Gray Lake Wolves Pt. 05

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Feeling emotional & an unexpected friend.
4.9k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/15/2014
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It takes a few days, but the pack falls into an easy rhythm. Our second night there, I walked into the formal dining room to see the plain table had been replaced by a long, hand carved masterpiece with an intricate design. There's a full moon over an expansive lake. I realize immediately that it is meant to be the lake right outside the cabin. The pines surround, looking impossibly realistic. Facing the lake is a wolf pack. There's a knot in the wood at the forefront of the pack, obscuring the wood into a deep reddish brown. There, carved inside the knot is a little wolf and beside her is a larger wolf. The wood on that wolf has been burned, giving the wolf an ashy gray color. Tears form in my eyes, knowing for certain who those two wolves are.

I back up and turn to leave the room, a little too quickly, I guess, because I slam into Grayson who is standing in the entry way. I see the concern in his face and then remember the tears in my eyes. I brush them away, giving him a shaky smile. "It's so beautiful" I tell him, gesturing to the table behind me.

He beams. "I'm glad you like it. It took me a long time to find the right piece of wood. I needed that knot in that exact spot."

My mouth pops open. "You made that?"

He nods and looks a little bashful. Wrapping my arms around him, I say, "I love it" and I wondering if I'm just talking about the table.

We spend every night eating at that table with the whole pack. I stick with the kitchen when tasks are divided amongst the pack. Abram ends up being my biggest helper there. Mandy stays close, but usually ends up being more trouble than she's worth. The first day, she nearly gave us all food poisoning. A day later she just about cut off her finger.

After a week of preparing every meal, Grayson suggests having a day each week that we grill outside instead. He thinks I need a break and I appreciate it, but I really love the kitchen. As the central hub of the house, there are always pack members filtering in and out. I feel like I get a chance to speak to each one.

While I'm preparing beef stew for dinner, Griffin saddles up next to me with a carrot hanging out of his mouth. "Every memory I have of your mother are of her standing in the kitchen. You look so much like her" He tell me.

Instantly, my eyes fill. I put down the knife I was using to chop potatoes and wrap my arms around his waist. He gives me a few awkward pats on the back before wiggling away. He glances at the space behind me nervously and I'm confused until a warm hand touches my shoulder.

I instantly recognize Grayson's scent. He wraps me up in his arms and carries me upstairs to our loft. We lay on the bed as my tears turn to sobs and quiet back down into snuffles. He's stays with me the whole time, stroking my hair and holding me close.

When I finally feel like I can talk I ask him, "How can you miss someone so much that you barely remember?"

"How old were you when she was killed?" He asks me and I'm not surprised that he already knows who I'm talking about. He just seems to have this uncanny sixth sense about me.

"Three" I tell him.

He caresses my face gently. "Barely weaned" He mumbles and he looks sad for me. It is sad and he doesn't even know the worst parts. Looking into his eyes, I know this is the right moment to tell him everything.

"I was there" I whisper and he stops his movements for a moment. With wide eyes he asks, "What?"

"I was there when she was killed" I tell him and go on to explain, "She was pregnant. Very pregnant. So close to the end that she couldn't shift anymore. She took me for a walk to a shallow stream so I could splash around and cool off on a hot summer day. The wolf came out of no where. It was rabid, I think, and there were hunters in the area that I were probably harassing it. She pushed me up in a tree and stood in front. I screamed and screamed for help, but it didn't matter by the time anyone got there."

My sobs start up again and it takes me a moment to catch my breath. Grayson has moved us so that he's sitting upwards against the headboard and I'm cradled in his arms. He rocks and shushes me, kissing my head and wiping away my tears. "It was awful. She kept trying to shift, but the baby was too big. There was blood everywhere. The baby was ripped out of her womb and flung a few feet away." My stomach rolls. I never told anyone that last part. I jump off Grayson's lap and run for the bathroom. I make it just in time to be sick all over the inside of the toilet.

Grayson follows me in and holds back my hair. When I'm done, he uses a damp washcloth to cool off my face and neck. Embarrassed, I brush my teeth while he runs the bath behind me. When I'm done, he strips off my clothes and his and leans back in the tub with me in front of him. I relax back into him.

"There's one more thing," I tell him, my voice just a whisper, "The wolf was gray."

I feel him tense behind me and breathe a curse against my hair. I know what he must be thinking about. When he found me alone in the woods. Him in his wolf form and me in my human. He tackled me to the ground and snarled at me until I submitted, then just ran off into the woods he came from.

"It's okay," I soothe, reaching behind me direct his face towards mine. His eyes are full of regrets. "You were just a child."

He scoffs. "I wondered for years why you were so afraid that day. I thought you knew I would never hurt you. I was just so mad and I wanted you to... fuck," He stops and turns me around to straddle his lap. "That was the day I found out about our mating. When I shifted and ran out of the meeting, I ran into you. Cedar had just taken his mate and it seemed like they could never be apart. Days before that, we had plans to go into town. He promised to get me a new wood-carving knife. Then she went into heat and he was gone with her for three days. I thought I was showing you who was in charge. I wanted to show you that you would never own me."

I cup his face in my hands and ask, "Did it work?"

"Hmm?" He says, still contemplating his past actions.

"Did you show me?" I ask, licking my lips slowly.

"Baby, you completely own me" He growls against my lips before crushing his mouth to mine.

Our movements are fast and frenzied. I know he's seeking approval that we are still okay and I don't care. I just want him. Water sloshes out of the tub as he directs me over his hard cock. I sink down on him and start to ride him hard. Water pouring over the edges, we are rocking together. I feel my pussy starting to contract as he wiggles his hand between us to rub against my clit. I find my spot on his neck, the one that wears the mark from out first mating. Call it magic, but that first mark will stay forever while the rest of our bites, bruises, and scrapes will heal super fast with our werewolf genetics.

I lick the skin around the bite mark, then suck it into my mouth and nibble on the tender flesh. I'm teasing him and he doesn't like it. He thrusts up harder, hitting a whole new spot, and I feel my orgasm approaching. He bites first, coming inside me and I milk him with my own release, biting him harder and drawing his blood into my mouth.

When the spasms stop, he slides out of me. "Baby, you fucking little tease," He says against my mouth before kissing lower, down my chest, lifting me slightly so my breasts are mouth level. "I didn't even get a chance to say hello to these two beautiful peaches." He leans to take a nipple into his lips and I arch into his mouth. He pays them equal attention, lavishing both breasts. He releases one with a pop and I whimper, grinding myself against his leg.

"Again?" He asks with a smirk. "Baby, you're going to have to give me a couple minutes."

I bite my lip and slide my hand down my stomach. His eyes follow and widen. "Fuck, Baby, yes" He coaches me on. I flick my finger over my clit, but when I go to slide them inside, it feels too weird. The bath water is slipping in between my fingers and washing away the natural lubricant I'm making. The tight fit around Grayson's cock must be the difference of why that worked and this isn't.

Frustrated, I put my knees on his legs and raise myself up so that I'm kneeling with my pussy just above the water level. His eyes are on me and it makes me wetter. I continue my flicking and when I swoop down inside, I gasp. I push two fingers in and out, hitting my G-spot, while thumbing my little nub. Grayson's hands are all over me, caressing my hips and ass. I come quickly, using my hand to steady myself on the wall behind Grayson's head.

He pulls me closer and guides me knees to the flat spots on the edges of the tub that are meant to hold shampoos and soap. He sinks deeper into the water, so that his face is right between my legs. His large hand settles on my hip and guides me down over his mouth. Already sensitive from two orgasms, I squeak when his tongue touches me.

Its strangely erotic, the way I'm sitting on his face and the intimate view he must have right now. It brings a renewed sense of lust that tingles throughout my body. His tongue is hot and a little rough. He just works my clit and I find myself moving so he can have better access to the rest, but he avoids penetrating me with that delicious tongue and, instead, just teases along the outside.

My orgasm sneaks up on me. One of my hands sinks into Grayson's hair while the other continues supporting me against the tile. I rest my forehead on my arm, completely and utterly spent. I'm vaguely aware of Grayson standing up and turning me around to face him. I don't say anything, just switch my resting position from my arm to his chest. I can feel the rumble of the chuckle running through him, but I can't be bothered to look up at his face right now.

"Do you want to take a nap, Baby?" He asks me and I nod against his chest. He laughs again when I fail to move my body. My legs feel like jelly and I can barely keep my eyes open. He scoops an arm under my knees and lifts me up. He brings me to our bed and tucks me under the covers. When he turns to leave, I snake an arm out to grab him.

"Mmmm" I say, unable to form words.

"I have some work to do, Baby" He tells me, but I don't care. I just want him. A low growl comes from deep in my throat and I grip him tighter. "Okay, Baby" He laughs, climbing into the bed next to me. I snuggle into his side with my head resting on his chest.


I wake up alone and in the dark. The alarm clock reads 9:55 PM. I slept away the entire afternoon and part of the evening. Pulling one of Grayson's shirts over my head, I padded down the stairs and into the open kitchen and living room. The room was dark. A projector lit an empty wall and it took me a minute to realize that there was a move playing. Twilight! The movie was Twilight! It must have been the second one because there were big fury wolves that looked nothing like our real wolf forms.

It appeared most of the pack was here, sprawled out on couches or snuggled up together on bean bags covering the floor. I found Grayson quickly. He was sitting on the leather love seat next to River. My eyes immediately searched for Raven, knowing she wouldn't be far and of course, I found her on a bean bag on the floor so close to Grayson's leg that her hair was brushing against his jeans. As usual, he was paying her no attention. Instead, he and River were whispering back and forth while occasionally glancing up at the movie.

I made my way over to the two men, but Iris, who was seated on the couch beside the one that held Grayson and River, jumped up. "Hey Clara!" She said, smiling nervously, "Do you want to sit here?"

I glanced around, trying to figure out her angle, but I couldn't see why she was being kind to me. Maybe she was trying to keep me away from Grayson? Maybe she was just trying to be nice? It didn't matter either way so I told her, "No thanks," and finished my route to Grayson.

"Hey Baby," He said, reaching out and pulling me into his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world. I lean into him, my back against the arm of the couch and my legs stretching out toward River. River takes one of my feet into his hand and measures it against his palm. "Are you feeling better, Princess?" He asks me while Grayson takes my foot out of his hand and gives him a slight growl.

I nod against Grayson's chest and feel my cheeks heat. I'm embarrassed by my reactions lately. I'm emotional and I know why. My heat cycle is going to be starting up. I know I need to talk to Grayson and decide if we are going to try for a pup this cycle, but that isn't a conversation we should have here.

"Can I talk to you?" I whisper to him. Getting up, he takes my hand and kisses the palm before intertwining our fingers. He grabs a thick knit blanket from the back of the couch and leads me on to the porch. It takes a minute for us to get adjusted. He wraps the blanket around his shoulders and settles me into his lap. The moon is high and nearly full, lighting our faces just enough that I can see any expressions he makes.

"Thank you for earlier," I start, but his slow smirk makes me think he is misunderstanding and then I laugh, realizing he thinks I am thanking him for he amazing sex. "Well, thanks for that too, but I meant thank you for pulling me out of the kitchen. I don't want the pack to see me like that."

"Of course. I know that's not like you. You have something else to tell me, don't you?" He asks with a small smile.

"My heat cycle is going to be starting soon" I confess.

He nods. "Do you know what you want to do yet?"

"No" I whisper. I look down so I don't have to see his face. I don't know what he's thinking and it's driving me crazy.

His hand caresses my neck and tilts my face up to meet his eyes. "We can do whatever you want. I'm ready. I want to put a baby in your belly. I want to be a father. I want you to be the mother of my children..." I bite my lip and try to look down again, but he's not allowing it. "But, I know how difficult this must be for you. We can wait as long as you like. I will do the runs at the border of the property and you can stay in our room. You are mated now, so the other males will stay away from you. Just in case, I'll have the women and Abram check on you and bring you what you need."

My shoulder slump in relief. I'm not sure if I was more worried that he would say he didn't want to take advantage of this cycle or if he did. His answer was perfect. He's perfect. I smile at him and the way he is looking at me makes my heart skip a beat. I snuggle into his chest and feel something hard poking my bottom. I attempt to stifle my giggle, but I guess it doesn't work because Grayson tickles my thigh and asks, "You think that's funny do you?"

That hand that was tickling glides seductively up my leg while he says, "You come down here dressed in my shirt, with your hair all messy and smelling like sex and you expect me not to be hard? Baby, I had a hard time not throwing you down on the living room floor and sinking into you in front of the whole pack."

I gasp. Tingles spread down my body and I know I'm getting wet. His roaming hands are now at the hem of the shirt and he slips one up and over my hip. Now it's his turn to gasp. "Where are your panties?" He asks, while sliding to the front. He groans when he's greeted by my wetness. I move to straddle his legs and kiss him hard on the mouth, sucking and biting his lower lip.

While one hand continues to massage and tease between my legs, the other moves over my belly and up to my breasts. He thumbs my nipple, hardening it into a little peak before moving over to give its twin the same treatment.

I'm getting braver at exploring his body. My hand sneaks up his shirt to rest on the planes of his stomach. His body is so hard everywhere mine is soft. I never knew touching someone could feel so amazing until him. I grip the hem of his shirt and a short whine comes out of my mouth. He chuckles and pulls his shirt off with one arm in a way that makes me want to lick every spot on his chest. So I do.

Starting behind on ear, I make my way down his body. Sucking, kissing, and nipping his skin. He smells so amazing, like man and forrest and rain and sweat. I want to taste him everywhere. By the time I get to his jeans, my mouth is watering. My tongue is aching to wrap around something. My taste buds are begging me to put him in my mouth.

That same little whine comes from my mouth when I try to get his pants off. It is so animalistic and I'm surprised by how much my wolf wants him as well. She recognizes her mate and wants to do anything she can to please him. He gets the picture and pulls off his jeans, but not before ripping my shirt over my head. Now we are both completely naked on the porch and I just don't care. I want him.

I get down on my knees in front of the chair he is sitting on. "I've never done this before" I confess, searching his eyes for approval and I see it there. The lust is making his dark eyes so much darker. Through our blood bond, all I can feel is desire, hunger, and longing.

"You don't have to..." He starts, but I stop him licking the underneath of his cock. He groans. A little bead of precum drips out of the hole on the tip. I bring my tongue to it and give it a taste. It taste salty and earthy and I want more. I put the whole thing in my mouth. The way it massages my tongue makes me moan. Wetness pools between my legs, making my thighs slick with my desire, while I bob my head up and down on his cock, taking it deep into my throat. One hand travels to his sack, where I caress and squeeze. With the other hand, I feel the ripples of his stomach muscles. The way the V shaped muscle between his hips feels makes me moan again, this time against the head of his cock.

His fingers weave into my hair and he grips my head, not pushing, just giving himself some control. I take him deeper into my mouth. He pulls up on my hair and I let go of him with an audible pop. He pulls me up to standing, then stands himself. He looks so big and predatory. I back up and I'm not sure why. I want him, but my body isn't sure if he's dangerous. He stalks toward me and keep backing up until my back hits the railing of the porch. My legs are telling me to flee, but my pussy is telling me to fuck.

He grabs my jaw and claims my mouth. I wrap my arms around him. My hard nipples rub against his chest and my breasts feel big and full. They are aching to be touched and Grayson doesn't disappoint. He pinches the nipple, then snakes his hands down to grab my ass. He lifts me up, lines himself up, and sinks into me in one swift move. I cry out. I was ready, but he's huge and it still takes a moment to get use to the size.

He doesn't give me that moment. He pounds into me, relentlessly. My body is trying to figure out the boundary between pleasure and pain until it all just falls over and I come around his cock. "Again" He murmurs against my lips, then slides nearly all the way out before ramming back in again. I whimper. His teeth run along my jaw. "Come" He tells me, nipping the skin on my neck, and I do, throwing my head back in ecstasy. He pumps his cock into me and I feel it erupting, hot come squirting out and coating my inner walls. He bites me and I turn my head to bite him back. Breathing hard, he rest his head on my shoulder.

I hear the door open and my body freezes. "Fucking rabbits" River mutters, pulling off his t-shirt. I hide my face in Grayson's chest. He must give River a dirty look because River says, "What? I waited until you were done! I'm going to go check the perimeter. Have a nice night Princess." I squeak out something that sounds like, "You, too" and then hear the tell tale sounds of shifting. River bounds away and into the moonlit woods.


The next morning at breakfast, Grayson tells me that he and River are traveling to town. The trip is a little long, but I miss the human town we lived next to in the Pine Mountain pack. "Can I come?" I ask.