Hide in Plain Sight


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Continuing the tour, we peeked behind the bunkhouse and saw the employee parking lot and a big garden shed. Prachi then led us up a winding path that took us to a sports area with two tennis courts, a basketball court, two volleyball nets, and a climbing wall. There was also a barbeque picnic area and I could also see an archery range off in the distance.

One of the tennis courts was hosting a mother-daughter doubles challenge, and each of the four players wore nothing but crisp, white tennis shoes and fluffy ankle socks. One of the volleyball nets was also in use. Prachi pointed out that one of the volleyball teams consisted of off-duty staffers and the other team was made up of guests. Each team consisted of three men and one woman.

It was all I could do not to gawk at all the bouncing breasts. I'm sure Beth was having an equally hard time keeping her eyes off the bouncing cocks. One young tennis player, in particular, really grabbed my attention. Her blond hair was three feet long and braided into a thick pony tail. Every time she took a swing, that pony tail whipped around her tanned, toned body to hit her in the arms, or the abs, or sometimes a direct hit to one tit or the other. It looked painful and distracting, but she was obviously used to it, and it didn't seem to affect her game.

I must have been really staring in a trance, because I suddenly realized that Beth and Prachi were both yelling, "Greg!" (I still wasn't used to being called that.) I turned to see that they were standing at the entrance to a footbridge that crossed a small ravine, and they were waving for me to catch up. These two young women were standing out in the open, naked as the day they were born, and waving for me to look in their direction. As I ran over to join them, I marveled yet again at how lucky I was, and also at how quickly Beth and I were adapting to this nudist lifestyle.

We walked a short path beyond the footbridge, which ended our tour back at the main building. There, we passed through an employee entrance straight into the basement of the north wing. Once inside, Prachi pointed out the mess hall, the laundry, the kitchen and the pantry. Many of the doors were labeled, "No admittance without proper attire per California health and safety codes."

From there, we took the stairs up to the ground level. Before we left the stairwell, Prachi pointed up to the second floor, "Room 231 is set aside for us staffers. There's four more bunks in there. Anyone working the graveyard shift can sleep there during the day, 'cause God knows you wouldn't get a wink if you tried to sleep in the bunkhouse with all the comings and goings."

The first floor hallway led us past a spa/gymnasium facility and a series of shops, including a barber shop, a beauty salon, a business center, and finally, the gift shop where our tour started. In keeping with the turn-of-the-century theme from the lobby, the barber shop was decorated with porcelain fixtures and collections of straight razors and apothecary bottles, and the beauty salon looked like a Victorian lady's boudoir.

Along the way, we met three more staff members, a tall, blonde beautician named Cyndi, and two personal trainers. One of the trainers was a guy named Clark, a big, buff guy with colorful, full-sleeve tattoos. The other trainer was a woman named Darlene. Darlene was Vicki's age, in her mid forties, but with the body of a twenty-something-year-old. Her boobs were too big and too firm to be real, but that didn't stop me from appreciating them anyway, especially in comparison to her impossibly tiny waist. I stood and watched her move with ballerina grace as she easily kept pace with three clients at once, until Prachi and Beth dragged me away.


When we got back to the gift shop, Prachi sent us through a door that I hadn't noticed before. It led into a small office. I saw that the office featured a one-way mirror that overlooked the lobby. How sneaky.

Vicki had a couple of name tags for us with black arm bands. "They're waterproof, so keep them on even when swimming and showering. You don't have to wear them when you are off duty, but it's helpful if you do. However, you should definitely not wear them if you go offsite."

"What's the significance of these badges being red?" I asked. They were sort of a rust color, as compared to the avocado green color of most of the other badges we'd seen.

"It means that nobody is allowed to take your picture. You see, guests are only allowed to take pictures of the people in their own party unless they get written permission first. The only exception to that rule is that it's okay for them to catch a staffer in the background if the staffer is wearing a green name tag. So, I figured you would want red badges to start. If you ever decide to switch to green, just let me know."

Vicki went on to suggest a variety of optional ways to wear the tags on our bodies in case the arm bands were not to our liking. Beth asked Vicki if she had an extra garter band like Eva had on. Vicki answered by pointing out through the office door into the gift shop towards a rack of fashion accessories. "You get an employee discount. Have Prachi put it on your tab." I glanced down at Beth's thigh and imagined what the name tag would look like there. I realized how the garter would draw attention to Beth's firm, muscular legs, which I knew she considered to be her second-best physical feature.

Vicki looked at a clock on the wall and saw that it was after eight thirty. "My, how time flies. You must be starving. Here, I printed out your schedules, plus a calendar of activities, rules for the contests we're having, and that sort of thing. And, here's your employee handbook. Take these down to the mess hall and read up while you grab some dinner. After that, you are on your own until you report to your first shift starting tomorrow." Vicki pointed to the schedules she just handed us.

According to mine, I didn't need to report to Jason, the head lifeguard, until ten. Beth was jealous that I'd get to sleep in, because she was scheduled to meet the teacher consultant, whose name was Gail Watson, at eight. "At least I won't have to spend much time getting dressed," she mused.


I arrived at the pool area a few minutes before ten, just as a man was unlocking the gate. He was wearing cargo shorts, a blue T-shirt, and a baseball cap with a US Navy logo on it.

I said, "Hi. You must be Jason."

"And you must be Greg. Hey, nice watch. Is that an Invicta?" I was only wearing three items at the time: my name tag in its arm band, a pair of sandals, and my watch.

"Yeah, you know your watches."

Jason held up his own chronograph wristwatch to show me. "This one's a Citizen. When you walk around in the nude all day, the only chance you have to make a fashion statement is in deciding what jewelry to wear. For us guys, that mostly means a watch. So, yeah, I know my watches. Speaking of which, follow me while I go stash my clothes in the office."

Jason stripped down to just a pair of flip-flops on his feet and a whistle on a lanyard around his neck and then had me walk with him as he made rounds. He inspected the first aid kits, checked the battery on the automatic defibrillator, and set out some life preserver floats in various places.

I thought it was surreal for the two of us to be walking around with our dicks hanging out as we talked business. The difference between us was striking. His tanned, circumcised cock bounced around above a dark pair of hairless testicles, while my uncircumcised cock was pale white and rested above a rat's nest of curly public hair. Jason was short and stocky with long, blond hair and a dark tan. There was absolutely no doubt you were talking to someone who spent his life in the sun--a professional surfer would have been a good guess if you didn't already know he was lifeguard.

Jason sized me up while I was doing the same to him. He asked me a bunch of questions about my water polo days and, liking what he heard, gave me a confident smile.

We ended the rounds with him taking down a sign that said "No lifeguard on duty--swim at your own risk," and then he climbed up into the lifeguard tower and took first watch while continuing to talk with me.

"Anyone who uses the pool or Jacuzzi is expected to shower with soap first, before they get in." He pointed towards a pair of outdoor showers that were built in to the side of the pool house. By this time, a dozen guests had entered the pool area, and at that moment a woman was scrubbing down two boys under one shower head and the other was open. "Go shower and then come back give me 20 laps." Off I went.

As I got closer to the pool house, I noticed that the woman was Amy Acker. She looked even hotter naked than I imagined she would, especially considering that she had given birth three times. There wasn't an ounce of fat on her well-toned body. Her medium-sized breasts might have been fake, but they seemed natural enough to me. Amy had gone Brazilian, leaving just a small, rectangular patch of hair above her well-defined pubic mound.

I wasn't surprised to see that her belly button was pierced with a small diamond stud, but I never would have guessed the tattoo. It was at least twelve inches long, running down the right side of her body from the top of her hip to mid-thigh. At first blush, it was merely an intricate Celtic knotwork design. However, it didn't take too much imagination to interpret the shape as a phallic symbol, erect and pointing upwards with a helmeted tip and a pair of testicles at the root. I wondered if she got that before or after she became a mother.

Amy was happy to see me, too. "How are you settling in? I take it Vicki hired you? Karen, too?"

"Fine. Yes. And, Yes." I answered, in order. "Jason is going to certify me as a lifeguard and Karen is tutoring kids and helping out in the daycare center."

"Oh, that's wonderful. I guess I'll be seeing a lot of her, then."

"I like being able to see a lot of you," I quipped. "You are a beautiful woman, if you don't mind me saying."

"Are you flirting with a married woman right in front of her boys?"

"Just offering up an honest compliment."

While we were talking, Mrs. Acker finished scrubbing down her boys, and they left us to jump into the pool. "Remember, no running." She shouted after them. Amy then stepped under the shower herself and started to lather up using body wash soap from a dispenser mounted on the wall. "Do me a favor and wash my back for me, Greg?"

"Really? Am I allowed to do that?"

"Not only is it allowed, it's actually sort of expected. You know the expression, 'You wash my back, and I'll wash your's.'"

"Isn't that expression, 'You watch my back, and I'll watch your's?'"

"Well, you can watch my back, too, if you want. Just be sure to wash it first."

So, I lathered up Amy's back, starting with her shoulders and stopping short of her fine ass. She then had me turn around and returned the favor, venturing a little lower on me than I had dared to go on her. It felt good to have her hands rubbing against my body, especially when she touched my butt cheeks, if ever so briefly. I could have enjoyed the sensation forever, but Amy quickly finished and moved back to finish her own showering, and anyway I was expected back in the pool to swim those laps.


Being low man on the totem pole, I didn't get my lunch break until almost one thirty. I figured Prachi would have already eaten by then, but I passed through the gift shop to ask her anyway. I'd take any excuse to see her again.

Prachi smiled when she saw me and struck a pose like a runway model. "Hi, Greg. What do you think?" I looked her up and down and realized that the stubble was gone. She must have gotten that wax job. She allowed me to take a nice, long look at her womanly charms, which were rather shy. Only a pair of puffy outer lips were revealed, plus just a hint of a clit hood, but I certainly liked what I saw--and, of course, there were no tan lines anywhere.

When I asked her if she had eaten yet, Prachi said, "Sorry. You might try Karen, though. Last time I went by the day care center, she was helping to feed the kids. So, she might not have had her own lunch yet."

Sure enough, Beth was starving. "You have perfect timing," she told me, "but we have to hurry. I have to be back in twenty-five minutes for a tutoring session." So, we ran down to the mess hall, grabbed a couple of sandwiches, and took a table in the far corner. The mess hall was practically deserted, so we had plenty of privacy to talk.

Beth told me that she and Gail hit it off right away. "It looks like I'll be hanging out in the day-care center mostly, if you ever need to find me. I'll either be helping out in the main room, or tutoring in one of the two little classrooms they have there. I already had two tutoring sessions this morning--algebra with a 13 year old boy, and social studies with a 10 year old girl. In between, I helped corral the younger kids. That part was okay, but I definitely like working with the older kids better."

"And the kids were all naked, too?"

"Of course they were. What'd you think?" Beth was surprised I even asked.

"I dunno, just checking. I'm trying to picture myself as a 13 year old boy who gets assigned to study algebra with a smoking hot naked tutor like you. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to concentrate one iota."

"Well, it's a good thing that the teenage boys here are a hundred times more mature than you are, huh?" Beth winked.

"Hey, this is all new to me. Give me a break, will ya?" Beth just smiled

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that we only had a few minutes left before Beth had to get back. So, I quickly changed the subject.

"I checked the Recycler site just before ten, but no projector ad yet." I told her.

"I didn't expect that there would be one so soon."

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, I'll check it again in a few minutes on my way back to the pool."

We bussed our own dishes, and then I escorted Beth back to her classroom where a beautiful, naked, 16-year-old Latina was waiting for Beth's help with a writing assignment. Down, Boy! I chided myself. I quickly turned away and headed off to the bunkhouse.


When Beth caught up to me later that night, I was sitting in my bunk with my laptop computer open and I was studying a lifeguard website that Jason pointed me to. Beth closed the door so that we were alone, and I looked up.

"Hey, you changed your hair again. It looks nice." The bangs were curled back instead of hanging straight down, and the brown dye job had gotten added highlights.

"Thanks. Cyndi had a free appointment slot and offered to touch it up."

"Cyndi's the one with the six inch dangle earrings and the long, blond hair that tends to cover her boobs?"

"And the legs that go up to there, yeah. By the way, in case she brings it up, you should know that I told her the quickie dye job was because I had an accident in the school chemistry lab."

"Okay, got it."

Since there were no chairs in the room, Beth climbed up to her own bunk and lay on her stomach with her head over the edge to face me. Speaking in a low voice, she asked me if there was any news.

"Still no projector ad yet." I told her.

I tried to think if there was anything else to talk about regarding our predicament, but there wasn't. The ball was squarely in Barry's court, and all we could do was keep lying low and watch for him to make contact.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, and then Beth said to me, "Prachi likes you."

"Really? What makes you say that?"

"For one thing, what's not to like? You're handsome and smart, and buff. And, you're presidential."

"Presidential? What does that mean?"

"You walk softly but carry a big dick." Beth giggled into her hand.

"Ha, ha. That's not how that quote goes."

"Anyway, I know because she told me as much. She said she was surprised when we told her that we weren't a couple. Then she asked me if that meant that you were available. I told her yes, as far as I knew. I assured her that I didn't have any designs on you, myself. I made up a story about having just recently broken up with a boyfriend, and that I wasn't looking to jump into another relationship right away. So, don't be surprised if Prachi hits on you."

Half jokingly, Beth then added, "Just you be careful when you bed her that you don't talk in your sleep. You might spill the beans."

"Ha, ha." I decided to change the subject, so I asked Beth how the rest of her day went.

"You are a dirty old man, you know that?"

"Where did that come from?"

"You got stiff at the sight of Grace, didn't you?"

"Who's Grace?"

"The 16-year-old girl I tutored after lunch."

"Oh. Yeah, I can't deny it. There are so many beautiful women at this resort, I'm like a kid in a candy store."

"Well, just try to control that lollipop of yours, will you?"

The door opened just as Beth was saying "control that lollipop of yours," and Prachi walked in. She looked directly at my crotch. "It looks like it's under control to me."

Beth told her, "I was talking about earlier today, in front of my students. But, I was just joking. Anyway, speaking of candy, I'm hungry. Anyone care to join me for dinner?"

I replied that I was hungry, but I didn't think I could make it all the way to the mess hall. "I can't remember the last time my muscles were so sore from working out and swimming so many sets of laps in one day."

"Ah, poor Greg." Prachi said, sarcastically.

Beth spun herself around on the bed and then slid off, feet first. This put her standing directly in front of me for a second, with her bare, musky-scented pussy just inches from my face. I don't think she realized what she had just done, though, for she casually turned and walked out the door, simply saying, "Well you know where to find me."

Prachi asked me if I wanted to follow and I said I'd rather relax for a bit longer first.

"In that case, put down the laptop, and lay down on your stomach. I'll give you a massage."

I did as she instructed and then Prachi straddled my lower back. She started by first rubbing her open palms against my back and shoulders to identify where the knots were. Then, one by one, she kneaded them loose. All the while, her smooth-as-silk pussy rubbed against the small of my back and in no time my dick was as hard as a lollipop.

Prachi got up and pulled a box of condoms out of the top dresser drawer. It was a new box and she had trouble opening it. The lid broke and several of the condoms went flying. Giggling, she picked one up and opened the wrapper. By then, I had turned onto my side with my dick pointing straight out. Prachi knelt down and applied the condom in one fluid motion. Then, she slid back into bed next to me. I explored her pussy with my fingers and found that she was already quite wet. Prachi directed me with a nudge to get on top of her, and I did.

I entered her slowly, savoring the feel of her slick passageway pushing against sides of my penis. When I was about halfway in, I stopped, then backed out a bit. Continuing to go slowly, I pushed back in, again and again, going deeper each time, until I was buried to the hilt.

"Hold it right there," Prachi commanded. She began kissing me, on my lips, on my neck, on my ears. "This feels so good," she whispered in my ear.

"Oh, yes, it does," I agreed.

Prachi then started to move her hips up and down, and I matched her rhythm, pulling most of the way out as she went down, and then ramming myself back into her when she came up. After a few minutes of that, Prachi stopped and held me close. I could feel her cunt muscles contracting around my penis as she climaxed. A minute later, I came, too.

We continued to embrace each other while catching our breath, and then we got busy cleaning ourselves up with tissues and disposed of the condom.
