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It is interesting in the dark.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/28/2008
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My wife Sharon and I went into the boredom that can happen with long term married couples. I very much enjoy her and she really is a willing participant but after a decade of each other I noticed our lovemaking sessions became less and less.

She noticed too and since we have always had the magic ability to talk to each other about anything she just brought it up one evening.

That surprised me some, I was just sitting there clicking the TV channels, the options were about like always, boring.

"Dan, are we getting tired of each other?" Sharon popped up with, out of the clear blue sky.

Startled, I set the remote down and looked at her. Sharon is quite a sight to behold, she is only 4'11" and around 100 pounds. She wears her dark hair long, parted in the middle since she thinks that makes her look taller. Her best feature is her full bust, not huge by some standards but on her tiny frame they look pretty big. I do know for a fact that I can nearly encircle her waist with my hands, and her fanny stays tight and muscular from riding her bike all the time.

"I don't know, maybe a little."

"But I guess that is normal for married folks." I added quickly.

"I was wondering, we don't make love as much anymore...well, not like we used to."

"Are you telling me you are in the mood?" I teased.

"Yes. In fact, I am sometimes in the mood way more than we...well...I like sex....with you."

"Well, come here woman and assume the position!" I laughed.

"Make me." Her eyes took on a sparkle.


"Make me!"

She saw the expression on my face, I saw her legs tense slightly as she grinned at me and pulled her top up, flashing her big bare breasts at me.

"You asked for it!" I lunged at her but she has always been about twice as fast as me and she was already up off the couch and around behind it. I ended up chasing her all over the house, shedding my clothes as I went until finally I was naked and still hadn't managed more than just a few touches.

She was laughing hysterically at my efforts, plus naked as a jaybird I had to look silly as hell. I did learn to not make a dive at her and miss, not on carpet while sporting a hardon.

"Oh, Honey!" She said, coming over to my side as I lay there groaning. She reached down and rubbed me, that helped nicely with my recovery but she slipped right out of reach as I made a sudden grab for her.

It was a bit like trying to catch a 2 year old in a grocery store. They can only go about 2 miles per hour but they hit that speed in about one half of a step.

Then she made a mistake and I got her cornered, she tried to dart sideways but I got ahold of her leg. I got my other hand on her and finally got her down on her back, then I started tugging at her clothes as she squirmed this way and that.

"Grunt!!! Me got woman now!" I laughed, holding on for dear life.

I got her pants undone and she got loose again but I had a grip on the pants legs and off they came. This left her in just her panties and bra since I hsd already gotten a fistful of her blouse and it came off pretty easily in pieces. I managed to snag her leg again just before she scooted out of reach, got her rolled over and pressed her down. The damn panties were in the way so I made short work of them by stripping them off of her.

I was hard as a rock, stabbing away at her. I bounced off her leg, then damn near up her butt, her fanny was twisting and turning this way and that. It was damn near impossible, she just would not hold her pussy still for a second. Finally I got my hips in between her legs and holding her wrists I poked and hit the jackpot.

I let go of her wrists and she lifted her hips against me, giving it up. We crabwalked like that all the way from the hallway where I had finally cornered her to the living room where the carpet improved my traction enough that we came to a stop.

Just as we both exploded together!

Later we lay cuddled in each other's arms.

"Like that? Is that what you mean?"

"Yea, that was fun. I wasn't sure you were ever going to get any!" She laughed.

"I don't know if I really want to chase you down every time, that is hard work." I said. Besides, I now had a sore knee, some scratches and an index finger that I knew would be sore by tomorrow.

"So what would you like to try?" She asked me.

"Maybe some...exhibitionism?" I suggested, my long term fantasy of her showing off a bit popping up.

"I don't know about that. If you pull your big dick out in front of some strange gal you might go to jail!" Sharon laughed.

"Not!" I protested.

"Oh. You want me to show some cute guy my titties?" She reached down and lifted both breasts at me with a big grin.

"Or maybe I will wear a short skirt and no panties and do this?" She lay back and spread her legs wide. That did it, I climbed right in there again.

"Wow, that does get you going." She told me later as we shared a hot shower.

"Yea, I guess it does a little."

"It seemed to do it a lot!" She smiled as she used a washcloth to wash off my now expired penis.

We went back to normal after that but I was thinking about it, and I knew my Sharon well enough to realize she was thinking about it too. About a week later she came home from her job as a receptionist at a local clinic. She lifted her skirt and flashed me as soon as she came in the door.

There were no panties.

"Damn, woman! Have you been being naughty?"

"I just tried it but I didn't really show anybody anything."

"Maybe you should have." I laughed, already feeling myself beginning to expand at the idea.

We ended up making love on the living room floor again, that was twice in just a week or so.

"We got invited to a party." Sharon said later as she was setting the table for dinner.

"Oh? What party, where?" I asked, eyeing the big roast she had pulled from the oven.

"It's supposed to be a naughty party, they play games."

"Games? Naughty?" My ears perked up.

"Yep. One of the girls I work with mentioned it and invited us."

"At work? I suppose she is 50 and weighs 300 pounds, right?"

"No, she is Sarah, she is 24 and kind of cute, you will like her."

"Oh, Boy!"

"No, it's not a swapping type thing, you jerk!" She thumped me on the shoulder.

"OK, what kind"

"Oh, things like strip poker, dares. Just exibitionism stuff...You know, like we talked about? Plus one couple has what they call a dark room."

"Dark room?"

"Yes, she says it is pitch black in there. Then they undress in side rooms and go in, trying to find their own spouse. I think it's all just an excuse to feel each other up in the dark." She giggled.

"Who goes in, how many?"

"Sarah says sometimes as many as three guys and three women, she says it is a lot of fun."

"I'll bet."

"Well, do you want to go? Maybe try it?"

"What happens if I can't find you in there?"

"I don't know, maybe you might find...somebody?" She giggled.

"Aren't you going to get pissed at me maybe feeling up some sweet young thing?" I asked her, already feeling myself getting warmed up at the idea.

"I will probably be feeling up some sweet young things, too. And probably we will both get felt up!" She grinned at me.

"That sounds hot, I will if you are sure."

"OK. I will tell her. But are you sure you are going to be able to handle copping feels of naked women?" She gave me a big grin.

"What will you do if you run into a big dick that isn't mine?"

"Maybe I can think of something!" She teased.

We sat down to eat, later I helped her with the dishes, half expecting her to have some more to say about it but she didn't.

Friday she called me at the shop and told me the party was set for the same evening.

"OK. But are you sure?" I asked her. Horsing around at home was one thing, messing around with other people was something else.

"We can always back out if we don't like what we see, Sarah told me that."

"Well, OK then."

We arrived at the address, I was feeling a few butterflies but the door opened to a very pretty young redhead. She hugged Sharon, who introduced her as Sarah. I was thinking things were looking up.

Inside we did the rest of the introductions. There were two other guys, George was with Sarah, both a bit younger than us. George was about the same size as me. A woman a bit older was introduced as Kate, she was pretty and blonde, I noticed all three of the girls had similar hairstyles. Kate's husband came out of a room off the living room a few minutes later and said his name was Bernard, Ben for short. He was older too, heavier than George and I and was slightly bald.

"Dan, and this is my wife Sharon." I told him. He looked her up and down like she was something to eat.

"I bet I can find her in the dark!" He wisecracked, I thought that was a reference to the fact that Sharon was at least a full 3 inches shorter than the other two women.

We sat around and had a few drinks, cracked some jokes. We all were getting along fine but I had almost expected it to be a sex party of some kind. Everyone was dressed and acting perfectly normal, though. We were all getting a few sheets to the wind, too.

It was about 11 PM when Ben announced that it was darkroom time. I had no idea of what to do but he quickly explained that the women would go into the side room and we would go in from the living room. Those both opened into a center room, with no lights and no windows.

The idea in theory was being able to feel around in the dark trying to find our own mate. What it really meant was six naked people touching each other in the dark. I was already sporting a bit of a boner at the idea, feeling around for three cute women sounded hot.

Then the idea of Sharon in there and lord knows what might happen got me going, too.

The interesting part was no one was allowed to speak, everyone was nude and no one was ever supposed to mention anything that happened in there.

I had a feeling that this meant there would be a lot of fondling and poking around, it did sound like it would be fun.

Well, drunk on my ass it sounded fun, anyway.

The gals stayed in the living room as George and Ben and I went in. There was just a tiny dim night light in the side room, I could see the two guys starting to undress so I followed suit.

"Ready?" I heard Ben call out loudly.

"Ready!" Kate replied from the other side. I heard the door to the living room open, there was some giggling which was quickly shushed. Then the door in our side opened up, I was the last one through the door. I got a glimpse of some figures, then the door closed and it was pitch black.

I reached out with my hands, took a couple of steps. I felt my hands touch someone, felt around for a second and it was obvious it was one of the other guys. Ben I guessed since I felt a bulge on his side. I turned and stepped again, then felt a hand on my back. The hand came around, felt my chest then dropped down, wrapped around my cock.

I sensed whoever it was move around to my side, the hand dropped down and felt my balls, then stroked upwards over my length, then let go.

I had no idea if it was one of the guys or one of the women, I assumed it was one of the women. I reached out and felt someone's side, it was soft and one of the girls. I tried to feel her breasts to see if it was Sharon but whoever it was stepped away. I moved my hands back and forth and felt nothing.

Then a soft body pressed up against me from behind, that one was female I knew for sure. I reached back and down, felt a breast press against my side as my hand found a mass of pubic hair.

That sure as hell wasn't Sharon. Whoever it was pressed her hips forward and opened her legs, I took advantage of the opportunity to feel her damp lips. Her hand was busy on my penis which was now hard as a rock.

I could hear breathing but that was all. Her hand disengaged and I moved the other way, bumping into someone's fanny. It was way too muscular to be one of the women, so I moved again. I then bumped into soft flesh again, I was pretty sure it was Sharon. I lifted my hand up to feel her breasts to be sure but someone else's hand was already there.

I reached down and found a hand between her legs, too. I was sure it was Sharon, then I felt other hands on me and I got tugged away. They came in from another direction, but they felt like Sharon's too?

Those hands ran down and fondled my erection, too. Then I felt that body drop down and something wet engulfed me. Somebody was sucking on my cock and I didn't know who. In the shuffle I lost track of the one I thought was Sharon, feeling around and finding nothing with my hands. I reached down to try and feel the face of whoever was sucking on me but they pulled back and moved away.

Then I touched someone else that was soft, my hands came up and found breasts so I knew at least it was one of the women. They felt heavy, something like Sharon's except the nipples were wrong, these were round and bulbous. I spent some time feeling them, pretty sure this was Sarah.

This went on for quite a long time, I was thinking I knew who was touching me but I was never sure. I found who I thought was Kate and we bumped against a wall. She ran her hands over me as I did the same to her. I reached down and found that mass of pubic hair, she was very damp. I had an erection to end all erections, and she spent a long time feeling it with just her fingertips.

"Time!" I heard Ben's voice. He somehow sounded far away. Kate and I disengaged, I was wondering where Sharon was, not sure I had even found her.

Then the side door opened and the dim night lights caused a tiny glow.

"OK, time is up!" Ben announced. We went back into our respective rooms and got dressed, not an easy thing to do in the dim light. I did get a glimpse of the gal's naked bodies as they went out, but that was all.

Ben opened the door into the living room, I glanced down at myself and found I had managed to get the correct clothes on.

Then the girls came out and had a laugh, Kate and Sharon had somehow managed to switch tops.

There were some more drinks, I expected everyone to talk about the strange experience but they didn't. It was just like any normal party. Finally George and Sarah got up to leave, he shook my hand with a grin. We waved as we got into our car, headed home.

"That was really strange." I told Sharon.

"Yes, it was. Not what I expected, really."

"Who did you bump into?" She asked.

"Everybody, even one of the guys. Ben, I think. I just kept moving."

"It sure didn't take you very long to find me."

"I thought that was you I found right off the bat."

"I really expected you to move around more, you know. Take advantage."

"Move around more?"

"Well, spending the whole time with me in the corner wasn't fair, I didn't get to do much."

I just looked at her. She smiled and snuggled in closer to me, her hand brushing across the front of my blue jeans.

"Wow, you are raring to go again already!"

"That wasn't me in the corner, Sharon." I told her.

She hesitated.

"It wasn't? But.....I was sure!"

"So what happened?"

"I guess one of the guys got off nicely." She had a funny look on her face.

"Really? I had some hands on me but that was all. How far did you go?"

"Dan, I really thought that was you...behind me."

"You mean?...Did he?"

"Yes, I guess it done. Oh God, that must have been George?"

I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, I really thought....Are you mad?"

"No, I was in there too. But I just figured it was....just for fooling around...." We drove on home in silence.

Sharon went straight into the shower when we got home, she was in there a long time. I just sat down and turned on the TV. She came out wearing one of my T-shirts.

I pulled her down on the couch beside me and put my arm around her.

"That must have been George, he is the same size as you...everywhere, I guess." She said.

"No, that was me." I lied. "I was just teasing you."

"Oh! ...Ok. That's a relief. You had me going there!" She took a fake poke at my arm. But her reaction wasn't quite...right? I realized I needed to look at my wife in a new light.

"One thing, honey. Let's keep the games to ourselves from now on, OK?" I told her.

"OK. But what would you like to try?"

"Let's see, how about we go out and show off those big titties of yours?" I laughed, trying to ease the tense mood.

"How about instead we show off this big cock of yours?" She laughed, reaching down and rubbing my groin.

"Let's don't and say we did! I don't want to go to jail." I laughed, my hands beginning to explore her body.

She leaned down and put her mouth on me. My mind flashed back to someone doing that a couple of hours before, and I had no idea who.

Did I feel guilty about that? I really didn't, we both joined in the silly game. Some things were expected, I suppose.

Probably Kate was the one, but maybe Ben? I thought about that, I am no prude but that wasn't my thing. No matter, what was done was done. I knew it had to be George in the corner with Sharon, Ben was obviously heavier.

"He got it done." She said. Got what done? I thought I had a pretty good idea.

Did she know? I had to think she probably did, even though my comments seemed to change her attitude. If she knew I was lying then she knew it was George. If she believed it was me then we had no real problem.

Maybe she was letting it go?

I knew I had to let that go, too.

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RhomanovRhomanovover 10 years ago
To George

My grandma says thanks.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I loved it.

And I love the game. I always nail the new, younger one. She was good pussy!


LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Super tension

Great game. Smart move on Hubby's part to recant his original denial, to offer Sweetie a sop for her apparent guilt! I was surprised she suggested the party in the first place, but not that they decided to beg off in the future.


DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Not very realistic.

Once he found Sharon, he wouldn't have allowed Ben to pull him away from her. Ben might have pulled him but he would have held on to Sharon. And Sharon wouldn't have allowed another man and probably not even her husband to fuck her since that wasn't part of the rules. Of course Sharon is younger so obviously Ben planned to fuck her from the moment he met her. Therefore, maybe it could happen.

No doubt Ben invents the game to allow him to fuck women that otherwise he could not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Play with the Devil

Hey Stupid, did you think everyone was going to play fair especially seen it's their game? Well play with the devil and you get the horns!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This story is of 13 yos, nope mentally 13 yos.

These two are so immature it actually hurts to read of teenagers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
part 2

Good story. Would love to see a part 2.

magmamanmagmamanalmost 16 years agoAuthor
Stupid Story but...

OK, so I didn't flesh this one out enough, and it's silly. But I am trying to write things that are different and the idea could be fun.

Here is a guy who has fantasies, his marriage getting stale and tommorrow looks like it will be the same as today?

Plus his wife is peaking while he is fading? So they play games, like so many of us do.

Games have consequences, and they are coming.

So even though this one is panned pretty good, I am working on the next chapter.

Thanks for the comments!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
One got what they wanted

And he deserved being cucked for his selfish stupidity.<P>

And the story purpose to show him as a fool succeeded.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Clever writing but confusing

Very cleverly written story, but as many have said, it smacked of swinging or cheating but the conclusion was too confusing for my taste. Was he set up? -- did she just want to try someone new? not my cup of tea.

the Ct. Yankee

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Well written

But the protagonist was stupid and I am not sure what his wife was. I hope just stupid!

sherlock40sherlock40almost 16 years ago
I kinda agree with some of the others

Not the complete conspiracy of the wife and the others, but a definite no-no with the amount of touching and staying in the corner with just one guy most of the time. I definitely agree with the guy that the wife should have been a little more ticked off if some guy had her and it was just suppoesed to be touching.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Normal reactions?

<br>I usually like Magmaman's stories because he usually captures "normal people" reactions. This time I think he missed.</br>

<br>I even ran this story passed my wife for her reaction. Now, I know everyone reacts differently, but my wife said she would be devastated that some other man took advantage of her in the dark; assuming that she would have even let it happen to start with.</br>

<br>She said that she would be far more angry and upset than the wife appears in this story. She said that she would have been taking names and kicking ass as soon as she found out it was not me. Additionally, she jested that she would also be trying to keep me from killing the SOB, so she could do it herself.</br>

<br>These friends would be removed from our list of friends, because they could never be trusted as real friends. In my wife's opinion, this was a set-up by the friends to bring in a new "swapping couple" into their circle.</br>

<br>Again, I know reactions can differ, but the reactions of the wife in this story just did not feel quite right. Is the wife part of the set-up? I do not believe so, but the way you wrote the story leaves enough doubt to question her participation in the set-up.</br>

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
yeah it was a clear set up

Chapter 2 is needed. The wife knows there is only a 1 in 3 chance that the cock poking at her is that of Husband. So since she isnt sure why fuck it? they werent SUPPOSE to so that.


why all the conspiratorial giggling?


How is it that DAN was sooooo far away from Ben and George Yet Sharon was being fucked by either of the other two guys for ...according to the story ..a long time...


On the way Home Kate was just told that the person she was with in the corner all that time.. was NOT her husband. so WHY openly admit she fucked with one or both of the other guys? she just as easily could of said... "just a some groping.."


BIG time set up. The cunt whore wife is either fooling around right now or wants to.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Set-up ?

I think it was a set-up. If you're not sure, you shouldn't allow "getting it done". The others were teasing and moving around, she let herself be cornered and then waited for "him" getting it done. What comes next ? Talking him into swapping ? There seems to be a bit more than girl-talk going on at that workplace. He got a short blow-job, but when he tried to find out who it was, his partner moved away. That's not what she did. In all fairness, when you start such game, you should remain consequent. Some groping is unavoidable, is even expected, but blowing is already to far, and fucking is way overboard. She wanted it, and probably arranged it with Sarah.

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