Ginny and Katy Pt. 18

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Katy's new pet.
7k words

Part 18 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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My apologies for the long delay since part 17. The real work intruded rather badly. Plus the fact that, as originally written, this was a somewhat different story. By the time I first publishing on Literotica I'd changed some key premises and had rewritten about a third of it to those new parameters.

That material made up parts 1 to 17. I'm getting into parts that were never rewritten, so I'm doing it now. As you might expect, that slows things down. I have to rewrite things as trivial and detailed as the color of Betty's eyes up to the degree to which Katy is dominant and Virginia is submissive.

Anyway, work, and rewrites, and being sick for a time have all delayed part 18.

Again, thanks so much for the comments and various exchanges. There have been a couple of dick heads (Talking penises. Is there a story idea there?) but most of you have been a delight to talk to and, for a couple of you, a lot of fun to get to know better. Mike, you're a treat. Sharon, they are truly, truly magnificent, darling. Bob, such wicked ideas. And above all, Lisa, I love you baby.


Friday, April 20, 2012, And so, we begin

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As instructed, I was out of the house by noon. At breakfast Katy said she'd text me when I could come home. I did a little shopping then went to the neighborhood park, the one up the street from my house, to read and watch the preschool children play and their mothers watching over them.

I had a few wistful moments over the children Brian and I had never had. As it did at moments like this, my anger at the drunk driver who killed him rose up. And, as usual, I let it continue for a few minutes then suppressed it.

Today was not the day to get hung up in anger. I wanted to remember this as the first day of something wonderful for me. Thinking of what was going to happen I had trouble concentrating on my book. I tried not to waste time imagining what Katy might be preparing for me at home.

Instead I spent most of my time observing the children and mothers. I thought briefly of the "mother game" the three of us played from time to time. Often it was me, but Katy and Betty also got tagged as "mother." I'd watched Nancy's kids for a few days on several occasions, usually when she and Mark went on anniversary "honeymoons." I think I'd have been a good mother.

Well that wasn't getting me anywhere either. I was sitting on the ground with my back against a large rock. I leaned back and watched the clouds and refused to check the time yet again. I'd wait patiently for Katy's message.

I knew phone reception here was excellent. And she knew where I was. If I didn't respond when she texted, she'd come get me. And I'd probably get punished for not coming when called. I briefly considered turning my phone off but, again, this wasn't the day for that. We could do discipline another time.

I watched the clouds and the nervous energy subsided. I knew I'd fallen asleep a few times only because I woke up with a start each time, usually from the sound of the children games or a mother shouting at them.

Finally my cell phone sounded. The message gave instructions.

"You'll find clothes in the garage. Change into them before coming in."

I replied "Yes, ma'am" and ran to my car.

I buckled in, started it, then sat there calming myself. Or trying to. I've never driven so carefully in my life, despite the urge to speed.

I pulled into the driveway and pressed the remote. The left most garage doors went up and I drove into the first bay. Her car was in the second bay, as usual. The third bay wasn't entirely empty. The pile of things she'd ordered was smaller, but some things remained. I thought briefly of the classic car Brian had kept in that space. Until he was killed while driving it.

I sighed, turned off my car, pressed the button to close the overhead door, and stepped out. On the work bench there was an ordinary shopping bag.

A note beside the bag said "My pet. Strip completely. Including make up and any jewelry." I looked and saw supplies there to do that. "Dress in only what you find in this bag. Leave everything else here then come in when you're ready." It was signed, "Mistress."

My nipples came up hard. I pinched them both, and not gently. I removed my makeup then my clothes. Upon looking in the bag I was a bit surprised. Sneakers, panties, bra, t-shirt and jeans. As I started to dress I realized what was odd about them. They were all in the styles Katy wore. Sneakers instead of the running shoes I preferred. Hip hugger panties and jeans, instead of the somewhat higher waist one I preferred. Bra in my size, but her style. And a plain white t-shirt.

I dressed and was about to go in when I remembered my earrings. I took them off then had to stop again to tuck the t-shirt into the jeans, the way she usually did but I usually did not. I entered the kitchen.

I was expecting to see her either dressed, as I was, in her usual "uniform," or perhaps as I usually dressed. Instead she was dressed like a 50's TV sitcom mom. Torso hugging dress which flared out at her hips and fell below her knees. Medium heels, and her hair up in as close to a period style as she could get, given that her hair was far too long.

She looked decidedly older than her nineteen years. In fact, she looked the part of a loving mother, much older than her nineteen years. And as I noticed that, I realized I looked a lot younger than my thirty-one. She was playing age reversal, and doing a good job of it. I felt like a teen again.

To add to the effect, she was holding spatula and I could smell steaks cooking.

I said "Hello, Katy."

She answered, tonelessly, "Mistress."

I started again "Hello, Mistress."

She replied, more cheerfully, "Sit, dinner is almost ready."

I noticed the table was set. I took my usual place and waited.

She served out steak, mashed potatoes, corn and some rolls and milk. I drank milk only occasionally, as did she, but given the tone at the moment it meant something more than that. It was a thoroughly homey traditional meal. As the meal progressed, I realized it was to emphasize the age reversal. Or, I thought, probably even more her authority. She was taking me from an adult, to a child before going on to a pet then a puppy.

She talked as we ate, addressing me as if I were a teenager and she was an adult. It was very odd at first, but as she continued it seemed less so. This went on for ten minutes or so until she changed the subject.

She said "I'm getting a new pet this evening. I want you to understand how we're going to be taking care of her."

I thought, "Ah, here we go."

We talked, or mostly she talked, all through the remainder of dinner. Basically she was reviewing all of the talk we'd had for weeks about me being Ginny and, more recently, being her pet when I wasn't Ginny. I'm not going to go into this conversation. It would amount to writing about talking about it, then writing about doing it. Boring. Much more fun to read about our actions that evening and the weeks and months to follow.

So we'll skip forward. Eventually she served out ice cream and the meal came to a close. She cleared the table and put things in the sink, saying she'd do them later. Before returning to the table, she retrieved Ginny's toy box and what looked like a small jewelry box and put them on the island.

Turning off all the lights, except the one over the table, she pulled me from my chair and to the open area between the island and the counter.


I did so, wondering what she'd arranged. We were still both completely dressed. She opened the small box and held a necklace when a pendant out before my eyes. It was a rich gold color. Quite beautiful. I reached for it, more or less an unthinking action.

She said, softly, in no way urgently, "Don't touch it."

I put my arms back down to my sides. The pendant was heart shaped and about an inch across. Designed so it would naturally hang to show one side. She held it out for me to see, turning it slightly to the light.

"This is the front."

Engraved, in a simple and easy to read script, was "Virginia."

"You will make sure this side shows when you wear it."

"Yes, ma'am."

She leaned down to look closely into my eyes.

"You will wear it at all times when you are not Ginny. Even when you're not Pet. Do you understand?"

I answered, "Yes, Mistress."

My panties were getting damp.

She tipped it up to look at the front herself.

"I'd have liked to put 'Pet' here. I'm pretty sure that's what I'll be calling you most often when you're not Ginny."

She looked back at me. "Do you like that name? Pet?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

I paused a moment, then, "Mistress, I'd have worn it, even if it said 'Pet'."

She smiled and touched my nose.

"I know you would, baby. I think you're brave enough to do anything you want to, and tough enough to snub any questions you don't feel like answering. But this keeps it between us. And anyone else we decide to let in on it."

She took a tissue from the table and polished it carefully, just inches from my nose.

"You will always keep this glowingly polished."

She finished and looked back at me.

"All of the new things for Ginny, I bought with your money. This, for my Pet, not for Ginny, I paid for myself."

"Oh, Katy!"

She raised an eye brow, but I could also see she was pleased with my reaction.

"Um... Thank you, Mistress."

She smiled, "Good girl."

She showed me the reverse side. It looked as if it were textured.

"Look closely."

I leaned nearer, sensing that I wasn't supposed to move from where I knelt. Close up the texture resolved into tiny ones and zeros, in groups of eight, each starting with a zero.

"This says, in ASCII, in binary code, quote 'Pet' unquote, 'property of Katherine Marie Berkshire'."

I said "Oh!" and looked up at her.

"So, you see, it does have your new name, but in a way that very few people can read."

She straightened up, with it in her hands, almost over my head.

"Do you accept this, accepting what it says?"

Definitely damp panties at this point.

"Yes, Mistress, I accept."

She put it around my neck, arranged it and then my hair, carefully. It hung a little above my cleavage.

"Stand up, Pet."

I did, clasping my hands in front of me.

"Pets do not wear clothes, baby."

I reached to remove the t-shirt.

"Neither do they dress or undress themselves. They wear whatever their owners put on them and continue to wear that until they are removed."

I dropped my hands to my sides. She removed the t-shirt and bra, putting them on the island. Knelt in front of me, untied and removed my sneakers, finally removing my jeans and panties. She stood, folded and stacked everything neatly on the island, then sat down again looking at me.

I stood there feeling very naked.

She said, "Virginia. Pet."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Pets don't wear clothes. Usually. But we agreed to do things however we want, and I like you wearing clothes. And nude. And everything in between. I like undressing you. So, we will continue as we have as far as clothes are concerned."

She paused, in thought, for a moment, then said with a smile. "Well, I think you'll be nude more than in the past. Do you understand?"

"I do, Mistress."

I stood there waiting for instructions. I could feel myself getting wetter, feel my nipples getting harder. I looked down at Katy. She was scanning my body up and down.

After a minute she said "Turn around."

I did and waited.

"Virginia, you are awesome. So beautiful. Turn around and fluff your hair."

I turned and reached up to run my fingers through my hair arranging it as best I could without a brush or mirror.

"No, dear. Your other hair."

I gulped, spread my legs a bit, then did as she'd said. My fingers brushed across my extended clitoris sending a shiver through me. A little moan escaped my lips. And I couldn't really get it to fluff very well, where I curved under, since it was so wet.

"Turn to the light, honey."

I turned to face the light over the table so it would shine fully on the front of my body. She got up, moved in front of me, and got down on her knees very close to me. She put one hand on my ass, seemingly for balance, and leaned in to examine my sex closely. She leaned in and sniffed, smelling my arousal.

"You smell good, Pet."

The size of my breasts prevented me from seeing her face, but I thought she was looking at my clitoris, which I could feel had come out. Then, lightning quick, she pushed her mouth into my crotch, licked my clit once firmly, and pulled away just as fast.

I yelped and took a step back. She giggled, squeezed my ass, then stood and walked towards the living room, leaving me standing there. I considered following her, but no, she hadn't told me to. So I waited.

She pushed the door open and turned around looking at me.

"You're a very smart pet. You look magnificent. Ginny, has no hands, but Pet does. Get your clothes and come in here."

I did as she said. She stood by the door watching me walk towards her. I was very aware of my ass wiggling and even more so of my breasts bouncing and her watching them, smiling at me. I smiled back. She'd watched me walk in the nude many times before. Despite this, I felt embarrassed and simultaneously turned on.

In the living room, she sat on the couch while I stopped, holding my clothes, waiting for instructions. They came quickly.

"Go put those away, then get your toy box. Do not open it."

I turned down the hall, walked a few paces then sprinted up to my room, put the new clothes on the table and ran to the kitchen just as quickly. She had watched all my running about, sitting with her legs crossed on the couch. I stood in front of her with the box.

"Put it on the coffee table, please."

I put the box down in front of her and stood waiting, I was breathing hard from running. She looked at me.

"Are you breathing like that because you're excited? Or because you just ran upstairs and back?"

She knew, of course. She was playing with me.

"I ran, Mistress."

"Well, don't do that unless I tell you to. When I see your boobs heaving like that I want it to be because of something I did to you."

I looked down at my breasts. Their movement was... interesting.

"Yes, Mistress."

As had happened a few times before, I found that standing there nude with her watching me caused me to feel progressively more and more naked. As the seconds passed, while she waited for my breathing to slow, I started to fidget.

"Hold still, dear."

I tried, finally settling on clasping my hands behind my back. Which thrust out and separated my breasts. Eventually I was breathing almost normally, as normally as I could hope to standing there naked and so turned on. She was trying to look so stern and in charge. But I saw, from time to time, the corners of her mouth twitch up as she resisted smiling.

She asked, "How are you feeling, dear?"

I replied "Naked and horny."

She smiled but asked, "No, dear. That's obvious. I mean about what we've just started? Are you afraid?"

The question surprised me, and I'm sure it showed in my body language.


"Yes, Mistress."

"If you were my slave the question wouldn't come up. At least not while we were 'time in,' as we call it. How a slave feels would be none of my concern. I'm not supposed to care. And that's one of the big reasons I never liked the slave game. That's why you're my pet. People love and care about their pets. I want to care about you. I want you to be happy."

She let that sink in a moment, then, "So?"

I thought about the question, and realized this was one of those implied time out moments.

"No, Katy. I'm not afraid. Anxious. Anticipating. Wondering where this will go. But not afraid."

"Me too."

"Turn around and put your hands on the coffee table. Knees straight, bend from the waist."

A stern, commanding tone now. Time in.

I did as she'd said and watched as she turned the box so I could not see inside it. She opened it and removed my tail and the tube of lubricant. She stood and walked behind me. A few seconds later she stroked my anus gently with a lubricated finger then pressed the tail's plug inside and clicked the lock. She slapped me on one of my ass cheeks.

"Sit like Ginny, Pet."

I did, wondering what was going on. She hadn't put my collar on yet. And hadn't told me to become Ginny. If anything, from how she'd said it, she wanted me to still be Virginia.

"Look at me. Don't look around."

I did as she said. She removed my new necklace, put it in it's box, and put it on the table.

She brought my collar into my view and showed me she'd added a tag to it. I had a dog tag! It was the same size and shape as the necklace pendant she'd just removed.

When it stopped swinging, I could see that this one said "Ginny" rather than "Virginia." My pussy clenched once, hard, and I let out squeak.

She said, very quietly, "Mice. Maybe I should have gotten a kitten instead of a puppy?"

I looked into her eyes and... hesitated. She had me very off balance. I was in some space between Virginia and Ginny. I wasn't sure if I should say "oh," or I should whine.

She said "Look." and showed me the other side of the tag. It said "If found, please call Katy at ..." followed by her cell phone number.

I didn't think about it this time. I said "Oh!"

I was still in "sit." I shifted my weight from leg to leg whimpering almost continuously. I wanted her to put it on me. Or let me do it.

"You like, baby?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Ginny, tell me."

Bark, bark, bark!

I was rapidly putting on Ginny. I stayed in sit until I remembered I'm an untrained puppy. I jumped forward, rubbed my face against her thigh, then licked her hand when she reached to push me back. She giggled, then tried to get serious.

"Sit, Ginny!"

I did, but continued to show my agitation.

She put the collar around my neck and closed it. The click sounded louder than usual. Just in my head, I'm sure.

"You're my Pet, and also my puppy. Do you agree?"


I broke sit and ran around the room barking and jumping on the coffee table to wag my tail at her, then the couch, stuffing my face in her crotch, or at least as far as I could with the dress she was wearing. I licked her face, and jumped away to the arm chair in the corner. She sat back watching, laughing. I noticed a new sound. My new name tag jingling faintly the whole time.

I sat on the chair, wiggling my head just a bit side to side to make the tag jingle. She watched me.

"Bad girl! On the floor. We have things to get out of the way before we can play."

I jumped on the floor ran down the hall and back and sat just out of her reach. She took my leash, but as she approached me with it I jumped back. Then again. Three times.

"Ginny! Sit! Stay!"

I dropped to the floor, rolled over and presented my belly to her and whined. She rubbed my belly for a few seconds, attached the leash, and pulled me up. I jumped onto my feet and tugged at the leash. She pulled me back to the coffee table, retrieved bowls from the box led me into the kitchen.

She took off my leash and hung it up by the back door. She'd done this before, of course, and it had given me a feeling of Ginny belonging. But that time was just for a day or two. This was different. More powerful. More permanent. It was the difference between visiting Paris and moving there. I whined, happily, and rubbed up against her leg, pushing my head up under her skirt as I did.

I so wanted to lick her and hump her leg or have her watch while I did the arm of the couch. I could feel that we were both going to have huge, satisfying orgasms.

She stepped aside, patted me, and told me to sit once more. I watched as she filled one of my bowls with water and set it on the floor, on a pet bowl mat I hadn't noticed when I came in. Or maybe it hadn't been there when I came in.