Grave Babies

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Halloween is ripe for planting seeds.
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"Jack, I don't think this is such a good idea," Olivia said as they half-stumbled, half slid down the grassy, muddy embankment. Her high-heeled sandals and hot pink fishnet stockings were not made for a midnight jaunt in the old graveyard seven blocks from campus. Even if it was Halloween.

With the street light and city bustle growing further and further behind them, the hushed serenity surrounding them was kind of creepy. Olivia gave a soft 'Ewww' as her toes squished in soft earth. It had been raining on and off for days, and while the rain had stopped that afternoon, none of the stars or the new moon could be seen behind the gathered clouds.

"It will be more fun if we sneak up on them, Livvie." He squeezed her hand, drawing her along through the trees. It was so dark beneath the thick canopy she had to strain her eyes to see more than a few feet in front of her. She heard a click, and Jack's torch flickered to life.

One of Jack's friends knew the night watchman's son, and for the last five years it had been their tradition to spend the night in the graveyard with lots of beer. It sounded boring to Olivia, who much preferred to spend the night dancing at her friend's costume party they had just left.

Jack had borrowed a leather suit like something out of the Indy grand prix. Surprisingly, it made him look hot. She liked the way his broad shoulders and V torso filled it out. And she loved the way his arse looked in the blue and white leather.

She had gone as a trashy vampire victim. Not original, but easy. Her gold faux snake-skin hot pants and electric blue baby-doll top were a fashion crime (even if the top did manage to make her small breasts look bigger). But with teased and tangled blonde hair that looked like she had put her finger in power socket, and dark red lipstick smudged down her throat from twin black holes sans liquid eyeliner, it was so bad it looked kinda good.

Finally they escaped the trees that hemmed the rows and rows of gravestones. Despite the lack of light, they seemed to glow in the darkness. Jack led her through a maze with a sureness that inspired some confidence in Olivia. As they walked, she tried very hard not to think about what she was walking on. She didn't believe in haunted graveyards, but the hushed solitude was enough to give her the heebie jeebies.

"There it is. Over to the left."

Olivia looked in the direction his torch pointed, spying a long, narrow shed, half hidden by trees. If she looked closely enough, she could see the glow of light beneath the edge of the door.

"Why don't I stay here while you get the surprise over with?" she asked. He laughed and kissed her quickly on the mouth.

"Won't be long," he told her. He gave her the torch, then quickly moved toward the shed, then circled around behind it.

Olivia's thoughts wondered as she gazed about her. She moved over to the nearest grave head, lifting the torch to read the inscription. Delia May, beloved daughter and sister, forever in our hearts. Born 2nd of February 1867, died 9th of June 1880". Thirteen. Great.

At thirteen, Olivia had probably just discovered flavoured lip gloss, push-up bras and boys. Turning away, she looked up at the sky, trying not to let the depressive thoughts kill her alcoholic buzz. Yet she couldn't escape them all. With a sigh, she pulled out her favourite tube of gloss from her clutch and walked over and crouched by the gravestone. After one last touch up, she leaned over and placed the tube at its base. "Enjoy."

"Talking to ghosts?"

Olivia half-tumbled, half slumped to her bottom on the grassy earth in surprise. Damn. She sat there, unable to see who it was over her shoulder, but knowing there was no graceful way to stand up with her high heels and hot pants.

"What makes you think I'm not one?" she asked as she rose up on her knees.

"If you are, I'd guess you were killed for your fashion sense."

She rose and swung around toward the voice, glad he couldn't see her smile in the darkness. He was half-sitting on a gravestone a row behind Delia May's, his arms crossed over his dark t-shirt. A white cigarette dangled from his fingers, only it didn't smell like nicotine wafting her way.

"Are you Noah?"

"Would it matter if I was?"

"Well, it would make it hard for Jack to sneak up on you if you're here and not in the shed."

He laughed and rose, coming toward her. "Not a ghost then. You must be Olivia. Come on, let's get you a drink."

They walked side by side toward the shed. He handed her the roll-up, and she swapped her clutch into her other hand and took a polite puff before handing it back.

"Who else is here?"

"So far, you, me and Jack. Tim will be along later with his girlfriend. Melanie and her friend shouldn't be too far away."

They were metres from the shed door when she heard a low growl, like some kind of dog.

"Not funny Jack," she said loudly without looking over her shoulder.

There was no response, just another long, drawn out growl that made the hair stick up on the back of her neck. She swung around, the torch light flickering around her.


Still no answer. Olivia rolled her eyes and walked the last few steps to the shed. She wasn't falling for the oldest book in the trick: guy and best friend scare the new girlfriend.

She pushed open the door and the smell of dirt and old grass hit her. It was literally a large shed, made of concrete and tin. A lot of gardening tools leaned against the far wall. Blankets had been spread over boxes laid out in a semi-circle close to the door as some sort of makeshift seats. In the middle was a large esky. On just about ever available flat surface tea candles had be set, and their fresh citrus scent mingled with the smell of old gardening equipment. She stood by the esky, suddenly feeling unsure.

"Will you be alright? I'll see if I can find Jack." She took that to mean 'get the jump on Jack'.

She turned around, seeing Noah's face in the light for the first time. He was tall, slightly thinner than Jack. He wasn't boyishly handsome like you would call Jack, but he thin face was interesting, with the darkish eyes and floppy black hair.

"Sure. Do you want the torch?" She held it out for him, and he moved closer and closed his hand about it, careful not to touch her fingers.

"Help yourself while I'm gone." He motioned to the esky, then left, closing the door behind him.

Olivia wandered over to the esky and unclipped the plastic sides and lifted the lid. Mixed in with the dozens of cans of beer were some black ice stolly's, her favourite.

Grasping a bottle and closing the esky lid, she walked to the nearest blanket covered seat. Testing it, and finding it was sturdy, she sat down and put her clutch down next to her. It was silent outside, not even the sound of voices. Unscrewing the lid, she took a sip. It was slightly warm, but it didn't matter.

She was halfway through the stolly and Jack and Noah still weren't back. She rose and walked to the door, opening it and looking out. The clouds had parted a bit, and the moon, caught in its grey wispy fingers, cast weak shimmering light over the grounds.

Dense trees looped around the graveyard, blocking off the noise and lights from the surrounding suburbs. From beside the shed ran a gravel path that curved around and disappeared between the trees to her far left. She knew there were two more fields behind those tress filled with rows upon rows of graves. Standing there, she felt incredibly alone and isolated, even though she was a hand throw from civilisation.

Really, she was surprised it was so quiet. She would have thought more students from college would have snuck into the graveyard for a bit of a drunken lark. She heard a muffled thud, then another. The guys sounded like they were having fun without her. She looked down at her heels consideringly, and thought, why not. She didn't come here to spend the evening by herself. She finished her drink and grabbed another.

Closing the tin door behind her, she went in the opposite direction of the gravel path towards the trees to her right. Taking a sip, she felt slightly funny in her belly. Maybe it was the strange smell wafting on the slight breeze, sort of musky and sweet, that was making her a bit queasy. Were they burning some kind of incense to cover the smell of the smokes? Why would you bother, there was no one else around.

Expecting either Jack or Noah to jump out at her at any moment, she moved as silently as she could between the trees. A low branch snagged her stockings, pulling her to a halt. Gently tugging the offending branch loose, she assessed the rip and silently swore.

Just then she heard another sound, about ten meters in front of her. Some devil made her reach down and un-strap her sandals so that she could quietly creep up on them. They were probably plotting some Halloween trick on the girls. Twisting the bottle in the ground so that it balanced, she slipped off one shoe then the other, her toes curling on the damp ground. Her tights were ruined, so a bit of dirt wouldn't matter. Picking her heels up in one hand and grabbing her bottle in the other, she took a big swallow.

The smell was getting more intense, so she knew she was close. It wasn't a bad smell, just unfamiliar, and overpowering in the darkness. She stopped and held onto a tree branch for support, feeling a moment of dizziness over come her. She felt hot, cold and antsy all at the same time.

She really needed to sit down until the dizziness passed. Her shoes fell from nerveless fingers. She slowly sunk to her knees. Everything seemed ok for a moment, before she sagged sideways to the ground. Her last incredulous thought was "some arsehole spiked my drink."

Olivia woke, feeling pain spike at her temples with each heartbeat. She felt slightly shaky, but the dizziness seemed to have passed. Slowly she righted herself, sitting up and brushing the leaves from her face, arms and hair.

Her nipples felt really sensitive poking against the soft material of her top, and if she admitted it to herself, she felt hot and slippery down there. Maybe they had fed her some aphrodisiac, thinking she would fuck all the guys as their Halloween entertainment? Pricks.

It was only when she looked up, gazing about her, that she realised not far from her was a circular clearing. Moonlight spilled down through a break in the tree cover, bathing the ground in a silvery light.

She blinked, then blinked again. Jack lay outstretched on the ground, the zip pulled all the way down to his crotch. His arms and wrists were bound to stakes. His mouth was gagged. His penis, hard and erect, looked like it was painted blue. What the hell? All vestiges of sluggishness was instantly wiped from her mind. He was wiggling on the ground, whatever he was trying to say muffled behind the gag. He didn't look too comfortable, but then, each to their own.

Had Jack planned some kind of midnight nookie in the graveyard with her? She couldn't begin to comprehend what he was thinking. They had been dating only three weeks. Olivia had wanted their first time together to be special. Having her boyfriend staked out in the open was not what she had had in mind.

Perhaps she could make a silent retreat and catch a cab back to her dorm on campus. She just had to go back and get her purse from the shed so she call one. And where was Noah? Was he looking for Jack, or was he in on it too? He had to be.

Again that musky scent washed over her. It felt as though it settled on her bare skin, making her flesh tighten and tingle. As she held her hand up to her nose, movement among the trees on the far side of the clearing caught her attention. A woman rose up.

Olivia bit back a gasp of awe. Her skin was blue. All over. The brown hide strapless dress she wore, like a cavewoman outfit, didn't conceal much of her tall, voluptuous body. Around her throat was a necklace that would have done an Aztec princess proud. Her wild hair, long and black, even glinted blue in the moonlight. Olivia wondered if it was she wore powder or body paint. Envy surged through her.

Then her lips parted on a silent gasp as her eyes swung back to Jack's straining blue-tinged cock. The pig. The bitch.

Jack was writing on the ground, his shouts of encouragement were muffled by his gag. Again the waft of the exotic perfume hit her, and her belly churned and her empty pussy walls ached. What the hell was happening to her? She pressed down on her mound, but it only seemed to make it worse.

Behind the woman, in the shadows, Olivia glimpsed two men. They too, were painted blue, but their skin was paler than the dark blue of the woman. They wore brown leather about their hips, and high across their chest and down their arms dark spiralling patterns had been painted. The each carried a long, thin sword at their hips, about her arms length. Beside them, planted in the earth, was long spears that reached more than a foot higher than their impressive six foot plus statures. Olivia had to admire the authenticity of their costumes, even as she wondered at how Kinky Jack and Noah were. Olivia was far from experienced, but even she knew most guys would run from the thought of getting it on while other guys watched. Maybe this was some sort of cult?

And where was Noah? Getting into costume? Who the hell cared? Having seen enough, she rose and quietly turned about. And bumped into Noah.

His hand covered her mouth, muffling her startled scream. His lifted a finger to his lips in the universal sign of be silent. To hell with him and Jack. She pushed past him, but he caught her by the upper arms, halting her. She tipped her head back, glaring up into his shadowy face. Fear and anger trickled down her spine.

"Something strange is going on," he whispered to her. His face was pale, with a sheen on sweat.

Behind her, she could hear grunts and moans, and some wicked devil made her look back. The blue painted woman was crouched over Jack, moving up and down on his slippery blue pole with a languid grace. Jack was bucking beneath her, his head rolling from side to side.

"Let go!" She demanded, strugglingly in Noah's arms. She froze when she felt him against her belly, suspiciously hard in his jeans. "Freak!"

"Stop it, Olivia. Something's up. Jack wouldn't do this to you. Jack can be a bit of a skeez about shiela's some of the time. But he wouldn't ditch you to get it on with bluebell back there. And there's this almighty smell that makes me want to... it's almost as if..."

"Is this some kind of twisted game?" She pushed back, putting a couple of inches between them. But he still held her. He was surprisingly strong, and if it had been another time, she might have liked that. She was conscious of his warmth and scent.

"You've got to believe me, Olivia. Look at him. He looks like he's in pain, and not a good kind of pain."

"Oh, pretty Bluebell tied his restraints too tight, do you think?" She rolled her eyes, but she turned any way, almost as if drawn to the spectacle, and peered through the leaves.

It was hard to tell from this distance, but there was something jerky and sort of helpless about Jack. The woman was on top of him, her dress pushed down around her waist, playing with her breasts, her head thrown back. Olivia brushed back a tear as she watched her boyfriend of three weeks with another woman. "Definitely paint," she muttered.

"What?" Noah whispered.

"Powder would have smudged."

Noah ran a hand through his hair. "Olivia, Jack would have told me if he had something like this planned. I think. It's Halloween, and people pull a lot of weird shit. I'm going to see if he's alright. If he is, then let's get the fuck out of here. He can do what he wants."

Again she smelt that incense wafting through the trees. She instinctively rubbed her thighs together while Noah groaned. His eyes seemed to drop to her breasts where they thrust against the clingy material of her top, their nipples rock hard. Her breath caught.

His hand came up, hovering over her breast. Then he swore. "Shit. I want you to stay here in case something's wrong and I need you to get help."

Olivia watched Noah strangely as he walked past her and moved quietly toward the clearing. For one moment, she wanted him to touch her. All over. The reality clicked in. He was a stranger, and her boyfriend was cheating in the trees behind them.

Olivia turned, having had enough. She wanted a nice fruity cocktail, throbbing music and lots of friends surrounding her. The silent darkness was really starting to creep her out.

She heard a thud, and spun nervously about. Noah had collapsed to his knees, and as she watched, he slowly tumbled forward, landing face first in the dirt. Her eyes widened, and she ducked behind the nearest tree. From the darkness strode the two warrior men. She felt a zing of shock at the size of their rippling bodies. They were muscular and tall, but not the steroid pumped gym muscles kind. In the light, their faces were austere, impassive. And undeniably twins. She imagined being naked, wrapped in their pale blue limbs, her fingers tugging the bands from their long, blue-black hair.

Olivia blinked. Stop it, she told herself. And watched in growing horror as the two men staked Noah out beside his dirty, rotten, rutting friend.

Jack's muffled cries were louder now, his hands yanking at his restraints, yet Bluebell kept gyrating on top of him, her voluptuous body moving with a grace Olivia secretly envied. Oh, shit. Noah was right. Shit, shit, shit.

She turned and ran through the trees, intent on finding the shed and her pink diamante mobile phone tucked safely in her clutch purse. Her heart raced, and she had trouble catching her breath as panic flooded her.

Olivia didn't know how long she had been running before she came to an abrupt halt. The clearing was before her. She must have run in circles, coming up to it from behind them. The woman was pushing down on an unmoving Jack, his cock slippery as it appeared and disappeared between perfect blue buttocks. Bluebell's cries were keening, becoming urgent. It was difficult to ignore, and made her feel strange and funny. Olivia covered her ears, fear and desperation making it hard to think. Noah lay struggling beside them, his shirt ripped and pushed back, his jeans and boxers pushed halfway down his thighs. His pole, thick and long, thrust up toward the moon.

About five metres from him, a stack, if you could call it that, of white, luminescent, fist-sized 'things' caught her attention. They were odd shaped, ovalish and long on the sides. Like massive fleshy lycees, only these were coated in a blue glaze. What the fuck were they? Olivia didn't think they were the cause of the pungent aroma.

Shit. Shit.

Breathe. Don't panic. Think. She backed further into the dense trees, uncaring that branches scratched her arms and legs. The musky scent reached her, and dizziness flooded her. She covered her nose and mouth with the bank of her hand while the other caught at a branch, but it was of little help as the world tipped sideways.


Olivia groaned. Fire shot down her arms, feeling as though they were about to be pulled from their sockets. She blinked, her blue eyes focusing on the silvery grass her knees rested on.

Her head rolled back, and she gazed up at her wrists bound together by leather and wrapped around a branch the size of her thigh. The thick, smooth tree trunk rested at her back.

She pushed up to her feet, taking the agonizing pressure from her arms. She pressed back against the trunk, eyes closed, the earth seeming to move and sway beneath her feet. She felt clammy and slightly ill. But at the same time, her body throbbed and tingled, and she knew if she put her hands down her hotpants, she would find herself dewy and hot. What was going on?