Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 10


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Gabby said to the Payne's classmates, "If you ever mob her like that, again, I will not be as nice as I just was."

The boys she had thrown two aisles away were wondering, "If this was nice, what would she do to us, if she were angry?"

Gabby took Payne by the arm and escorted her out of the room, and asked her if she was okay.

Payne said, "I am a little shaken, but otherwise, I am intact."

A voice was yelling Payne's name from down the corridor, but neither Payne nor Gabby could see who was calling out. Finally, a young woman charged through the crowd and ran towards Payne. Gabby was about to stand in front of her, but Payne put her arm out and stopped her. She opened her arms, as Cynthia Morgan reached out for and clutched Payne to her chest. They cried in each other's arms, for a while, until they could look into each other's eyes.

Payne looked at Cynthia and said, "How did you recognize me?"

Cynthia replied, "Steve told me to look for the most beautiful girl in school, and when I saw you, there was no doubt in my mind."

"You sure do know how to make a girl feel wonderful!"

"So do you, girlfriend, so do you."

Payne said to Cynthia, "You know I should be angry with you, but I cannot be."

"Why should you be angry with me?"

"I wanted to kill Steve, but you told me he said something nice about me, so now I cannot kill him. Maybe I will just castrate him."

Cynthia cried out, "Please do not do that."

Payne asked her, "Why?"

Cynthia dropped her head and said, "He just asked me to go out with him, out on a date."

"He did what? Do you know what his reputation is? All he is going to want to do is get into your pants and I will kill him if he does."

Cynthia smiled and said, "I know, that is why we are going on a double date, with you and Dycke."

Payne smiled, "You sneaky devil, you."

"I am also putting pins in my underwear. So if he tries anything, you will hear a loud cry of pain coming from your brother's mouth."

"When are we doing this?"

"I want to go Saturday night, if it's okay with you?"

"I will tell Dycke. It will be fine with him."

"Okay, I have to run to class. I hope to see you after school. Goodbye, Payne."

"Goodbye, Cynthia."

Every class was a replication of Payne's first class. By the time her lunch period came, the entire school knew to look for, and knew who she was. They also knew about Gabby and everyone kept a respectful distance when they talked to Payne, either in class or in the hallway. The best part of her day came after the last bell. Payne and Gabby walked into the parking lot, where the big black limousine, with Dycke holding the door open, waited for them.

Dycke was dressed in a dark suit, tie, and hat. The students stopped in their tracks, as Payne and Gabby got into the car. The limousine drove, slowly, through the parking lot and out onto the street. Dycke pushed the button that lowered the privacy window separating the front and back compartments. He crawled through, into the back, and asked Payne, "Did you enjoy my little surprise?"

Payne laughed and said, "It was the highlight of my day, and there were many of them."

He asked her if she wanted a snack and she said, "I'd love a hamburger."

Dycke turned around and said, "Milt, Wendy's please."

"Okay, Dycke. Wendy's it is."

Dycke made a few phone calls to see if anybody else wanted something, and it seemed that everybody wanted something. After everything was tallied up and put in the trunk of the limousine. Payne's hamburger run cost Dycke a little more than eight hundred dollars. Of course, that included Payne's medium Diet Coke, French fries, and a cookie.

Dycke's parents returned from their 'vacation' in New Zealand extolling the beauty of that country. Their only regret was the loss of communication with the outside world. While they were on tour with their guides and agents, for some reason their computers and phones did not work. Therefore, when they walked in the door, the first thing that they wanted to do was to catch up on the news with Dycke and Fiona. However, the first thing they saw, when they walked into their house at 6 AM, was Payne walking around barefoot and in one of Dycke's T-shirts, that barely covered her ass.

Payne was nonplussed. She ran to Chad and Bacillica and said, "Welcome back mom and dad. Did you have a great vacation?"

Bacillica said, "Yes we did, Payne, we had a wonderful time. Where is our son?"

Payne said, "That sleepy head is still in our bed. I will go wake him up and tell him you are home." With that, Payne turned around and ran upstairs; her hips moving so Chad and Bacillica could clearly see she was not wearing panties. They looked at each other in wonderment. They knew there had been some changes while they were gone. However, they had not anticipated this one change.

Dycke came charging down stairs and grabbed his mother and said, "Welcome back mom." He kissed her and then did the same to his father. He asked them where they had been, because no one would tell him.

His father said, "If it's okay with you, Dycke, we would like to get out of the hallway and go sit down and talk in a more comfortable place. Apparently, many changes have taken place since we have been gone, and we would like to hear about them. After that, we will tell you all about our trip."

"Absolutely, dad, anything you want is fine with me. Let me go upstairs and throw some clothes on, and I will meet you down here in a few minutes."

Fiona came out of the den hearing all the talking in the hallway, and greeted Chad and Bacillica. She told them that they might want to take out pen and paper, because so much had happened since they were hurried out of the country, it would almost be too much to remember it all.

Chad looked at her and said, "Are we talking about good things or bad things?"

Fiona looked at him and said, "Right now, they are okay things."

Chad looked at Bacillica and said, "Oh my!"

Payne came bounding down the stairs, twenty minutes later, dressed for school, and said that she was sorry she could not stay with them longer. However, she would be with them all evening, when she got home, to listen to the stories about their trip. Then she kissed Chad and Bacillica and said "Goodbye."

Bacillica turned to Fiona and asked, "Did Payne just say to us 'when she got home?'"

Fiona smiled and said, "Yes, she did."

Bacillica asked, "Would you like to explain that to us?"

Fiona said, "No, I think I'll let Dycke do that."

Chad smiled and said, "Chicken!"

"I would like to live long enough to get married."

Bacillica said, "Who am I going to kill for this?"

The voice behind her said, "Me!"

They turned around to see Dycke standing there, with a big grin on his face.

His mother said, "Alright wise ass, get into the den, you have a lot of explaining to do."

For the next several hours, Chad and Bacillica listened to the stories Dycke and Fiona told. Most of the stories were factual; and not open to interpretation. Some were funny. The remainder was frightening. One of the more frightening ones included them. Their computers and phones were not broken. They were kept off the air, so that no one could trace their whereabouts. No one knew how good the kidnapper's technology was. Marti did not want to take a chance and have the kidnappers find them, while they were in the wilds of New Zealand. The most frightening was Sunday's altercation at Appian Way. Bacillica thanked God that children are so resilient, because if it were she, sitting in that car, she would have had a nervous breakdown. She looked at her son and asked him if he was truly all right.

Dycke replied, "Mom. Marti and Fiona let us watch and participate in the planning of the assault and the defense of the limousine. We watched how meticulously they put together their plan. They worked on it from every angle, including land, air, and sea. I have never seen anything like it. While we sat in the car, preparing for the worst, I never had one doubt that the kidnappers would get close enough to us to cause us any harm. None of them got past the trucks. That was the plan and that was how it worked. Marti told the FBI people the other day that we got lucky. Fiona told them that it is amazing how lucky you get, when you have good intelligence; you develop a good plan; everyone memorizes it down to the last detail and, everyone follows the plan."

Chad and Bacillica laughed when Fiona slapped Dycke on the back of his head and told him never to quote her, out of context, again. She said, "You forgot to tell your parents that the bad guys did not know about the armored car."

Dycke's parents said in unison, "Armored car?"

"Yes dad. You saw the Mercedes parked down the block?"

"You mean that thing, by the swale, that takes half the area of the playground?"

"Yes dad, that is it, "Dycke said.

"That is yours," his dad asked.

"Well, I have not paid for it yet, but I am going to, because it saved my life and the lives of everyone that was in it."

"How much is that going to cost you, son?" his dad asked.

"It will cost me fifty thousand Euros dad."

"Where are the papers? If you do not want it, I will buy it."

"It is a little tough on gas mileage and my uncle demands prompt payment. If he does not get the money before April 15th, he will not be able to pay his US taxes and he will become destitute."

Chad looked at his son and said, "Yeah, right.

"I will buy it, through one of the corporations, and lease it to your company, for one dollar per year, as long as I can use it, when I have the need."

"You drive a hard bargain son, but I believe I can live with it."

"Dad, I have to start getting ready to pick up Payne at school. I want to surprise her, when she comes out of the building. Unless there is something else you want to talk about now, I am going to run upstairs and shower.

"Yes Dycke, there is one more thing we need to talk about. The stadium at the school will be finished in about seven weeks. What dedication do you want on the scoreboard?"

"That is easy, dad. Name it "The Chad and Bacillica Schneider Sports Complex." You can design the lettering and the configuration of the scoreboard; just make it big enough to contain the entire name."

Bacillica said to her son, "Dycke, your name deserves to be up there."

He said, "Mom, most of the people at that school hate me and I dislike most of them. I asked dad to build this complex because we made a deal, with the principal, who I like, and the teachers, who were very good to me. As far as I am concerned, I hope the students never remember I went to that school."

After Payne had been taking classes for three weeks, her teachers gave her every test that she had missed. She surprised them all by getting grades no lower than ninety-five percent on any of them, and acing most of them When they asked her how she did it after missing seven weeks of school, she told them about the discs she listened to while she was in an induced coma. They all listened to her, in awe, not really believing that such a thing was possible. However, here Payne was, having missed seven weeks of school, scoring higher than ninety-nine percent of the students who had attended class daily. They told Payne, that it might be a good idea to put the other ninety-nine percent to sleep.

Payne replied, "My father's insurance paid a lot of money towards my care. The part that was not covered by his insurance cost my fiancé a little bit less than half a million dollars."

The teachers were stunned by the cost and started coughing. One said, "For that amount of money, I will take every test for a student, through his Master's degree." The other teachers laughed, but nodded in agreement.

May 23rd was both senior day and Prom night. Seniors would have half a day of school and go home to prepare for their big night of revelry at the Hilton Hotel and Spa. Payne had other ideas. She asked Dycke for permission to take a few 'friends' for a luxury weekend, to Bermuda. When she got back, she told him, she would own them. She was ready to get even with the people that gave her the worst time while she was in school.

Dycke smiled at her and said, "No more, 'Miss Nice Girl'?"

Payne replied, "There are four weeks remaining until the end of school. I want to see how many hearts I can break between now and then. They had years to break my spirit, now it is my turn. The Reign of Payne is here, Let the games begin."

"That is my girl. Go out there and get them, Payne. Give them no quarter. I will be at your side, whenever you need me."

49. Trial by Fire

When they were getting into bed, on Friday evening, Dycke asked Payne if she was feeling okay. When Payne asked him, "Why," he said that she was flushed and had a little perspiration on her upper lip and forehead.

Payne looked at Dycke and said, "I have just made my list of who I'm going to get even with first, and I am a little worked up over it."

"Can I help you in any way?"

"Including us, how many people can the jet hold?"

"When you talk about us, you are talking about four people, you, Fiona, Gabby, and me. We can carry eight more people, including us."

"Okay Dycke, here is what I want to do: I'm going to spread the word around school that after the Prom, I am going to take four of my friends and their dates for an all-expense paid weekend to Bermuda, by private jet. I will tell Cynthia and Steve they will not be coming in advance, so their feelings will not be hurt. I would like you to book a suite for us and Fiona and Gabby. I want you to book the smallest single rooms available for the eight others. When they are with us, we will pay for everything. If they go out on their own, they are on their own."

"I know someone who is very good at doing that kind of stuff. She might be willing to help."

Payne asked, "Who is it?"

"Your mother!"

Payne's face lit up with a smile and she said, "You know, sometimes payback is a bitch."

Dycke asked Payne, "Can I do anything to help calm you down?"

In her best southern accent Payne asked, "Why sir, are you making advances towards me?"

Dycke replied, "Miss, I am coming on to you, as Sherman took Atlanta and Grant took Richmond. However, I expect you will fight, like Lee at Gettysburg."

Payne said in response, "Sir, I suspect at the end of the battle of Gettysburg, you anticipate being General Meade?"

"Indeed, you are a brilliant young woman."

"In that case, sir, history is about to be rewritten: 'The South shall rise again!'"

"Off with you clothes, woman, your mother wants you asleep by midnight. I must exhaust you by then."

Payne took off her nightshirt, and surprised Dycke by being naked underneath. She grinned at him, lasciviously. She attacked him head on, instead of waiting for him to attack her. Payne did not mind hearing Dycke say that he was always on the giving end and she was on the receiving end. She knew it was always a good-natured ribbing. Tonight, she was going to give and he was going to receive the best she had ever given him.

Payne trapped Dycke under her body. She held his arms down with her hands and kissed him on his face, neck, and chest. Her left knee was between his legs, trapping his underwear, between his knees. He could not maneuver his body because he could not move his legs. Every time he tried to move one way, Payne moved her body in the opposite direction, as a counterbalance.

Realizing he was trapped, Dycke had two choices: He could use his arms and throw her off him, which would piss her off; or, he could let her do what she wanted to do and see where it led them. As he considered these two options, he decided that Payne was too close to his balls for any dramatic action. If she got angry with him, she could do him irreparable harm with one quick strike. He decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and let her continue leading the way.

Payne sucked on Dycke's nipples, each in turn. She was happy to see that his rose just like hers, not as high or as hard, but it proved to her that she was turning him on. Another part of Dycke proved that he was turned on, and she had not even touched that, yet.

Payne continued kissing Dycke's body along his rib cage down his flat stomach to his, adorable, belly button and down further to the unruly growth of hair that surrounded his penis. She decided at that moment that she was going to become a stylist, one of these nights, and clean up this area completely. She did mean completely. She realized that in order to get him to go along with her plan, she would have to go first. As she began looking around his balls, she thought she should make a little game out of it. She would have him shave her, and when he was finished with her, she could talk him into shaving him completely, or at least give him a military cut.

Payne's head was moving rapidly up and down on Dycke's dick. It was swollen to capacity, and her tongue and saliva was making it as slick as oil. Dycke wanted to grab Payne's head and force it deeper and deeper onto his pride, but did not want to hurt her. She did not give him head as often as he would like, but their sex life was outstanding, by any measure that he knew. She was free with her body any time he wanted, and enjoyed what he did with her. When they were together, she always had multiple orgasms, and she always caused him to have several climaxes. As far as he was concerned, they were a perfect match.

Dycke's penis swelled in Payne's mouth and she knew he was getting ready to blow his load. She moved her head down, as far as she could take it in her mouth, and then she pushed a little harder and put another two inches of his prick into her throat. She started to withdraw, and continued the up-and-down motion, as she reached the top of his penis she stopped. She went back down and returned his back into her throat. Again, she heard Dycke moan. She wondered what he was feeling that was so different. She pulled back, did it again, and received the same sound. She pulled back once more, wanting him to come. With complete abandon, she drove her head down on Dycke's penis and wound up with Dycke's entire manhood in her throat. Her eyes opened wide, as her mouth touched his pubic hair. Had she really just done this? Was she crazy? She knew how big he was and she could not possibly have all that meat in her mouth and down her throat. If he swelled up, she would suffocate. She would not be able to breathe.

She heard Dycke moan loudly, he grabbed her head and yelled, "I'm coming!" She felt his sperm shot down her esophagus for what felt like minutes. He was in 'fire hose' mode again, but she knew, this time, she would not be a mess. When he finally finished, he released her head, and Payne -- slowly -- started to pull her head off Dycke's prick. She started her up and down motions, to get every drop of fluid out of him. It felt as if it took her an hour to get all of his length out of her throat and mouth. When it finally popped out, she was able to breathe in huge gulps of air.

Dycke looked at Payne, and as her eyes met his, he said, "That was fantastic! How did you do that? What possessed you to try it? You told me that you would never even think about it?"

Payne looked at him and said, "I just wanted to go a little deeper, which I did. I went down an inch maybe a little more. The last time I was going down, I went down too fast. You were so wet, you just slid all the way down, and I wound up with my nose against your stomach. I did not move. I was too scared to move. Then, you came and I did not taste a thing, because you were past my taste buds, so everything just went down my esophagus and into my stomach. It was, really cool. The scary part was, when I had to take it out of my mouth. I never thought it would stop. It just kept coming and coming and coming. Finally, I felt the helmet pop past my lips and I was able to breathe. I did not even realize, while it was in my throat, that I was not breathing.