Good for the Gander

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Adultery has consequences.
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"Ah, at least the man had the guts to do the right thing," the man said as he looked up from the paper to the small woman who sat opposite to him.

The woman looked up at the man who had spoken. She glanced at his broad face and the thick walrus moustache that dominated his face. She sighed softly knowing that he would soon give her his view on what had happened which he did.

"Seems that his wife was cuckolding him with an old friend and he killed them both. Well done I say, a man should protect his property and not let a wrong go unpunished. Man probably wasn't a good lover if you ask me," he boomed with the unspoken statement that his love-making was of a superior quality.

The man who talked was of medium height and had dull brown hair. He pushed back his glasses as he read and patted his wide waistline. This man was a man of goodly proportions and not a physical worker.

"Well they should slap him across the wrist, congratulate him for being a real man and then let him go," he finished.

As the man spoke the woman who could be considered attractive brushed a blonde lock behind her hair and spoke in a low unsure voice.

"But isn't it wrong to take life?"

"Nonsense for some things such as adultery there is no forgiveness. Someone who acceps that is a fool and lacks backbone in my opinion. Not that you would ever do that with me since you know your place," the man said smugly, then continuing he remarked," I will be late home tonight. There is a lot to do at work so make sure cook leaves me a dinner that can be heated when I get in."

Then he put aside his paper and gulping down the last of his tea called for his coat and hat before leaving for the city. A maid brought it to him and as he took it he muttered a few words that seemed to shock her and brought a flush to her cheeks before she dropped her eyes to the floor. Laughing loudly he wished the woman a good day before leaving the house. As the door closed it seemed that a marked tension left the house.

Leaving instructions with the maids to look after a dinner the wife left the house and caught a horse-drawn cab and said an address to the driver. Soon they had left the well-heeled middle-class houses of her suburbs to the houses of the destitute and their small shops. The cab stopped outside one of these shops and the woman grimaced as she smelt the scent of open sewers. Paying the cab she made her way up rickety stairs next to the tenement until she came to a grim office. Hesitating at first she gave a sharp rap on the door.

The door swung open and a swarthy man in a dishevelled suit ushered her into the so-called office.

"Ah, Mrs Rathbone, so good to see you," the man said ingratiatingly as he rubbed his hands together.

Seating her at the small desk across from him the man sat down. Once settled the woman handed to the man an envelope that he opened and counted the money into a strongbox. Smiling with the money secured he now looked at the woman.

It amazed him that such an attractive woman had come to his office and had offered him work. He had also checked her credentials and had discovered that she was a firm church goer and there was no hint of immorality about her. He hid a grin as he considered how she would be paying him to keep his mouth shut about her husband. These women hated to be excluded from society.

"You were right Mrs Rathbone. Your husband has a lover and he sees her every second night," he said bluntly.

"There is an address?" she asked quietly.

"Yes of course but I warn you it may be best for you that you do not continue with finding out these things," the woman looked up at this and wondered why he had warned her.

"I want to know Mr Smith. I am paying you for that knowledge," the woman said with quiet determination.

"Very well Mrs Rathbone. The woman your husband is having an affair with is your sister," the man said flatly as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

As he spoke these words Julia Rathbone's world ended, then she realised that the private detective opposite her was speaking.

"Are you alright Mrs Rathbone?" the man asked.

"Yes I am alright or as alright as someone who has been told that her husband is having an affair with her own sister," the woman said quietly.

Then she suddenly stood and counted out the money she owed the detective. The man got up and offered to give her his proof so that she could commence divorce proceedings if she wished but she decided not to answer him and left the office in a daze. While she left the building and made her way to a cab she felt a calmness settle into her heart and decided to return to her home and begin the plan she had begun to explore in her mind.

For the next two weeks she watched this man she had called her husband. A man she had once thought a fine Christian gentleman who had so casually betrayed her and who had shown his own brutishness very quickly in their marriage. As always she found her relief in the Bible that she read each day and it gave her strength to do what she must. Carefully she planned and prepared for the day that justice would be achieved for her humiliation. When she heard him remark that he was going to have to work late again at the bank she knew that she would be ready for him.

As the door closed and he began his walk to work she summoned the maid and instructed her to go hall and get the valise she had prepared. Then she advised that she would be out for some time with her friends. Leaving the house she again flagged a horse-drawn taxi and had it take her to the nearest post office where she sent an urgent telegram to her sister. Having completed that task she hailed another taxi and had it take her again to the office of the detective who expressed surprise at seeing her again.

She explained that she wished to give him better thanks than she had last time and took out of the valise a bottle of whisky that she made sure he drank from. As he drank he said that he in fact wanted to see her about the matter that they had discussed recently. As he talked he said the words in a vaguely threatening manner. It was over an hour later that she left the office dressed very differently than before.

Instead of the dull grey sombre dress and shawl she habitually wore she wore a brightly coloured green dress and had made up her face as she knew her sister would. It had often been remarked that was it not for the way she held herself and dressed it would be difficult for someone to tell the difference between the women. She was fortunately able to hail another taxi and was soon alighting in front of her sister's house and using the key she had she entered quickly.

As she expected the servants seemed surprise to see her until using the intonation and bearing of her sister she said that the emergency had been false. Then she ordered that they have a holiday since she expected a guest tonight. They did not question this since this had been the practice for the last six months that one or two days a week their mistress a woman who was distant from them ordered them from the house so she could entertain a guest. As they left the wife began her preparations and waited for her husband to appear.

She became fretful as she stripped down to her chemise feeling that she was almost naked and that he would quickly see through her ruse when he saw her this way. Just as her fears were about to make her give up and leave. The door opened and she heard the familiar voice of her husband calling to her. Quickly she slipped a veil across her face and carrying French Champagne she greeted him at the door.

"Ah Caroline my dear what is with this getup. Are we to play games? Ah what a saucy minx you are," he said as he lightly tapped her on her bottom.

Then taking the glass from her he drained it and gave it back to her to get more. As he commanded she refilled the glass and again offered it to him, again he drank the alcohol with relish and then smacking his lips leered at her nakedness reaching to her and popped her breasts out of the material covering them. Reaching forward he pulled and twisted at the nipples, not hard but gently and it excited her much to her surprise.

"What a magnificent woman you are Caroline nothing like that puling snippet Rebecca your sister, she would never be able to know how to really please a man. Are you truly her sister and then finding his statement funny he laughed.

Then he reached for her and made her kneel before him. Fumbling at his fly he drew his penis from his trousers and she saw that it was excited. She realised that he expected her to act like a French Whore and kiss and lick his member. The very thought of it made her want to vomit, this was something that was completely depraved but realising that his actions were proving that he was an evil man she prayed for forgiveness as she allowed her lips to touch the tip of his penis.

Suddenly he was holding her head and pushing the hardened flesh between her lips, opening her mouth she allowed it in and used her tongue to moisten the flesh and stop it from going fully into her mouth.

"That's right suck on it, harder. You are a proper little slut," he exclaimed.

Rebecca Rathbone was shocked by the foul language that he had used and almost in shock she took more of his cock into her mouth. Again and again he drove it into her mouth and she wanted to gag it out. Then she heard him grunting and her mouth was flooded with a bitter, salty liquid that she realised was his manly issue. Jerking her head back sharply she crawled away from him and spat it out and wanted to vomit her stomach out. Somehow she kept some control and lifted her body to her feet and saw a hateful smirk on her husband's face.

"That's my good little cock-sucker. That cold fish of your sister would never be able to do this. Just to think that she and you came from the same womb and have such differences. As soon as I saw you I knew that you were as wicked and depraved as my own imagination. Do you need more money my little sweet slut," he cooed as he pushed her onto the bed face first.

Rebecca could barely believe her ears here her husband was telling her that he had been fornicating with her own sister for virtually the entire five years of their married life and that she was also his paid harlot. Did he have no shame and then she felt his hands raise her buttocks and then touch her nether parts and even her buttocks. She gasped with surprise as he slipped a finger deep into her vagina and twisted it around. Strangely she felt excited by his actions and she moved her body to his thrusts.

"Yes that's the strumpet that I know and lust for. Better than my wife who doesn't know the meaning of pleasing a man. I do think you are ready for me my dear," he said as he slipped his finger from her hot wet nether hole.

Then with a sharp movement he had his cock at her vagina and had thrust deep and hard into her body. Unlike the demure honest sex they usually shared in their marriage bed this was the act of animals. It was the hard grunting violent bringing together of bodies. He even spanked her ass enjoying the shrieks of pain that spilt from her lips with the cries of pleasure that rocked her body back and forth. As a woman she had never had this humiliation imposed on her and never had she felt she pleasure at the same time.

Swooning with the pleasure she could not understand how her body responded so happily to his touch. When he pinched her breasts the feeling made her hot and wet in her nether regions and she felt her senses slip and roll with what her body suffered. Then he pulled out of her and she could barely understand what had happened. She knew he had not finished and he always would finish their time of fornication when they were together.

Her head shot up as she felt liquid and then his finger press against the rosebud between her buttocks. The pressure was so insistent and she felt him rub that most pleasurable area at the top of her nether region that only her doctor would touch when she was feeling melancholic. At first she could not understand what he was doing until she realised that he intended to thrust his penis into the hole he was manipulating.

What was he thinking? That place was only to be used to void one's bowels. She reared but his hand smacked her hard and the pain cleared her mind and she remembered her purpose. Gritting her teeth she continued to allow his touch that somehow made it seem a pleasure instead of the blasphemy it was. Then it was no longer his finger there but the dull head of his cock. He pressed it firmly at her hole and she desperately tried to open it to him before he tore her apart with his lust.

"My word you are tight tonight. Open up you little tart you. I know how you like a little rear entry," he said as he pushed the tip into the loosening rosebud of her bowels.

Desperately she tried to open her hole and she felt his hard penis push ever deeper into her bowel. Then with a sharp pain that made her squeal with the pain he pushed past the barrier of her hole and into the tight tunnel of her bowel. He rested there as she grew used to the feel of his manly member inside her. She felt the usual contractions of the passage as it tried to expel him but then he was thrusting in and out of her body and she felt his fingers again at that pleasurable place at the top of her vagina and with the discomfort of his ravaging of her virgin buttocks she felt that enjoyable warmth that came from her nether places.

He excited her with his fingers so that soon it was only the feeling of pleasure with a sharp stinging of her slowly spanking her that helped her stay to her plan. He ground into her body with hard, deep need and she soon heard that low guttural moan as he felt the apex of his pleasure and she felt the familiar wetness of his exit from her body. Climbing over her body he collapsed and softly laughed.

"Why my slut you have quite exhausted me get me another drink will you," he demanded.

Somehow Rebecca climbed off the bed and poured another glass of Champagne that he hungrily gulped. Lying still he slipped into a deep sleep caused by the sleeping draught that Rebecca had slipped into the drink. Knowing that he was safely asleep she rushed to the bathroom where she tried to scrub away the vile actions she had done with this man she had once thought of as her husband.

Dressing softly she waited to hear him stir and when he did she came to him with another drink which she raised to his lips.

"Damned drink must have got to me my dear. I must get home, family and such you know," he said as he tried to get out of the bed.

"Caroline I can't move my legs. Help me up," he said panic in his voice.

"It's Rebecca husband and you won't be able to use you legs," Rebecca answered him.

"What, Rebecca I can explain. Help me up I can't feel my legs," he said in fear.

"That's the hemlock working its way up your body when it reaches your chest you will suffocate. It isn't painful which is my wifely gift to you, though you don't deserve it. Didn't the Lord himself say a life for a life and haven't you taken my life with your lies," she explained.

"You're mad they will know it's you. You'll swing for this crime Rebecca," he cried desperately.

She didn't say anything but just sat near him watching as his body died by inches. He called for help but as he knew this house was detached and in a very quiet part of the city. His cries did not last long. Soon he was gasping for breath as his muscles became paralysed. Then he stopped breathing and she watched as she saw the life leave his eyes.

Satisfied she began her preparations for the events she had planned for later. It had gone so well she thought and that was because God was with her as she punished the sinners. The detective had died from the blow to his head after passing out from the drugged whisky she had given him and the fire would clean away any clues she may have left though she had taken her file from the office.

Humming her favourite hymn she made her way carefully out of the house making sure that the neighbours saw her in her sister's clothes.

Taking a serpentine route she changed clothes and returned home only an hour later than when she had advised this morning. Dinner was served and she remarked that the master of the house must have been working late at the bank and to leave him some supper for later. It was another two hours before the police came advising her of his death. She swooned at the news and then again when she was told that her own sister was considered responsible.

It was one of the great sensations of the time when the case came to court and the jury was told of the philandering husband who had been stealing from his own bank and then been killed for the money by his lover the sister of his own wife. Caroline had denied it but there were witnesses to her presence that day there and the carpet bag of money in the closet was too much for her defence. Everyone remarked how Christian it was for her sister to stand by her and forgive her even when she continued to say she was innocent on the scaffold.

Again there was no surprise when the grieving widow sold her house and moved to the country where she set herself in a respectable house and while looking after her children aided with the local church committee. Soon people noticed that the vicar seemed to be forming a romantic attachment to this good God-fearing woman.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's fashionable to slam religion, or people who believe. But you attack it by using hypocrites as your characters, which kinda puts you in the same boat...

YouamiYouamiover 1 year ago

I liked what you did with the historical context.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

Very interesting little story. The British are some crazy folks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

You don't post your name either. That's a KISS song, not a name. There are reasons not to have an account other than cowardice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Hemlock doesn't work that quickly. Once she tells him what she has done, he'll still have time to grab a kitchen knife and kill her. Or maybe just grab whatever is handy and crush her skull. Laughably bad.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Wasn't that a proper little Victorian BTB. Splendid, I say, spendid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
So badly written I couldn't finish it...

author definitely needs writing lessons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Actually, well written

a bit of Conan Doyle

The only ones who won't like it are those who have a desperate need for the woman to always be in the wrong and the man in the right.

It will further infuriate them to see her capable of a devious plot.

You see, the female is not only the most dangerous of the species--but also the smartest.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Retarded crap


imhaplessimhaplessabout 10 years ago
Cute and entertaining


carvohicarvohialmost 11 years ago
You got a five from me

Good time placement. No stupid forensics to get in the way.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
Very good

This gets a 5

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

A little insanity helps when you are betrayed and need retribution.

HA Ha ha

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

led right to the gallows. TK U MLJ LV NV

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I like you way of thinking

It is the bomb

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
That's terrible but I rated it 5***** because it is original and I liked it.

She even killed the dectective and burned the property. Have mercy! She is a witch but I guess there is not much difference between a very religious woman and a witch.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
Changed clothing can't a substitute an alibi...

and isn’t it likely that the sister could have provided an alibi in the form of an account of her whereabouts (as she really was not at her home at the time), while, naturally, the wife could not have produced such alibi? <P>

Coming to think of it, how come the sister was not at her home at the arranged day and time, waiting for her lover? I guess we have to assume that the wife arranged somehow that her sister would be summoned away -without the knowledge of her lover or the possibility of letting him know she would be delayed...<P>

Fortunately, the author has only the task of entertaining us. As far as I am concerned that mission was achieved despite the critical problems in the wife’s revenge plans which should have sent the detectives of the police homicide dept. knocking at her door in no time, and eventually, as the dying husband predicted –even “swinging” by the court executioner. Don’t be mistaken, regardless of the mistakes, my sympathy is with the wife…

zed0zed0over 15 years ago

Great read, Enjoyed the hell out of it!

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 15 years ago
TOS2 Nailed It

This "loving" wife had brass ones and sure took decisive action. Not sure I condone what she did, but it sure fits the old saying, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I also liked the "don't mess with a church lady" comment! I wonder what the comments would have been if the sexes had been reversed: loving husband finds out his wife is cheating with his brother, poisons the wife and sets the brother up for the crime.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
moral of the story is never fuck with church lady

He should have known that if he fucked the church lady's sister he would wind up in hell. Well his version of hell is being disgraced and found naked in his lovers bed. He got what he deserved

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