Handsome Goes to College Ch. 03


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Entry was considerably easier this time. All she said during the entire fuck was, "I don't believe this!' I think she said it three times. She came quickly, but her moans went up several octaves and woke Sigourney, who wandered into the kitchen clutching a towel to her body in case someone new had come into the house.

"Up early, I see," she said and sat down next to us and watched as I fucked Elaine harder and harder until I came emptying my balls in her ass.

"Jesus Christ!" Elaine gasped.

"How many times did you come?" Sigourney inquired innocently.

"I ... I think, maybe seven."

"Seven! Jesus ... did you save anything for me, Aubrey?"

"I think she's including those when I was eating her."

"Oh, thank God, then you've saved me some."

"You betcha, baby," I laughed and waved my limp dick in her direction.

"Elaine, you'll have to get him hard for me. Be a dear and suck him for a while will you?"

"Sure, Sigourney, I'd be happy to. Bree, why don't you sit down here?" she indicated the kitchen chair next to Sigourney. I sat down and she dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth and started sucking.

I kept looking at the clock on the wall as Elaine worked on me. It took her seven minutes to get me hard. She removed me from her mouth with a satisfied grunt, said, "There, you're a big boy again. Sigourney?"

"I'll take it from here," Siggy laughed, and dropped the towel to the floor, took me by the cock and led me to the bedroom. Elaine followed and sat down cross-legged at the foot of the bed.

"Take me, Tarzan" Sigourney laughed and spread her legs in as erotic an invitation as one could wish for.

I knelt at the juncture of her thighs, and slowly embedded my cock in her. She sighed. It was a gratified sound and I lifted her legs, placed them over my shoulders and leaned forward until my chest was against hers, separated only by her thighs. I pushed harder and my dick penetrated her as far as was possible.

"Ooof," she grunted. I heard Elaine snicker, then laugh out loud. "He can get in there, can't he?" she giggled.

Sigourney caught her breath then said, "I think I can feel you pressing against my cervix."

I tried to press harder, but I couldn't go any further. Instead, I pulled out fast and pushed in just as fast. My flank thumped against her pussy. She let out a small yelp.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked.

"I don't think so," she assured me.

I did it again.

"No, that doesn't hurt. But don't stop. I'll tell you when to stop if I need too."

I nodded and resumed my fucking. With each thrust, her yelps became a little louder. Before they became full-fledged screams, I needed to stretch my cramping leg muscles. I moved up again and let her legs slide off my shoulders. She took a deep breath and focused her eyes on me.

"Need a break?" she asked. "I can get on top."

"Sure," I said, sliding around to the pillow next to hers. She deftly mounted me, sinking her wonderful snatch onto my glistening shaft. Now it was my turn to gasp as she impaled herself on me with a force that had me gasping for breath. She was truly a vision of loveliness, the bouncing of her breasts delicately illuminated by early morning sun as it began its daily rise up in the sky outside the bedroom.

I watched her face as she concentrated, now fully in control. I intended to lie there and rest, but my body reacted to the stimulation of her pussy and began thrusting up to meet her downward thrusts. The bed began issuing forth rhythmic squeaks as our pounding intensified.

Tiny beads of perspiration were forming on her chest. I could feel that I was sweating as well, making the sheet beneath my ass damp.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Elaine fingering herself and wincing each time Sigourney slammed her cunt down upon my manhood. She was imagining it was herself getting fucked. She was that obvious about things., not knowing that I could see her actions.

Sigourney was the athletic type as well as I, so it was a race to see who gave in first. We both made modifications to the position as time passed. She adjusted the angle of her hips so that she could rub her clit against the base of my dick, and later she sat upright and rubbed her clit with two fingers.

As for me, I had my cock in a state where it would take a long time before ejaculating, so I contented myself with capturing a nipple between my lips and suckling her like a baby, switching nips when she began to protest it was getting sore.

I heard Elaine come when Sigourney got up and turned around so she was facing her. I didn't bother turning to look, but contented myself with fondling the globes of Siggy's lovely ass, and when I tired of that, I let my fingers explore the top of her slit to search for her clit.

A minute or so later she turned back around and I could see sweat on her temples. Her hair was getting damp. I looked at the clock. We had been in this position for twenty minutes.

"You must need a break by now. How about a change?" I suggested.

It was apparent she wanted to continue, but she was getting tired. She managed to pant, "Okay ... doggy?"

I nodded. She lifted off me. The hair around the base of my dick was saturated with her juices. She leaned over and moved onto all fours. I got up on my knees and thrust my erection through her slippery lips, seating myself in one stroke. She leaned forward on her elbows as I started thrusting. I reached around to encircle her waist, then slid my hands up her body until I gripped a breast in each hand as a handle. I squeezed the nipples to put extra pressure there as our thrusting caused me to tug at her sensitive cones.

She was beyond moaning now. She was screaming. In this position, her entrance was putting pressure on the bottom of my dick and I knew I couldn't last much longer. I was ready to cum. I was getting tired. I was also worried that she was getting sore. I thrust harder to push her over the edge. She lost her balance on her elbows and fell forward, now fully face down on the mattress. I moved a little further over her. I put both hands on her ass cheeks to rest my weight there. Now my dick felt as if it was going straight down into her body. I knew the head was rubbing against her G spot. She couldn't speak intelligibly now. Her words were muffled moans verging on screams.

I felt Elaine's hands on my back urging me on and I crossed the point of no return slamming into Siggy particularly hard. My hands tensed, the fingertips digging into her ass. Elaine was clawing at my back. The welts she put there would last for several weeks, but I felt almost nothing at the time for I was erupting inside Sigourney, adding to the already ample slickness. I shot five or six spurts really hard, then the tension eased and I leaned even more over her.

My ejaculate was down to a dribble as I moved to rest on her back, and my rapidly softening dick slid out of her channel only to have Elaine pounce on it and clean any vestiges of sperm away with her tongue.

Sigourney let out a slow groan as I rested my face against the back of her neck. I could feel that her hair was wet with sweat. I could also feel a flood of warm fluid bathing my dick. That's when I realized what Elaine was up to. I didn't give a rat's ass what she did at this point.

I was finished for a while. A good while.

Neither Sigourney nor I moved. Whether because we were basking in the glow of what we had just done, or out of sheer exhaustion. The only sound in the room was our heavy panting as we each caught our breath and the slurping sound Elaine made sucking my dick clean.

After a few minutes of this, I rolled off her. I didn't want to move away from her warm flesh, but I knew she must be uncomfortable with my weight against her. I slid to the side, one leg still between hers, an arm around her waist, and my side against hers. I turned my head to her and kissed her cheek, right in front of her ear. She shivered.

"Ooh, you know I love that. I'm so sensitive there," she said in a voice that told me she still wasn't fully there.

"I'm sure you're sensitive in a lot of places right now," I responded. She gave a happy grunt of agreement.

I held her like that for a time. Her heart was still beating so hard that I could feel it with my arm on her back. At last, she turned over. The hair around her pussy was matted with our juices. I could see that she had been lying in a wet spot. It must have been a puddle at first, until the bedding soaked it up.

She looked at Elaine and laughed. "I almost forgot about you."

"I can understand why," Elaine said smiling at her.



"Want me to go down on you?"

"That would be very nice, but first I think I've gotta pee."

"I'll help you," Elaine offered.

"Ordinarily, I'd be too embarrassed to accept, but I don't think I can make it there without help, so thanks."

She helped Siggy into a sitting position on the side of the bed, then helped her stand, supporting her with one arm around her waist and Siggy's arm around her shoulder. Together, they shuffled to the bathroom. Elaine eased her onto the toilet seat then turned to leave.

"Stay," she said. "You've come this far with me. I don't have any more secrets."

They both smiled. I watched them from the bed. Sigourney stared at Elaine as she peed. When she was done, Elaine helped her back to bed.

Sigourney said, "I am going to be so sore today. Do you want to stay here with us?"

"I can't," Elaine replied. "I have an important meeting this afternoon that I can't miss."

Sigourney pouted.

Elaine laughed. "I really can't miss it. Sorry."

"Okay," Siggy said as her pout softened. "Then come back tonight, or tomorrow night."

"You show him no mercy, do you?"

Siggy laughed and said, "He ... we make fuck films. That's what we do all day long."

Elaine was intrigued by the concept. "Really? You two kids are into porn?"

"We're not kids," Siggy protested.

"Maybe not, but you're really young," Elaine said with a grin.

"Aubrey, you told me you were twenty-one. Are you really?"

I grinned back at her and said, "Twenty ... just turned it actually."

"And you're making these films?"

"Since high school."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm serious. Let me ask you something. Would you be interested in participating in one?"

"Me? In a porn flick?"

"Yes, Elaine, you, staring in your own film."

"I ... I don't know what to say."

Sigourney jumped in, saying, "Say yes, Elaine. You'd be perfect."

"Perfect ... in porn. Sounds like a title.," Elaine laughed.

"Tell you what," I said, "Are you free tomorrow afternoon around three?"

"I could be," Elaine answered with a horny glint in her eye. "Why?"

"I'll give you the address, drop in and see how it works. You can see for yourself. And I'll see to it that you get a proper fuck for your trouble."

"Now that's an offer I can't refuse. Where's that address?"

Rehearsal and Shoot

The following afternoon we were scheduled to rehearse a walkthrough of Demetri's material involving a chance meeting between a man and a woman exiting the restrooms at a posh hotel while a wedding was in progress.

There were two separate scenes undergoing the walkthrough - just outside the restroom and the walk down the corridor, trying doors until finding one open - then in the unoccupied room itself and having sex before the woman returned to the wedding and the man going his separate way.

To my surprise, Elaine entered the house along with Sigourney, and something told me it wasn't accidental.

Also present were Dan Deleon, Wilbur and Vinnie handling the camerawork, Demetri, who had written the script, and Molly Trammel, a woman in her early forties who would be reading the female part and also auditioning for the role. Also present was a male actor who had answered one of our ads; Tucker Treeman, who we soon learned had a monstrous sized cock that had every woman present drooling.

I was impressed with the manner in which Molly and Tucker read their lines. They really were in sync with one another and seemed to realize it as they played off one another. Now it should be remembered the dialogue being read involved two people hitting it off and being sexually attracted to the other.

I called a break and they sat down and had a cup of coffee while I pointed out where they might improve their respective lines (I always made a point of doing this in hopes of getting an even better performance when the cameras were rolling. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.) It was during this point that I saw the heat building in Molly's eyes and decided to go for the sex scene while she was in the mood.

Demetri objected and Dan agreed with him. Sigourney supported me, but it was Molly's nodding her head in approval that decided things.

Sigourney helped Molly into the gown her character would have worn to the wedding, and Tucker put on the dress suit he had brought with him right from the dry cleaners.

Dan wanted to know if we should start with Molly entering the ladies room, but I insisted that we start with them entering the empty hotel room simply because we didn't Have a restroom or a hotel lobby at hand, so we adjourned to the larger of the two guest rooms, made sure the bed was made and nothing unusual was strewn about.

No one bothered to comment on the fact that Tucker and Molly had not rehearsed their lines (the few there were) prior to beginning to film the scene. In retrospect I say we were all a bunch of horny toads, me included.

The script called for them to use mostly body language as they proceeded down the hall to the room, trying room after room until finding one that opened. When an unlocked door was found, Molly was to glance over her shoulder as she entered the room with Tucker quickly following her.

I told them we would shoot that part when we found a suitable hotel and that we would start the shoot inside the "hotel" room. There were two cameramen working from opposite sides of the room. I made sure the actors had sufficient room to move about without bumping into the equipment and told Molly we would begin with her closing the door behind Tucker and then kissing him.

"Roll 'em!" I yelled and Molly entered the room with Tucker right on her heels. They closed the door and she was in his arms kissing him hungrily.

I scanned the room to see the reaction of the onlookers.

They were stunned by the actions of the two actors, but apparently not as much as Molly and Tucker were with one another. Molly had Tucker naked from the waist up before the kiss ended.

Still fully clothed herself, she began licking his neck with broad swaths of her tongue until she began moving down his chest, nibbling slightly at his nipples, and unzipping his fly.

I heard Don hoarsely whisper, "Jesus Christ!" and realized I had been mouthing the exact same words myself.

Molly freed Tuckers cock after a brief struggle with his clothing. There was a collective gasp from those in the room that would have to be deleted at a later time for his sexual apparatus was enormous! Not only longer than most appendages, it was also thicker than any I had ever laid eyes on, and that included my black buddy Marco Abernathy.

He moaned as she stroked him using both hands to do so. Molly sank to her knees and still using both hands lifted him to her wide-open mouth.

I began praying that one or more cameras were getting this in close-up.

It was at this point that Tucker took control of matters, gently holding her head while guiding her mouth back and forth on his shimmering saliva covered cockhead.

I realized that Molly would be unable to fellate him with any sense of success, at least from a photographic viewpoint and broke the silence on the set by yelling, "Tucker, just fuck her!"

Thus bestowing on him the nickname that would follow him for years: Tucker the Fucker.

Proving himself a pro in the porno genre, Tucker took control, easing Molly to an all fours position then hiking her dress up and pulling her thong to one side before wetting his fingers and applying them to her pussy opening.

"Are you wet enough?" he inquired gently.

"I ... yes, I guess so," Molly answered.

He mounted her doggy-style and apparently entered her with an ease no one watching expected.

Glancing over at Elaine, I saw her unabashedly masturbating, uncaring that others were alternating their view from her to Molly and Tucker and back again.

It was at this juncture that Tucker took over. With a loud grunt he drove his monstrous cock into Molly's deepest recesses- withdrew it until only the tip remained lodged inside her - then rammed it back. Molly shuddered, moaned and obviously came. But he was only preparing her for what was to come. He repeated the slow in and out twice more.

Later he confided to me that he was, "Loosening her up." But then he resorted to a faster pummeling of her loins, with Molly quivering and quaking with each hammering thrust. No one knew just how many orgasms Molly had during this fantastic fuck. No one actually cared, but everyone knew that she was coming almost constantly before he ended things by pulling out while she slid slowly to the floor in a dead faint, shaking convulsively as her orgasm continued.

I had the cameras on Molly until she struggled to her knees and Tucker helped her to her feet. Only then did I risk halting the filming. What we had was hot ... so hot I couldn't wait to see how it came out on film.

Molly needed five minutes before her legs stopped shaking. With her approval, we resumed shooting and had the couple repair their clothing and kiss one another farewell, with Molly returning to the wedding reception and Tucker going off in another direction.

"Wow, that worked for me," Sigourney said.

I agreed, but added that Demetri might want to add more detail to their coupling behind the open door. To my surprise, everyone, including Demetri disagreed with me.

"You know," he said, "I was thinking of ending it with her apologizing to her husband or boyfriend for being gone so long, and when he accepted her apology, she would suggest it might be time for them to think about getting married. But after seeing them together that would ruin the great fuck for the viewers. I'd leave it just where it is, going their separate ways."

We discussed his suggestion and eventually agreed with him, and that's how the scene wound up. I had a cup of coffee, hoping my erection might subside before addressing the crew concerning the remainder of the shoot the following day when I noticed Elaine was missing.

"She's probably fucking Tucker," Sigourney whispered. "I saw her take his arm and steer him into the other bedroom."

She was. One of them had made a pit stop in the kitchen first because they had a bowl filled, or almost filled, with ice cubes. Elaine hadn't bothered removing her clothing, her pantyhose dangled from her left leg and she was trying to shake it off but was paying more attention to Tucker's dick, which she had planted firmly in her mouth.

I had to give her credit, she was able to take much more than Molly had, and that was a fact readily evident to both Sigourney and me.

And with my eyes glued to the couple on the bed I vaguely heard Sigourney whisper, "I love watching other people having sex. I'm such a huge voyeur I think I'd rather watch than actually do it—almost."

My hand involuntarily squeezed her gluteus maximus causing her to moan softly in the dimly lit bedroom. Neither of the two on the bed appeared to have heard her, for Tucker was asking Elaine if she could take one more.

One more what? I wondered. Only to have Sigourney hiss in my ear: "He's sticking ice up her pussy!

My God, why didn't I ever think of it?"

"Ohhh, shit ... I ... I ... oh, fuck, yeah baby!"