From Loving Wife to Slut Ch. 08

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It is all out in the open now - well, almost all.
3.9k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/14/2006
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When I walked into the kitchen David was sitting at the kitchen table working on a bowl of cereal. It was the first time I had been alone with him since the night of Jake's party. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with him.

"We need to talk young man."

"About what?"

"You know damned well about what."

"Why is it bothering you?"

"Because you are my son, that's why."

"Bullshit mom, you loved every second of it and you can deny it all you want, but that won't make it any less true. At the frat house you didn't know at first it was me in your ass and you loved it and when you did find out it was me you still loved it. And those were not half-hearted blow jobs you gave me either."

"You know damned well I couldn't act any different toward you without making people wonder."

"Yeah, sure. What about the blow job you gave me while dad was in the shower? There wasn't anything half-hearted about that one either."

"I didn't have any choice. I had to get you out of the bedroom before your father came out of the shower."

"Who is kidding who here mother. You knew fucking well that I wasn't going to be here when he came out. All you had to do was tell me to piss off and then just stand there. You knew I'd run as soon as the water stopped running."

"All I know David is that I could not take a chance right then. You thought I was a brazen whore and I had no idea what you were going to do. For all I knew right then you wanted your father to know about the slut he was married to. For all I knew you were so disgusted with me you wanted your father to know so he would throw me out of the house. I went along with it to get you out of the way until we could sit down and have the little talk we are having right now.

"First of all, I did not walk into that frat house and say, "Here I am guys, line up and let's have some fun." I was there because I was being blackmailed by Jerry and Scott."

"You were being blackmailed?"

I explained the situation with Scott and Jerry and how I had come to be in the frat house. "I did what they wanted and got the tape. You were not supposed to be there. They promised me that you would never know."

"So you were cheating on dad with this Jake guy?"

It was time for a lie or two. David didn't need to know that his father condoned what I'd been doing so I said:

"I guess you could say that, although I didn't look at it that way. Your father had been working his ass off to make vice president. Jake told me that if I would have sex with him he would give your dad the next vice presidency that came open. I was tired of seeing your father come home dead beat from the twelve and fourteen hour days he was putting in to earn a VPs spot so I told Jake okay. I met him at the motel and gave him what he wanted and had the bad luck of being seen by Jerry and Scott.

"I could not let your father see that tape and find out what I'd done so I gave in to Jerry and Scott. My mistake was in not sticking to the original agreement. I wanted to get out from under their thumb so I agreed to the frat party and you know the rest. And yes, your father is getting promoted to vice president. He is getting Simpson's position when Simpson retires next month. Now, do you have any questions?"

"Just one. Why did you tell me all this?"

"I wanted you to know that your mother isn't just another fraternity row mattress queen. That was the first and only time. Also I wanted you to know the whole story before I set you straight on something else."


"The next time you try to blackmail me into having sex with you I will kick your ass out of this house and then you can explain it all to your father. You can tell him all about the bedroom blow job while he was in the shower. You can tell him all about how once you saw me at the frat house you couldn't wait to stick your dick in my ass. You can tell him how you whispered in my ear that we would be doing a lot of it from now on. He might not be too happy at having a slut for a wife, but just how happy do you think he will be with an incestuous blackmailing son?"

He looked away and didn't say anything and I said, "Are we straight on this now?" He still didn't look at me and I said, "I need a response David. Are we clear on the rules?"

"Yes ma'am" he mumbled.

"Good. Now, what time is your first class?"


I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten till eight. "Okay then," I said, "That gives us plenty of time."

"To do what?"

"Mommy is horny baby, you have a cock and you are here."

"But you just sai..."

"I said if you tried to blackmail me, I didn't say that I didn't want you to fuck me ever again."

"I don't understand."

"You aren't supposed to understand David. I'm a woman and men will never understand us."

I reached for his hand and pulled him up from the chair. "Come on lover. You want to fuck your father's woman you need to do it on his bed."

When I got him to the bedroom I led him over to the bed and stood him next to it. I went to my knees in front of him and as I pulled down his pajama bottoms I said:

"Mommy likes the taste of your cock baby. I'm going to suck on it for a while to get you nice and stiff and then I'm going to let you back into the hole you came out of."

I licked the head of his cock as one hand fondled his balls and one finger of the other hand teased his asshole. I ran my tongue all around his cock as I slowly took him in my mouth and worked on him until he stared breathing hard, his cock started twitching and he started bucking his hips at my mouth. I pulled my mouth off him and said:

"You're ready tiger, and mommy wants it."

I scrambled up onto the bed, got on my back and spread my legs wide. "Come on baby, take care of mommy."

David hurried between my legs and shoved his hard cock into me and I moaned in pleasure. There is just something so deliciously erotic and wicked about having your own little boy buried in your pussy. I wrapped my legs around him, dug my nails in his ass and told him to fuck me hard. He rammed into me with the vigor that only the young have and I moaned as I clung to him and pushed my hips up at him.

"Come on baby, fuck me, fuck mommy hard baby, fuck mommy hard," I cried. "Make mommy cum sweetie, make mommy cum."

I urged him on and he pounded into me as hard and fast as he was able. I felt the heat building up in my belly and when my orgasm hit me I screamed out:

"Oh God yes baby, yesyesyesyesyes," and as my body shook and trembled it took him over the edge and he pumped his seed into me.

I wanted more. I pushed David off of me and rolled over into a sixty-nine with him and went to work at getting him up again. We fucked one more time and then lay next to each other on the bed staring up at the ceiling, each thinking their own thoughts. I was fondling his limp cock and wondering if I could get him up for one more round before he had to leave for class when he said:

"I still don't understand this."

"It is simple baby. Your father is a marvelous lover and he has never failed to ring my chimes, but after several months of being Scott and Jerry's slut and after that mind blowing gangbang at the frat house the other night I don't think that just one man will ever be enough for me any more. So, here you are, close to home; built in, on site help for your dad you might say. You did seem to like what you got at the frat party and you did lead me to believe you wanted more."

"You mean you want to keep doing it?"

"I'm willing if you are."

I felt his cock twitch in my hand and I grinned. To hell with his ten-thirty class and I slid down and took his cock in my mouth.


Simpson retired, Gary moved into his new job and I spent at least one day or evening a week "entertaining Jake's client, customers, friends, and of course Jake himself as Gary waited patiently at home so he could enjoy the sloppy seconds. I was rolling around on the bed with David two and three times a week and Gary was on me at least four nights a week so I was one very sexually satisfied lady.

But even with as much sex as I was getting I still thought about the frat house gangbang almost every day. I had loved my night as a frat house mattress queen and I wondered if I would ever have a chance to do it again. I'd done it on a smaller scale with Jake and four of his vice presidents and as good as it had been it couldn't hold a candle to the herd of hard young cocks that had been mine that night at the fraternity house.

One evening when Gary was working late and David and I had just finished trying to fuck each other blind I was lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling and David asked me what I was thinking about. Without thinking I said:

"About the night you first tapped my butt."

"You thinking of me in that beautiful tight ass or of the night in general?"

"Just the night in general."

"You aren't the only one."

"What do you mean?"

"Hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't ask Jerry and Scott why they haven't brought you back."

"I was so pissed at them for letting you see me that by the time I got done reaming them they are probably afraid to call."

"You sound almost like you wish they would call. In fact, you sound like you want to do it again."

I was silent for a moment or two and then said, "I suppose I do."

"Want me to set it up?"

"David! I can't believe you would pimp your own mother."

He laughed, "Yes you can, and what's more, from the sound of your voice you want me to."

"Is Rashid still a member of the fraternity?"

"Oh my God! Mommy is a size queen."

"Well, he was impressive. Does he still belong to the fraternity?"

"Yes, and just to make your day he is one of the ones who keeps bugging Jerry to get you back."

"I'd like to do it, but I'd better not. There are boys who belong to your fraternity who know I'm your mother."

"So we schedule it for a night they won't be there."

"That's what Jerry did last time and then you showed up anyway, remember?"

"So wear a disguise."

"A disguise wouldn't hold up for three or four hours."

"I read a story once about a woman who wore a hood so no one would know who she was. You could do that."

"I guess I could. Just why all the sudden interest in getting your mommy gang fucked?"

"Seeing you with three cocks in you and loving it was the most erotic thing I've ever seen in my life. I think about it all the time and I'd like to see it again."

"Oh you wicked little boy you. Mommies are supposed to take care of their baby's wants and needs so I guess I'll have to think about it. We have time for one more before daddy gets home. Where do you want to put this nice hard cock I have in my hand?"

"How about where I put it the first time?

"Oh good Heavens, I've raised a butt fucker."

I got on my knees, wiggled my ass at him and he took it."


The more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it, but before I could tell David to set it up I suffered an emotional crisis and found out I was an irrational bitch.

John Bobman, VP of Engineering, had a stroke and died. Brian Smallings was made the new VP of Engineering, which meant Alicia Smallings was Jake's newest slut or that he was at least pursuing her. Two months after Brian got promoted I found out that Jake had indeed scored again. Gary and I were at a party at Jake's and Gary told me that he was going to slip away for a while.

"What do you mean by 'slip away'."

"Jake and a couple of us guys have something we are going to do."

Suddenly I knew just what he and the guys were 'going to do'. I remembered my night with Jake and the vice presidents.

"Oh" I said sarcastically, "And does this thing you are going to do have a name? Like maybe Alicia Smallings?"

I could tell from the look on Gary's face that I'd hit the mark. In light of what I had been doing it was completely irrational of me, but I got pissed! Just where in the hell did my husband get off thinking he could slip away from me and go slip between the legs of some round heeled slut! Some fucking bimbo who would spread her legs for anybody Jake told her to. The fucking nerve of him! He was my husband by God and I wasn't sharing him with anyone!

I was a milli-second from going off on him before I caught myself. "Get a grip girl" I told myself. "You may not like it, but let's not cut off our nose to spite our face." If I raised hell with Gary my days of fun would be over. As much as I loved Gary given my sexual awakening of the last year I knew that there was no way in hell he, even with David's help, could keep me sexually satisfied. I needed Jake and his clients, customers and friends. I didn't like it, but I kept my mouth shut, turned away from Gary and went looking for a fresh drink.

I pretty much sulked for the rest of the party and while I did have myself under control when it was time to go home I was still pissed at Gary for fucking another woman. That night when we got home I refused Gary sex for the first time in our marriage without having a legitimate reason for doing so. I told him I had a headache, but the truth of the matter was that I was not going to suck his dick with traces of Alicia on it and I wasn't going to let him put it in my pussy for the same reason. Fortunately I woke up the next morning a little more clear headed and was able to straighten out my head before I fucked things up for myself.


One night Gary came home and told me that in two weeks he and Jake would be going to Chicago for a five-day trade show. I had been constantly thinking about my frat house gangbang and since Gary was going to be out of town I decided to see if I could do it again. If I did it on the first night he was gone I'd be tightened up by the time he got home.

I suppose I could have told Gary what I wanted to do, but if I did that and he said no I would have to honor his wishes. He had been a little bit stunned when I told him about the first one, but he had never mentioned it since. He was okay with what I was doing with Jake and he might even be okay with my going back to fraternity row, but rather than chance him telling me he didn't want me to I decided to keep quiet. If he asked I would tell, and if he didn't I wouldn't. I told David to go ahead and set it up for the first night of his father's trip and then I got busy with a needle and thread and made myself a hood.

The night of the party David drove me over to the frat house. We scheduled it to start after dark so no one would see me riding around in a hood and I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt to hide the hood on the walk from the car to the frat house. As soon as I was in the front door I removed the raincoat I'd been wearing and the sweatshirt and dropped them to the floor. I turned to my 'pimp' and gave him a passionate kiss while he rubbed my clit a few times with his fingers and then he led me into the game room.

I found thirteen boys waiting for me when I walked into the room naked except for high heels and thigh highs. There were loud cheers and then the party was on.

We didn't start out fucking right away. There was some drinking and dancing first. The boys took turns dancing with me and running their hands over my naked body. I was kissed and felt up something fierce and I actually had my first orgasm as the result of all the fingers probing my pussy and teasing my asshole. I was hotter than a five-alarm fire when Rashid came up to me and asked me if he could be first and even though I was eager to have him in me again I told him no.

"I need to be opened a little before I can handle you lover, but once I get you in me I might never let you out. Take vitamins while a couple of the other guys break me in, okay?"

He wasn't happy about it, but as bad as I wanted that huge pole I wasn't going to hurt myself trying to get it in. I grabbed Jerry and Scott and told them I wanted them to be first.

"You two started this and even though I should hate your little asses I don't. In fact, I guess I owe you for showing me what a slut I can be. How do you want it? Pussy and ass? Pussy and mouth or ass and mouth?"

"I want the ass," Scott said and I turned to Jerry, "I'll take the pussy," he said.

The two of them led me to the bedroom as all the others followed and Jerry got down on the bed and I mounted him. I was so hot and wet that he slid right in and bottomed out as I slammed down on him. I leaned forward and almost laid on his chest as Scott moved in behind me and put his hands on my hips.

"Go slow baby, take it slow and easy. No one's been there since I was here last. Go slow and let me get used to it."

Someone walked up and handed Scott a tube of KY Jelly and he put some on his fingers and began working them into my asshole. While the fingers worked on my pooper I was rocking back and forth on Jerry's cock as I was looking down at his face. His eyes were closed but his expression was one of pure bliss and just that look made my loins tingle. I felt Scott's cock push at my anal opening and I braced myself for the pain that I knew would soon be replaced by pleasure. His cock head popped past my sphincter and I moaned as he started working slowly into me. It took a minute or so, but then he and Jerry got a rhythm going. God, I was in Heaven! Just about the time I had myself convinced it couldn't get any better David stepped up and pointed his hard cock at the mouth hole in my hood. I looked up at my boy child and then leaned forward and took him in my mouth.

After that things got to be one big blur as I was fucked senseless. I was so lost in the lust that I don't even remember Rashid fucking me even though David told me later that Rashid had fucked me four times, once in my ass. I honestly don't remember it and how I could take that huge cock in my ass and not remember it I don't know. David said that I begged Rashid to come home with me, but I don't remember that either.

Finally all the boys had either had enough or they couldn't get it up again and I slowly came back to being aware. As David was leading me out of the game room Jerry stopped us and asked me if I would be willing to see him and Scott again. I told him to check with my 'pimp' and then David and I left. As we walked to the car David asked if I really wanted to do Scott and Jerry again.

"You already know that your mother is a cock hungry slut and that I need a lot of cock now. If you want to bring them home with you some day I won't mind."

As we were driving home David looked over at me. I was sitting on a towel so it could catch all the fluids leaking out of me before they could stain the seat and he said:

"It was obvious that you loved what you did tonight. Some of the guys were asking if maybe you might like to make a monthly thing of it?"

Would I like to? Hell yes I would, but I wouldn't. I couldn't see doing it once a month without sooner or later being caught out by the wrong people. Sooner or later one of the local boys would figure out who I was and I didn't want to chance it. Still, I did want to do it again.

"Maybe twice a year sweetie. Maybe even once a quarter, I'll think on it, but definitely not once a month. Hurry up and get me home lover, mommy needs it one more time before she goes to bed."

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Harvey8910Harvey89106 months ago

This ending was not much better. Sally was a cock hungry slut. She has serious problems. The company her husband works for is bound to get into trouble with the sex requirements for advancement. This was a crazy story and I give it only two stars.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Should have kept the incest separate, not everyone wants to read that and the story didn't need it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was pure garbage. Man, if you can't do better than this shit, give it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I thought it was a good story. Why such hostility to a woman who accepted her husband’s encouragement to have sex with others.

I do not understand readers’fascination with incest

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Ur story is as disgusting I suppose an ass like u is!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
If not your worst story?

Then certainly top five worst story. Characters I'd love to see die - all of them.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago

I wounder how many diseases This bitch is caring around ??????

Shes nothing but a walking poster board for the disease board.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 5 years ago
She's hopeless

She is a cock craving slut. It is what it is. Her husband seems to be okay with it. So what!

YouamiYouamiabout 6 years ago
Just another story notch!


A quiet word if I may. From my research I have found you to be one of if not the most prolithic contributors to the LW genre. However I also note that in many of your story "runs" rather than create fewer individual masterpieces, you appear to have opted for churning out repetitive tales that follow the same basic plot lines. It seems that you believe in quantity rather than quality. This is a shame as I think you have great potential as a writer of erotica. Some words of advice...just because someone CAN use formulaic plots and characterisations to generate hundreds of very similar tales(as you yourself have demonstrated), doesn't necessarily mean he/she SHOULD. Quality writing will always shine before quantity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
why stretch it out

Jpb writes garbage such as this 10 one page ''stories'' just to add to his numbers

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I hate it

What a waste of time writing this piece of crap

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Just a Big Disappointment

One of your worst. A very big disappointment. Who didn't you have her screw?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
One of your best!

What a great story. You continue to amaze me with your endless list of stories. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This got a little out of hand...

Sometimes JPB gets carried away,

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