Handcuff Sister


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Maggie snorted. "He did, did he?"


"You probably weren't supposed to tell me that part."

"Oh. Yeah. Probably not." Catria shifted her weight, bouncing from one foot to the other. "So, uh, will you though?"

"Ugh. In a minute maybe. M'not ready to get up yet."


Catria shifted feet again while looking around the room. There was nothing much to catch her eye other than Maggie, and she was trying really hard not to stare.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" Maggie asked.

"You said a minute. What else am I gonna do?"

"That was... forget it." Maggie pulled back the covers. "You wanna come lie down?"

Catria stepped forward eagerly, but hesitated before actually getting into bed. "Does that mean you're not upset about what happened last night?"

Maggie gave Catria a crooked, sleepy look. "Upset was never quite the right word. But no, I'm not."

"Ok. Good."

Catria dropped her key on Maggie's dresser, then rolled into bed next to her sister and let the covers be draped back over her. It was snuggly and warm underneath from Maggie's body heat.

"I didn't mean to walk in on you like that," Maggie said.

"It's ok."

"It bothered me a little at first, for a few different reasons, but honestly, it wasn't like I didn't know you... did stuff...."


"Yeah. I just never thought much about it." Maggie shrugged. "But after thinking about it and getting some sleep... I guess I really don't have much emotional investment in when or how you play with yourself."

Catria decided not to mention that it was kind of exciting talking about her masturbation habits. She'd never really done it before.

"Where'd you get it anyway?" Maggie asked.

"My vibrator?"


"There's a shop about a twenty minute walk from school. Me and a friend went one time, kinda like daring each other. She couldn't believe I actually bought something."

"Huh. Braver than me, then. My first one came from an online store."

Catria grinned at the naughty secrets being shared. She supposed it was just girl talk, in some ways, and not really something she should be enjoying so much. But it was new to her.

Her friend and her had only visited that shop together once, and they'd never really discussed anything about it except to giggle maniacally about it a couple times. That felt like so long ago, like she'd grown up since then. Which she had, technically.

"Does that mean you have a lot?" Catria asked. "Like a whole box full?"

Maggie grinned, then chuckled. "Don't get too excited. I have a couple. And I'm not ready to go into detail about my toys with you."


"Maybe someday."


"No. Just maybe is all."


Maggie pushed some of Catria's unruly hair back from her face. Her fingers were soft and gentle. Catria had really been appreciating the differences between her siblings' touches lately.

"Roll over," Maggie said.

"On my back?"

"No. Do a one eighty."

Catria was confused until she did what she was told and felt Maggie snuggling up behind her. It all made sense then, though she was kind of surprised her sister wanted to spoon.

Maggie pressed right up against her, encircling her waist with one arm. Catria felt her warm breath on her neck. It was nice.

"I just want to lie here a while," Maggie said.

"Ok," Catria said faintly. She hoped her heart wasn't beating too hard and giving her away. She hadn't expected anything like this, but now that it was happening she didn't want to ruin it.

Maggie's hand pressed warm and soft against Catria's tummy. It circled and flexed, and slowly crept upward.

Catria held her breath as her sister came closer and closer to her breasts. She'd been so excited when Laine had casually started playing with her tits. It seemed improbable that Maggie would do the same, but Catria was full of hopeful anticipation anyway.

"You know what I've been wondering about?" Maggie asked.

"Um... no, not really."

"Sexual attraction."

"Oh." Catria wondered if she was supposed to say something meaningful in response. She decided just to wait and see.

"The thing is," Maggie continued, "that we all basically limit ourselves in who we look at, and think about, and lust after."

Catria inhaled sharply as a finger brushed the underside of her tits, then it was gone again.

"Like, Laine never used to check either of us out. Not really. He'd look every now and then, which was only fair. We didn't try overly hard to dress properly around the house when it was just the three of us."

Maggie's thumb flicked across one of Catria's nipples, provoking a small, muffled squeak.

"But now he stares at you practically all the time," Maggie said. "And I can't help wondering whether you've changed, or he has, or most likely some combination of both."

She cupped one of Catria's boobs in her hand. She rolled the soft flesh gently in her palm.

"Is it because you've become sexier?" Maggie whispered. "Or is it just that you've become more acceptable to him? Is your sexuality winning over familial boundaries?"

Catria muffled a moan and decided not to point out that she seemed to be winning over more than just her brother.

"Perhaps more importantly," Maggie said, "is what am I supposed to feel about all of this?"

Catria couldn't help herself. "Right now... seems like my tits."

Maggie giggled softly and gave her sister a light pinch on the nipple. "Yes, that's true." She gave one last squeeze, then put her hand back on Catria's tummy where it was safer. "I wanted to see what you'd do. And, admittedly, how I'd feel about it?"

Catria swallowed. "And?"

"It was nice. You have lovely little boobies. And you didn't seem to mind me playing with them, which I wasn't totally sure about."

"How could I possibly stop you?"

"Don't play innocent. You didn't say a damn thing. And don't think I couldn't feel the way your heart's pounding."

Oh. So it was obvious after all. Live and learn.

"Is it bad that I didn't tell you to stop?" Catria asked.

"Depends. Did you want me to?"

Catria hesitated, then shook her head. "No."

"Then it's fine. But Cat? If you ever want me or Laine to stop or... or whatever... you have to tell us, ok? I don't think either of us have a good sense of your boundaries these days."


"Ok." Maggie patted Catria's tummy. "Alright, let's get this day started. Up ya get."

Catria reluctantly got out of bed, followed closely by her sister. She held still while she was uncuffed.

"Go on then," Maggie said. "Get ready for school."

Catria nodded and started to leave. She hesitated, then turned back and hugged Maggie. "Thanks for putting up with me."

"You silly girl," Maggie whispered back. "You're my sister. I love you."

"Yeah. Me too."

Catria disengaged and left for real.


Laine was welcomed home by the divine scent of baking cookies that evening. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten a cookie that didn't come out of a package. Maggie must have been in a pretty damn good mood, he thought.

Even more unusually, however, he'd assumed the wrong sister. Cat was the one busy in the kitchen. Maggie was nowhere to be found. Huh.

"Well well," Laine said.

"Oh, hey," Cat said, feigning nonchalance.

Despite her apparent lack of enthusiasm for his arrival, Laine was pretty sure it was all planned. Either that or Cat had taken her pants off just for fun. Which actually wasn't entirely out of the question.

She was wearing another pair of panties that did precious little cover her bottom. Her hips swung back and forth slightly as though swaying to inaudible music.

"Look at you being a little baker," Laine said, deliberately not mentioning anything related to how good her ass looked.

Cat shrugged. "I'm just scooping out some store-bought dough onto pans. Pretty simple stuff."

"Still, though."

Laine walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She giggled and leaned back into him. She was so soft. The smell of baking cookies surrounded them and combined with her own subtler scent to form an intoxicating mixture.

"I just wanted to do something nice," Cat said softly. "You and Mags have been so good to me. Especially this morning. You were right about going to see her."

"Is that so? What exactly happened?"

"She didn't tell you?"


"Then I guess it's girl stuff. Secret."

"That's not fair."

"It's not, is it." Cat turned toward the over as a timer went off. "That's the first pan. I gotta get them."

She slipped out of Laine's arms and handled the changing of the cookie sheets, only burning herself a little on the hot pan from the oven. He meandered over to the fresh cookies while she ran her finger under cold water.

"You should let them cool a bit," Cat warned.

"Eating them while they're still too hot is half the fun," Laine countered.

He changed his opinion almost immediately when his tongue encountered a molten chocolate chip.

"Told ya," Cat said.

"Stupid chocolate being so hot."

"Yeah, that's definitely the problem."

"Ok, ok. So maybe I should give them a minute."

Cat nodded, then went back to examining her finger.

"Does it hurt bad?" Laine asked.

"Nah. Just a little burned spot. It'll be fine."

"Cool." Laine eyed the pan of cooling cookies. "Hey, wanna load these all up on a plate and go pick something to watch?"

"What, the whole sheet?"

"Why not?"

"I... don't know." Cat grinned. "Yeah, sure. Let's make ourselves sick on baked goods."

"That's the spirit."

For the next little while, that was exactly what they did. Laine and Cat cuddled on the couch eating cookies, taking turns picking something to watch, and getting a bit handsy from time to time.

Cat cracked first and let out a long groan. "Ugh, I don't know why I thought this was a good idea. My tummy is not happy with me."

"Hm, yeah. Mine either, actually." Laine rubbed his stomach. "Maybe should have stopped sooner."

"No kidding."

The siblings, having eaten too many delicious treats, slumped in their seats and occasionally rubbed their bellies as though it would help. Laine wasn't in quite as bad shape as Cat appeared to be, and he couldn't help noticing the way her tits moved when she moved her hand beneath them. She wasn't really paying him any attention, and his sidelong glances turned into zoned-out staring.

Laine finally grabbed Cat and pulled across his lap on her back. She giggled and happily let herself be thrown around.

"Let me do that for you," Laine said.

He spread his hand out over her tummy and rubbed in gentle circles.

"Mmm, ok," Cat said with contented, half-lidded eyes.

Laine knew he was getting dangerously obsessed with touching his sister. Not even necessarily in inappropriate ways. Just... feeling her. Cuddling with her.

Admittedly, the naughty stuff was nice too.

Cat lifted her burned finger up to her face and examined it. She didn't seem to be in any immediate distress about it, but was probably just checking.

"Your finger doing any better?" Laine asked.

"Kinda. Just stings a bit." Cat grinned mischievously and held her hand up toward him. "You could kiss it better."

Laine stared at the proffered finger for a moment, then leaned forward and brushed his lips against the reddish spot on it.

The expression on Cat's face changed. Her hand stayed in the air, then slowly pressed back to Laine's mouth.

He let her soft finger trace his bottom lip, then opened his mouth and let her fingertip inside. He sucked gently on her digit and caressed it with his tongue.

Cat stared wide-eyed up at him and thrust her finger in and out in small, rhythmic motions.

Laine wasn't quite sure what was happening, but it was turning him on. His cock was poking into Cat's back, trapped beneath her kind of painfully.

He switched from massaging her tummy to rubbing her tits. She moaned and pushed her finger even deeper into his mouth. She wiggled and squirmed in his lap, inadvertently grinding his erection.

Order devolved even further from there. All sense of decorum was abandoned between the two horny siblings.

Cat lifted Laine's shirt until he got the hint and removed it entirely. She bit her lip and rubbed his bare chest, then returned her hand to his mouth. She stuck two fingers inside this time. Once they were covered in his saliva, she stuck her hand down her panties and toyed with herself.

Laine watched his wanton little sister finger her pussy under her panties. His hand stayed busy on her chest. He eventually got bold enough to push her shirt up over her breasts and fondle them directly.

Her eyes glazed over from sheer lust. She thrust her chest up to meet her brother's inappropriate caresses, and her fingers only danced all the faster on her pussy now that she was practically topless.

Laine's gaze bounced between Cat's panties, her boobs, and the cute, overwhelmed expression on her face. She was hot and out of control, and dragging him right along with her.

He watched his sister cum right in front of him, right in his lap. Her lithe body tensed and trembled, and she made such adorable mewling noises.

"You're so beautiful," Laine said.

Cat looked up at him, her face all flushed and smiling shyly. "Thanks. I mighta got a little carried away there...."

"You did."

"Pretty bad, huh?"

"Yeah." Laine traced a line from her belly button up between her breasts. "You're kind of a bad little girl."

Cat had been starting to calm down, her breathing gradually normalizing. Her eyes lit back up. "A bad little girl?"

"That's what I said."

"So I guess I... shouldn't pull my shirt back down? Since I'm so bad?"

"You can leave it," Laine agreed. He booped one of her nipples.

"That must make you kind of a bad boy, then," Cat said.

"Because I'm not making you cover yourself?"

"That. Also you've been poking my back pretty hard."

"That's kinda just what you do to me."


Cat sat up, relieving some of the uncomfortable pressure on Laine's erection. Her perky tits were even closer to his face, though not close enough that he was tempted to do something brazen.

She settled in next to him, tits still proudly displayed, panties noticeably damp. Her hand went to his lap, at first settling tentatively over the bulge in his pants. She glanced sidelong at him, and seemed to gain confidence from his reaction.

Laine was probably letting his sister get away with more than he should. But then, that bridge had already been crossed. She'd masturbated right in his lap. It wasn't really a big stretch from there.

Cat was getting more forceful, really grinding her palm against his cock. It was nice, but it wasn't enough. If they were doing this, if it was going to happen, they needed to commit.

"I think my pants need to come off," Laine said.

Cat nodded absently. "Good idea."

She kept rubbing his cock.

"That means you need to let me stand up," Laine added.

"Oh. Right."

Cat jerked her hand away from her brother's hard cock and bounced off the couch. A bemused Laine followed a bit more slowly. He started to undo his pants, but she was faster.

Cat knelt down in front of him and tore at his jeans like it was a race. It was so much nicer once she got his pants pulled down his legs and his cock had more space to breathe. It was still contained in his boxers, but they didn't restrain it quite so tightly.

"You're awfully eager," Laine said.

That slowed Cat down a little. She had his pants off, and she was still kneeling in front of him. She was a picture of sexy innocence with her perky tits still out and a slightly hesitant look on her face.

"Is that bad?" she asked.

"No. Just... you know. Interesting."

She squirmed indecisively. "You're making it sound weird."

"Not weird. Not exactly."

Cat gazed up at her brother, a slight pout in her expression. "I wanna see it," she said. "I know you get hard around me, and I like that, but I never get to see. Or play."

"That's supposed to be how it works with siblings, you know."

"Yeah, but... it's different with us. And usually I have cuffs on when stuff happens, so I just wanna play a little." Cat made big puppy eyes. "Please?"

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I never told you to stop."

"No. I guess you didn't."

In fact, Laine had been a little worried that he was going to have to be responsible thanks to their conversation. He was just as eager as his sister, if not more so thanks to his teased and ignored erection.

He was horny, dammit. And it was all Cat's fault. Her and her soft titties and pouty eyes and wanton attitude and... everything really.

Cat's eyes were bright and excited as she pulled down Laine's boxers. Her mouth went adorably round and appreciative as his cock sprang free, nearly catching her across the nose from her proximity.

"Oh wow...."

Laine flushed. He wasn't as used to being examined as she was. It was nice, but also a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Cat seemed fantastically happy with the toy she'd found in his underwear. She ran her fingertips along his shaft, touching it oh-so-delicately while her warm breath caressed it from the front.

She really was fascinated. Laine's discomfort gave way to a dull pride as his little sister fondled and stroked his cock. Now that she'd started, he had an insanely strong need for her to continue. Not that she showed any sign of wanting to stop.

Cat played with his cock using both hands and a variety of grips and pressures. Her experimentation felt amazing, but was even better once she finally tried out her mouth.

Laine let out a low moan as her tongue flicked across the tip of his straining erection. She smiled at the response and licked again. She danced her nimble little tongue all around his shaft, over the head, the underside, all the way to the base. Her eyes met his frequently as she looked up for approval.

"Goddamn you're beautiful," Laine whispered. He put his hand on Cat's cheek and she leaned into it, nuzzling at his palm for a moment before returning to her exploratory licking mission. "The crazy thing is I never would have realized just how amazingly sexy you are if you hadn't become so obsessed with those handcuffs."

"No," she agreed. "And I probably wouldn't have wanted you to." She gave him a cheshire grin. "But it turns out I love you perving on me."

Still smiling wickedly, Cat clasped her hands behind her back, parted her lips, and leaned forward. She engulfed almost half her brother's cock in one go.

Laine's legs went weak at the sight of his little sister giving him a hands-free blowjob, tits still out, puppy eyes being used to full effect. She valiantly tried to get more and more of his cock in her mouth, though was limited by inexperience and her refusal to use her hands to help.

Laine was pretty sure she was simulating having her wrists cuffed, though he wasn't totally sure if that was for his benefit or hers. Probably hers. She liked those things more than he ever would. They did things to her, things he didn't fully understand.

"Good girl," he said on impulse. He stroked her hair. "Good little sister."

Cat's cheeks reddened and she bobbed her head faster.

He stepped back and sat down on the couch. His cock popped free of her mouth with a small explosion of saliva.

Cat frowned in annoyance that her penis had been taken away. She crawled forward on her knees and bent down to his lap to get back to work. She had to use a hand to steady herself, but she made a good effort of working without it as much as possible.

Laine ran his fingers through her hair, occasionally murmuring some small compliment or encouragement. She was dedicated and hardly so much as stopped for air.

Cat was so single-minded, in fact, that she seemingly forgot what she was working toward. Despite Laine's last-second warning, she still coughed in surprise and hurriedly pulled her mouth off of his cock once cum began shooting out of it.
