From Rehearsal to Reality

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Husband and wife and sister-in law abducted by aliens.
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It all could not have begun more innocuously. I was in the car with my wife, Julia, and her sister, Jane. We were driving home to our apartment by way of Jane's place. All of us were coming from the rehearsal dinner for Jane's wedding. It had been a great evening. Lots of fun, last minute details ironed out, great toasts and good feelings. I really liked Rick, Jane's fiance; I looked forward to having him as a brother-in-law. He was concerned about Jane in ways that everyone loved, which is why she was in my car. Rick and Jane had arrived together in Rick's car. When the dinner ended Rick discovered that his car's battery was dead. Rather than make Jane's long night even more tiring, he asked us to drive Jane home while he waited for the auto service.

That idea suited Julia and Jane fine. Both would have a chance to gab and discuss the upcoming nuptials. I was just happy to be sharing the car with two such beautiful and vivacious women. While I adored Julia, I had to concede that Rick was a very lucky man. My wife and her sister resembled each other, but Julia took after her mother and Jane favored her father. Julia was taller, had better legs and tits and ebony black hair. Not that Jane's legs and chest were not nice in their own right, I just preferred her older sister. Jane had beautiful light brown hair. Both women had striking blue eyes, bee-stung lips and peaches and cream complexions. For the night's festivities, both wore slinky black dresses which suited their lithe and lovely shapes perfectly. Julia and I had been married for three years. My wife was excited to the maximum about being a matron of honor. I would be a groomsman, Rick was scheduled to hold a shindig for all of the guys in two days' time. We promised to behave ourselves. Despite that pledge, Rick promised us a very good time.

As I drove I listened to Jane and Julia chat excitedly to each other. I have to admit that my mind was elsewhere, focusing on many of the same things the women were. Our trek had taken us to a wooded area on the outskirts of town when a blinding light filled the night like an atomic blast. It was so bright it acted like a camera flashbulb, dazzling and blinding my eyes. By sheer luck, I was able to pull off the road. That's when I heard this weird electronic buzzing. When my eyes cleared, just above the car I spotted something. Call it a UFO, a zeppelin, or ball lighting, it just hung there. All of us were too stunned to speak, I'm sure Julia and Jane's mouth gaped open just like mine as we all tried to comprehend what we were seeing. Julia at last exclaimed "Holy shit!" At that moment, some kind of ray hit our car and everything went dark.

All I have after that is impressions. I spied Julia, Jane, and myself in some sort of transparent tubes. The girls were apparently unconscious. I tried to get a better view when somebody or something in a uniform aimed something at me. There was a flash of orange light emanating from the object it held and I was unconscious once more.

I have no idea how much time passed, all I know is that consciousness returned to the sound of pleasant music. I became fully alert in the clear tube, not unlike plastic or lucite. It rose, as did those around Julia and Jane, leaving us standing upright feeling woozy an uncertain on our legs. Only then did I take in the rest of our surroundings. It was something straight out of "Close Encounters" or "This Island Earth" only this was realer than any film set. Uniformed people leveled weapons at us and gestured us to follow them. I was too befuddled to protest. The people wielding the weapons seemed human enough. They were uniformly tall and handsome. The males were all built like linebackers. Their uniforms were cut in such a way as to emphasize their muscles. The women were pretty enough to be models tall and willowy.

The three of us were led down a ramp into a huge hangar. As we walked I made a move to try and take Julia's hand, the formidable looking weapon pointed in my direction dissuaded me of that notion. The hangar, or whatever it was could have held a dozen Superdomes. Never had I seen such a vast area of enclosed space. Our march ended at the foot of an ornate throne. Seated upon the intricately carved and jewel studded object of power was a huge caramel colored guy. Now when I say huge, I mean freakishly large, taller than most basketball players on earth, easily almost eight feet tall. I thought that most women would find his face handsome. He was no Pituitary giant. He was perfectly formed and well proportioned. His exposed stomach was one huge knot of muscles, as were his shoulders, legs and arms. The goatee he wore gave him just the right air of power and potential malevolence. That this guy was the leader of this entire planet, whatever it was called, was obvious.

Some sort of drone appeared and hovered over his throne. I quickly deduced that it was a translator. I heard the lead guard speaking in a lilting, almost Chinese sounding language, almost immediately from the speaker of the drone we heard, "Lord Bain, protector, leader and righteous judge of all the realm, our scouting party has retrieved very promising subjects, they may provide the solution to our current predicament."

Lord Bain, stroked his goatee before asking in a deep sonorous voice, "Where were they taken, and what purpose does the male serve?"

"An obscure corner of the galaxy, Sol three, the residents call it earth, although it is mostly aquatic. Parallel evolution, as we have found nowhere else. The male was taken simply because of expediency. He may prove useful in the event we require reserve stock. Better that question be answered now than sending another foraging mission."

"I quite agree, Lieutenant. The females are rather comely, are they not?"

Indubitably, Sire."

I did not like the way he was eyeing Jane and Julia, especially Julia. I found my voice,

"Now see here! What is the meaning of this, I demand!"

One of the guards zapped me with something and I heard Julia scream in fear of my safety. I became numb all over."

Lord Bain shot me a withering look and spat, "You are in a position to demand, NOTHING peasant! It is only through my benevolence that you are still permitted to breath! Repeat your rash mistake and I will find some perfectly painful for you but most enjoyable for me, method of execution. Is that clear?"

I nodded my head vigorously in the affirmative.

He turned from me and began ogling my wife and sister-in-law. "What is the story on the females?"

The Lieutenant spoke again, "Healthy, in early adulthood, both fertile, genetically quite similar, most probably siblings, reasonably intelligent by earth standards but, of course, far below us intellectually."

"Are they COMPATIBLE?" asked Bain with a look at Julia and Jane that needed no interpretation.

"Most probably, Sire, theoretically yes, but we..." said the Lieutenant before he was cut off by Lord Bain.

The huge man then interjected, "Yes I understand, Lieutenant, you gave the honor of discovering that fact to me, quite noble of you, not to mention, self-preserving, No?"

"You are wise in all things, Lord Bain." replied the Lieutenant sheepishly.

The huge ruler then pushed some buttons on the armrest of his throne and a circle of light appeared over Julia and Jane, they seemed unaffected by the beams, but I could tell by the vacant look upon their eyes that they were not conscious of their actions.

First Jane and then my Julia slowly pirouetted twice, hiking the hem of their dresses nearly to their crotches on their first spin and, the second time around, extending their arms above their heads each time they looked amazingly sexy and astoundingly beautiful. The bulge that I noted in Lord Bain's lap was so large as to be nearly incomprehensible, I felt my gorge rise

The halos of brightness about Julia and June faded, instantly they appeared to be back in their right minds.

"Very nice!" said Bain "I prefer the black haired one, have her sent to my chambers. As for the brown haired one, have her tested and send her on to the program."

I know it was foolhardy, but I planted my feet firmly on the floor, stood erect and yelled, "The black haired one happens to be my wife!"

Lord Bain gave me a look that practically froze the blood in my veins, gazed up at the translator drone and then his aides at the foot of his elevated throne and asked, "What is the inferior being prattling on about? What did that last word mean?"

From near the foot of his throne, an ornately dressed fellow rose holding some sort of electronic device. He glanced at the device and approached his master. Lord Bain bent and the other man whispered in his ear. The towering despot listened intently, his expression transitioned rapidly from confused to mirthful as his eyes focused upon me.

"Oh, that is RICH! What a barbarous planet!" said Lord Bain mockingly before addressing me, "Rather than kill you for your insolence, peasant, you shall instead be a witness to the festivities!" He then addressed the room. "Take the women to their assigned places. Send the male to the observation room. I know just the person to put in charge of him."

Julia and Jane wore panicked expressions as hulking armed guards appeared to escort us in three different directions. I tried to fight my way to Julia's side, but I never stood a chance. I called out to both Julia and Jane for as long as I was able before they disappeared from view.The huge guards dragged me to a large vacant room and sealed the door behind me. I banged on the door a few times but instantly understood that it was pointless.

The room contained little in the way of furniture, a table, a few chairs, and other objects I could not identify. Along the far wall, a bank of electronics, cupboards, and some sort of opening or vent. In the small adjoining room I discovered what I could only conclude was an alien toilet, I took a piss and returned to the larger room. My wait was not long.

Presently the door swung open and in strode a staggeringly beautiful red haired woman. Her uniform clung to her body like a second skin and bore some sort of rank. In her bodice, the outline of her full and impressive breasts could be easily discerned. In their short skirt, her legs seemed miles long. She work ankle high boots with a high gloss. About her narrow waist, a broad belt with an ornate clasp. I drank all of her in. The only pair of gams I had seen that were lovelier were those of my own sweet Julia. Her hair hung about her face like a halo. Above her pert little nose were two luminous green eyes, below it carmine lips. I felt the urge to say something, but the nasty looking gun in her well-manicured fingers stilled my tongue.

Her voice, even filtered through the translator drone which had trailed her into the room, was enchanting.

"Listen carefully, inferior being, I will not repeat myself. I am Captain Deva Villantra, you shall address me always as 'Captain' or 'Ma'am.' You will obey me immediately and without question. Failure to do so will be injurious to your health, in addition to being a Captain in Lord Bain's army I am also a medical doctor certified in among other specialties, torture. Is that clear?"

I gazed at her stunning features for a moment before I stammered. "I'm surprised I rate a Captain to guard me, I got the impression your boss thinks I am one step above garbage."

"You are!" she replied before continuing "Not that matters to our relationship, but my father was part of a resistance movement. He was captured immediately, rather than executing him summarily, Lord Bain offered me a deal, I perform every foul task he assigns me, and he, in turn, preserves my father's life. Lord Bain has many faults, but he IS a man of his word. Until Lord Bain finds some other amusing use for me, I am responsible for you, a duty that otherwise would go to the lowest ranking peon."

"Oh." I replied.

"Do you have a name, creature?"

"Albert, Albert Jones, My friends call me Al."

"I'm Not your friend, Albert. I have to process and assess you. In all honesty, I'd rather set myself on fire. In any event, strip and then stroll over to that table."

"What?" I asked.

"So you inferior beings are hard of hearing as well? Let's put it this way, strip, or I will laser off every layer of your skin and inform Lord Bain that you were too stupid and violent for our race to waste time investigating. I may decide to do that anyway, Is that clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Immediately I slid off my suit jacket and reached to loosen my tie. A minute later my best suit was in a pile on the floor and I was sliding off my boxers. Whether from nerves or fear, or the spectacular beauty of the Captain, it also sported a raging hard-on. Part of me felt like a titanic heel. Julia and Jane were somewhere, being made to do God know what, and I was distracted by a pretty face. Still my erection did not fade. Captain Villantra didn't even bat an eye at my erect state. From a small pouch attached to her belt, she retrieved a small object. It looked sort of like a computer mouse with a handle. She waved it in front of me several times. I gathered that she was reading data from the device based upon the way she peered at it.

"Interesting, your race may be exactly what we need. I'll need to secure a sample."

"What do you mean about my race being what you need?" I asked.

"That is of NO concern to you, inferior being. Remove a box from the first cabinet and place your clothing in it. Remove all of your jewelry as well, test subjects are not permitted adornment of any kind."

"That happens to be my wedding ring." I protested.

The beautiful Captain's face wore the same puzzled expression as Lord Bain had a short time earlier, She made an inquiry to the drone which was not translated. The drone buzzed for a moment and then came a musical tone. She gazed at the readout on something resembling a watch about her wrist and laughed very loudly and heartily,

"Oh my!" she said smiling before her face turned serious and she stated very firmly. "Remove the object, inferior being of your own volition, or I will remove your finger and take the object with it!"

Needless to say, I slid my ring off the third finger of my left hand. It went into the box with everything I owned, or rather had owned. As I turned to face the Captain once more she said,

"Similar enough to be familiar, yet still different enough to be slightly repulsive. Quite interesting." It felt like she was looking right through me. She strode over to the wall and pushed some buttons from the opening came what looked just like a tube of toothpaste.

"All right, Albert, get up on the table, on your back."

She donned a pair of transparent gloves and said, "The things I do for the sake of my father." She opened the tube and began smearing the contents all over my body. Her gloves were made out of some material besides latex. It felt like only her own soft and warm palms were spreading the paste over me. I had to admit, that despite everything, it felt very good indeed under her touch. After a moment or two the paste began to burn slightly. The Captain reached my still erect cock and applied a thicker layer of paste over my pubic hair, she did the same thing when she reached my underarms. At her direction, I rolled over and she coated the back of my body, She coated me everywhere, including the crack of my ass.When every millimeter of me from earlobes to toes was coated with the clearish paste she had me rise and stand on a slightly elevated circle in the floor. There was a flash of intense light which forced me to close my eyes. An instant after I opened my eyes to discover that every hair on my body, as well as the first several layers of my skin had vanished, Before I could react to this indignity, a cone descended from the ceiling encircled my head. I heard a buzzing sound and a moment later the cone had returned to is place in the ceiling. I stroked my scalp to discover I had been given a severe buzzcut.

When my eyes focused upon the Captain again she was smiling, "Much better, You know Albert, despite you being an inferior being, that haircut almost makes you look normal."

I was attempting to think up a stinging rebuke, worthy of the wittiest human when she continued.

"Ok, ugly, back on the table, on your back please."

Once I was in position I thought I was dreaming when I heard her say.

"I am going to manually extract a sperm sample now. The very idea repulses me, but it is the only way to obtain an unsullied specimen."

With that, she nonchalantly slid on a new pair of gloves and her warm, soft and tender hands encircled my shaft and cupped my balls. My erection promptly became an iron rod. With the skill of a practiced pro, the Captain gave me a fantastic hand job. The closer I neared orgasm the more guilt about Julia I felt. The Captain's ministrations meant that I was not distracted for long. As I came a tube dropped from the ceiling I felt its suction as it closed about the head of my cock. I watched my loving spoonful rise up the clear tube and disappear from view.

The Captain wore a slightly disgusted expression but seemed primarily focused upon the computer or whatever it was encircling her wrist. After a few moments her face brightened and she said,

"Good news, Albert, you are compatible. That means rather than being painlessly euthanized, you will be permitted to live. It also means that from this moment on you are government property. Your liquid assets make you a valuable asset. At least potentially."

"What about my wife and my sister-in-law?" I asked.


"The women I was captured with!" I replied in exasperation.

Captain Villantra thought for a moment and said. "I was only informed about one but I think I received a memo." she checked the readout on her wrist and said, "Oh, here it is. Lord Bain took a shine to one of the females he told me to prepare you for ... well you will find that out shortly, the other one is to be assigned to the impregnation program. If she is found to be compatible, I can't imagine that they will permit as much as a week go by before she is placed into production."

My mouth flew open in a mixture of rage and disgust.

"What kind of monsters are you people?" I cried.

"Monsters, Albert really? We are your evolutionary, ethical, technological, and social superiors. We are also in a bit of a quandary. Lord Bain's reign is not respected on Dela, the planet of our enemies. Rather than invade us, the smuggled in a virus that, if left unchecked, will destroy the fertility of our planet's citizens in a few centuries time. Fortunately, we learned of the infection early on. We have carefully screened our population and identified carriers. As hedge against a worse case scenario, we have been scouring the galaxy for suitable genetic stock which the virus can not effect so that we can breed our way out of the problem. It is all completely logical and quite rational. Our civilization spans the galaxy while your people can't even travel beyond your own solar system. Obviously, our race should continue to thrive, even at the expense of yours."

"Julia is my wife," I replied, "Jane is getting married in two week's time. Our lives had value, we mattered, you simply can not pick us up and turn us into Guinea Pigs. And if that bastard so much as lays a finger on Julia!"

The Captain was just about doubled over in laughter. "Oh, Albert you are hilarious! Next you'll tell me that your people will track you down and rescue you! And the words you use, "wedding," "wife" "married." those are so archaic only a linguist ever encounters them on a regular basis I have heard the words before, of course, but they are dismissed in a single afternoon of the first year of school. The very idea! I can see why Lord Bain made the plans he has. As much as I despise the man, he has a brilliant mind. Now if you are finished amusing me, get off that table and walk to the third cupboard."