Girl Gets Her Man Ch. 04

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A little machismo?
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Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 02/23/2006
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"I'll see you later... angel."

She found herself waving back. "Yeah, bye."

When she got into the apartment, she walked straight for her room. She sighed in relief that she hadn't giggled stupidly at his tone of voice.

"Well, you didn't invite him up. That's good," Jesse's voice came from the darkness of the couch. "Where were you?"

"He walked me home."

"Hmm. So, you're together now, right?"

Jo turned on the light to her room and took off her shirt. "I don't know." She pulled her nightgown over her head and pulled down her skirt.

"You better figure it out," Jesse grumbled. "Gary took what you did as a challenge. He was all ready to kick your boy's ass. I had to calm him down."

"You didn't have to do that. Uh, and he's not my boy."

"You've only known this guy for a few days. You know that Gary is what he says he is. Hot Chocolate is nothing but lies."

"He hasn't lied to me," Jo muttered as she slid into bed. "If anything, he's told me too much of what he wants to be true."

"But, he's a white guy. You have to think that there's an ulterior motive for his interest in you. Are you a white guy magnet? I think not. I'm the one that has to shut these boys down all of the time. Hell, I know it's fun to get that attention, but..." Jesse shook her head as she turned to go. "Give me a break, Jo."

She knew that Jesse was right. This was the most attention she'd ever gotten from a man, white or black. They were both so intent on her. It was scary. She sat up in bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She had a thin oval shaped face with high cheekbones. Well, maybe she wasn't ugly. Maybe, she was just pretty enough to be worth a little attention. 'Or...Maybe, I'm just ugly enough to go to two hag balls. Hell, my skin is the same color as my eyes. My hair's just as ratty as ever. I don't have anything to make me special. Why are they acting nuts?'


That Monday, Daniel invited her to lunch. She walked into the room and immediately felt that odd feeling that she got when hers was the only black face in the crowd. She'd thought she'd gotten over that, but apparently it was resurfacing. 'Why did he have to choose this place?' Joanne was about to turn around and leave when she saw Daniel waving at her from a table in the back. She met him at his table after exchanging nods with several people she didn't know.

"Cookies," he offered when she finally sat down.

"No, thank you."

"Here, have my plate..."

"I'm not hungry. Thank you for offering..."

"Here, you look cold," he got up and pulled at his coat. With this movement, a table of girls her age looked up at him and then appraisingly down at her.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" He paused in mid supplication and bent down to take her hand.

"Stop it," she pulled out of his grasp.

"Stop what?"

"I'm going..." He stood up with her as she looked around. 'Look at all of them staring. Girl, you better hit the road before that blonde over there comes at you with that butter knife.'

"Joanne, stay. I don't know what I should say..."

"You don't need to do anything. Just stop treating me like I'll break."

He showed her genuine surprise and soothed, "I wasn't doing that. I was just..."

"Hey, it's okay. I've seen it before. This was a stupid idea..."

"I think this is a misunderstanding."

"Yes, it is." She slowly drifted back down to a sitting position and interlaced her fingers.

"That is why I asked you to lunch. You... You're treating me like I'm hurting you when I'm being polite. I can't turn off polite, okay? That's just the way that I am. I open a door and stand next to it for a bit. If you happen to walk through that door, it's gravy. Some jerk makes you feel bad, I stand up for you. Get it?"

She frowned up at him. He was smiling but there was a tenseness in his eyes. She looked back down at her hands.

"I'm not your girlfriend," she muttered.

"I know that."

"We're not together."

"That's true too," he smiled as he regained his seat.

"Stop treating me like that. I don't deserve it."

"Never. You deserve even more."

"No, I don't. Your girlfriend does."

"You keep saying that word, but it doesn't mean anything to me, because I don't want to be your boyfriend."

"Then what do you want to be?"

"I want to be yours, Jo."

The way that he'd said it made a shiver go up her spine. To top it off, she heard a series of gasps and whispers from around her.

She got out of the seat again and gathered her bag. "You are definitely twisted," she frowned at him as she backed away.

"Do I say that to anyone else?"

"I don't know," she tried to be harsh as she kept moving toward the entrance.

"The answer should have been no. Have a little faith."

She stopped short and he stopped with her. "Faith? Danny, I don't know you that well. You don't have to do all of this. I'm right here in front of you."

He nodded at her declarative.

"Straighten up. I thought we were gonna go over those numbers. I didn't think you'd keep up with this other stuff. I could really use the real Daniel, right now. Whoever that may be, he's better than some love sick puppy." She watched him process her words for a second then headed for the nearest elevator.

He called after her, "I am not a love sick puppy. I don't follow you around, howling for your attention..."

"You do," she waved back at him with one hand. "What do you think you're doing, right now?"

He looked at the tray of food he had abandoned to follow her to the hallway.


He didn't visit her for a few days. She was sure he'd picked another hag. 'And good riddins to you Daniel,' she thought as she finally got some PowerPoint slides done. She was so absorbed in the process that she didn't hear anyone come in.

"There is one n in nucleophilic."

She felt like she jumped two feet off of her chair. He stood there with a soda in his hand and smiled down at her.

"Aren't you going to fix it?"

She blinked at him. 'I guess you couldn't find another hag after all.' "Of course, I'll fix it."

"I've given you some space. You seem to like it, so I'll try to behave." He had this fake sad look on his face. At least, she thought it was fake. He turned to leave then abruptly changed direction.

"Need help with your speech?"

"No, I'm sure I'll do fine. It's not like it's a big presentation in front of a bunch of people. I'm just showing Professor Samuels about some of the new stuff I can do."

"He should probably go to the faculty info sessions."

"It's fine. I don't mind."

He set the drink down and leaned over her. "Here," he said as he retyped the word. "How about a switching this for that?" The arm of his oversized shirt brushed across her face startling her.

"That's how I had it in the first place." She moved aside and looked up at him.

"Well," he nudged her with his arm next. "Great minds think alike. It's better that way."

She cautiously said, "If you want to do this..."

"Nope," he smiled. "This is your baby. Just don't forget about the study session tomorrow. I hear the next exam is gonna fry some brain cells."

With that, he slid his hands from the desk and walked out. She blinked after him. It had actually been a normal interaction. There'd been no strange looks or long sighs from him at all. She smiled to herself. It would all be okay. She could work with him.


'Fry some brain cells? How much of an idiot can you sound like?' Daniel cringed as he shut the door behind him. He strolled down the hall contemplating his strategy. "Okay, you didn't jump on her. It's a start. Take it easy. She needs to know you're not wanting that kind of a relationship. Telling her won't work. Why does she look so hot when she frowns?'

Dr S met him at the corner. "Mr. Langier. Who is the target?"


"I can see you're working out a plan. Is it Candace again?" "Oh, no. I'm not planning anything."

"Nonsense. I still don't see why you didn't just tell her the truth from the start."

"Truth, sir?"

"You don't care one bit about Candace. Tell her so. It's rude to string a girl along like that."

"I've told her multiple times. She does not listen."

"Then show her. Why don't you find some nice young girl and go places with her. Public places, so I don't have to witness any oddness in the building."

"Technically, this is a public place," Daniel smiled.

Dr. Samuels laughed and walked off, "Don't let me catch you compromised. That's all I ask."


She waited a few weeks for herself to rationalize before she decided to go out with Gary. She figured she owed him another time away from campus just to see if she actually felt anything for him. She figured that Jesse would get off of her back after this time. She felt the need to tell Daniel. She had wanted to get a rise out of him. It would be better than the fake casual that was the norm, now.

When he was leaning over to check something on her screen with his notebook, she said, "I've got a date."

He didn't even blink. "A date? Sounds nice. That Gary guy, I assume."

"Well, yes. I figured, I owe him another shot since..."

He looked sideways at her with those eyes. "Since, you were a bit nervous the last time. Good idea. Are you sure you're not still nervous?"

"Yes. I'm as calm as a cucumber. The few times Jesse brought him over, he's been okay."

"Okay? Not wonderful?"

"Wonderful? I'm not deluding myself into thinking anyone can be wonderful. That's just being pathetic."

"Pathetic? I think people in a relationship should think the other person is wonderful. Not just okay."

"Well, I don't."

"You should."

"Hmmm," she mumbled.

"What?" He was still just as close as he had been when he came over.

"You're so calm. I thought you'd talk about Gary or something."

"Why? We're not together," he reminded her as he straightened up and took his notebook over to his terminal.

It was true. They had settled on a noncommittal relationship. He'd stopped saying the strange things that he'd said the first two days she knew him, but she felt this tension every time she looked at him. Jo wanted that strange twisting in her gut to disappear. He still walked her to her car every night. It was a comfort, since it was getting pretty cold on some nights.

Daniel felt heat rise to his cheeks as he sat back down behind his monitor. He set down his notebook and took a few slow breathes.

"So, where are you two headed on this date?" He was surprised at the tone of his voice and silently scolded himself.

"I'm going to ask him to the fall festival."

"Can he dance?"

"I think so. He did okay at the club when I saw him."

He gave his head a scratch and tried to sound normal, "I hope you have a good time. I hear it's going to be a little warmer that night."


Joanne barely got the words of invitation out before Gary agreed. He insisted on picking her up and taking them for dinner and a stroll. He made a point of holding her hand and putting his arm around her as they walked through the park.

"Did I mention how nice you look tonight? That dress is wonderful." His compliment made her shiver. The Indian summer night made things feel more like spring. Jesse had made her wear the clinging small thing. She'd pulled out her old trusted denim jacket and pulled it on, at the last minute, but it had afforded her a little more warmth. The dress had been a series of blocks that wrapped around her chest and went down her sides to connect with the skirt. He'd spent most of the night looking at her chest. She was sure he'd noticed that it wasn't as great as Jesse's but was being polite. She made sure that her hair was straightened to rest at her shoulders. It tickled the back of her neck when she ducked her chin to her neck.

She self-consciously put a hand over her bare abdomen. "Thank you, Gary. I like lavender. I just wish there was more to the thing."

"Oh, no. You're perfect. Why not show it off a little? We could stop off somewhere and dance. That band over there seems good."

"Okay," she smiled at him. She knew she'd have to keep an eye on his hands, but she would enjoy moving to the music.

His hands were warm on the exposed skin of her back. He smelled very good as he moved her in closer. He spoke quietly into her ear, "You want to stop off at my place, tonight?"

She pulled back, but he had her fully encircled in his arms. "Don't worry. I know how to treat a girl."

"Look, I'm not ready to. Can't we just have fun here?"

"Jesse told me that you've been a bit worried, so I thought I'd help you relax. There'd be no commitment. I'll do whatever you want me to," he smiled seductively at her. 'What is Jesse, a pimp?'

"I," she worked to get out of this situation. He was fine, smart, nice, and scary. "I..." The song ended and her date continued his embrace.

"May I cut in?" She looked up at Daniel. He'd shaved and his shirt was pressed. She'd never seen him without at least a layer of stubble on his chin. 'Oh, and you smell good, too!'

"No, you may not," Gary grumbled. "She's with me tonight."

"It's just a dance. You can have her back," he amiably smiled as he put a hand on her arm. She hadn't flinched at the contact. She'd been frazzled at first when he would purposefully move his arm against hers, or back into her. It had been every excuse to give her just a nudge every time he saw her. This was the first time she hadn't started. She looked up at him and she could tell that he'd noticed too and was full of curiosity.

"It's okay, Gary. I'll meet you over there," she directed him.

He let go and frowned, "Why is he always around?"

"I used to live around here. I come to this festival every year. I can't pretend I don't know her, because you're on a date. The sooner you let us dance, the sooner I'll be gone."

Gary walked to a bench and sat down. Daniel squeezed her shoulder and said, "Did he see it?"

"That's why you were doing that. To get me used to you touching me? He knows that you have a thing for me," she smiled cautiously as the next song started. "He knew before..."

He gripped her hand and slid his other hand to her waist. "I have more than a thing for you, Jo Croix. You know that." He turned her swiftly and she let out a shriek of surprise. He smiled as she laughed nervously. She watched his legs pass too close to hers. She stepped on his toe and he made a funny face. "It's okay," he soothed as he pulled her in closer. "Just move with me, and don't watch where I go anymore." They soon developed a rhythm together, and she was ready when he spun her the next time. He'd hidden his poise very well. She wouldn't have thought he was a dancer to watch him walk. As they continued to move across the floor she queried, "Why are you really here?" He smiled conspiratorially, "I can't help it. You're like a magnet for me. I guess, I'm a wee bit protective. Blame me? Besides, would I pass up the opportunity to dance with you?"

"I guess not."

"You're okay with this? I can hold you out if you want. Honestly, the amount of skin I'm touching is making me a bit ...nervous." He spread his fingers across her exposed back. He thought for sure that the touch of her wouldn't make his fingers feel so tingly.

She shivered slightly as the cool evening breeze was allowed access to her lower back through his fingers. "You nervous? I would never guess. You don't look it."

A warmness rushed across his face and he said, "I have always been the shy, nervous sort. Didn't you figure it out from the hot chocolates?"

She laughed and the flash of teeth sent a shock through him. He wanted to taste her full crimson lips. As they made another turn, she moved her arm up slightly to allow him to feel her jacket brush across his body. He worked to keep her at the distance she had decided on. 'So close. Don't blow it, man,' He chastised himself so that he didn't close the gap between them. She felt his arm tense. The music was ending. She dropped her hands from his arms and turned to go back to Gary. "It was a nice dance."

"Joanne," she heard him moan as he pulled her back a step. "You are so beautiful.... but tonight's his." His words had come through her hair.

He let her go. She turned around, but he wasn't there.

"Good, I didn't have to chase him off. You ready to go?"

"Yes," she responded without thinking.

"Good." He grabbed her hand and guided her toward his car. On the way over she'd decided to use Gary. If she could have sex with him, it wouldn't be so bad. The instant the door to her apartment was opened, he put his hand into the waist of her dress.

"Gary. Not so fast." She knew she had to get the experience over with. She wanted to like the way that a man touched her. For the past few days, she'd been going over it in her head. She was going to get over her awkwardness if it took sleeping with Gary. He was willing, so he didn't notice much other than what he wanted to see.

"It's okay. Jesse said she was spending the weekend at Terry's place."

He kissed her on the lips roughly as he pulled at the bodice of the dress. "How the hell do I get you out of this thing?"

She undid the snaps at her neck and unzipped the seam at her waist. The dress peeled away as she shook her hips. His eyes were warm on her body. She wanted to enjoy his gaze, but her arms instinctively went to cover her breasts.

"Lord have mercy," he whistled as he put his fingers to the top of her breast. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of his shoulders.

"Wait, do you have protection?"

"I sure do. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."

She wasn't surprised he would carry condoms. He struck her as the man ready for every opportunity, especially on a date. Something bumped across her calves and she fell backward onto the couch. Gary appeared over her and pulled her wrist away from her breast. He pressed his mouth over her nipple and she decided the speaking portion of the evening was over. She stifled a moan as his sucking drew a shock from her womb. She wanted to feel good about it. This was the first time she'd wanted to be with a man. His teeth were sharp against her skin as he nibbled and sucked. He was just so rough. When she moved to dislodge him, he caught her other arm and moved his body to keep her down.


When Dan left the festival, he saw the look on Gary's face, and he knew it wouldn't be good. The man thought that this was a competition. He knew it had been a mistake to track her down, but he had to see what was happening between them. He needed to know that she was safe. He couldn't stand the thought that she would be with another man. The next night, she didn't respond well to his gentle prodding about the date. She hadn't looked up when he came into the office. He just started talking from the anonymity of his cubicle.

"So, how was the rest of the night?"

"Fine," she flatly said.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," she lied. "I slept like a baby."

"That's funny, I couldn't sleep a wink. I kept seeing you in that dress. You made me toss and turn. I wanted to go over to your house, but I figured Jesse would try to kill me. I had this feeling like I needed to see you. Especially to see what happened when you got to those steps."

She didn't respond to the obvious attempt to bait her.

"So, did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you invite him up to your apartment?"

"You and I are not together."

"No, we're not. Did you ...." She could hear his breathing become stressed. "Should I be worried about you?"

"I don't think you should be worried about me. From now on, I'll be just fine."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I won't be seeing him again. Don't worry about it," she snapped as she ran her fingers through the papers on her desk.

"Won't be seeing him..." She felt him stare at her from above. "What did he do? Did he..."

"Nothing. Everything's fine, Dan. I'm fine. Nobody's gonna get hurt this way. There's no need to get angry."
