Granny Nurse Sonia to the Rescue

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His grandmother knew what ailed him – and how to fix it.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/03/2015
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(Story contains consensual sex between a young man and his grandmother. There may be a sequel, depending on interest. Do let me know, feedback and voting always welcomed)

Sonia Thomas was always a light sleeper.

And now, upon hearing a commotion stirring in the hallway just outside her door, she woke to listen.

Sonia was a retired nurse, 67 years old and staying for the weekend at her daughter's house, with her daughter's husband and 18-year-old son, Randall. They were a good family, normal in every way, middle-classed folks working hard to put their boy through college.

Sonia and Randall were very close, close as any grandmother and grandson, with a bond, a kinship, a genetic similarity that put them on the same page, laughing at the same jokes that no one else did, finishing each other's sentences and thoughts, just a closeness that made them feel trust the way they did with not many other people in their lives.

So when Sonia heard the boy's parents, Jack and Cindy, in hushed tones of deep concern mentioning Randall's name, she woke fully, sitting up in bed. Seconds later, Cindy walked in.

"Mom, I hate to bother you," she started to say.

"Not at all, what's wrong?" Sonia said, swinging her legs out of bed in her short, lacy nightie that was cut low to reveal a good deal of her expansive, sexily wrinkled cleavage. "Is it Randall?"

"Yeah, he was groaning in pain, we heard him and went in, and he seems flustered, something's wrong and he didn't want us bugging him, but...." Cindy said nervously.

"Let's have a look," Sonia said calmly, standing up. "I'm sure it's nothing."

They walked to Randall's bedroom down the hall, into his room, where the boy, a handsome young blonde lad with an athlete's body, lay in bed, blankets down around his hips, his slender torso shirtless on this warm night. He looked nervous and apprehensive, more so in seeing his doting grandmother approach.

"Mom!" he groaned wearily. "Jeez, Mom, I said it was nothing, a little cramp or something. God, I didn't mean to wake up the whole house!"

"It's OK, Randall, it's OK," Sonia said in her comforting way, a very calm woman used to putting patients at ease in her 40-year-plus career in nursing. "What seems to be the trouble?"

She sat at the edge of the twin bed, brushing Randall's legs. He fidgeted nervously, looking away.

"God, Grandma, it's nothing..." he said softly, seemingly embarrassed and irritated at the intrusion.

"Randall, we heard you groaning, you're clearly in pain, something's wrong, now let your grandmother have a look!" Jack said as he and his wife stood by, watching.

"Randall, where does it hurt?" Sonia said softly, trying to calm the tension in the room, understandably caused by the boy's concerned parents.

"His belly, low on his belly he said," Cindy interjected.

Both Randall and Sonia turned to look at her, then at each other, Randall rolling his eyes, Sonia smiling.

"Uh, I think I better hear from the patient himself if you don't mind, honey," Sonia said with soft emphasis. "Who's the nurse here?"

"OK, OK, Mom, OK," Cindy said resignedly.

"Now then," Sonia said, placing her hands on Randall's smooth belly, making him jump nervously. "Where?"

" belly..." he said nervously, looking away, and trying his best not to notice his grandmother's body.

He had, of course, it was hard not to notice. Sonia Thomas was a stunning woman for her age, with short, perfectly coiffed dark-red hair and scarcely a wrinkle on her amazing body. She took care of herself, always had, and worked out regularly. Everyone commented on her figure, and she was proud of that. But she also now noticed the boy's nervousness, darting eyes looking left and right as she leaned to push into his abdomen, looking for answers. She'd packed only this flimsy negligee, one of her late husband's favorites, and now feared the exposure was too much for the boy.

"Here?" she asked softly, pushing under his ribcage.

"No, Grandma...."

"Here?" she said, moving her hands down.

The boy tensed, she felt his legs stiffen as her left leg brushed them under the blanket as she sat on the small bed.

", not there," he said softly, cautiously.

She pressed her thumbs lower, just above crotch level. He winced and pushed back to alleviate the obvious pain.

"There then?" she asked, looking into his searching eyes, which suddenly locked onto hers, seeking compassion he knew he'd find there.

"Yeah..sort of," he said quiet softly and then adding with a frightened look and a voice audible only to her, "lower..."

"Ah," she said, pushing slightly again to see him wince and confirm her suspicion.

"What is it?" Cindy said, all motherly concern.

"Nothing, nothing at all, most likely some trapped gas," Sonia said calmly, slowly rubbing his belly low and slow, her eyes on her grandson's. "Now, would you two mind?"

She turned her head, nodding toward the door.

"But Mom," Cindy protested.

"Honey, let me do my work, poor Randall is nervous enough and feeling badly about waking everyone," she said, Randall nodding. "And you know, patient confidentiality and all?"

"Patient...Mom, he's my son, I'm worried!" Cindy blurted out.

"Honey, let's go, it's nothing, poor kid's gotta fart, that's all," Jack laughed, pulling gently on his wife's arm toward the door.

"No, I'm waiting, you, you go back to bed, I'll be right here," Cindy said defiantly.

"In the hall, if you must wait, but really, there's no reason not to go back to sleep," Sonia said firmly. "But just wait outside the door, if you don't mind."

"If you insist," Cindy sighed, walking away as her husband went down the hall, back to bed.

"I'll be right here if you need me."

"Yes, Cindy, yes," Sonia sighed, winking at Randall, who still looked tense and nervous in his bed.

"Now then," she said, pressing her thumbs into his very low belly again, noting his squirming. "Randall, earlier this evening, after we had

dinner, the four of us with your cute little girlfriend, Cathy...."

"Yes, Grandma?" he asked cautiously.

They did have dinner, Cathy and Sonia getting on well, laughing, conversing easily. And after, as the parents and his grandmother had coffee in the living room, the young couple went to his room. To study for college exams.

"She's a darling, she really is, I like her," Sonia said evenly, smiling warmly, thumbs pressing again. "Now, when you were up here..."

Randall's eyes widened in the dim light of the room, his eyes on his grandmother's.

"When you were up here....studying," she continued, the little smile broadening a bit. "Did you..."

"Did we what?" he asked cautiously.

"Randall, you're a young man, she's a pretty young woman, did you...make out?"

"GRANDMA!" he said in a hoarse whisper. "My God, really..."

"Randall, I'm your grandmother but I'm also a nurse, and I need to get the information necessary for a diagnosis," she said very calmly.

"Now did you? I make no judgments, Randall, believe me, I know about young people, I was young myself once, believe it or not!"

"I know, I know," he groaned, now watching her thumbs move in circular motions so low on his belly, just where the blanket covered him. "OK, yeah, we....made out and stuff..."

"Stuff?" she asked. "What stuff?"

"For God's sake, Grandma, really?" he said a bit more loudly.

"Everything OK in there?" Cindy's concerned voice said from outside the door.

"Yes, honey, everything's fine, we're working on it," Sonia said in placating tone, rolling her eyes for Randall's amusement.

"Now Randall," she continued, looking at her grandson. "What stuff?"

A long, nervous silence.

"Did you....were you petting?"

"PETTING?" he said hoarsely and softly. "My God, Grandma..."

"Where you?" she said more emphatically. "I need to know so we know what to do, Randall."

He crossed his arms defiantly and said nothing, then finally nodding slowly.

"OK, then, that's fine, completely normal, I assure you," she said, noting his slight relaxation at her acceptance. "Now, did you....release?"

"Oh, God," he groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

"Randall, please, I'm a nurse," she said with a slight smile.

", OK, no, I didn't know," he sighed, looking away, talking about cumming with his grandmother the last thing in the world he wanted to be talking about.

"I....I wanted to....but Cathy....she..."

"She didn't want to, admirable," Sonia continued. "And you didn't press her to?"

"God, no, Grandma, never, I never....I wouldn't," he stammered.

"Even more admirable!" she said with delight. "That's very good, Randall, when a woman says no, she means no, and you're quite respectful to realize that."

"Yeah...," he sighed. "I know..."

"But all that...that preliminary sexual activity, well it has its effects on men...young men in particular," she went on.

"Like...what?" he asked cautiously.

"Vasocongestion," she replied, thumbs working still.


"Blue balls, in the vernacular," she answered in a whisper. "Quite, quite common."

He looked at her wide eyed, amazed at her demeanor, talking about his balls yet in a professional, calm way.

"You never had them before?" she asked. "Sometimes boys have dreams, sex dreams, and wake up with it."

" that you mention it," he said, realization dawning on him. "But it's know, been this bad before..."

"Because it was real, it wasn't a dream!" she said. "You...boys get a back up of seminal

fluid...sperm, and without release, it causes pain and swelling in the testicles. Which is what you have, Randall. Vasocongestion. Blue balls."

"Wow," he said. "Gosh, Grandma, you know your stuff. Have you....when you were..."

"Of course," she said, those thumbs continuing to rub him, making the pain ease slightly. "When we'd get young men on the floor who were hospitalized for a length of time, and their wives or girlfriends would visit...well, you know..."

"God, really?"

"Yes, especially those with hand injuries, hands in casts or constrained for whatever reason, and they couldn't masturbate," she said as easily as if she'd been talking about the weather.

"Holy shit," he said. "What...what did...what could they do?"

"They needed help," she said, smiling as she looked into his astonished eyes.


Her thumbs moved a bit lower, under the blanket, brushing his pubic area. His eyes went wider still and he squirmed, not wanting her to go lower and feel the unmistakable and unshakable erection just inches below.

He gulped.

"What help?"

"Well," she said. "I would put on rubber gloves, squirt some lubricant in my hands and...."

"WHAT?" he asked in a rush, keeping his voice low so his mother wouldn't hear. " jerked them off?"

"Yes, Randall, that's one way to put it, I masturbated them to release," she giggled.

She let the silence fill the air for a moment, smiling at him as he looked imploringly into her loving eyes.

"Now, your hands are quite capable of doing the, uh, job," she continued softly. "But with your mother so close...she'd probably come in and check on you...and I don't think you'd like that."

"God, no!" he hissed in a hoarse whisper, watching now as she slowly, very slowly, pulled the blanket down, over his pubic area, unable and unwilling to stop her.

"Relax," she said calmly. "And let Grandma handle this..."

He could not believe it. His grandmother, his beautiful, sexy, incredible grandmother now tugged the blanket down over his swollen balls and rock-hard cock, exposing him fully. He watched her reaction as his six-inch dick bobbed up quite freely. She never changed expression.

She just looked at it like a medical issue that needed attention.

He moaned, louder than he would have liked, as her small but incredibly warm left hand gently encircled the base of his trembling cock, working the other under his nuts, cradling the tender orbs in the palm, lifting to ease the pressure inside.

"Is everything all right, Mom..Randall!" his mother cried out from the hall, hearing his moan.

"Yes, dear, everything's just fine, I'm just rubbing his belly to get the gas out, now if you don't mind, can you give us some privacy?" Sonia said a bit impatiently as her hand slowly worked up and down Randall's shaft.

"OK, OK, lemme know if you need my help!"

"Oh, I think I have a grip on things, honey, you just stay there," Sonia said calmly, stifling a laugh as she and Randall stared into each other's eyes.

And she stroked him. Silently. Beautifully. So proficiently. He arched his hips as she worked him, watching her little hand encircle his cock, twisting slightly as it reached the super sensitive top, and then back down, careful not to let the bottom of her pumping hand crash into the aching balls she lovingly held in the other.

"Let it go, Randall," she said in soothing tone, leaning a bit over his taut belly to whisper in a voice so low he could barely hear. ""

He groaned a bit too loudly, causing too much concern for his mother who darted into the room. Randall shrieked when he heard her enter, but Sonia, ever the pro, quickly pulled the blanket up over his crotch – and left her hand wrapped around his cock, using the other to gently massage his lower abdomen. When Cindy rushed to the bedside, all she saw was her mom huddled over her panting son.

"What's wrong, what's happening, is he all right?" she gasped.

"For heaven's sake, Cindy, yes, everything is all right," Sonia said evenly, not jerking the boy now but pulsating her locked fingers as they grasped his cock, gently, slowly, tiny pulses of pressure around the throbbing meat. "Just rubbing the gas out, now if you really don't mind, I think Randall would be a lot more comfortable if you would just wait outside."

She looked into his eyes, comforting him. His frantic panting eased.

"Randall, do you want me to leave or stay and help?" his mother asked with a very concerned look.

"No, leave!" he said too emphatically, then adding more gently, "No, Mom, please, making me feel much, much better, so please, go wait out there..."

"Well, OK," Cindy said insincerely, wanting just to stay and help her son. "If you say so..."

He felt his balls throb and tense as his grandmother's hand continued to gently pulsate around his aching cock.

"Yes, we say so," Sonia said in a lilting voice just emphatic enough to make her point.

"OK, I'll be right out there," Cindy finally said, shuffling away.

"Wow, that was close!" Randall said in a whisper.

"Speaking of close," Sonia smiled, lifting the blanket back down to fully stroke him again, his cock wet and dripping with pre-cum that flowed over her sticky fingers. "You must be very, very close..."

She stroked with increasing pace and urgency, noting the boy's trembling reaction, knowing the time was very close. She used two hands now, one at the base, one at the tip, holding the bottom in one hand and corkscrewing her other up and around the tip.

"Oh...oh...oh Grandma!" he quietly whispered, thrusting his hips to match her strokes.

"Gonna...gonna...oh God, where is it...where do I???"

"Yes, we don't want to make a mess, do we?" she said in a husky low voice. "Well, there is one thing I used to do to my very special patients, and you, my boy, are a very...special..patient..."

Randall watched in complete disbelief as his beloved grandmother, working his cock with both hands, dipped her head and popped the slippery cap of his cock into her mouth. He slumped back to the bed, eyes rolling in his head as he felt the velvety sweep of her tongue wash over the tip, coaxing him, hands pumping.

He'd orgasmed many times in his young life, mostly at his own hand, sometimes but not often enough at the hand, mouth or pussy of a young woman. But as his pent-up cum rocketed out of his blue balls, up the shaft and into the gently mewing, softly sucking mouth of his grandmother, he knew it was the best orgasm of his life.

He wanted to scream it felt so good but only opened his mouth, tilting his head down to watch her drain his balls dry. One gigantic rope after another blasted out of his cock, directly into his grandmother's mouth, filling it and he listened to her greedily gulp it down, swallowing heartily. He watched her hands continue to twist around his jetting cock, stroking, her forearm tendons and sinewy muscles ripple and flex and flow as she worked him. When he came alone, he'd often count the pulsations of sperm pumping out of his cock, occasionally hitting eight, nine or 10.

He lost count at 12, an orgasm that seemed to linger, and as the pulsating jets of cum waned, so did her stroking and gentle sucking. When she finally finished, and he slumped into the bed completely relaxed, he watched as she twisted her hands in one last upward stroke, pushing the last of him into her mouth.

Her lips pursed around the tip and she pulled away, swallowing and smiling. A tiny creamy dollop appeared in the hole as she squeezed it and she playfully swiped it clean with her cum-streaked tongue, gulping it down to join the rest of his massive sperm output warm in her belly.

She let go of his cock, pulling his underwear up and over it and his now deflated balls, tugging the blanket up to his belly. He just looked at her, astonished.

"Is that better?" she asked. "Pain gone away?"

"Oh yes, yes, yes," he gushed. "All gone."

She coughed and winked at him.

"Oh, very good, Randall, very good!" she said loudly. "We got it all out of you! There now, isn't that better? That pain all gone?"

"Yes, Grandma, all gone!" he laughed, winking back at her as his mother darted into the room.

" doesn't hurt anymore?" she asked, sitting by his side and rubbing his head.

"Nope, not a bit!" he laughed. "Grandma really does now her stuff, Mom, so glad she was here tonight!"

"Me, too, Randall," Sonia sighed, standing. "Me, too. Now, you get some sleep. It's been a rather hard night for you hasn't it?"

Cindy bent to kiss her son's forehead, not seeing the look between him and her mom, knowing and serene.

She and Cindy walked out, and before she left the room completely and closing the door, leaned in and said, "If this problem comes up again, do let me know, Randall, I don't live terribly far away,

I'd be happy to come back and lend a hand again!"

"Or you could just show me what you did, I'm sure I can handle it myself, Mom," Cindy said helpfully if not a bit brusquely from the hallway.

Randall's eyes widened in the dark.

"I guess so," Sonia said, winking at the boy shaking his head side to side. "But there's nothing quite like a grandmother's touch, is there Randall?"

He laughed as the door closed. And try as he might not to think of the image of his mom stroking him off, perhaps with his grandmother's help, he couldn't.

Nor did he want to...

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1john471john47over 5 years ago
Wish my grandfather helped me

Yes Nana or mother would be amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

sonny boy is too damn stupid to jack off , so granny grunt sucks his cum out...BTW the is NO SUCH THING AS BLUE BALLS! just a trick guys use on extremely stupid girls to get some thang...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My word

Just came buckets!

Sapper257Sapper257over 8 years ago
Growing Up

My Gran was always had her hand on my penis.

It started as a young boy when Gran used to bath my brother and I.

Both Mum and Gran installed in us to clean our foreskins. It meant pulling the foreskin back over the head and just cleaning very gently.

Can't understand why the Americans and some regions insist on circumcision.

Gran used to live with us so would have the task of bathing us. Mum worked a lot of evenings and Dad was normally away on work projects.

Evenings were normally same, tea then bath, into pyjamas and watch TV. Brother wet to bed earlier as he was the youngest.

Over the years this continued. Gran would always bath us and ensure our penises were clean. Mum at weekends would bath us and say we were old enough to pull our own foreskins back. Gran liked to do it herself. Dad never bothered.

As we got older I started having homework which had to be done before bath time and TV. Often brother would bath before me TV and bed. I finished my homework then Gran bathed me. As I came into puberty hairs started growing round my penis and my testacales were becoming larger. Gran would keep them clean and say I was becoming a man.

When Gran bathed me along she would stand me up and wash me with her hands around my penis and hair. Used to like the funny felling and sensation Gran gave me. It never happened when brother was in the bath.

I used to look forward to bath times on our own. Gran still pulled my foreskin back and noticed I noticed it slipped back easier. Mentioning this to Gran she said it was all part of growing up. She asked if I had nice felling's and said yes. She said 'let me explain something' and asked 'do I ever play with my penis in bed'. Yes I replied. Then she 'asked does it become harder', I answered 'yes' again.

Now she said 'stand up and show me what you do'. Standing I showed Gran how I done it and with my penis in my hand pulled my foreskin back and forward over my penis. Sometimes it slipped all the way back and hurt. Told Gran it was painful and she said let me show you.

Gran took me in hand and gentle showed me how to do it. Gran made my penis grow to a size I'd never done. 'Good' said Gran 'lesson learnt'.

The next night in the bath I told Gran that I played with my penis in bed and made myself wet. I asked Gran if she would play with me again. Gran looked at me and said 'we need to have a chat about you growing up'. She said 'now you are 12 years old and you have had some sex education you know it is the penis that fertilises the lady to make a baby'. I nodded 'yes'. Well said Gran 'that's what happening now your penis is hard, you will be able to put it into a ladies virgina and the wetness coming from your penis will make a baby sometimes'. 'Do you talk about these things in the playground' Gran asked. Again nodded.

I asked Gran can I do it in front of you. 'No' Gran said 'and I think its time I stopped bathing you as you are becoming a man and your Dad will be having words with you about it soon'. 'When will that be Gran'.

'Well your Mum will see the wetness on the sheets or your pyjamas, then she will tell your Dad to have the Man to Man talk with you', Gran said.

I thought for a minute and said 'if I don't do it in bed can we carry on bathing, please'.

'OK, for a while but it must be our secret, agreed my little man', said Gran.

'Agreed' I said 'now can I play with myself in front of you, our secret Gran'.

Gran looked at me then down to my stiffening penis, then to my face again and mumbled 'Yes'.

Gran said 'do you boys have a word for what you are about to do'.

I nodded 'yes', and Gran said 'tell me'.

'Well' we say 'wanking, spunking, cumming and ejaculating, have you ever heard the words Gran'.

'Yes I have, they are pretty common words to describe what you are doing'.

'Gran' I asked 'can I carry on and show you now please'.

'Yes, of course' with a pause 'to be honest I'm looking forward to it. It's a long time since I've had the pleasure of watching since your Granddad was alive'.

'Go on my man, please spunk and cum in my hands.

'OK Gran, hope it wont take long as I'm getting cold standing here'.

'So do I, as I'm looking forward to seeing to all spurt out of you into my hands. Don't forget this is our screet, not a word to anybody, in the playground or your Mum and Dad, OK'.

Nodding at Gran I spunked into her hands, face and blouse. 'Sorry' I said.

Gran licked my cum off her hands, wiped her face and put my cum in her mouth.

'Now it's my treat' she said, pulling my bottom towards her and looking to my face she put my semi hard penis in her mouth and licked and sucked me clean.

'Gran' I said 'that was lovely, can we do it every day, please'.

'Well see but on the condition it's our screet not even a word to your brother'.

'Gran you can do it for him one day'. 'I know and am looking forward to it' said Gran.

This went on for years I am grateful to say mainly hand jobs but also blow jobs.

Keep writing please.

LenaptLenaptover 8 years ago
Nice Story! Needs Ch.2

Nice Story Dear Milfleglover, as usual!

Please make a Chapter 2 and, if I may, with a few lesbian moments with the Mom, the Granny and others Older Women too (like Aunties, Sisters and Mothers-in-law too) mmmmm

Wet wet kisses

Aunt Helena

Mature Lesbian Aunt from Portugal

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Anom BLue Balls

You must be a female or someone who has no idea of what causes blue balls.

So reread the story as you missed the reason.

I know what blue balls is, as can be very painfull.

Just didn't have that type of relief... darn

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Blue Balls

They only exist in America.

Funny, isn't it, that the males of the most indulged and indulgent nation on earth should suffer this terrible affliction?

And because Americans at large are too dim to understand subtlety, what the above actually means is: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FUCKING BLUE BALLS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Brought back memories of my time with gran. She wanked me off whenever she could always making me cum. Iused to feel her up and maybe rub her cunt through her panties but she wouldnt let me go further but that was the best part,knowing Im going to get a good wank. keep up the good work please.

milfleglovermilflegloverover 8 years agoAuthor

Love the input, so many great ideas. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

My favorite story of yours. Would really like to read a 2nd story where the grandson starts spending a lot of time with granny for hand and bjs which causes his mother to get jealous of this new closer relationship. She spies on them and catches them in the act. Afterwards, she confronts her mother who tells her that if she would stop being such a prude and open her mouth he might not go elsewhere. Shocked that he would even want such acts with his grandmother she reluctantly (and somewhat angrily) convinces him that she's not such a prude and although she's never done it before she would be willing to show him how fun it could be to get mommy bjs

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