French Connections Ch. 01


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"I never knew he was engaged. He never told me about her. I only found out after, I mean later...they had split up and then a couple of months ago they got back together and that was that." I blurted, looking away from him. His piercing gaze was too intense for me.

"I'm sorry Jane. This can't be easy for you. Helping me out, the way he helped you... today of all days."

He put his hand on my arm to comfort me, and I did feel comfort from it... and more. He looked genuinely sorry for troubling me like this and I was grateful to him that he let the fact that I hadn't really answered his question go. It wasn't easy for me to be here with him like this, but it was exciting...and confusing all at the same time. I'd gone to the bistro today to drink wine and scribble in my journal and put the whole sorry affair to rest – to let it go! And then Tom came along, with the magical ability to affect me so deeply.

"But for what it's worth, I think you're very beautiful and very sweet," he leaned in closer to me, the tone of his voice was soft and soothing "and I think that French guy is an absolute idiot. And I don't just think that because I'm an American and programmed more or less from birth to hate the French," he smiled that crooked smile again as he brushed a stray strand of hair back from my face.

I laughed a little at the absurdity of his statement and this whole situation. The feel of his hand in my hair was quite stimulating, the closeness of his face, his lips.....oh how I wanted him to lean in just a little bit more and kiss me tenderly. I wanted Tom. I wanted him to make love to me, to make me forget all about stupid Jean-Luc and his stupid wife! I wanted him to kiss away any confusion I had. I just wanted to get lost in his lips, in his his bed...

I looked into his eyes, my breath becoming short and ragged. I put my hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his face and a slight hint of some masculine stubble forming there. I gently traced the curve of his jaw with my fingertips, brushing my thumb across the swell of his bottom lip (causing him to let out a soft gasp) and down his chin and his neck until my hand was resting on his chest. His heart was pounding powerfully, as was mine. I stood on my tip-toes and he leaned in even closer. Neither of us spoke, to do so might have broken this erotic spell that had enchanted us.

My eyes fluttered closed as I felt his lips gently touch mine. My heart was beating even faster. His hand brushed my cheek as he kissed me softly on the lips, gently applying a little more pressure. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I parted my lips and felt him do the same. My lips probed and caressed his gently. My tongue gently searched and touched his, inviting him to kiss me deeper. An invitation he did not hesitate to accept. He wrapped his powerful arms around my small waist, pulling me closer to him as he kissed me back passionately and growled. Our kiss deepened and intensified. I felt the need within me building – it was an emotional as well as a physical need. When our lips finally parted, I was dizzy. The world was spinning around me. I had to hold onto Tom for fear that if I let go I would fall over.

"Jane, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Tom asked, with a gentlemanly concern for my well-being that made me want him even more. I wasn't afraid anymore. I was nervous and excited but I was sure of one thing: I wanted Tom.

"I don't know if this is the smartest or the stupidest thing I've ever done, probably neither, but I know that I find you very attractive Tom, and I really want you to make love to me."

I looked at him with a level gaze, shocked by my wanton lustful confession. He stared back at me for a long moment; he was not expecting such a forward response and, in all honesty, I kind of surprised myself with that one too.

Before I could say anything further, his lips were on mine again, passionately kissing me. He held me even tighter to him, my breasts crushed against his chest, our hearts pounding. I could feel the bulge in his jeans grow and I needed to feel that bulge inside me. I needed Tom to help me, to make me forget about that French idiot who had used me and broken my heart. A wave of guilt washed over me again; I was using Tom, was I any better than Jean-Luc? Was this fair to Tom? I felt Tom grab my ass and pull me against him forcefully, the bulge in his pants and the hunger in his kiss were indication enough to me that Tom might be okay with this arrangement, more than okay in fact!

"Mmmmmmmmm... unnnnn..." I closed my eyes again and bit my bottom lip to stifle my moan, as Tom kissed the nape of my neck again and squeezed my ass harder. My knees were weak, I held onto him tight. I felt like I was sinking into some exquisite ocean with Tom as my only life-line, so I held onto him for dear life as he brought his lips back to mine and devoured them once again. We stood there kissing and holding each other for several minutes.

"We really need to get out of here" he said between kisses, as we both held each other, trying to catch our breath.

We were still in the middle of the street, just around the corner from the metro station. By now, the sun had already set and the street was more or less empty.

"Twenty minutes to my hotel?" he asked breathlessly.

"Uh huh, or ten to my place" I said, arching an eyebrow. "Pardon the cliché but, eh...your place or mine?" We both laughed out loud, all of the earlier awkwardness gone.

"Yours," he said quickly as he kissed me again.

He then took my hand in his and we walked to the metro station. The train came just as we arrived on the platform, still holding hands. We stood just inside the doors of the train. The air in the train was hot and sticky. I stood with my back against the seating partition, Tom stood in front of me holding the rail above his head. I surveyed his body from this position.

He certainly was tall, around 6'5" I would guess, with excellent definition in his arms and torso from what I could tell. I couldn't wait to see his broad chest without that t-shirt! I bit my bottom lip again as my eyes moved down to the bulge in his jeans; I had the sneaking suspicion that Tom was tall all over! I smiled mischievously at the thought and looked up at Tom's face. He winked down at me, as if to offer some confirmation to my suspicions before showing off that crooked sexy smile yet again. He leaned in towards me and kissed my forehead gently. I closed my eyes as I felt him kiss my forehead; such a sweet gesture from such a sexy guy - swoon!

"So which stop is ours?" Tom asked looking at the metro map on the wall behind me.

"Two more and we're there." I replied.

He smiled and nodded, before leaning in close to whisper huskily in my ear: "Good, because I have to confess something to you Jane. I don't know how much longer I can wait. For hours now all I've been thinking about is ripping those clothes off and ravishing that gorgeous body of yours. I've wanted you ever since the moment I caught you staring at my ass outside the bistro." I blushed again remembering how openly I had ogled him.

He laughed softly and kissed my ear and my neck and continued whispering "You looked so sexy sitting there blushing, stammering..." his lips brushed my ear again, and he softly kissed my neck just below my ear - which is easily one of my most sensuous spots to be kissed.

I felt my eyes roll back into my head and my knees go weak yet again. He continued to kiss my neck, gently nipping at my jaw. My hand went to his cheek again as I tilted my head and pulled him towards me, my lips meeting his for a deeply passionate kiss. I devoured and treasured those lips and that tongue, trapping his bottom lip between mine and nibbling it gently. My tongue waged war on his, capturing his tongue between my lips and suckling it greedily - unable to stifle my moan as I did so. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, feeling my nipples brush against his chest and losing all other sense of where we were in the process. Fortunately the French are far from oppressed when it comes to sex, but even so...

"Isn't this where we get off?" Tom said breaking our kiss suddenly and grinning down at me.

"Huh? Oh crap, yes it is!" I said, ignoring his bad joke and pulling him off the train before the doors shut.

"You know, you're the one whose supposed to be keeping me from getting lost" he said and showed off that cheeky smile of his. I laughed and blushed - yet again!

"Well, I got distracted" I said, pulling him closer to me. He leaned in closer to kiss me again, and just before our lips touched... I pulled back away from him "but that's not going to happen again" I laughed, winking at him as I grabbed his hand and led him out of the metro station and eventually towards my apartment. He shook his head playfully as we exited the station.

The night air felt cool on my skin. A gentle summer breeze was blowing, making my skin tingle. There was something so freeing, so refreshing about it. I pulled the bobbin out of my hair again and let my hair fall loosely down to be gently caught and caressed by the breeze. The lights of the city at night, the cool breeze on my skin and in my hair and the warmth of Tom's body right beside many wonderful sensations all at once, it was no wonder that my panties felt soaked!

"I love the city at night" I said, squeezing Tom's hand as we walked. "There's something almost magical about it. It kind of makes me feel like anything could happen."

"I think I know what you mean" Tom said softly, as we turned into a small deserted side-street.

He stopped dead in his tracks and pulled me close to him. Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine, his masculine hands cupping my face, running his fingers through my hair, slowly tracing his fingertips down my graceful neck and shoulders. I stood there, caught totally off-guard, my hands on his waist gripping his shirt. I slid my hands around his waist, and up under his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his body and the softness of his skin. I thought I heard him moan a little as my hands caressed his bare skin. I pushed myself closer against him, pulling him towards me. I ached for the hardness that I felt in his pants. My heart was pounding so loudly it threatened to deafen me.

I broke our kiss and struggled for air. Tom continued to kiss and nip my jaw and kiss my neck, his hands caressing my ass and squeezing it roughly. He kissed my neck and my chest and continued down... He kissed and licked my cleavage, each breast in turn and then... I felt his hands quickly slide up my waist under my shirt, lifting it over my breasts as he began kissing and suckling my breasts through the thin fabric of my white lace bra, in the open air for anyone walking by to see. That is, if there was anyone walking by, for the moment we seemed to be alone. Although, as his tongue circled and flicked my right nipple, I'm not sure I would've cared if anyone saw.

His lips and tongue expertly teased my hard nipples through my bra, before I felt his hands slide under the wired cups and squeeze my breasts. I hadn't even noticed him undoing my bra, but it was open, and his hands and lips were the only things keeping my breasts from plain view.

"Unnnn," his hands... "Mmmmmmm" and those lips, sucking and nipping my breasts, flicking his tongue over one of my nipples, clamping those lips around my nipple and sucking hard, gently pulling on it with his teeth before sucking on it again. All the while, his hand was kneading and caressing my other breast.

As he shifted his attention to my other nipple, his other hands slid down over my ass and down my leg to the edge of my skirt, just at my knee. He slid his hand up the back of my thigh, causing me to moan out loud...his teeth pulling my nipple a little harder as I did, generating another moan. He continued to kiss and suck my nipple as he slid his hand up further to the swell of my ass. I looked down at him, unable to speak or move. I ran my fingers through his hair as his teeth clamped down on my nipple again. He gave my ass a gentle squeeze, before hooking his fingers inside my panties and sliding them down my legs.

"Tom!" I was shocked and aroused all at the same time.

He looked up at me, my nipple still in his mouth and winked at me as he continued to suckle my nipple. He pulled my panties down my legs slowly, until they pooled at my ankles. He slid his hand back up my leg, caressing my inner thigh. He very slowly moved his hand upwards, until his fingertips brushed my moistness. He tenderly stroked my pussy lips with his fingertips, gently pushing them aside and teasing me with his fingers. I moaned out loud and held onto him again, running my fingers through his hair as he continued to devour my breasts and nipples. I was on fire!

He released my nipple from his mouth, "I want you Jane. I need you. I have to have you!" his breath was short and ragged and there was an urgency in his voice - an urgency I understood all too well!

He squeezed my breasts harder and growled before his lips descended on mine for a searing kiss. He released my breasts, allowing the cool air to caress them for a moment, creating another wave of pleasure. He gripped my ass roughly again with both hands, and pulled me against him forcefully – the coolness of the night air tickling my wet pussy making me feel so exposed and so deliciously naughty at the same time.

"We're almost there" I said breathlessly.

I fastened my bra and pulled my top down to cover it quickly. I looked around us to see if anyone had seen me being so enjoyably manhandled. Fortunately, we were alone. I motioned to pull my panties back up, but Tom caught my hands...

"Ah ah," he said sharply as if scolding a child. I had little choice but to step out of them. Tom picked them up, brought them to his nose and inhaled my scent deeply. It was one of the most erotic displays I had ever seen. I had to get him home – fast!

We walked quickly and silently. We arrived at the entrance to my apartment building a few minutes later. My heart was still pounding, and I was slightly out of breath. I punched the code into the panel twice but the door would not open. Tom's hand caressing my ass made it all the more difficult to concentrate on hitting the correct numbers on the keypad. The warmth of his hand through the flimsy material of my summer skirt, and the knowledge that I was totally exposed beneath it, had my blood boiling.

"Damn it" I said, taking a deep breath and trying again.

"What's the matter Jane, are you a little distracted?" Tom said mockingly as his other hand pulled my hair aside so he could kiss my neck. "I thought you said that wasn't going to happen again" he laughed softly into my neck and continued planting soft kisses there.

I laughed softly in resignation at his ability to 'distract' me, and took a deep breath and focused hard on the panel in front of me. I carefully entered the code into the panel for the third time and, mercifully, the door flew open. I propelled myself into the lobby, grabbing Tom's hand and yanking him in behind me. I didn't dare stop to turn around to him, my eyes were focused dead ahead on the elevators. Waiting for the elevator to arrive felt like an eternity. Tom stood close behind me, his arm around my waist, inside my shirt and his fingertip slowly caressing my stomach. He pulled me against him so that I could feel the hard bulge in his jeans grinding against the top of my ass. My pussy was so achingly wet for him that I had to fight the urge to turn around and jump on him. I wanted to wait until we were in my apartment before... Keys! I fished in my purse for the keys to have them ready when we got to my floor.

"Good thinking" Tom whispered into my ear as he gently sucked my ear lobe and kissed my neck again. The elevator finally arrived. We stepped quickly inside, maintaining our close contact. I pressed the button for the top floor.

The moment I did Tom spun me around and kissed me fiercely. It was all I could do to stay standing. He growled into our kiss as a primal urge took control of his body, and mine. I slid my hand between us, over his abs and down to his jeans. I ran my hand over the bulge and heard him grown as I began kneading and stroking his hard cock through his jeans. His hands slid down to my ass again. After giving it a playful squeeze he slid his hands down further, pulling my skirt up and up until his hands finally had access to my bare thighs. He slid his hands up my thighs until both hands were gripping the cheeks of my naked ass. Slowly, achingly slowly it seemed, he moved one of his hands from my ass to the front of my thigh and inched it closer and closer to my pussy.

Finally his fingertips brushed against the wetness between my legs and he began slowly stroking my pussy and my clit again... moving back and forth, painting my lips with my arousal. He kissed me deeply as he made slow circles around my clit with his fingers. He then continued stroking my pussy lips and with each stroke he moved further and further towards my vagina before finally... pushing two of his fingers inside me. I squealed as I felt his fingers inside me, curling up inside me and driving me wild. My hips moved unconsciously against his hand as he fucked his fingers in and out of me.

I broke our kiss and moaned out loud. He nipped my jaw and softly kissed that spot just under my ear again as I continued to fuck his hand. I couldn't take another second of it, I needed him inside me and I couldn't wait any longer. I dropped my purse and keys on the floor and hit the emergency stop button on the elevator. Both of my hands were now on the front of his jeans, frantically undoing his belt buckle and pulling his zipper down. I carefully pulled his deliciously hard cock free of his jeans, wrapped both my hands around the thick shaft of his member and stroked him. As it turned out my suspicions were correct, he was tall all over!

My eyes fixed Tom's and I saw my own fire and need reflected back at me in those eyes. He pushed his fingers in deeper and brushed his thumb across my clit, causing me to shudder. I cupped the tip of his cock in the palm of my hand and massaged it gently and my other hand stroked the length of his shaft. My hands reluctantly left his cock as he pulled my shirt off over my head, together with my bra which had once more opened seemingly inexplicably. Immediately, he lowered his head to my breasts and devoured them – biting and sucking my nipples until I moaned out load.

So there I was: naked from the waist up in the elevator of my apartment building, with my skirt hoicked up around my hips and I was about to be fucked hard by a handsome stranger I didn't even know until a few hours ago. And the best part about it was: I didn't give a damn! I was beyond caring how absurd this situation was. I only knew that my pussy was throbbing and empty and longing for the magnificently hard cock I had in my hands only seconds ago.

Tom lifted me up effortlessly and pinned me against the wall of the elevator. His lips locked onto mine as the tip of his cock brushed against my pussy lips. He held me up with one powerful arm around my waist as the other went to his cock. He stroked and teased my pussy and my clit with his cock, coating his member with my juices and pressing against my opening so that just the head of his cock peeked inside, then pulled away. I could feel the power in his arms and his body and the hardness of his thick cock... and I was in utter need for it. He tapped my clit with his cock-head over and over again until I cried out from the exquisite torture he was inflicting upon me.

"Please Tom, please..." I begged him to do it. "I need you Tom. I need to feel you inside me, please..."