Holiday Disaster


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"No Joe, I am pleased that you did...If you are not comfortable talking about..." Gloria lets her words trail off.

So Gloria and I talk. I tell her how Kate, Holly and Nicolls were in a polyamorous relationship, before I had even met Kate. That it had continued throughout our marriage. How I had caught them in the cabin and taken the photos. How Stephen Nicolls had found me in the Crown Grill and explained it all to me.

Then of my ridicules statement, 'It's not polyamorous when one of the parties doesn't even know what's going on.' And Nicolls triumphant declaration. 'No its cuckold. To complete my humiliation.

"Joe, look at me." Gloria softly says. "You were never the cuckold. Kate was Stephen's wife, you took her from him. You are sleeping with Holly. Joe you are not a cuckold."

I am sure I sound defeated, when I say. "Stephen Nicolls, wealthy, tall dark and handsome. Charming and unbelievably charismatic. And has a ..." I don't finish.

"And has a nine inch cock..." Gloria finishes for me. "Oh yes, he tells everyone about his big cock. Holly said it is nine inches."

I have to laugh. The whole idea of Gloria talking about Nicolls big cock, is hilarious.

Gloria puts her hand on my cheek, then develops a devilishly cheeky little grin. "Joe, if I was ever going to sleep with one of my son in-laws, it wouldn't be Stephen Nicolls." With that, Gloria bonces up. "Come on Joe, it's time for ice cream."

Tuesday night Holly is back in my bed, however Wednesday night I put her off and head over to Kate's. Kate seems a little taken back when she opens the door to find me standing there. "Joe...I wasn't um... I wasn't expecting you." She says, while she takes what seems to be a little nervous look, back towards the kitchen.

"Kate I am sorry. It was stupid of me of me not ring first. If you are busy I..."

"No..."Kate quickly says, cutting me off. "It is just that..."

Kate pauses and before she can continue, a male voice calls out from inside. "Kate, shall I open this second bottle of wine?"

"Kate I am sorry..." I say. "It can wait"

As I turn and start to leave. Kate calls after me. "Joe..." But I have no intention of staying. "Joe..." Kate calls again, as she hurries to my side. "The girls... The girls will want to see you. Come in, please."

It has been me, who has been saying, we need to find a way to be both divorced and a family. So I let Kate lead me into the house.

In the kitchen, I am met by a tall, blond impeccably dressed, Adonis. "This is Adam." Kate says. "He has just relocated from our New York office." All I can think, is fuck, aren't there any ugly lawyers.

I quickly make my excuses and head upstairs to find the girls. After about thirty minutes, I am ready to leave. I would like to stay longer but as you can imagine, I am feeling really uncomfortable. So I head back down stair.

As I approach the kitchen, I can hear laughter. As I enter I am meet by Helen, a cute but chubby red head and Eric, a short balding accountant. They both work with Kate, but neither are lawyers, not good looking enough. It is apparent that I have interrupted a dinner party.

As soon as Kate sees me, she grabs a beer and pops the top, before handing it to me.

This gets me a look from Helen, akin to someone sucking lemons, and a 'what the fuck' look for Kate.

I guess, to break the tension a little, Eric asks. "Kate are you bringing a date to the company's big Halloween party?" This gets him a look, that is a combination of the sour lemon and what the fuck, from Helen.

Kate laughs. "No I will probably be flying solo. There is no way I will be able to get Joe to take me, after the infamous Halloween party of 2013." I have no idea what she is talking about.

"There has to be a story behind that." The Adonis declares in his deep baritone voice.

Kate gives me a little kiss on the lips. "You don't mind if a tell it, do you Joe?" Really. I have no idea what she is talking about.

"So" Kate starts. "TJ, that's Joe's friend and his beautiful wife Mindy are have a big Halloween party. Lots of people Joe and TJ work with. I go as Little Red Riding Hood, Joe as the big bad wolf. Oh and I looked hot! Didn't I Joe?"

I nod "Hot" Even though I still have no idea what Kate is talking about.

So it is getting late. We have been dancing and I look hot. Right Joe?"

"Hot" I again repeat.

Right out there in the open, in front of all his work mates. Joe gets all romantic and amorous. Joe's telling me how beautiful I am, how he is going to kiss his beautiful wife...Well fuck that, I say! Then I reach under my little red skirt and pull down my pantie's, declaring eat me like the fuckin book says"

Helen gasps in horror, believing every word. The boys are laughing out loud.

"Oh Helen it's a joke" Kate laughs.

"Not true then." Helen still sounds doubtful.

"Of course it is not true silly...I don't wear panties." Kate winks.

With that, it is clear, it is time for me to say goodnight and take my leave. Leaving behind my half-finished beer.

As Kate escorts me out, I know I should keep my mouth shut, she is free to do, whoever she pleases. But I don't. "So Kate, I assume Adam's wife still hasn't moved across from New York yet."

That gets me a hard stare. "Adams is not married." She says.

"Yes he is." I reply.

"I don't think so." Kate sounds defensive.

"Incredibly handsome, successfully lawyer, who wants to climb the corporate ladder. Yes he is."

I turn around and walk back inside. "Sorry, forgot my beer" I say as I retrieve it from the bench. "Oh Adam, will your wife arrive in time for the big Halloween party?" I casual ask.

He can now lie or choose to tell the truth, but at some point his wife is going to turn up. "No. Barbra has another two months before she finishes up with the firm she works for." He tells the truth.

Eric looks away, he knew the guy is married. From Helen's expression, like Kate, it is clear she had no idea.

As I drive home I have to wonder. It is obvious, it was an intimate dinner party. Kate made it very clear that she did not have a date for the Halloween party. She also sent the message out, with her little Red Riding Hood tale, that at best she is sexually wild, at worst a slut. I am sure there is a message in there for me. A different one, to the one she was sending the Adonis but a message all the same.

I have been home for an hour, when the phone rings. It's Kate. "They have gone. Are you coming back?"

"Yes" Half an hour later I am back at Kates.

I am no sooner through the door and Kate loudly states. "I wasn't going to fuck him..." She takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Yes I was interested to see what kind of guy he is... And maybe in the future... But I wasn't going to fuck him."

I guess I could simply say it is none of by business, but even a construction worker like me, is smart enough to know that is not a good idea. From my experience, in these situation you are better to say nothing.

"I was fucking angry with you..." Kate continues. "Am angry with you..." Another long uncomfortable silence. I hold my nerve and say nothing.

"That why I let him know that I was available for the Halloween party. That is why I told the Red Riding Hood story. Embarrassed myself. Letting them know, what a slut I am."

"I made you angry." Couldn't hold my nerve. Knew it was a dumb thing to say, the minute the words left my mouth.

"Yes you." Kate growled. "I am angry at you for fucking Holly."

"Your mother told you." I say a little surprised.

"My fucking mother knows!!" Kate screams.

Before she continues, just a little bit calmer. "No. Holly has been acting strange, was act strange the other night. I really don't know why, buy I asked her if she was having an affair. She said yes, but would not tell me who it was. But there is only one person Holly would even consider."

"So I guess we need to talk." A huge understatement on my part.

"I wasn't going to fuck him..." Kate whispers.

"I will speak to Holly. Whether you and I continue with this friends with benefits thing or not, I need to end it with Holly." I say.

"Joe you don't have to do that. You are free to..." But Kate doesn't finish what she saying.

"Yes I do. Kate, you and I are not doing friends with benefits." I say.

Kate miss understands me. "Oh Joe please...Please Joe...I need you." She starts to cry.

Reaching across to wipe the tears away. I say. "Kate. I am not saying that we should stop. I am saying it is not friends with benefits."

"Lovers." She continues to cry.

"Two people trying to find their way back to each other." Is the best answer that I can come up with.

Six weeks later and life is good. I am meeting Kate for drinks in a quiet little bar that is just around the corner from her office. The plan is just to hang out a little, another step in finding my way home. I am surprised but pleased, when I see that Holly is with her. Since we ended our affair, we have both been avoiding each other.

"Hey" I cheerfully say. I stand there smiling like a dope, before I finally release there is something wrong.

"Joe, we need to talk." Holly says.

I sit down opposite Kate and Holly. "Ok" I say.

"I am pregnant." Holly blurts out. "Joe you could be the father. You probably are the father..." Kate reaches for Holly's hand and both girls are staring at me.

"I am a great father." I couldn't have said a more inappropriate or ridiculous thing if I tried.

Both Kate and Holly smile. Kate says. "Yes you are."

"There is more." Holly adds. "When I told Stephen he may not be the father, he immediately filed for divorce."

There is a lot to talk about. Both Kate and Holly believe that I am the father. Their reasoning is simply. Nicolls has fail for all these years to get Holly pregnant. It wasn't him that got Kate pregnant. So it must be me. I guess time will answer that question.

Holly is over the moon that she is going to be a mother. As for Kate, she couldn't be happier for her sister and she says she will be disappointed if I am not the father.

For now, until the baby is born and her divorce settled, Holly is going to move in with Kate. We all understand that will probably slow things down between Kate and me. With us finding our way back to each other.

That is life.

Twelve months on and in some fantasy world, Kate, Holly and I would be living together as one big happy polyamorous family. However that is not the case and something I never would have wanted. If I had been given the choice all those years ago, my answer would have been no and still remains the same today. Holly has her own house and life. It just happens to be five doors down from Kate and me.

Holly has a beautiful little girl, Honey Jackson. Genetica Laboratories confirmed that I am the father. Kate and Holly have explained to Emma and Charlotte that Honey is their sister. My girls are smart, they take after their mothers. As they get older, they will tell them more. There will be no more secrets.

Someone had to tell the Judge. Gloria, Holly and Kate all sat down together, telling him the whole story. He still hates me, but I gain some solace from the fact that he hates Stephen Nicolls even more. As it turns out, the version of the story Nicolls told me wasn't quite the whole truth. When he had confronted Kate before we were married and demand she choose. Kate had chosen me. It was nearly twelve month after we were married that she returned to her polyamorous life style. Kate makes no excuse for returning, she enjoyed the life style and Stephen Nicolls is a very successful, handsome and charming man. That doesn't mean she doesn't regret the choice she made.

As for Gloria, along with Kate and Holly she is my best friend. We continue flirt outrageously with each other, we are just careful not to do it in front of the Judge. He doesn't need any more reasons to hate me. Gloria Banks was never ever going to sleep with either of her two son in-laws, she has way too much honour and class for that.

Some may say I had my revenge on Stephen Nicolls. I stole both his wives, fathering three beautiful children. In the divorce Holly got half of everything. However Stephen Nicolls still remains incredibly wealthy, will always be tall dark and handsome and let's not forget, the guy has a nine inch cock.

As for Kate and I, we are back together. As is the way in this modern world, we are partners, we will never ever be man and wife again. Of course that does not stop Kate from introducing me as her husband at the annual Law Society dinner. Do I love her? I never stop. It took me a long while but I finally forgave her. However I will never be able to trust her again, a fact Kate is fully aware of. Kate lives and adjusts her life as well as she can, so I am not put in the position, of having to trust her. However it remains a constant strain on our relationship.

As for Joe Jackson, I finally got to make that choice that I was denied all those years ago. Yes I could have moved on and I may or may not have found happiness, but I chose to try again with Kate. What I do know is that I am happy now. What I don't know is will it be forever, but who does. That is life.

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AngelRiderAngelRider12 months ago

I dislike the main character. I agree with AA82

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

I love your writing but Joe is 10 X more than an enigma. He skates along vacillating between a scorned husband with moral character to a lazy toad that only thinks minute to minute. He's a disingenuous M/C with no backbone. He acts like he would literally fuck a rock if a snake was under it opened mouth. The sisters play the lawyer part to a T and God help the kids as they will have no rudder in the sea of moral compass...Why did you stop[ writing?

pukgpukgabout 1 year ago

thankfully I stopped reading after page 2 what a waste of Oxygen

bobareenobobareenoabout 1 year ago

"As we go through the door at Kate's house, we are met by Debbie, who has been babysitting the girls. "Have they been good?" Kate asks.

"Angles" Debbie replies.”

I take it the children were being obtuse.

The story answered the most fundamental question it posed; 'what did Joe Jackson do for a living?' Multiple times. He worked construction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have to agree with MIKET0422

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