Hell of a Pyjama Party

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Mum and her kids play the weirdest getting to know you game.
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Angela entered the house through the garage to find her two children staring at her from the sofa. "Horrible weather," she said.

Ian nodded. "Can't believe you drove in that, Mum."

She shrugged. "It was clear when I left work. Downsides to a long commute I guess." She paused and took them both in. "Pyjamas already, huh?"

Rebecca shrugged. "I was supposed to have an old fashioned pyjama party with some of my friends, but they all bailed because this weather was too intense. Ian agreed to fill in."

Angela raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you were willing to pry yourself away from your computer."

"Just being a good brother," said Ian, "and also the internet's out. But it's mostly because I'm an amazing brother."

"Right," said Angela. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she briefly pulled it out, looked at it, nodded and put it back. "Dad's staying the night at a friend's."

"Makes sense," said Rebecca. "Don't see how anyone in their right mind would be driving right now."

"Cheeky," said Angela. She dropped her briefcase on the ground and flopped into the armchair next to the sofa holding her kids. "So, what kind of shenanigans are you getting up to at this pyjama party? Pillow fights? Watching scary movies? Eating ice cream? Talking about which boys we think are cute?"

"Not watching anything without internet," said Rebecca.

"There's always DVDs."

"Too much effort," said Ian. "I don't think our DVD player is even plugged in at the moment."

"We should play truth or dare," said Rebecca.

"Oooh, count me in," said Angela. "Might be the only way I get some juicy information out of my kids."

"That goes both ways, Mum," said Ian. "We are going to dig up your deepest, darkest secrets, and use them against you."

Angela raised an eyebrow. "Is that so, young man?"

"Absolutely not," said Rebecca. "You have to respect the sanctity and secrecy of the pyjama party truth or dare game. It's like confession, except without the shameful history of covering up abuse."

"Getting a bit heavy for a pyjama party," said Ian.

Rebecca shrugged. "That may be so, Ian, however: truth or dare?"

"Oh, straight into it? Truth," said Ian. "Coincidentally, what happens if I decide I can't possibly reveal the shameful truth of whatever question you ask?"

"Well apart from the shame of being too cowardly to answer a simple question," said Angela, "the other two players get to agree on a penalty."

"Probably something humiliating or painful," said Rebecca.

"Just curious," said Ian, "obviously I'm going to answer all the questions."

"Great," said Rebecca. "This should be an easy question. Just easing you into it. Do any of your friends think I'm cute?"


"Which ones?"

"Huh, are follow-up questions allowed?"

"No," said Angela. "Sorry Rebecca, that's your question, might have to save it for next turn."

"Must be rusty," said Rebecca. "That's a rookie error there."

"Must be my turn," said Ian. "Hey Mum, truth or dare?"


"Also starting with truth, ey?" said Rebecca. "Cowards, both of you."

"You've gotta ease into it," said Angela.

"All right Mum," said Ian. "How many men and women did you sleep with before Dad?"

"Wow, I thought we were easing into it?" said Rebecca.

Ian shrugged. "It's probably zero."

"Wow," said Angela. "I don't know what's cheekier, the initial question or the follow up." She looked thoughtful and started counting on her fingers.

"Really?" asked Rebecca.

"Damn, Mum was wild," said Ian.

"Oh, it's not that many," she said. "But yes, I had a life before your father. Thirteen men, one woman just to try it out."

"I guess you weren't into it."

"Why, that almost sounds like a follow-up question," said Angela.

"Wow, that's really how we're gonna play it?"

Angela shrugged, and turned to Rebecca. "Rebecca, truth or dare?"

"Right," said Ian, "just moving on then."

"Truth," said Rebecca.

"All right, honey," said Angela. "I heard that was a bit of a cowardly option, but that's fine. Are you on birth control?"


"I just want to know you're being careful. Besides, you just heard my entire sexual history."

"I'd call it more of a summary. Anyway, yes, I'm being careful, Mum."

"Great! I'm not ready to be a grandma."

"That's all?" asked Ian. "Just is she on birth control? You don't wanna know who she's banging?"

Angela shrugged. "Not like the name would mean anything to me."

"It's true," said Rebecca, "I'm in my ho phase."

"Not quite what I meant, but I'm glad you're having fun."

"Enough about my ho phase, though. Ian, truth or dare?"

"I think it's still truth telling time."

"All right," she said. "Which rooms in this house have you masturbated in?"

"Surely just in your own room, right?" said Angela.

"Hmmm," said Ian.

"Surely," she said again.

"You'd think so, Mum, wouldn't you?" said Rebecca. "That would certainly be the sensible move."

"Or maybe the bathroom."

"So," said Ian. "My room, obviously. And the bathroom."

"Uh huh," said Rebecca. "Keep going."

"Here in the lounge room, when I've got the place to myself." Rebecca nodded. "Your room, Rebecca, and also Mum and Dad's room."

"You did what?" asked Angela.

"And also the garage, and while it's not technically a room, the back yard."

"Have you masturbated in literally every room in the house?" asked Rebecca.

"Well, not the kitchen. I'm not an animal."

"Sorry, can we talk about how you masturbated in our room?" asked Angela.

"No follow-up questions, sorry Mum!" he said. "Also, truth or dare?"

"Truth, I guess."

"Which of us is your favourite?"

"Come on, after your answer?" said Rebecca. "Easiest question ever."

Angela shook her head. "Despite recent... revelations, I can't choose between my kids."

"Really?" said Rebecca. "What does he have to do to make this an easy choice?"

Angela shrugged. "If you ever have kids, you'll understand."

"Well that's a penalty, right?" said Ian.

"Can't believe you copped a penalty on the easiest question of the night, Mum," said Rebecca, "but yes Ian, we get to decide on a penalty for her."

"We should get her to streak naked down the street."

"Come on," said Angela, "in this weather? Be reasonable."

"Yeah," said Rebecca, "that's a fair point. We're trying to embarrass Mum, not kill her."

"Fair enough," said Ian.

"Instead," said Rebecca, "how about she has to go topless until she successfully does a dare or answers a truth?"

"Oooh, I like that," said Ian. "Added incentive not to take another penalty."

"Really, that's what you want?" asked Angela.

"You're a bit overdressed for this pyjama party anyway," he said.

She sighed, then took off her jacket and blouse, so she was now in only her skirt and bra.

"The penalty was topless," said Rebecca.

Angela sighed again. "Really?" Rebecca and Ian shrugged and nodded. "Fine," she said. "Rebecca, can you unsnap me?" Rebecca unsnapped her, and she took her bra off and draped it over the arm of her chair.

"Nice tits, Mum," said Rebecca.

"That's how you talk to your mother?" asked Angela.

"Quite right," said Ian, "it would be much more proper to say something like, 'Mother dear, you have a stupendous bosom.'"

Angela shuddered. "Somehow that's worse." She paused for a moment. "Oh. Right. My turn. Rebecca, truth or dare?"


"Oooh," said Ian, "spicing it up a bit."

"Already feels a bit spicy," said Angela. "All right, Rebecca, I dare you to drink a smoothie I'm going to make out of some of the items in the fridge."

"Could get literally spicy!" said Ian.

"All right, make your science experiment," said Rebecca. Angela hurried over to the kitchen. "You know," said Rebecca, "I feel like we overlooked it because we were rightly disgusted by you wanking in our bedrooms, but... the back yard?"

He shrugged. "Neighbour was sunbathing topless and fell asleep."

"Wow," she said, "feels like a risky move."

He shrugged again. "Had to try it once."

"And how was it?"

"I still can't decide if it was more exciting or terrifying, but it got the blood pumping, for sure."

Angela returned with a murky liquid in a tall glass. "What got the blood pumping?"

"Oh, Ian just told me about his back yard wank."

"What happened to no follow up questions?"

Ian shrugged. "Forgot all about that as soon as the boobs came out, honestly."

Angela snorted. "Men!" She handed the glass to Rebecca.

"What's in here?" asked Rebecca.

Angela shrugged. "I'll tell you after you drink it."

"But how will I know if I want to drink it?"

"Life is full of tough choices," said Angela. "Choices like, 'should I get my boobs out in front of my adult children just to go along with a kids' game.'"

"Point taken," said Rebecca. She lifted the glass. "Cheers!" And then she held it to her lips and started drinking. She got halfway, then lowered the glass again.

"Gotta drink it all," said Ian.

"That's right," said Angela.

"Yeah, I'll get there, I just need a moment."

"How is it?" asked Ian.

"Yeah, there's a bit of a kick to it."

"Well I can't make it easy," said Angela.

"I'm still going to crush it," said Rebecca, and she put the glass to her lips again and drank the rest.

Angela nodded. "All right, not bad. Do you want to know what's in it?"

"No thanks," said Rebecca. "I think I'd like to just move on and ask Ian," and she turned to him, "truth or dare."

"Feels like I have to pick 'dare' now," he said. "Can't go backwards, now."

Rebecca grinned. "I think I've got a really fun one."

"Hmm," said Ian. "Fun for whom, though?"

"My idea actually involves both of you. Thoughts on that?"

"So are we playing each person gets to dare both other people now?" asked Angela.

"I don't know. Kind of?" said Rebecca.

"As long as it's across the board, and not just for you, I'm down I guess," said Ian.

"Yeah, all right," said Angela.

"Great!" said Rebecca. "Ian, I dare you to give Mum a spanking, like how she used to spank you."

Ian laughed. "Like how she used to, huh? Bet you're glad you never used a wooden spoon, Mum."

"And potentially ruin my cookware?"

""Honestly, I don't remember the last time you spanked me."

"Yeah, I read up on it and it's just not very effective," she said. "Also, it's hard to spank someone taller than you."

"Well, maybe it's not a great discipline tool," he said, "but it sure is a great way to embarrass your Mum. I'm gonna take you over my knee, I guess." He sat forward on the sofa, Rebecca moved out of the way, and Angela sighed and laid face down over his knees. He raised a hand.

"Hang on," said Rebecca.

"What? This dare was your idea," said Ian.

"I said, like she used to spank you," said Rebecca. "She didn't spank you through your pants, did she?"


Angela sighed again. "She means, I used to spank your bare bottom."

"Ohhh," said Ian. "Um. Are you all right with this, Mum? You could always just take another penalty if you want."

"No, go on."

"All right," he said. He pulled up her skirt, exposing her panties, which he pulled down to her thighs. "How did you use to do this? All in one spot? Just wherever? And how many?"

"Light stinging slaps," said Angela. "Didn't want to bruise you too much, just wanted you to feel it a bit. I don't remember how many I gave you. Sometimes it depended what you did, I guess."

"Shall we make it ten?" asked Rebecca.

"Fine," said Angela. Ian slapped her lightly on the butt. "Oh come on, you can give it a bit more than that," said Angela.

"Why are you telling me to hit you harder?"

"Because that was pathetic. At least make me feel it." Ian slapped her a little harder. "Getting there." He slapped her butt again. "Come on, my cheeks should be red after this." He slapped again, harder. "Keep it going. Get some rhythm going." With his mother egging him on, his slaps got harder and harder, with his final slap leaving a red handprint.

"All right," said Rebecca, "that got weird, but kind of funny."

Angela pulled her panties up and pulled her skirt back into place. She was blushing slightly. "Just wanted to make sure you did it right. By the way, does that count as me doing a dare and getting my top back?"

"Yeah, I guess so," said Rebecca. "Given the new rules."

"Sounds fair," said Ian. Angela ignored her bra and jacket, and put the blouse back on. "Right," said Ian. "Mum, but also this will probably end up involving Rebecca, truth or dare?"

"Do I answer for both of us?" asked Angela.

Rebecca shrugged. "This is relatively uncharted territory, but yeah let's play it that way."


"Right," said Ian. "Mum, I dare you to kiss Rebecca."

Angela shrugged. "Don't need to dare me to give my baby girl a kiss." She walked over to Rebecca and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Not sure that's what I had in mind," said Ian.

"Probably need to do a better job of wording your dares, then," said Rebecca.

"Speaking of... truth or dare, Rebecca?" asked Angela.

"Dare, obviously."

"I dare you to kiss your brother on the lips."

"Steady on, Mum," said Ian.

"That's it?" asked Rebecca. "That's the dare?"

"That's right," said Angela.

"But.." said Ian.

"Shh," said Rebecca, cutting him off. "This is an easy one, too." She sat next to him, put a hand on his shoulder, then leaned over and pecked him on the lips. "See, easy."

"Oh, I guess that's fine," he said.

Angela shrugged. "It's nice to see you two showing some affection for each other, no matter how forced."

"We're not becoming one of those families who greets each other with a kiss," said Ian, "so forget about that right now."

"Agreed," said Rebecca. "Also, truth or dare, Ian?"

"Against my better judgment, dare."

"I dare you to make out with Mum the way you would with a girlfriend, for thirty seconds, as timed by me."

"Feels like you're delivering a contract, the way you word your dares," said Angela.

Rebecca shrugged. "Gotta go into details to get a dare you can't wiggle out of."

"Yeah, I don't know," said Ian.

"Penalty could be worse," said Angela. "I'm sure it'll be over before we know it."

He sighed and held out his arms. "All right, come here." She sat next to him and they tentatively put their arms around each other, then leaned in and started kissing. At first a tentative peck, but then more passionately. Ian cupped his mum's face and sucked on her lower lip. Angela leaned into Ian, gently pushing him backwards then following him down, still kissing. Ian lay on his back, his mother lay on his chest, and the two kept kissing all the while.

"And, that's time," said Rebecca.

"Right," said Ian, and gently disentangled from his mother.

"See?" said Angela. "No problems. And on that note, I'm going to go and get changed. I'm a bit overdressed for this pyjama party."

Angela scooped up her bra and jacket and headed off to her room. "So," said Rebecca once their mum had left the room, "seemed like you didn't mind making out with Mum."

Ian shrugged. "Well, she's a pretty good kisser. Maybe she could give you some pointers."

"Hey," said Rebecca, "I'm an excellent kisser."

He shrugged. "If you say so."

"Our kiss was like that because I was just trying to fulfil the dare."

"I'm just messing with you," he said. "I'm sure you're a great kisser. But let's face it, Mum's got like, twenty years of experience on you."

"Experience isn't everything."

"OK you're right, you're the best kisser, let's move on."

"Now you're just trying to placate me."

"Is it working?"

She shook her head. "I'll prove it."


"Come on," she said. "You made out with Mum, what's the difference making out with me?"

He sighed. "That was just the dare."

"Oh, shush," she said. "You said she was a good kisser. I'm going to prove I'm better."

He rolled his eyes. "All right, whatever." She sat next to him, put a hand on his shoulder and another on his chest, and leaned in and kissed him.

"You two kept playing without me, I see?"

They both turned and looked. Their mum stood in the doorway, having changed into a nightie. "Well, not exactly," said Rebecca.

"I was going to ask who dared who," she said, "because at this point you're just choosing to embarrass yourselves."

Ian shook his head. "Sadly it's even stupider than that."

"No it isn't," said Rebecca. "Ian said you were a better kisser than me."

"I already said I was just messing with you," said Ian.

"Well, of course I'm a better kisser," said Angela, "I've got twenty years of experience on you."

"But you've only been kissing Dad for most of those twenty years, right? Not much room for growth there."

She shrugged. "Doesn't mean we can't try new things, spice it up a bit."

"What do you think, Ian?" asked Rebecca. "Did I prove I'm a better kisser?"

Ian shrugged. "This is kind of a weird thing to be competitive about."

"Anyway," said Angela, "it's not like I was trying my best; I was just fulfilling the dare."

"Sounds like an excuse."

"Right," said Angela. "I see how it is." She walked over to them and pushed Rebecca off of Ian.

"Hey!" she said.

Angela ignored her, and climbed up on Ian's lap, straddling him. "What are..." he started to ask, but she interrupted him with a kiss. She put one hand on his chest, and with the other, gripped the back of his head. She partially opened her mouth, probing his with her tongue gently at first, then more passionately. She began to grind on his lap. Then she took her hand from his chest, grabbed his hand, and guided it her butt cheek. He let it sit there passively for a moment, then gripped it a little tighter, and started helping her grind back and forth on his lap.

"This is a little more than kissing," said Rebecca.

Angela came up for air for a moment. "I think it's all part of it, don't you Ian? When you make out with someone, it's not only about what you're doing with your lips."

Ian shrugged. "Mum's got a point."

"Fine," said Rebecca. She pushed her mother off of Ian, then took her place on Ian's lap. She started grinding in his lap, kissing him, rubbing his chest, then grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast.

"Oh I don't know about that," said Angela, "that might be a bit too much."

Rebecca shrugged. "Making out isn't just about the lips, isn't that what you said, Mum?"


He reached around and grabbed her butt with his other hand, and the two of them passionately tongue kissed, her grinding on his lap, him holding onto handfuls of both boob and butt.

"Right," said Angela, "step aside." Rebecca kept kissing Ian for a few seconds, then broke off and scooted over. Angela climbed back on and put Ian's hands on her butt and her breast. She put one hand around his waist, pulled him close and started kissing him again. She put her other hand on his chest, but gradually slid it down to his belly, and then down to his pants which had been gradually bulging, and gently massaged him between his legs.

As her hand reached his lap, he shivered, but didn't say anything. "Mum!" exclaimed Rebecca.

Angela shrugged. "It's all part of it, right?"

"All right," said Rebecca, "move aside."

Angela reluctantly let go of Ian and climbed out of his lap. Rebecca straddled him, then pulled her pyjama shirt up over her head and flung it to the floor. "Rebecca!" said Angela.

"Oh shush, Mum," said Rebecca. "You had your hand on his dick." She grabbed Ian's head and guided his mouth to her breasts. While he eagerly kissed, licked and sucked on her nipples, she slid her hand down inside his pants and started to rub. Seeing what was going on, Ian unlatched from her breast, reached to his pyjama pants and undid the top button, releasing his firm erection.

"Ian!" said Angela.

Ian shrugged. "We've already seen so much of both of you, it only seems fair." He went back to kissing Rebecca, who continued to gently rub his shaft.