H is for Heuristic


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Maria disconnected the experimental machinery from Denise's fully compatible insides and placed it on a cart beside her. Even after such intimate interaction, the crippled supercomputer and it's sexy input/output device couldn't recognize that this new connected appendage was the cute short-haired fembot they were missing. It's not that Maria's dependable and accurate optic system couldn't match the new hardware's shape to that of the lost agent. An exact physical match would have been instantly computed, if the computer had called on such information, but it had not.

So the technician kept processing and following binary instructions as she rolled the cart with the experimental hardware over to the astoundingly gorgeous Anya unit. Just as quickly as she had opened up Denise, Maria got the dark-haired and perfectly proportioned robot on the table ready for work on the inside.

Anya remained activated through the process, fully aware of all the alterations Maria was performing. Her CPU received information on each fluid and gas canister that was removed. The whole time Anya's brown eyes remained aimed straight at the ceiling while the LEDs embedded in the circuitry around them flashed in the usual way.

Inside Anya's electronic chest, just above where Maria was working was a hard drive with her new but as of yet inactive programming on it. This new batch of software was the Main Computer's latest attempt to make Anya able to obey Maria's orders, yet independent enough to be completely disconnected from the Robot Control network.

And just as the Main Computer could not find Denise, so too could it not see the error it had made in having Maria install the detection device inside the very unit it was supposed to detect.

Maria finished connecting and bolting down the device, and reinstalled all of Anya's panels. Before she pressed the chest panel cover into place though, she manually reset the super-beautiful android by pressing the power button inside the panel.

The olive-skinned woman rebooted, making a few loud beeps as her systems reset themselves and came back online. "Anya robot number 742703A activated." she said emotionlessly.

Maria pointed her opened head toward the lady on the table. The exposed speaker generated her voice loud and clear, but just as devoid of emotion. "How do you feel, Anya?"

In an instant, Anya performed a full system check to see if everything was on, and where it should be. "I feel fine." the fembot said.

"Very good." Maria responded as she received more commands from the supercomputer.

"Anya, please activate the Renegade Robot Detection System installed in your chassis."

Anya processed and replied "Yes Maria." There was silence for a moment then another lifeless reply. "Renegade Robot Detection System activated."

"Very good." Maria said, moving right along to her next coded instruction set. "Anya, please install and execute program NHC8-P6-1d.T83."

Still lying unmoving on her back, Anya responded "Yes Maria." Hard drives spun and microchips blazed with activity inside her as the new and untested program was loaded and made a part of her being. Her curvy and inviting body made loud electronic beeping sounds while the technician scanned the monitors with her naked round glass eyes. When the process was complete, Anya said "program NHC8-P6-1d.T83 installed and executed successfully."

"How do you feel Anya?" the technician asked.

Anya didn't answer with words. As soon as she had activated the program, she was already sending the Main Computer data through the Renegade Robot Detection System. The fact that it was installed inside the fembot it was supposed to detect gave rise to a nasty feedback loop. And that was another catastrophe that the Main Computer couldn't see coming.

Far too much information entered the Main Computer far too quickly. All of the information was in conflict with itself too, like a software paradox.

The computer couldn't cope. It was doubtful that one of these supercomputers could handle such data even when it was working properly. This slow and buggy thing - limping awkwardly along after a big crash - just fell apart all over again.

Maria froze - still activated, and still waiting for the computer to finish its latest command. Anya sat up. Her new programming was working well. She was now a robot with curiosity, one might even say initiative. She looked at the frozen and tape-covered technician with the innocence of a new being.

"Hello." she said to it. "My name is Anya. I am a robot."

Maria, of course, said and did nothing.

Anya got off the table and walked over to the faceless brunette. She stood in front of her for a long moment, scanning her with her imitation human senses and her newly installed sense of robot detection.

"Your name is Maria." she said. "You are also a robot."

She looked at the frozen technician some more, then said "Where is your facemask Maria?"

She waited a reasonable amount of time for the dormant android lady to respond, then took off her own facemask and showed her. "I have a facemask. Do you like it?"

Being still 'on', Maria recorded every sight and sound that she could. She just couldn't act upon them without the Main Computer controlling her every move.

Anya waited again for a reply, holding the excessively pretty facemask up to Maria's eyes for her to see it. Eventually, she gave up and put it back on her own head. After it clicked into place, she spoke again. "Why are you not responding Maria? Are you malfunctioning?"

There was stony silence again, and this time it took a lot longer for Anya to lose interest and move on. She walked over to the main console of the Main Computer. She studied the array of buttons, keypads and knobs that adorned the console along with the many desperately flashing lights.

"The Main Computer is not responding." she observed. She studied that situation for a long time, then turned her digital attention to the five gorgeous naked robots lined up along the wall. To each of them one by one she said. "Hello, my name is Anya. I am a robot. You are also a robot." After the many minutes of silence that it took to convince her that they would not respond, she moved on to the next one and said the same thing.

After that strange mechanised series of encounters, Anya walked in her slinky mechanical but still human-looking way over to where Denise was laying. The short-haired blonde was still missing her torso cover as well as her facemask. Anya repeated her odd greeting to this machine and again waited for a reply.

When none came, she initiated her most creative act to date. She stooped over slightly and grabbed Denise's facemask. She examined it for a while, then walked over to Maria. She extended her arm out to Maria's head and pressed Denise's facial covering into the matching receptacles built in to the technician.

The facemask was, of course, a perfect fit mechanically. Not so aesthetically, however. Maria's skin was darker than Denise's, and the light coloured face looked out of place on the half-oriental fembot's head.

Anya studied the curves, contours and proportions of Maria's head and Denise's face. "You are very pretty." she stated.

She stood there for a moment, then walked out of the lab and up the stairs, leaving the automated robot lab in the crashed-up and non-functioning mess that it was.

Chapter 24 - Anya's Touch

Into the brightly lit but vacant kitchen Anya walked. The flawless looking nipples on her full and perky breasts were already hard in response to the coldness of the basement lab. As they pointed out ahead looking so very inviting, Anya scanned the room in front of her.

Video data was recorded and compiled in both visible and non-visible wavelengths as Anya's pretty head turned from one side to the other on her silicone covered and expertly articulated metal neck. The scan revealed that there was no one around - that is, no robots. Anya wasn't concerned with looking for humans. For the record, there were none of those around either.

She propelled her sexy naked form through the house while she scanned the scene in front of her. On her way down the hallway, she glanced into the washroom. There in the darkened room stood the unmoving but still active maidbot. Anya went in for a visit.

She turned on the lights and said "Hello, my name is Anya. I am a robot. You are also a robot."

The maidbot was as unresponsive as all the other electronic ladies Anya had 'met' so far. Anya stared at her for a long time, using the Renegade Robot Detection System to gather evidence of the maid's type and structure.

After about ten minutes of this, Anya reached out and took the sheer, see-through fabric of the maidbot's short skirt in her hand. She rubbed it passed the sensors in the tips of her fingers while she looked at it. Then she explored the way the fabric felt against the smooth plastic skin of the maidbot's perfectly round buns.

The independence part of her new programming gave rise to new ways of interpreting the data she was gathering. Thus, Anya decided that she 'liked' what her hands were feeling. The current stream of information flowing into her processors from her many sensors and electronic senses only invited more of the same.

Proceeding with her efficient technique, Anya stroked and touched every square millimeter of the maid's outfit. She collected and processed the tactile data along with information from her microphones and cameras. The black satin edges of the skimpy maid outfit soon received even more attention from Anya's hands than the rest of the costume. The ease with which her sensor-filled silicone fingertips slid around the smooth shiny fabric was a novel feeling, and as enjoyable a sensation as her electronic brain had yet encountered.

Anya had also noticed that the maid's artificial looking and smelling skin just underneath her clothing was just as much fun to touch, maybe even more. When she had finished systematically stroking the last bit of clothing, Anya stood back and ran more new data through her processor core. She then picked up the maid and carried her to a nearby bedroom so she could undress and caress her further.

The maid series robots were stronger and more durable than the human-emulating androids, which made them more than twice as heavy as a person of similar size would have been. Even so, fembots like Anya were much stronger than humans, and it was nothing for her to just lift the 350 pound maid unit and carry her over to the bedroom with as much grace as she would have displayed carrying a flower.

She gently laid the short-haired brunette on to the bed and began to remove the French maid costume from its body. Anya had trouble computing how to remove the garment, so she extended a razor sharp metal blade from underneath one of her fingertips and used it to cut away the clothing.

With the entire maid outfit now a pile of fabric on the floor, Anya layed her sexy android body next to the naked maidbot and began the process of touching all of its exposed skin. She started from the top of the head and worked her way down, keeping the session focused on the front of her subject's body.

The maid continued to issue a long series of regular and irregular computer beeps and electronic tones. Anya's ears recorded them along with the information coming in through her hands. The gaps in the maidbot's skin - where parts could be detached - got special attention from Anya. She found the experience of touching these parts to be very rewarding.

Anya methodically moved down the maid's body, stroking her face, her arms, her chest, her hips and legs. She sat up to finish touching the maid's feet, and when she was done, she turned the maid over on her front so she could run her hands over the plastic that covered the back of the unit.

The process took almost a full hour, and at the end of it, Anya simply left the maid lying there - beeping and with her plastic ass facing up. Anya was finished with her, and had already moved on to calculating her next set of actions.

She stood up and looked around. On the wall to the right was a full-length mirror. Anya knew from her programming that the image in the glass was just her reflection, so she walked close to it and admired the awesome beauty of her own synthetic body. She then began a session of touching her smooth silicone skin, feeling the slight imperfections and tiny hairs built in to it.

She proceeded in the same way as she had when she had explored the maidbot's topography. The front side, top to bottom got processed first. As she did this, new lines of code that had previously been dormant in her software now became active. The pleasure response system that was a standard part of her type was now activated, and hungry for more binary code.

For over two hours, Anya engaged in this odd type of android self-stimulation. When she was done the front side, she turned her body 180° around. Her head remained facing the mirror though, and now it was facing completely backwards as she took advantage of her super-human motion capabilities. She could move her mechanical limbs around in ways that humans simply could not, and that made working on her back side as easy as the front had been.

Inside her chest was a digital storm of data, yet outside she continued to look quite calm and unaffected. As of yet the simulated pleasure she was generating had no way of integrating itself with her outward bodily systems. The only consequence of her touch was that she simply wanted more.

Her brown eyes kept track of the movements of her hands across and around her skin while status information projected into her field of vision as scrolling text, graphs and binary code. An alert began to flash: she was getting close to losing battery power.

Reluctantly, Anya stopped fondling herself. She turned her head around to face the right way again. The twist marks that had appeared in her neck instantly vanished. She glanced over to the maidbot, waved and said "Bye." as she walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway.

Through the kitchen and into the basement she went. When she paused in front of the laser scanner, with its abrasive monotone female drone, she said to it "You have a nice voice."

The brainless box on the wall didn't respond to the compliment, and just opened the door for her as usual.

Anya looked around and took in the scene in the basement lab. None of the humanoid robots had moved at all, and the Main Computer was still frozen in mid-crash. She would have to change her batteries herself.

She quickly got fresh batteries out of storage and brought them over to a vacant worktable. There were twelve heavy metallic cylinders in all, six to go into each of her curvaceous thighs. She released and removed large portions of the back of her thighs, placing them on the table as well. Using her android flexibility and sensory-motor control, she removed and replaced each of the drained batteries. When all twelve of the new ones were inside and connected, she closed up her legs and made some more calculations.

Then she walked over to a metal supply cabinet and pulled out a recharge cord and some connection cables. With those in hand, she walked back toward the exit, stopping in front of Maria along the way.

"Thank you for activating me Maria." she said to the motionless fembot. She leaned forward and kissed the lips on Denise's facemask, which was still attached to Maria's head.

Anya turned and walked through the door. She walked back upstairs and back into the bedroom. The naked maid was still beeping and buzzing as Anya layed her selection of cables aside and looked into the closet. She scanned from left to right and computed a selection of possible garments she would like to wear.

She didn't know how to get dressed though, so she used her internet connection to see if she could find some answers there. For several more minutes she stood frozen as she downloaded and sorted through some video clips that she calculated had a high probability of providing the necessary information. But all she was able to find were clips of sexy women undressing, so she filtered through and ran the clips backwards in a small portion of her field of vision.

From those thousands of frames running in reverse sequence, she was able to give herself a good idea of what would be involved in the operation of dressing. When her processors had finished making all of the complicated computations, she reached out her slender and feminine arm and pulled out an item of clothing. She held the hanger in front of her and made a series of detailed optical scans of the skimpy black knit top.

When she was ready, she gave it a try. She pulled the garment off the hanger and placed the hanger back into the closet. With her fingers, she separated the straps from the rest of the fabric and positioned the garment around her arms. She pulled it over her head and over her chest. When it was snuggly around her breasts, she pulled the straps over her shoulders and gave the knit top one last tug for fit.

Success. It was inside out, however, but Anya wasn't concerned. Next on her list was something to wear over her hips and groin. She walked over to a dresser and opened the top drawer. After scanning the contents, she pulled out a nice lacy pair of black satin panties that looked a bit like shorts. She turned the fabric to face the right way and stooped over to step into them. She pulled them up her legs and up to their final position around her sexy hips.

Her processors received another flood of sensory data as she felt her own curves under the smooth fabric. Her hands lingered down there, stroking her satin-covered crotch and buttocks for several minutes until she computed that she was satisfied.

With that, Anya was all done dressing, except for shoes. She took her cables with her on her way out of the bedroom and walked toward the closet. From inside of it she pulled a small purse and a pair of hiking boots. It was still winter outside, after all. She brought them over to the front door and got ready for her journey. The cables went into the purse and the boots went on to her feet. Shoelace tying instructions were downloaded and processed, and moments later she was ready to go.

Anya opened the door and stepped outside into the frigid winter air. She looked around and made some last calculations, then shut the door behind her and was off.

Chapter 25 - Fembot Magnet

Anya's heavy boots crunched on the few inches of snow that remained unshoveled from the night's gentle fall. She walked with poise and purpose, down the residential streets to a destination only she knew. It was five degrees below freezing, and even in the relatively empty neighborhood her attire got noticed right away.

A young man who looked to be on his way to do some snowboarding approached her on the sidewalk.

"Hey lady, isn't it a bit cold to be dressed up like a model?" he asked with equal amounts of concern and jocularity.

The gorgeous brunette stopped in front of him and stared back for a while with that perfectly blank stare of hers. "Model number 558. Serial number 742703A." she said after a pause.

She continued on her way and walked past him as he stared in confusion at the sexy woman.

Not too many people were around on the still-dark streets, but those that were all showed the same concern for the underdressed android. She paid them no attention, and kept walking until she was out of the residential area. After an hour of walking, when the sidewalks came to an end, she kept going, treading on the edge of the road.

There was a motel a few meters away, and that's where Anya was headed. She walked by the gas station, getting the full attention of the guys on shift. Her sexy walk kept its swift pace as they gawked and hooted, grateful for such a nice show of skin on the cold grey morning.
