely unarmed she still refused to drop the one weapon she wielded better than any other. That quick witted little tongue in her mouth.

Shaking his head to dispel the moment Jared wiped the smirk and replaced it with his customary blank gaze.

'You know I think your right. That was spoken like a true mobster'

The neutral tone Jared used to illustrate each word fluttered a soft unease into the small space between them surprisingly sending a confusing chill through Nicki's spine. The sudden lack of emotion in his voice felt unwelcome in her desperate situation. Which unsurprisingly brought momentary pause to the smart remark she'd primed on the tip of her tongue.

'Nicki, I think I've given you a slightly false impression of exactly who I am and what I intend to do with you while your with me.' Jared set the lamp back on the side table before laying the throw down carefully on the bed. His harsh tone at odds with his gentle actions.

Nicki took her first step back since the moment she'd been dragged from her home by Tracy the violent thug.

'You see little one before now I decided not to make you pay for every little mistake you've made under my roof because I considered you not to be my problem. In my mind you were just Tracy's charge, some little hooker he picked up because your boyfriend owes him and my brother money and in a few days you'll either be back on the street corner or dead. So you see it really wasn't worth me investing any time in you.'

Nicki absorbed every word into her body like bullets. He thought she was a hooker HIT, She wasn't his problem HIT, He thought she belonged on a street corner HIT, in a few days she'd be dead HIT HIT HIT!

'But seeing as you've refused to just sit back and wait for Tracy to come get you and as you've already discovered I have some pretty precious things in my home that I don't want you threatening with your wild actions, from now on I'm going to keep you on a tight leash'

Nicki's fist almost reached out on its own accord at the mention of Jared's intentions to keep her on a leash. Like an animal... Like a fucking wild animal! Out of everyone she had encountered in the last twenty four hours she was sure she was the only one who didn't resemble a wild animal, compared to the wolves and vultures around her she was practically a tamed kitten trying to avoid being eaten alive.

Another remark also struck her moments after he'd finished his speech 'I would never threaten a small child'

'Perhaps... but I'm sure you will forgive me for wanting to make certain of that'

The harsh glare in Jared's eyes tensed every muscle in Nicki's body. And how was he planning on making sure?

Jared could no longer help it, the bloom of fear in Nicki's eyes appeared disturbingly captivating. Though for the most part Jared felt a strong level of guilt for his harsh words and future actions he could not ignore the twinge of excitement tickling his spine.

Without the determined defiance she'd worn as a mask since the moment he'd first seen her, she appeared as defenceless as a young doe.

'Nicki listen because I don't want to have to remind you of this later, I will only ever hurt you when you have seriously displeased me and I promise you I will leave no lasting damage that will have any effect on you once these few days are up and your back in Tracy's care.' Jared couldn't help but reach for her soft tearstained cheek as he spoke, though he knew his words sounded harsh and potentially incredibly violent he wanted the little one in front of him to sense that his intentions were just to keep her in line, not to cause her undue pain for the duration of her stay.

Nicki couldn't be sure if the fresh tears tracking down her cheeks were from his first set of harsh words or the last but at the mention of pain she could no longer keep herself from drawing her arms around her chest. God this encounter had taken a turn for the worst. Her flippant thoughts of just getting through the consequences of her failed attempts had now become the only thing swirling through her fraught mind. The moment Jared's fingers stroked at the water marks on the cheek she thought she might throw up on him. He was too close, too threatening, and too calm. She was going to be murdered by Tracy and until then she would be hurt by Jared. Fear pierced at her lungs, air failing to make it into her chest. She couldn't breathe, Oh god she couldn't breathe.

'Now I want you to go and lie on the bed Nicki, face down' Jared continued unaware of the pain building in Nicki's chest.

Failing to draw more than a few measly molecules of air, it took Nicki every strength to reply to his new demand. The last few shreds of her defiance still managing to tamper down the fear enough for her murmur 'Fuck of...'

Almost as though she'd been lifted by a storm, Nicki found herself swept up in the crushing grip of Jared's powerful arms and slammed unceremoniously onto the soft throw upon the bed. Her chest felt ready to explode under the new assault.

'I can guess exactly how you were planning on finishing that sentence' Jared sighed as he effortlessly forced Nicki to turn onto her front ignoring the arms and legs striking out at him. He was surprised however that through the struggle she didn't scream, shout or swear as he had come to discover was her custom.

This wasn't happening, every tendon in her body was primed to flex, fight or run but the lack of oxygen in her lungs prevented her from wheeling the full force of her strength upon Jared. True compared to Jared's build all the strength she possessed probably wouldn't have been enough to escape his firm grasp but the thought that she couldn't even give it a shot disturbed her more than the actual attack. As much as it pained her ego Nicki had no choice but to eventually let him settle her on her front on the bed choosing instead to focus on calming her breath and clearing her mind.

Only once Jared had finally found Nicki's momentary compliance and she'd let him place her body into the position he desired, did he get the chance to consider why she hadn't used more force against him during the fight. Her breathing was shallow and uncontrolled. Her small hands clenched into fits as though she had wanted to fight back but wouldn't or couldn't raise her arms. Had she been struggling to breathe while he'd dragged her to the bed and thrown her upon the covers? God she could have hyperventilated or passed out during their struggle and he wouldn't have had a clue. Her constant defiance irking him so much that he'd momentarily seen red and decided he just wanted her to comply whether she wanted too or not.

'Are you struggling to breathe?' Jared asked trying to pull back the anger from his voice.

As expected, Nicki ignored him choosing to focus on the pattern decorating the throw next to her head.

Summoning a thread of understanding, a concept rather foreign to Jared in any other regard than towards his son, he walked around the bedframe kneeling in front of her face taking her attention from the bed to his cool blue eyes. 'Nicki...please... answer me. Are you struggling to breathe?'

A small nod and the redness of her cheeks confirmed Jared's growing worry. She was clearly hyperventilating and clearly didn't know how to calm herself down.

Many a time in the past Jared had been around people experiencing panic attacks. In his previous line of work fear played a powerful factor in peoples everyday lives. He was not unaccustomed to the odd individual suffering a panic attack as he threatened to inflict serious damage to them or their family. It was a hazard of the trade unfortunately and one he had become used to seeing dealt with by numerous methods. The most common, he decided, he was going to have to use on Nicki right now before she passed out.

Raising himself onto the bed, he straddled Nicki's hips noting she made no move to stop him even when he gently turned her on her back and propped a pillow beneath her head to make her more comfortable. 'That's a good girl' he whispered softly trying his best to draw the remaining anger lingering between them from her mind. 'Now raise your knees for me little one' Jared smiled softly as he moved himself to her side, drawing her knees up lightly as he went.

Nicki's uneven breathing filled the room as she watched in fresh horror as Jared positioned her in an even more vulnerable state than she'd been before. She couldn't decide if she should be terrified or embarrassed in her current sorry state but the fuzz settling over her mind due to lack of air kept her from turning even redder at Jared's constant manhandling of her body.

Resting her knees on his chest Jared settled himself at the foot of the bed. Leaning over her heaving chest he gently placed a hand on her belly just below her ribs and the other on her chest trying his best to ignore the soft rise of her breasts as he focused on her face. Seeing her added distress at his new position Jared felt himself reaching for any sort of light handed small talk 'Do you make a habit of having panic attacks when a man wants to punish you?' He tried stretching for a smile to accompany his words.

At the reminder of her future punishment Nicki nearly passed out. Oh man she still had a punishment to come if she got over this freak out. 'God, just let me go under' Nicki thought to herself as Jared began murmuring more commands that she could barely follow. Something about belly breathing she thought she heard.

'Come on Nicki listen to me' Jared demanded, pushing softly on her chest to gain her attention. 'Take a deep breathe through your nose and as you exhale feel your belly pushing my hand out with you, that's it and another, well done little one keep going'

Slowly Nicki relaxed into the chore. Breathing in heavily and feeling Jared's hand relax with her as she breathed out. Minutes passed under the soft pressure of his palms until Nicki felt her mind clear enough to begin to start to comprehend her current situation. Pinned to a bed by a man who was previously focused on punishment before her little breathing fit had drawn his attention.

'Good girl' Jared continued his focus still largely set on listening to Nicki's chest as it began to mould to the movements of his hand. 'Just relax for me baby'

Nicki's ears pricked at the last word. Since when had he started calling her baby, like some sort of term of affection? Had he forgotten he was about to inflict pain on her before he'd decided to prevent her from suffocating? Even as her anger began to rise Nicki couldn't ignore the gentle ministrations of Jared's hands as he continued to sooth air back into her body. The two notions colliding in conflict as her mind began to clear the fuzz.

It was only then another sensation rose from the pit of her stomach as her body collected her senses and began to process them back into her brain. Jared's hand that once lay upon her belly easing her breath had at some point slid lower, gently focussing her mind from her heart to another part of her body entirely. Looking up Nicki instantly caught Jared's eye. His focus appeared as though it hadn't left her face during the entire panic attack even during the time his hand had found a new place to rest lower on her body.

As Nicki continued to breathe steadily, she could feel Jared's hand slowly caressing circles in its new spot, the feeling of relaxation only encouraging the soft tingle she began to experience between her thighs.

'How does that feel?' Jared asked softly his eyes still intent on watching every draw of air she took in through her mouth.

Nicki couldn't hold in her response, why bother to search for anger over the growing sensation that now made her feel the best she'd felt since this whole terrifying experience had begun. Returning his intense gaze Nicki released a soft sigh. 'Better' she muttered not sure if he bought the idea that she was only talking about her now calm breathing.

As Jared continued to gently circle his palm over her lower belly he couldn't prevent his mind from drifting to the space between Nicki's thighs. Would she stop him if he moved his hand a little lower? She was so focused on her breathing that he wasn't one hundred percent sure she had even noticed that his hand had gently slid along the soft curve of her body towards his new found interest... her pussy, although the subtle biting of her bottom lip made Jared suspect she could sense the change of tension in the air. Over the last few minutes the room had begun thickening with a dense presence drawing them closer together and almost forcing him to rub lower on her belly.

What would she think if he gripped the waistband of her bottoms and began to slide them down to reveal her heated core? Jared began to question if he should make sexual acts a new part of his punishment routine for her or would that complicate further a situation he didn't want to be in? Before this whole event he was only planning on lying her down on her front and tying her arms and legs behind her back to prevent her from planning any further escapes but as he watched her hips gently move with the slow arc of his hand and her eyes begin to glaze as they observed the planes of his face he couldn't prevent the words from passing his lips.

'I'm sorry Nicki... but for the next few days you're going to be in my charge and I think by the time you leave... I'm gona have fucked your brains out!'

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WSM98WSM98over 2 years ago

I absolutely hate unfinished stories on this site. Particularly because unlike other platforms, you have no way of knowing it's incomplete until you've actually invested time... like an unknowing fool.

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029over 2 years ago

It's good. Would have loved an ending to that story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another make fuck up woman has to fix lame and old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


I can’t wait to read more of this story. Right now, I’m kind of hoping that Nicki and Jared wind up together.

Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great story! I do hope you continue and finish it. I really want to know what happens.

Tate_langdonTate_langdonabout 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please Finish It

I loved the story so far. I really hope you finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More please

Get that little hottie naked and keep her that way and bang her senseless every hour of the day.

Horseman68Horseman68over 7 years ago
Again, Same Question: Why???

Why abandon a story that has the potential such as this one to become one of the best on the site? Possibly we readers are being just played? Would not like to think that of such a talented author, but......

mftz1mftz1over 7 years ago

Please finish this story. I really like these two, and want to know what happens.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please please please finish this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Please do. Think of it like this: no-one telling you what's appropriate to write here and it's the dark corner of the bookshelf, almost. You can have a brain-party and while readers can complain about the noise, that's just the deciding-factor for you to turn the volume up.

Really appreciating your story!


KissmesweetKissmesweetover 8 years agoAuthor
Hi Readers

I firstly want to apologise for not having added to this story in a while. I have been super busy writing tons of erotica stories online. I have been checking back on this story from time to time and I've been meaning to finish it but I have ended up completing 27 erotica stories about other romantic but dark couples before finally gaining the energy to start this story back up again. If you want to see all the other stories I've wrote during this time check me out on all the major ebook publishing sites. My names Lily Anderson. I promise I have been busy ;) but for now without further delay my goal is to get back together with these two love birds and find out where this story takes them! I'm back on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What happens next?

I want to know more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Another Disappointing Betrayal

Great story and mostly well written. But, this is the 4th story in a row I have begun reading on this site that the author has evidently abandoned -- read eight months of leaving readers hanging -- and am now thinking some do it intentionally. In fairness to readers is it too much to ask authors to label the last part of a story as the conclusion to keep us from being victimized by such as this one.

Angel916Angel916about 9 years ago

Please.. continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please, please, please.

Publish another chapter. Great story. Please write more of it. Thanks.

killerxbunny666killerxbunny666about 9 years ago
Oh my gosh, wow!

This story is incredibly hot! I'm dying to read the next chapter! ^_^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

please.. continue this story... we need you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great !

This story has so much potential! I can't wait for more!!!

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