Fruit of the Dogwood Tree

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Visiting a deserted island can be interesting!
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Note and warning: This story is fiction, intended solely for adult readers' entertainment. It contains explicit sex scenes as well as pseudo-intersex themes.


Hours after the hurricane, not many people were able to get near certain parts of Long Island. I, Elise Watermont, was both able and raring to go. I wanted to check the status of my parents' place. Besides that, I wanted to look around the neighborhood while it was virtually empty. My tiny fishing boat floated high in the water and its motor was extremely quiet. If I used my intimate knowledge of the island, I'd be able to slip into the neighborhood before anyone was expected-or allowed-to return.


I'd rather not give up any of my secrets by telling you how I prepared for my little excursion. I'll sum up the preparation by saying that I quickly gathered my supplies, made sure I was dressed appropriately, and snuck along the flooded shores at dusk. I'd kept a sharp lookout the whole time I'd floated closer. Things were much busier several miles to the west of my position and I'd planned for that. I made my landing and no one knew that I was there.

In a few minutes, I'd ensured that my parents' "cabin" was secure. Not only was it locked, but its state-of-the-art backup generator was running also. The security system was working. Estimates had said that power would be restored in 4-6 hours, so the generator's fuel would be sufficient to keep everything going for as long as the blackout lasted.

I moved along as soon as I was satisfied. If my parents' security systems was online, the neighbors' systems might be as well. It wouldn't hurt to check.

The "lodge" on the next lot was completely dark. (Why did people call these buildings lodges, cabins, cottages, etc.? They were all mansions for vacationing rich people.) I did a careful check and found the burglar alarm was disabled. Either it had no backup power or that power had run out. In either case, locks were the only things keeping the building secure.

Making quick work of the lock on the rear door, I entered the deserted building and did some speedy looting. Platinum and diamonds: nice and portable! There was sure to be a safe that held property deeds and stock certificates and stuff, but I didn't want to crack safes tonight.

The next vacation house still had alarm protection. The alarm wasn't particularly sophisticated. An expert could get past it in three minutes. It took me two and a half.

I was about five houses along when I spotted something odd. A 6- or 7-meter-tall (about 18 to 22 feet) dogwood tree was standing near the sidewalk that led past the next building. Branches, twigs, and leaves were strewn all over the neighborhood: on the lawns and streets, even on the roofs. But this tree looked in perfect shape.

Well, I wasn't a botanist, so I didn't care much. Dogwoods must be sturdier than most other trees; that would go directly to the trivia section of my brain.

I stood in front of the vacation home and looked around for its anti-theft features.

"Don't be afraid," said a deep, breathy voice far above me.

Who doesn't panic when they get spotted doing something illegal? I ducked and started running.

But something was already around my ankles! I sprawled into the deep, thick, soggy grass.

For just an instant, I got a glimpse of what had spoken. In blind terror, I clawed at whatever was holding me.

"Really, calm down," the voice urged. Two enormous hands gently landed on the lawn, one covering my feet, the other resting near my head. "I will not hurt you."

"Let me go; let me go!" I begged, not daring to look anywhere but at the huge fingers that held my lower legs. Using both my hands, I tugged at the smallest finger. The finger felt warm and smooth, but it did not budge.

"I can't let you go yet. I need your help," said the placid voice. "Look at me; I'm not scary."

There was no escaping this thing, whatever it was. I slowly took my hands from its finger and rolled onto my side. I looked upward.

"What are you?" I whispered. Looking down at me (even from a crouch) was an immense figure. I might have said a woman, but women aren't over three and a half meters (about 11 feet) in height! Even starkly shadowed, (the moon was reasonably bright and the sky was clear now that the storm had blown away) the colors of this enormous creature were amazing: pearly white, tawny golden, and vivid emerald.

The huge creature scowled. "How would you like it if I asked you 'what' you were?" it said quietly. "You could at least ask me 'who' I am."

"From where I'm lying, 'what' is more important," I told the giant.

My big mouth had finally done me in. I shut my eyes and prepared myself for death-by-squashing.

"Okay, human," said the creature, "you have a point, I guess. I am Senthethem. Humans have had a lot of different names for my kind, but now the most common human term for me is 'dryad'."

I laughed.

Whatever had been looped around my ankles was gone, but the enormous right hand of this so-called dryad closed around my torso and lifted me. "Are you trying to be rude?" it asked. Its huge golden eyes overwhelmed my frightened green eyes. I was helpless in the grip of this creature. Again, my eyelids shut and I waited to be crushed.

Senthethem simply held me for a long moment. I knew I was dangling nearly three meters (nine feet) above the ground. Falling from this height could result in a twisted knee or sprained ankle. If this creature decided to drop me, I had to be ready to roll with the jolt of hitting the grass. Then I had to be faster than I'd ever been in my life-

-No. I couldn't outrun a creature whose legs were so much longer tha-

-What was this gigantic thing doing? The feeling of my jacket loosening puzzled me into opening my eyes.

Immense as the hands were, they were incredibly nimble. As deftly as though they were the same size as mine, they'd unzipped my windbreaker and now they were slipping my arms through the sleeves and taking it off me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"If you promise to stop being so impolite, I'll tell you," said Senthethem.

"Yes, I promise. I'm not usually like this; it's just I was so scared and overwhelmed by your size!"

The creature's glowing eyes stared reproachfully at me. "Anyone would have scared you. I know human behavior; I've lived near humans for decades. You were stealing from the unprotected buildings."

"You're right," I said. "Anyway, let me try to apologize. My name is Elise. And you said you wanted something from me, Senthethem. What could you possibly want me to do for you?"

The creature holding me made a sound that reminded me a creek or a brook running over a shallow, rocky bed. Was it laughing? I guessed it was. "Very sudden change of tone, Elise!" said Senthethem. "I don't blame you for that; you realize now that you can't do anything but play along until I release you."

"I'm not stupid," I said. "That said, do you mind if I make one more comment? I don't want to offend you."

"Go ahead," said Senthethem, holding me in such a way that it was almost like I was sitting on a high-backed chair.

"In fairy tales and fantasy, dryads are always human-sized. You seem like a giant."

Senthethem made a clicking sound. (Did it use its tongue to make that sound? Did it even have a tongue?) "Size seems to matter a lot to you," said the creature. "I can't respond well to your comment. I've only known twelve dryads. I've never met a giant; I doubt they exist. But the dryads I know are my size or somewhat smaller. They're all bigger than you are."

I was 182 cm (just barely under six feet) tall. Part of the reason I was so discomfited by Senthethem was that I was used to being taller than those around me, women especially. I was not used to anyone overwhelming me with size. "Thanks for answering me," I said. "Please, ask me the favor you want. I'll do it if I'm capable."

The towering dryad looked grim. "That would be wonderful; I hate forcing humans to help us.

"Quite a long time has passed since I've been able to cross-pollinate. In that time, my two closest neighbors (and lovers) have become separated from me. If you can carry my seed to another dryad and bring her seed back to me, we will have a mystical connection and be able to join ourselves for the rest of the cycle."

Senthethem's immense fingers dexterously unclasped my belt, then the button and the fly of my jeans.

"And how do I do that, exactly?" I asked, hoping with all my might that it wasn't what I was afraid it was. In spite of myself, I was panicking. My hands flew to the waist of my pants and held on, trying to keep them on my body.

I might as well have been playing tug-o-war with an elephant. Senthethem's irresistibly strong hands tugged the pants out of my grasp and off me effortlessly. "Don't be frightened, Elise. I've told you twice already; do not be scared! I won't hurt you."

"You aren't answering me," I said. The dryad took my underwear too. There would be no point in trying to stop it, so I just kept talking, trying to delay it.

"Okay, Elise. The way we dryads use humans as pollinators is a process very similar to human sexual intercourse. But as I have said, I won't hurt you."

"Are you sure?" I cried.

The dryad looked into my eyes. "I'm beginning to think you aren't worthy of the amazing pleasure I planned to give you. Nothing's less attractive than a coward."

I hadn't expected reverse psychology from Senthethem, although I don't know why I hadn't. I said to her, "You clearly understand humans-far better than I understand dryads. know about romance, I'm sure. You know that humans tend to experience it before they make sexual contact. This is really-it feels like everything's out of sequence."

The dryad held me close to its face.

I saw this curious creature in detail for the first time. It had the features of a beautiful, ageless Mediterranean woman. The dryad's face was a rosy golden color, but its lips (which looked very soft and moist) were a glossy jade green. "I'm glad that you're the human who came here, Elise. You're a very pretty human," Senthethem said. "You smell very nice too; the scent of cucumbers and peaches seems to emanate from you. And although you've been careless with the way you've spoken, you've shown a certain wit and you've even been charming once or twice."

Weird, very weird-a huge tree-woman was chatting me up! Her compliments were sweet though. I found myself saying, "Thank you, Senthethem; I love how you smell and I love the music of your voice! And your eyes: they're incredible. I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as your eyes."

"May I kiss you?" asked the dryad. A little smile had come to her mouth.

She was so much bigger than I was; her kiss would feel strange. She'd just barely feel my lips, wouldn't she? What would it be like to kiss her? "Please do," I said impulsively.

Her lips tasted vaguely familiar, kind of fruity and sharp, like a mix of sour plums and cranberries. They felt soft and cool. Just as Senthethem's fingers had been more nimble than their size suggested, so were her gorgeous lips. The kiss didn't feel weird; in fact, it was scary how enjoyable it was. Senthethem's mouth woke my libido and cranked it up. In response, my hands began stroking her arms and flanks.

(I was thinking of Senthethem as a woman, not an enormous monster; why had that changed?)

Holy fuck, Senthethem's fingers knew exactly how to stimulate my pussy lips! I ran my tongue across hers-she had a tongue, all right; it was velvety and soft despite its enormous size-not caring about any differences at the moment. Her tongue was cool and ridged and luscious.

The enormous dryad manipulated my brown-haired pubic region while she used her very long fingers to slip my camisole's straps from my shoulders and slide the lacy garment to my waist. With amazing dexterity, she drew the camisole over my hips. I was finally naked before her, except for my rings and my crocheted bracelet.

Senthethem displayed her apparently boundless strength. She'd been holding me well above the ground in the same position for several minutes. Then she lifted me still higher. Her mouth left mine, but her tongue stayed, dragging lightly along my flesh. She stopped at my twitching pussy. She licked it deliberately, taking her sweet time.

What was in the saliva her mouth was secreting? Our wonderful kiss ended, I gradually figured out that her plant-like body must produce some strange biochemical substances. These substances must have been intended to make humans willing pollinators. Even as I pondered the ethics of this situation, I sighed my enjoyment of her tongue's sloppy attention. My labia were tingling in a way they never had.

"Senthethem, why are you making me feel this way?" I asked, only mildly concerned.

"Just enjoy it, little Elise," she said.

"I mean, what's the purpose?" I said, still not very concerned.

The gorgeous dryad said, "Sh, don't worry."

My pussy began to buzz and throb. I knew it wouldn't take much more stimulation to get an unbelievable climax. Senthethem began to lower me.

Something bumped against my cunt lips. I looked down.

I grew very concerned.

"It won't hurt a bit, Elise," said Senthethem.

I hoped she wasn't just being optimistic! Between her legs was an alarmingly wide cock-like appendage. What was it, a stamen? It was probably only (hah, only!) 35 cm (14 inches) long, but its girth was at least equal to my fist.

Fucking hell-no sniveling or screaming! I shut my eyes and prepared for death-by-impalement.

But Senthethem's fabulous cunnilingus had had two effects: it greatly diminished pain stimuli and it relaxed my muscles. She turned out to be correct; I was enthralled by the feeling of the immense stamen gradually pushing my lips apart and filling my vaginal passage. My eyelids popped open. With detached, grotesque fascination, I watched my vulva spread wider and wider to envelope the blunt, whitish-pink stamen. I was aware that I was feeling pain on a certain level, but it didn't feel real to me. On the other hand, there was great pleasure. That was real and immediate.

As soon as my pussy had taken the entire phallus-like protuberance, I pushed with my abdominal muscles. I saw surprise in Senthethem's eyes for the first time. "Oh, my wonderful!-lovely!-dryad!" I murmured. "Oh, oh-ooh, feels so good!"

Senthethem's face glowed with approval. "Glad to hear that, my dear human."

"Ooh, glad to say it! Oh! Can I do anything-oh-to make this feel good for you?" I asked.

Senthethem's smile was so wide I thought of the Cheshire Cat. "You're making me feel very nice right now! And there will be more that you can do for me quite soon."

To her credit, Senthethem was careful not to bottom out inside me. She was quite gentle and considerate. She bounced me on her penis-like limb and used her free hand to fondle my totally exposed clitoris. I clung to her with my arms and legs. (It felt awkward, because I couldn't wrap my legs around her. Awkward though it was, I felt much too good to care.) The beautiful dryad used her physical and bio-chemical tools to lead me rapidly to orgasm. Even through my blissful delirium, I could think well enough to realize that she could have deposited her "seed" in me immediately. She was satisfying me out of kindness.

Her seed began to run from between my lips and run along my thighs in gooey rivulets. Senthethem must have delivered her seed. My only thought was that I hoped she didn't stop fucking me. In fact, I hoped she never stopped. This was my only ambition: my new goal in life, getting plowed by this beautiful dryad until the end of time.

"You are beautiful when you climax, little Elise," Senthethem said quietly. Her eyes flashed with amusement. "The flavor of the passage to your womb is fresh and delicious."

(Oh, no! She was done! I felt deep disappointment when she pulled her member from the entrance to my uterus.) "No. Don't stop yet, please," I said.

"I wish to share my pollen, but even more, I wish to share you! My lover Temtheriahm will truly enjoy your scent, feel, and taste.

"I need you to go to her. You can complete the bond and bring us all together. Please, go! Temtheriahm's abode is the strong, full, shapely birch you will find two blocks to the east and one to the north."

Senthethem set me on the rain-dampened lawn.

The huge dryad's chemicals made me suggestible, but I have very strong willpower. I had intended to make my escape as soon as I made it past the farthest reaching branches of the dogwood tree's crown; I thought that that was probably Senthethem's boundary.

My heart wouldn't allow me to run away. I'd promised to help, but I don't mind breaking promises. What mattered was that Senthethem honestly depended on me. She had released me, trusting me to keep my word. How long had it been since she'd last been able to-what had she said-"mystically join?" I couldn't imagine how lonely the life of a dryad would have to be.

But what about my risk? I didn't have much time before people (particularly private security) arrived in the neighborhood. I could be caught.

Enough of that kind of thinking! I'd been selfish my entire life. This was my chance to do something really beneficial for someone else and it didn't matter at all that the people I could help weren't human.

Remembering how Senthethem's tree had stood out because the storm hadn't so much as broken a twig, I looked for an immaculate birch. Once I got around a tall hedge, I saw a beautiful birch with long, graceful limbs. I jogged toward it, remembering that time was probably as short for the dryads as it was for me.

Looking up at the crown of vivid green leaves, I whispered, "Temtheriahm?"

There was no answer except a quiet swishing of the leaves above me. The breeze reminded me that I was naked: very vulnerable to the cool, damp night air.

How could I get Temtheriahm's attention? Senthethem hadn't said anything about her lover not being awake! How could a human make contact with a dryad?

I wriggled my middle finger between my aroused pussy lips. I reached as deeply inside myself as I could, trying to bring some of Senthethem's essence out of my snatch. I quivered with an echo of pleasure. I put my wet finger on the trunk of the birch tree and rubbed downward, smearing the liquid on the smooth, light grey bark.

Figuring that dryads just stepped out of the trunks of their trees when they appeared, I watched the spot where I'd "painted" the birch with my and Senthethem's fluids. I was very surprised to feel a soft, enormous hand rest on my shoulder.

I turned around and looked up.

Temtheriahm wasn't as overwhelming as Senthethem, but she was otherworldly nonetheless. She stood a bit over three meters (nine and a half feet) tall. Her slender body was was silvery-white with silver-grey spots that reminded me of freckles. Unlike Senthethem, she looked as though she would be middle-aged if she had been human. There were wrinkles near her eyes and mouth. Her lower legs and knees had superficial scars. Her thin chest was elegantly shapely. Her hair and eyes were radiant grey-green. Although she looked much different from Senthethem, she was no less gorgeous.

"Awakened by a human?" she said, her voice sounding deep and airy at once. "Hello, small human. You smell nice."

Temtheriahm's sleepy address almost made me chuckle. "You're beautiful, Temtheriahm. I was sent to help you pollinate," I said.

Temtheriahm smiled widely. "If you know my name, you must have talked with one of my lovers. I can guess which one!" The birch dryad gently folded her long fingers around my hips and thighs and lifted me. She kissed me lightly. I opened my mouth and slid my tongue across her lips. Her mouth didn't really taste like anything-unless it was pure spring water-but it was soft, cool, wet, and inviting.