Generica - Cheating Wife

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A sad tale of a ruined white wife.
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Generica Whitebread smiled to herself as she pulled the joint of pork out of the oven and set it on the side to rest, before turning her attention to the vegetables cooking gently on the stove. She was ever thankful that she had attended that gourmet cookery course in the South of France, paid for by her hard work as a part time lingerie model for Victoria's Secret and the prize money from her award as the Best Housewife in America.

A quick glance at the clock let her know that she had half an hour before her husband, Arthur would be home from his business trip. She sighed as she removed her apron, and hung it on the hook on the door that connected the kitchen to the dining room. Then she went upstairs to the master bedroom she shared with her husband, and slipped off the blouse and jeans she was wearing.

Generica examined her reflection in the full length bedroom mirror and liked what she saw, she was a beautiful woman of 41 years old, but she looked in her early twenties. A combination of genetics that gave her a smooth, white complexion, ruby red lips with a natural Cupid's bow, a cute button nose, blue eyes that shone like amethysts and long platinum blonde hair. She had an hour glass figure with large breasts and wide hips, with a narrow waist that was the result of working out at the local gym, three times a week. She was very proud of her sculpted physique.

She selected one of her dresses that showed off her figure to best effect. It had a plunging neckline so she presented a large expanse of cleavage. Generica knew it was her husband's favourites and she would do anything to please him, even though she knew deep down that he really didn't deserve her, being normal in absolutely every way and far below the standard of physical, emotional and intellectual levels that she maintained. In fact she adored him beyond all human understanding. Generica worshipped the ground he walked on.

She had given him three beautiful children, all of whom were at college, one studying to be a lawyer, on a doctor and her youngest (and only daughter) just starting her degree in Archaeology.

Before Generica pulled the dress over her head, she took a moment to examine her stomach area between the pale pink bra that encased her large, round yet still very firm breasts and the delicate matching panties that covered her shaved pussy. She marvelled at how she had avoided any marring of her alabaster skin with three pregnancies under her belt. No stretch marks and no feminine pouch.

A few minutes later she was back in the kitchen putting the final touches together for the evening meal, when she heard Arthur's car pull into the driveway of their four bedroomed town house.

Generica quickly glanced at the dining table to make sure it was perfect, before pouring a couple of Bourbon and sodas fro the drinks table in the corner. Arthur's favourite.

"Hi honey, I'm home."

She smiled to herself and felt a warmth in her lower belly, his voice still had that effect on her, "I'm in the dining room."

Arthur dropped his briefcase by the front door and hung his hat and coat on the hat-stand in the hall and wandered into the dining room to wrap Generica in a warm embrace and kiss her lightly on the lips, "Miss me?" he asked.

"Always do, I love you so much it causes physical pains, somewhat akin to an embolism," she replied with a warm smile, "I hate it that you have to travel all the time with your job, because I get so lonely and fear that it will drive me to have an affair. Possibly with someone of similar levels of perfection to myself. Maybe even a black man with an infeasibly large penis."

He sighed, "I know. But it's my job that paid for this house and put the kids through college. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder. And knowing that I'm coming home to the most beautiful and loyal wife in the world makes it all worthwhile. I count my blessings every day that a goddess such as you deigned to love me as much as I love you... Oh and I'd rather you didn't have an affair, it would cause much tension that I would rather do without thanks."

Generica looked at her husband, he was slightly shorter than her at 5'8" tall with a rugged face that was not particularly handsome, but far from ugly. He had a tiny amount of extra weight around his middle and was going slightly bald. He wasn't perfect, she knew that. He was just an average looking man, but he worked long hours to provide everything she could ever need, even though she earned so much more than him. He insisted that her money should be spent on herself or saved, whilst he took up the burden of paying all the normal living expenses, mortgage, car payments and university costs for their children.

She melted as she gazed at him with great love, knelt down in front of him, pulled down his trousers and took his rapidly hardening 6" cock in her hand, with moist eyes Generica gazed up into his face and murmured, "Have no fear, I will never stray for I value our marriage vows every bit as highly as you do my love. Also I love you to distraction and could never stray."

Then she gave him a hand job and caught his jism in a tissue. Apart from sex in the missionary position, this was the only sexual play Generica would indulge in, having been raised within a strict household and going to the altar as a virgin. Also full sex only happened in bed, with the lights off.

Arthur would have preferred a more varied sex life, but he loved his beautiful wife to distraction and could deny her nothing or complain that she was in any way lacking as a wife, mother or lover.

As they sat together enjoying their dinner, Generica said, "By the way my old high school chum, Sue has divorced her husband for reasons that need not be gone into and has bought that vacant house across the road."


"Yes. I am planning on popping round on one of the evenings that you are away due to business."

"Hmm. I recall that she was known as Syphilitic Slutty Sue whilst at college. I would hope that she has mended her ways since then and is now a clean living individual, with a stellar reputation for chastity."


"Then I have no issues with it as I trust you completely and love you so very, very much."

"Your trust is not misplaced, my darling husband and complete love of my life. I cannot imagine the circumstance where I would even think of slutting out and acting like a whore."

At 7 PM on the following Thursday, Generica had just finished talking on the phone with Arthur and once again reassured him that there was no reason to question her fidelity. Then she collected a bottle of white wine from the kitchen and headed over the street to her friend's house.

Sue answered the door with predatory smile, "Hello Generica, my dearest friend, who I would never under any circumstances, set up for a fall... Please come in."

Generica walked into the living room to see it filled with a group of black gentlemen, all of whom were naked and sporting erections that varied in length from 16" to 25". The tallest and most handsome of them stepped forward and shook Generica's hand politely, "Is you the new white ho, who wants lots and lots of big black cock in all your holes?" he asked with an arrogant sneer.

To say that Generica was shocked would be an understatement, "By no means, " she replied, "For I am a faithful wife of a hard-working, good man and am completely faithful to him."

Sue handed her a drink and a wooden spoon, "Here," she said, "Drink this, it will help you relax and cause you to forget your marriage vows, common sense and moral code."

Without thinking, Generica knocked back the drink and immediately felt more relaxed. As she felt her IQ falling, she asked Sue, "What is the spoon for?"

"You'll find out later," replied Sue with an evil, marriage-destroying grin, "Isn't Rastus sexy? I'll bet you want him to properly fuck you now, like your average, white (and therefore completely sexually inadequate) husband never could."

Generica, feeling woozy, could only agree with her friend and immediately dropped to her knees to take as much of Rastus' mighty weapon in her mouth as she could. She worked her mouth backwards and forwards along his ebony cock and in a matter of minutes felt him blast about a pint of hot cum into the back of her throat, all of which she swallowed greedily.

The group of muscular, and clearly superior black men descended on the two women and took turns making them airtight.

After four hours of sexual punishment, Generica and Sue were exhausted, naked and completely covered in cum, having experienced the best orgasms they had ever had. Then Sue used her wooden spoon to push her prolapsed womb back inside her distended and floppy vagina, and then used the handle to push her intestines back up her gaping arse hole. Then, she assisted Generica to do the same.

"Oh," said Generica breathlessly, "That's what the wooden spoon is for."

The group of men stood watching as they drank rum and conversed together:

"White bitches love de black cock."

"Yessir, dey is our sex slaves now."

"No mo' little white dick for them, ever again. Dey is spoiled and ruined now."

"I loves destroying happy marriages."

Rastus stood over Generica and sneered, "You is MY slut now. You gots to cut off yo hu'band from sex. May as well, now you is ruined and his itty bitty cock won't touch the sides. Also, I decides what you wear from now on. You is a slut, so you dress like a slut. Ya gots that?"

Generica looked at him, her expression a picture of love and devotion. She grinned and replied, "But of course. My eyes have been opened and I now see that my sexual gratification is the only thing that matters. My husband's love and commitment, my children, my house and my security mean nothing at all, when compared to the complete (and some might say ridiculous) sexual ability of you and your friends."

Then once again, the black men fell upon Sue and Generica and spent another four or five hours filling them and covering them in seemingly endless buckets of sperm.

Arthur arrived back home on Sunday to be surprised at the sight in his living room. Generica was naked, on all fours and being ploughed up her bottom by Rastus. For some reason, she held a wooden spoon in her hand.

"My wonderful darling wife, what on Earth is the meaning of this disgusting display?"

The copulating couple ignored him until Rastus stiffened, shouted, "TAKE IT WHITE BITCH!" and spewed half a gallon of cum up Generica's rectum.

Generica screamed and fell forward on to the floor, breathing heavily with a dreamy smile on her face. Then without any shame, used the wooden spoon to push her intestines back up her arse hole, stood up and put her slutty clothing back on. Arthur could see that she now sported several tattoos. Written across her delightful breasts were the words, "Property of Rastus and his collection of large cocked friends" and in the small of her back were the words BBC only with an arrow pointing down.

Whilst Arthur stood in shock, Rastus leapt to his feet, stormed across the room and punched him squarely in the face, causing him to fall to the floor.

Generica stood and watched with an expression of disdain as Rastus snarled, "Yo wummin is my ho now, and you ain't allowed to be touching her again. Clearly yo' a substandard example of a man and yo limp dick ain't enough to satisfy her no mo!"

Then Generica squatted down in front of Arthur and her expression softened somewhat, "Arthur, you are my husband and I loved you, but now due to a combination of drugs and extreme gang bang rape, I have nothing but contempt that borders on hatred for you. Clearly it is now time for a change in our marriage. Rastus and his friends will be enjoying my body, probably day and night, whilst you are not allowed to do anything, so deal with it! You are now my cuckold and are not allowed any sexual gratification whatsoever. As a middle class white man, you need to understand that this is the natural order of things."

At this point, the door burst open and several huge black men marched into the room. They snatched up Generica, flung her on the sofa and began making her airtight.

Sue followed them into the room and stood next to Arthur as he climbed painfully to his feet. She said, "See how much she loves the black cock? You Arthur are a wimp and don't deserve such a wonderful woman."

Then she spat in his face before diving onto the nearest huge, ebony penis she could reach.

Arthur was sickened, but could nothing but meekly walk out of the house as the jeers and insults of the gang bangers followed him.

Arthur thought to himself as he started his car, "Time to get my ducks in a row," then he headed off to his lawyer. Stopping only at the bank to empty his bank accounts, cancel all the cards and transfer all his money to an offshore account in the Cayman Islands.

Once at his lawyers office, he instructed his lawyer and long-time friend to begin divorce proceedings against Generica one time love of his life and reason for his existence.

George, his lawyer nodded and offered his condolences at the breaking up of what had once been a paragon of marriage. He even offered to work pro bono as unbeknownst to anyone, Arthur had saved his life many times when they were on the same SEAL team, doing black ops in Asia and worked with the CIA. Then his friend made a few phone calls on his mobile phone to person or persons unknown.

Arthur made a few phone calls to some old friends and called in a few favours. One was to a computer expert who emptied all of Generica's bank accounts and by nefarious and secret means, transferred all of the funds into a secret Swiss bank account.

Another phone call to an FBI buddy in Atlanta gave Arthur the background on Rastus, a known pimp and drug dealer who had a passion for destroying the marriages of white people.

As they were dealing with Arthur's problem, a very beautiful young woman entered the room, "George," she whispered throatily, "I have the file you wanted."

She stopped and her mouth fell open, "Are you Arthur Whitebread?" she asked.

Somewhat nonplussed, Arthur admitted that he was.

She dropped the file on the desk and held out her hand, "Hi, I'm Georgia Nimpho. George is my uncle and I'm working my way through college by working for him as a secretary and also as a part time sex toy demonstrator."

Arthur took her hand in his and an electric current passed between them. He said, "Charmed. How do you know my name?"

"Well, Uncle George told me many stories of you bravery in my youth and I fell in love with you before I ever met you. Would you like to come with me for a coffee and perhaps an afternoon of debauched sex in a motel?"

Arthur smiled, "That would be a great pleasure," he led her from the office and paused in the doorway to say to George, "Can I leave you to make the necessary arrangements whilst I regain my self esteem with the hearty help of your clearly contrived niece?"

George smiled his approval and waved them away.

Arthur and Georgia enjoyed a nice coffee and a chat in the local mom and dad diner, where he explained his current woes. After he had laid bare his soul, she asked, "Is there an chance of you repairing your marriage to Generica?"

His expression darkened, "No! She was the love of my life and I was willing to lay down my life for her at the flimsiest of excuses. But now I have nothing in my heart for her but the darkest, coldest hatred you can imagine. I hope she dies and I intend to destroy her totally along with her new pimp boyfriend."

Georgia smiled to herself and then responded, "She is clearly a complete imbecile, to throw away the love of such a fine man and waste her affection on a dug dealing rapist. Please understand that once you have dealt with her, I would like to marry you and provide you with many more children. In fact, now I see you have finished your coffee, we should retire to the Motel Fuck-O-Rama next door and begin practising creating new life."

Which is exactly what they did. Some hours later, Arthur quietly shut the motel room behind him, leaving Georgia asleep in the wasteland that was once a bed. They had shared their bodies completely in all possible ways that two people can, and he had ridden her round the room like a motorbike.

Arthur headed home to confront the evil men and Sue, who had led his wife into debauchery. He walked into the house and saw that Sue and Geneica were still being used as cum receptacles by the gang bangers, and also that a video camera had been set up and was being operated by Rastus, "Fuck those white bitches, this is hawt! Gonna make a fortune on my website Go on my brothas. Rape dem hoes!"

He glanced over at Arthur and sneered, "I see you is back, Wimp! Looks like you lost yo wummin to de big black cock forever! And also you is gonna be my slave, 'cos dat's how I roll... And you have to suck my dick and feed it into your wife's ass and then lick it clean afterwards, ya dig?"

It was at this point that Arthur snapped. He used his, previously unmentioned martial arts skills to destroy all of the giant, well-muscled black men who were abusing his wife. It was the work of but a few seconds to leave them in a heap of unconscious broken bones.

Then several heavily armed friends of Arthur's from the old days in Black Ops entered the house, with cheery waves all round, they carried the broken bodies of the black men out and loaded them into a pick up truck, so that they could be killed and the bodies disposed of secretly.

As the last of the bodies was removed, the two women woke up from their sexual comas and looked askance at Arthur. He regarded them coldly as Generica said in frightened tones, "I'm sorry. I love you. It was only sex, etc. Can you see it in your heart to forgive me?"

"Sorry, no. Quite apart from the fact that I would go bankrupt replacing all those wooden spoons, you were the centre of my universe, but now I hold you in contempt and have no wish to touch your defiled and possibly diseased body ever again. I was going to divorce you for adultery and let you get on with your life here in this town, but now I've changed my mind. My old buddies are going to kidnap both of you filthy sluts and sell you into white slavery. Probably to end up working as whores in Nairobi I shouldn't wonder."

Both women started crying and beseeched Arthur to relent, but his heart was hardened against them and without another word, he waved for his friends to hustle them from the room and away to their new lives as cheap prostitutes.

Then he took the tape from the camera, made copies of it and posted them to all of Generica's friends and family, destroying her reputation utterly.



Generica ended up as the BDSM slave of a Nazi war criminal living in Bolivia and spent the rest of her life regretting her actions.

Sue did end up in a shitty whorehouse in Nairobi, where she serviced 100 customers a day until she died of AIDS.

All of the gang bangers were executed and fed to alligators in the Florida Everglades, except for Rastus who was delivered to a gay BDSM dungeon in California. He ended his days unhappily being anally raped every day until he contracted syphillis and his dick fell off... Oh and then he got AIDS and died as well.

After the necessary paperwork was done and his marriage to Generica was annulled due to her abandonment of him after the judge was shown a copy of the tape. He married Georgia immediately and had a nice honeymoon in Hawaii, where he made his new wife pregnant.

Then Mr and Mrs Arthur Whitebread lived happily ever after.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yeah that was amusing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Pretty damn funny!

sf_operative63sf_operative63over 1 year ago

Love a good BTB story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

dumbest story ever

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

...oh, and satire,...lots of satire!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I guess a lot of people missed out on the obvious parody of the typical white wife goes black and crazy story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Any story by a white attempting to mimic any conversation by a non-white is almost always doomed to failure, and this is no exception. Story is really stupid, presenting nothing but old uninteresting motifs like black opps. Sorry to have wasted my time reading this.

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 2 years ago

I like to read a good, well written story, but this is just awful. The use of 'dialog' attributed to black, is just as dumb as a box of rocks. You need a LOT of help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really stupid and if 16 to 24 inch cocks didn't give you a hint then your dumber than a bag of barber hair.

BH54BH54about 2 years ago

It was just too stupid.

SexecutionerSexecutionerover 2 years ago

Good politically incorrect humor and a just outcome. Hell, just look at the responses from the RAAC cucky boys. A shame to have their thongs so bunched up....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Freakin’ hilarious! Spot-on spoof, over-the-top parody.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How hilariously contrived, over the top sarcasm.😂😜👹🤕😵

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