Gypsy Designs Ch. 02


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Taking a sip of the brandy he laughed. "Your hair should never be hidden like mine is," he said looking at the riot of waves threatening to escape the loose bun she'd pulled her hair into before her work out. Clearing his throat he tried to push the urge down of reaching over and releasing her hair so it filled his hands. "All I do is fold mine before wrapping it, people think I do it to keep what appears to be shoulder length hair neat and business like," he explained. "I let them believe the illusion their comfortable with it makes life easier I've found."

"I can see why you'd do that since you'd make for an intimidating opponent to sit across a board room table from," she sighed looking back down at the sketches he was browsing over.

He raised his glass to her with a wink, "I might need to remember that next time someone tries to play hardball in negotiations, thanks for the tip. I'll just scare them into agreeing," he laughed.

She shook her head at the image that flashed through her mind of him doing just that looking like a large dangerous hit man silently persuading a whimpering business man into signing over his company and fortune to him. "Maybe when and if I make some contacts I'll ask you to attend some of my negotiations," she chuckled.

Caydn kept his eyes down not wanting to look at her allowing her see the heat he knew was burning in his eyes after hearing what she was thinking. He knew he needed to finish this quickly and get out of the house away from her since the sound of her heartbeat was becoming louder by the second. He fought the urge to run his tongue over his teeth feeling the sharpness he knew would be there if he didn't get a tighter grip on himself.

"I don't think there's a 'maybe' to the issue of your making contacts," he said his voice sounding strained. "Your work's exceptional, but correct me if I'm wrong these are pieces you've designed specifically for you aren't they?" he asked glancing up at her seeing the blush rush to her cheeks. Closing his eyes he slammed his mind shut stopping the roar of her accelerated pulse pounding in his mind, and the flare of heat the blush created. Gripping his glass he silently groaned feeling his cock leap to attention.

She nodded, "These are a few things I want to wear to show my ability but I have hundreds of ideas in my head I just haven't taken the time to put them on paper," she laughed slightly, "I have a confession I didn't draw these until this morning. I never draw anything until someone asks to see my ideas I just keep them filed in my head until needed," she admitted.

"I take it you have a photographic memory also?" he said before tossing his brandy back, setting the glass on the table, standing shoving the chair back as he did. "I'd like to suggest you put those ideas down on paper because people are going to be less likely to take you seriously if you have to say 'wait and let me draw it out for you'," he said his voice gruff with the internal battle his mind and body were involved in.

Shrugging her shoulders wondering at the change in him, "I guess people would call it that I just think of it as convenient and additional storage since it allows me to work on things that interest me while I pretend to be interested in what's going on around me," she grinned. "Well you're in a hurry to go out I'm sure your starving since you slept all day," she said standing up taking the empty brandy glasses to the sink.

"I think 'starving' is a little dramatic but I have to admit I have a strong desire to find something that'll be as equally satisfying for a few different urges I'm feeling tonight," he said his voice dropping to the smooth honey toned rhythm with each word. He watched her closely waiting for her reaction to the sound of his voice since he'd changed his approach slightly to see if she'd still feel it as strongly. Hearing her deep sigh he almost smiled with pride.

"Does that really work on women?" she asked brushing her hair back from her face her eyes moving to meet his. "I guess I could see how it might work on some of the women who have more hairspray than brains floating between their ears," she laughed, "but saying you're going out for a bite to eat, then see if you could get laid would've been easier," she winked at him laughing at the stunned expression on his face. "it's actually almost to easy to make fun of you since your making it a point of not knowing what I'm thinking," she said putting the glasses in the dishwasher.

Caydn knew he only had a few minutes to escape before the conversation got to deep for either of them but he couldn't resist one last comment. "As if that were a possibility with as guarded as you're being now yourself what good would it do me? Would you even give me a chance?" he asked shrugging his jacket over his shoulders.

"Try me," she said quietly as if issuing a challenge.

Instantly he saw her thoughts, felt her questions when she wondered what it'd be like for him to turn that seductive charm towards her, how it'd feel if he leaned down to kiss her and not some empty headed easily influenced women he picked up in a restaurant or bar. She instinctively knew he'd keep his base instincts and his business life separated.

She felt and heard the growl filling her mind before he spun on his heel stalking to the door pausing for a second his eyes locking with hers, she felt the words, 'be very careful what you wish for or you might find out even if your not ready for the truth', the words faded when she heard the car start, tires squealing when the powerful machine drove away from the house.


He pulled into the parking lot of a small pub he frequented from time to time when in town. Shutting off the engine he took a deep breath his body tightened smelling the warm fluids he needed curling their way into his mind.

Walking in he found a stool near the end of the bar, sitting down he ordered a drink looking around returning a few smiles when some of the women noticed his presence.

Nursing the drink he knew he wasn't going to be able to wait long or he'd be to the point of not carrying if he caused a scene choosing any female randomly. Already he'd noticed some of the men in the bar glaring his way when their wives or girlfriends couldn't seem to take their eyes off of him.

He turned toward the pool table to watch the game going on when a young woman bumped into him.

"I'm sorry," she said forcing a smile, "I wasn't paying attention," she explained weakly. Looking at the bartender who'd come back with his refill she nodded.

"Go ahead and give me a double Steve it looks like I'm heading home as soon as I finish it," she sighed deeply.

Caydn turned the stool beside him around smiling at her. "Let me pay for that you, looks like you've had enough stress for one evening," he said smoothly the tone of his voice dropping feeling his pulse quicken slightly as his instincts stepped up.

Beverly nodded her thanks taking the stool, raising her glass in a toast before taking a long drink. "Thank you and your right it's been a long day and doesn't look as though it's going to be any better so why not," she laughed.

"What brings you out on a week night?" she asked making casual conversation.

Caydn turned toward her a bit, "A house guest or should I say a guest of some very close friends is staying with us. I'm not use to having someone else there so I thought I'd come out for a drink and clear my head," he said with a hint of a smile, "and you? Why would you be out on a week night when you don't seem very pleased about it?"

She rolled her eyes taking a deep breath, "My boyfriend, well as of about five minutes ago my ex," she frowned. "He called and said he wanted to talk and see if we could iron out some things, after I sat here waiting for him the past hour and a half, when I called he told me he'd changed his mind thinking we'd be better off going our separate ways," she explained sipping her drink.

"I'm sorry, that's not something you want to face," he said hiding his smile behind his glass.

She sighed looking up meeting his eyes, "It's actually a good thing he's a bastard I just wasn't sure how to get rid of him without him making a scene," she laughed.

The two of them talked, he bought her a second drink. Asking the bartender where the nearest place was the two of them to grab something to eat. He helped her from the stool before walking out the door talking casually.

Stepping around the side of the building to the dark parking lot he moved to the front of the car pressing her against the building gently when she sighed wrapping her arms around his neck meekly.

Lowering his head to her his hand brushed along her rib cage gently cradling the full breasts beneath her sweater. His body took over, his incisors lengthening before he bit into the tender flesh of her throat, feeding his body's need while his hands burned a path over her body preparing to satisfy the sexual burning that'd haunted him the past few days.

Hearing her sigh beneath his mouth, shifting her body pushing her large soft breast into his hand he found amber eyes flashing in his mind and the slim slender lines of her body he'd studied earlier in the evening when she was working out. Moving his hand down to the woman's waist he finished feeding. Listening to her mind he gave her a nudge toward making some decisions she'd been struggling with. Stepping back, he walked her to her car explaining he understood her needing to get home to call her sister he agreed making the move to Florida, helping her sister start her business and doing it without the ex would be a good thing.

His hands tightened into fists walking back to his car getting in and slamming the door on the expensive sports car. "She's like having a damn conscience," he muttered starting the engine pulling out heading home to spend another frustrating night working while his body throbbed steadily for release. Shaking his head he wondered when he'd become someone who didn't simply take what he needed.

Gypsy was sitting on the couch her legs drawn up, her sketch pad across her lap when he walked in. The sound of the radio no doubt having drowned the sound of his car out when he'd pulled in, the fact that she was sitting there her eyes closed for some reason while she was drawing why she hadn't see the lights.

Remembering to keep himself blocked off from her probing mind he moved silently across the room to stand behind her his eyes following her hand as it moved effortlessly across the paper the image coming to life. He shook his head amazed at what he was seeing. Her hand never faltered nor did she make a wrong move to have to go back and erase.

"Why would I waste my time going back and redoing it, and charcoal isn't the easiest thing to erase ya know," she laughed quietly taking a deep breath opening her eyes leaning her head back to look at him, flashing him a smile at the appreciation she saw on his face.

"Gypsy how'd you know I was here?' he asked walking around the couch to take the chair across from her.

She looked at the sketch she'd just finished with a smile putting it with the growing stack of drawings beside her. Glancing at him she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess it might have been when you intentionally blocked yourself off after you'd walked in the house," she said with a laugh, "when you pulled in you were as open and loud as an audio book turned all the way up."

"I take it the 'events' you'd planned for the evening didn't go well or as far as you'd hope they'd go?" she bit her lip to keep from laughing meeting his dark storm expression. Holding her breath to contain the sigh she was more than a little pleased he appeared as frustrated as he was.

"I'd rather not discuss it," he said gruffly, "tell me what the hell you're doing or should I ask how?"

Sighing she shook her head, he was moody tonight and he seemed to become larger than he already was, she looked at her sketches, deciding it'd be better to drop the teasing and stick to his questions.

"That's the first intelligent thing I seen float across that damn mind of yours tonight," he growled getting up walking to the liquor cabinet, pouring each of them a large portion of brandy.

Taking the glass he thrust at her she simply held it, "Why is it I have a funny feeling you or I one if not both will end up being an alcoholic at this rate," she mumbled taking a sip of the brandy before putting the glass on the table beside her.

"You said earlier I should put my ideas down on paper instead of just keeping them stored in my head and I thought since you're as successful in business as you are maybe you're right so I've spent the past few hours since you left doing that," she smiled nodding toward the stack of drawings, "how I do it is by closing my eyes and concentrating on what I see in my mind letting my hand move along the lines I see and there they are," she laughed when his mouth fell open his glass halfway to it.

"I know it sounds funny but Victor, my father's dad, my grandfather taught me how to draw one summer when my dad took me to Romania to visit," she said with a gentle smile, "he told me to close my eyes and see, really see what I wanted to draw and if I believed in what I saw then my hands would believe it to and I could draw it," she explained.

He shook his head meeting her eyes, "You're a wealth of amazing talents and skills aren't you?" he asked laughing, "Should I bother to ask what else you can do or should I just let you continue surprising me?" His smile devilish and suggestive, chuckling when he saw the flush of color covering her cheeks.

Setting the sketch pad beside her she uncurled her legs. "I don't really want this brandy would you like it?" she asked, "I'm going to get a glass of water can I get you anything?"

"Maybe you're right I could use some coffee if there's any left since no doubt I'll have a night filled with phone calls and conflicts to solve again," he said getting up and following her to the kitchen grabbing her stack of sketches without her knowing it.

Gypsy smelled the coffee, coughing it was so strong, "I'll make another pot," she laughed, turning seeing him spreading her drawings out on the large kitchen table. "Hey you know it'd be nice if you'd ask to see those instead of stealing them," she grinned when he looked at her one brow raised.

"Let me assure you Gypsy stealing wasn't my intent but if I was going to 'steal' something it would be of much greater value and enjoyment for both," he said quietly pinning her where she was with the burning look.

After making coffee she leaned against the counter drinking her ice water watching him go from one sketch to another viewing each as thoroughly as a critic or buyer. She fought the urge to hold her breath waiting for his reaction and comments.

Caydn sat down at the table brushing his hair back with both hands, resting his head in his hands silently. The entire time he'd been trying to concentrate on her images he'd been mentally bombarded with her fears and uncertainties about her skills as a designer.

"Can I ask what you intend to do with your other degree, I think you said in art?" he said looking up slowly meeting her eyes.

Gypsy turned pouring his coffee, taking a deep breath walking to the table handing him the mug. "I always had this thing about colors and textures, how they blended and contrasted one another so art seemed to be only natural for me," she explained. "I take it you think I should focus on something in the art field as opposed to fashion?" she asked sitting in the chair across from him.

Putting his elbow on the table leaning toward her slightly, "why would you say that?" he asked his eyes locked with those huge amber eyes that seemed to dominate her face when she was nervous or angry, he noticed for the first time.

She almost dropped her eyes, but something told her he was testing her, she'd never been one to back down from a challenge so she leaned forward propping her chin on her hands. The fluttering deep in her stomach became stronger when she found herself wondering just how far she'd go should he challenge her.

"I guess I assumed since you asked about my art degree if I was wrong sorry, but I thought you were looking at my drawings to give me input about them," she shrugged her shoulders as if it really didn't matter.

With a sigh he shook his head, "These are actually very good, I just wondered why design wasn't your first degree and if you felt you needed further knowledge why art wasn't the second in line," he winked at her laughing when a blush crept into her cheeks.

He'd been focusing himself on hearing what she was thinking, doing so he'd been able to block out the sound of her pulse as it traveled along her slender throat but the blush added the rush of heat that radiated from her was almost his undoing. His body reacted to the scent of her almost violently, his cock surging against the confining jeans painfully. Clenching his teeth together to control the growl deep in his throat, he knew by the depth of innocence in her eyes she had no clue the effect she was having on him.

"I wanted to ask you if you thought you'd have time to create something to wear to a large semi formal event the first part of next week?" he leaned back in his chair putting some distance between the two of them.

She leaned back also, "The answer to the question is yes but why? Are you going to take me cologne tasting?" she laughed her eyes sparkling, "Or do you think my being there'd save you from all of the buxom women who like air kissing your cheek?" she covered her mouth, her tone becoming serious. "Or would this be a test to see if I could really make what I can design on paper or if they're just pretty drawings?" she asked sarcastically trying to fight the urge to reach across the table and touch his mouth, wanting to know if they'd feel to see if they were as rigid as they appeared at time or soft and seductive as others.

Caydn turned his head, looking out the large bay window at the pool and patio area, anything to keep her thoughts from unleashing the desire he held in such close check. The steam rising from the heated pool in the cool night air created a mystical looking mist hovering just above the waters surface.

"Well to answer your question," he said standing pushing his chair in, "no this is not for cologne tasting I'll keep the pleasure of that 'fetish' I think you called it to myself thank you," he laughed walking around the table, stopping at her side making her tilt her head back so she could see him clearly.

"When're you going to stop getting your damn nose out of joint if I ask you something?" he asked with a deep chuckle as her eyes grew large, her mind slipping through his thoughts becoming confused.

She gasped when he leaned down quickly scooped her into his arms. He held her tightly walking to the back door.

"The reason I asked is I thought it might be a good opportunity for you to meet some women who love to have designer items made for them so they never have to worry about walking into a party seeing someone else wearing the same dress or what ever it may be," he said kicking the door closed behind him, his arms around her tight while she squirmed trying to get free. "But you suddenly decide I'm testing you and don't think your capable of making the clothes. Gypsy I think it's you who isn't to sure?"

"Caydn what in the world are you doing?" she almost squeaked glancing toward the pool then back at him, "Oh no you're not going to," she said increasing her struggles to make him put her down even thought she'd known immediately what his plans were.

"I do hope you can swim Gypsy," he laughed when he finally put her down, directly in the swirling warm water of the pool.

He stood there legs braced wide, his arms crossed laughing when she surfaced with a roar. Stepping back he looked down at the water that almost splashed over his shoes.